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Into The Abyss (Demons of Astlan)

Page 61

by Langland, J.

  He did so with only moments to spare, as a patrol of soldiers carrying torches arrived at his location. It was a group of about ten young men, all in the standard Rod uniform and light, summertime, cloaks. "What the mighty?" Asked one of the men carrying a sword rather than a torch. "It's a naked boy!" Rupert decided it was time for a repeat of the lost waif routine he'd used on Exador's people. He started sobbing. He crouched into a fetal ball on the ground. "You men," the man who'd spoken before continued, "fan out and keep searching. Ethen and I will talk to this lad.

  "Boy, what are you doing here? This is not a safe place. And why are you naked?" The soldier carefully bent down over Rupert. Concerned, but wary. Rupert just sobbed some more. "There, there, we're friends, we won't hurt you, but we have to know what you're doing here." He lightly patted Rupert on his back. Rupert didn't have to fake a wince, even his human skin was a bit raw from the light beam. "Sssh, it will be all right now, stop crying. We won't hurt you."

  "Help," Rupert whimpered.

  "Help? Do you need help? What do you need help with?"

  "Protect...protect me...please." Rupert sobbed and stammered. He knew these guys had to be searching for a downed demon. He'd play on that. Hopefully it would get him out of this.

  "We'll protect you. But you've got to let us know what's the matter, and why you're here." Ethen who was holding the torch stepped a little closer as the leader continued to squat near Rupert.

  "D.d.d.emon. " Rupert stuttered.

  "Demon. You've seen the demon, boy? Where is it? We're looking for it. Did it come down by here?"

  "D.d.d.emon grabbed me. Carried me through the air. Hit by light. screamed, then dropped me. Hurt." Rupert whimpered. The leader looked up at Ethen, then down at Rupert again.

  "Did you see where the demon went?" Rupert shook his head negatively and just whimpered. The leader sighed. "Ethen," he looked at the other soldier. "Take this lad," he looked down to Rupert again, "what's your name boy?"

  "Snnnfff. Wupert." Rupert snuffled.

  "Err, Rupert" the leader continued to Ethen, "to Sir Talarius. I'm sure he'd like to question the boy. I've got to find this demon." He turned his attention back to Rupert. "Now child, I want you to go with Ethen here. He'll take you some place safe. No demon will get you, this I promise, on Tiernon's Rod." He took off his cloak and draped it over Rupert. Ethen put his hand on Rupert's arm to help him up.

  Ethen led Rupert back to the Rod's campsite. As they entered the campsite, Rupert noted that the entire perimeter of the camp had sentries stationed every hundred feet or so. These fellows certainly didn't take chances. Apparently they took security a little more seriously than Exador's people.

  The two wound their way through tents and past several campfires; Rupert estimated there must be several hundred men here. Eventually they came to the well-lit region from which the individual had shot Rupert down. Off to his left, Rupert saw a large hill, it was where the light was centered. It appeared that excavation was in progress.

  It really wasn't clear to Rupert, exactly what the soldiers were doing. It looked like they'd dug away one side of the hill, giving the hill a vertical incline on one side. On the flat wall they had dug on the hill, they appeared to be constructing something that looked like a large doorway in the side of the mountain. A very large doorway, more like a gate to a castle. It was certainly going to be big enough for mounted soldiers to ride through.

  The doorway, or gate, was being constructed from stones, seemingly laid in some sort of pattern. The majority of the manual work was being done by soldiers wearing slightly different uniforms. Supervising the work was a group of men in white robes. Rupert guessed these robed men were priests. Suddenly he got a sick feeling in his stomach. He hoped that priest from Gizzor Del wasn't with them. That man would recognize Rupert on the spot. Dodging up through the trees might not have been a bad idea.

  Ethen led Rupert to a man in full armor. While the armor didn't actually glow, it did seem to reflect an awful lot of torch light. The man was big, and with so much armor, Rupert doubted he could move very fast. Ethen called out, "Sir Talarius!" The big man turned and quickly strode over to them. The grace and fluidity of his movements completely reversing Rupert's opinions.

  One didn't have to be a scholar to figure that this guy was a knight. A very impressive knight, exactly like in the stories Rupert had been told as a child. Perhaps the stories he had been told about demons had been biased and overblown; apparently, however, the stories of knights in shining armor were only too true. A strange sort of fierce calm seemed to almost radiate from the knight as he came up to Ethen and Rupert.

  He looked down at the shivering Rupert and smiled a kindly, gentle smile. Rupert's heart almost came up in his throat. The man seemed so sincere, so warm in his concern. "What have we here, Ethen, a lost young lad perhaps?" The knight asked softly. He reached down to gently lift Rupert's chin and gaze into his eyes. It took all Rupert's will not to break down and confess. Confess what, he wasn't sure. Confess he was a demon spawn? It didn't seem like a wise idea; yet even so, he felt he could trust the man with even his greatest secrets.

  "We found him wandering in the forest sir, naked." Ethen reported.

  "Naked?" The man's voice remained calm and gentle, but it did cause him to raise an eyebrow.

  "Yes sir. He was shivering and," Ethen glanced down sympathetically to Rupert, obviously hating to embarrass Rupert, "uhm, sobbing." The young soldier was being nice about it, but Rupert would just have preferred the man to be direct and honest it would make his story so much more believable. "His name is Rupert. He says that he had been kidnapped by a demon, who was hauling him off somewhere. It was the demon you just shot down. When the demon was hurt, he dropped the boy into the trees."

  "Hmm," Talarius mused, looking Rupert over intently. "Is this true lad?" Talarius asked, seeming to be genuinely concerned.

  "Y.y.yes lord." Rupert stuttered.

  "Not lord, lad. Just Talarius. I'm a knight of Tiernon, not a lord." The knight corrected gently with a forgiving smile. "Now why did the demon grab you and why were you naked?" The knight crouched down in his heavy armor to look Rupert head on. His hand resting gently, comfortingly on Rupert's shoulders.

  "Uhm, I.I.I don't know." Rupert snuffled some more. "I live on a farm." Rupert ran the back of his wrist across his nose, as if to wipe it. "I woke up thirsty and there was no water. I went out to the well to fetch some. As I was filling it, this...this..." Rupert shuddered in what he thought was an appropriate manner. "This demon grabbed my robe. It dragged me a long ways. Finally the robe ripped off me."

  Rupert began to hyperventilate a little, for dramatic effect. Trying not to overdo it. He gulped. "I ran, ran as fast as I could back to mum and dah. I screamed for help. They couldn't help me. They...they weren't fast enough. The demon came back. He grabbed me with his claws." Rupert closed his eyes, shivering again, pretending to remember the horrible moment. He'd thought this story up as they'd wandered through the camp. He hadn't had long; he hoped it would hold up.

  "It carried me. We flew a long ways, over that city." He pointed back to Freehold. "Then we were over your lights. The demon, it circled for a little bit. Then...then some glowing man on the ground shot the demon! It screamed. Right in my ear. The next thing, the next thing I know is that I was falling through trees. Then these men found me." He tugged on Ethen's cloak.

  He hugged himself, and looked the knight right in the eyes, trying to be as sincere as he'd ever been about anything. "Please, please, Sir Talarius. Please don't let the nasty demon get me. I'm afraid. So afraid." Rupert shivered some more and then bent his head, as if in shame and fright, staring at the ground.

  The knight said nothing for some time. Rupert hoped he hadn't overdone it. The knight's hand on his shoulder hadn't moved or changed. Then suddenly, it was patting him. "There lad. While I certainly didn't see the demon carrying anyone." Rupert froze. He hadn't thought of that. If the man could see well enough to shoot him
, he surely could have seen anything he might have carried. Rupert mentally cursed himself. The whole story was worthless. What an idiot he was! Why hadn't he thought of that angle?

  Talarius continued, unaware of Rupert's internal recriminations, "It was dark and my view wasn't that good. I certainly could have missed seeing you. After the demon moved out of the moonlight, all I could see was a dark spot in the sky. Certainly, I wouldn't have done any pronouncement that would have injured you if I'd realized you were there with the demon. I'm sorry for that lad. Truly, but the important thing is," Talarius strengthened his grip on Rupert's shoulder, "that we got it to release you, albeit unknowingly.

  "You are safe with us. In due time, we will return you to your family. However, for tonight, I think you need rest. In the morning, I'd appreciate it if you could repeat your story for the Arch-Vicar General and a few other good men. We will need all the help we can get in ferreting out the vile minions of deceit. Fear not though, I Talarius will personally see to it that the demons are all slain and routed. They will not have their wicked way with good people like yourself anymore. This is my word." With the last words, he lifted Rupert's chin again and smiled kindly. Rupert would have been relieved, felt protected, if only the man wasn't talking about slaying him.


  As Ethen led the boy off to a tent for a good night's rest, Talarius turned his eyes back to the construction of the Runic Gateway. He cursed himself for unknowingly endangering the child. He shouldn't have aimed at a target that wasn't fully resolved. While the Light of Heaven wouldn't hurt anything but creatures of evil, if he had killed the demon, the fall could certainly have killed the child. Of course, this presumed the child was telling the truth. The only doubts he had were from not having seen the child being carried, and the curious behavior of such a demon. Why it would be kidnapping the child. Human sacrifice perhaps? Talarius wouldn't put it past a demon. Further, why would it fly directly over the Rod's campsite?

  The boy had seemed sincere. Actually, rather coherent for a child in that state, admirable. Talarius had known many an older man to be completely insane with fear from lesser experiences with demons. Unfortunately, he'd had no way to determine if the child was telling the truth short of his own instincts and experience. Barabus or Verigas could easily have done so; however, they were busy. Both priests were busy constructing the gateway. That had paramount importance.

  This incident tonight only further served to increase Talarius' determination to get reinforcements. They were certainly going to need them. Talarius rubbed his chin. He'd have Barabus or one of the other priests listen to the boy's story tomorrow. All the priests would be tired after the night's work, but they needed to know all they could learn. The priests could verify the boy's story, and perhaps Talarius could probe for more information when the child had had time to rest. Perhaps Verigas could help him with it.

  Chapter 71

  Lord Protectator Wing Arms Master Heron of Treage surveyed his Command from the command deck of his flagship, the OSS Keeper of Law. He used the telescoping glass to survey the progress upon the decks of the other ships as the preparations for getting underway were being made on each and every vessel in his command. Twenty-one of Oorstemoth's finest resting now in their berths outside of Keeper's City, he was proud of each one. He only wished he'd had more to spare. Unfortunately, these craft were in extremely high demand, and short of abandoning other critical interests of Oorstemoth, he could spare no more.

  His command was just now finishing the loading of men and supplies as the sun finally peeked above the horizon. Just in time for the dawn launch. Protocol dictated that the Leave Taking occur with the sun's first full light. It had been a tight call, getting fully mobilized on such short notice. Wylan's messages had reached Keeper's City in good time and made their way up the bureaucratic layers until the Council of Justice saw them, and called on Heron to interpret and respond. It had actually taken Heron more than a few passes over Wylan's missive to fully understand all the ramifications and legal import of the message. Unfortunately, in Heron's opinion, both Wylan and his assistant Fiernon seemed caught up in the recent court trend of hyper-verbalization. Heron just shook his head, the younger generation, he sometimes feared that their dedication to legalistic flowery language might sometime override or cloud their vision of the Justice. Heron preferred the short and direct. Lately, however, his style seemed to be falling out of fashion. As it was it had taken him a couple of hours to come up with a legally binding set of charges from Wylan's report. Perhaps if he'd been there first hand it would have been easier.

  Seeing that the ready flags were now raised on all vessels, Heron adjusted the Amulet of Amplification upon his breast and raised his Warrant of Commission and Letter of Command. Formally, he held it before him with both hands, the right above, the left below to hold the scroll in the prescribed manner of execution. He received the nod of readiness from his second.

  "Hear all, here-to-fore present and accounted for! For the High Crimes of Piracy, Destruction of Governmental Property, Murder of Constabulary Officers, Flight of the Due Process of Law into Extraterritorial Lands; for the Cardinal Crimes of Illicit Demonic Association, Alliance with Enemy Powers and Conspiracy to Escape Justice by Demonic Methods; for the Treasonous Crimes of Conspiracy with Foreign Powers to Threaten Oorstemothian Sovereignty, for Subversion of Foreign Nations in Manners Inconsistent with Oorstemothian Sovereignty, for Conspiracy for World Domination by Powers Not Oorstemothian and for Crimes of High Import Yet To Be Determined and Specified, is this Warrant of Forcible Extradition and Necessary Eradication issued upon one Edwyrd the Animage, lately of Gizzor Del, Maelen the Seer, known to be of the Free City of Seren, the Wizard Gastropé late of the Command of the Mage Exador, Jenn Rean, Journeyman of the Lenamare’s Academy of Wizardry, Rupert, Novitiate, also of the Lenamare’s Academy of Wizardry; and upon all personages seeking to aid or abet these individuals in criminalistic actions counterproductive to the cause of Justice. This Warrant is further comprehensive over previously issued, longstanding Warrant 31234556 regarding the Judicial Prosecution of one Asmeth the Pirate and the villainous crew of Asmeth's vessel, as well as Inquisitorial Warrant I1432179 regarding the theft of Oorstemothian Artifacts by Individuals Suspected of Collusion with the Wizard Lenamare.

  "In pursuit of this Warrant and observant of the Due Process of Law, do I Heron of Treage, Wing Arms Master of the Oorstemothian Fleet, Lord Protectator of Oorstemoth and the Council of Justice, Duly Recognized Agent of High Justice, hereby assume from this date forth, the High and Sole Command of the One-Thousand Four-Hundred and Thirteenth Sky Fleet of Oorstemoth. Said Command and Commission is to last until such time as the Warrant of Forcible Extradition and Necessary Eradication is considered fulfilled and duly executed by the Council of Justice. This do I swear and affirm on this the 25th day of Asim, in the One Thousand-Six Hundred and Thirty-First year of Oorstemothian Sovereignty, before the duly recognized witnesses of said Command, the One Thousand-Four Hundred and Thirteenth Sky Fleet. So let the Law be Enacted, so let Justice be Done before the Honorable High Lord of Oorstemoth and Justice." Heron bowed his head for a moment of respect and observation of import, as did the members of his Command. He drew his sword, raising it above his head, staring into the newly risen sun.

  "Fleet Ho!" Called his second. "All stations ready! Prepare for lift off. Unfurl the sails." As word was given to the fleet via his second's amulet, the glorious golden sails of Oorstemoth began to unfurl from the masts of each vessel in the fleet. All in perfectly timed unison, on each ship, three sails per mast, three masts per ship. The banners of Oorstemoth riding proudly atop the center mast of each ship. Heron balanced himself on his experienced legs as the ship rocked in its berth.

  His crew, nay, his entire fleet operated as a well-oiled machine. He had no fear on this cause. As one, the twenty-one Sky Ships of Oorstemoth rose stately and majestically into the air above the Plain of Justice. Heron turned to look over his own ship. The cr
ew moving in precise, never wasted motions brought the great airship into the morning sky.

  At two hundred feet, Heron nodded to his second, who waved his arm, giving the order for the ships to proceed forward over the city. Tethers were released allowing the ships to move forward. The ships continued to climb, naturally, needing the altitude to clear the Seven Towers of Law, five hundred feet tall each. As the ships began to move forward in formation, the Beloved Anthem of Oorstemoth swelled as if from the very bosoms of the ships. In reality, it was the combined voices of all the sailors singing the hymn together as one voice of many parts.

  As his flagship crossed over the Gate of Peace on the Boulevard of Right, Heron could see the cheering citizens of the city. Up early to see the Leave Taking. Crowds lined the boulevard, cheering and singing the anthem themselves. Heron was proud of his people, proud of his men and women, proud of the support from the populace. Even on such extremely short notice, the citizens had come forth to bid the fleet Law's Speed. As tears threatened to flow from his eyes, Heron had to reprimand himself for being an old fashioned sentimentalist. These ancient traditions always threatened to choke him, ever since he was a small lad on the boulevard below watching his first Leave-taking, the 1371st Fleet. Twenty years ago, when he'd led his first fleet, the 1400th, he'd thought the moment could never be recaptured. He'd since learned that every Leave Taking under his command would leave him with the same feelings.

  Heron squinted at the sunlight reflecting off the Towers of Law ahead. They were now approaching rapidly. The ships would cross over the top of the Towers, still following the boulevard and then exit over the Gate of War. At that point they would change course slightly, heading north over the sea, and continue to gain altitude in order to sail over the mountains north of Hoggensforth. They wouldn't have to climb too fast. It would be a while before they even reached Hoggensforth. In all, Heron calculated they should be able traverse the nearly twelve hundred miles and arrive in Freehold at about sunset tomorrow. He would have to rely on Wylan and Fiernon to ensure the suspects didn't flee again, or if they did, to track them.


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