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Falling for the Enemy (Falling in Love)

Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  “It’s why it’s called fast food,” he said. “So, what time do you need to be up tomorrow?”

  “I’ve got to be up at four.”

  “I want you to stay here tonight.”

  She paused, the slice of pizza poised before her mouth. June turned to look at him. “Are you serious?” she asked.

  “I stayed the night at your place. I think it’s only fair you give me a shot.”

  June licked her lips, putting the pizza down. “Molly knows about us,” she said, surprising him.

  “What?” he asked, delighted someone actually knew.

  “She heard us. The machines were not good buffers to the noise. She heard us and thinks I’m making a mistake giving you a chance.”

  His hopes were quickly dashed. Molly and June had become good friends. How was he going to get her on his side if Molly didn’t think they were a good idea?

  “What did you say to her?”

  “There’s nothing to worry about. We’re having some fun, and neither of us are going to get hurt. I’m not going to put myself out there, Trey.”

  He didn’t expect her to.

  “We’re having some fun.” Taking a bite of the pizza Trey discovered he’d lost his appetite.

  Turning onto his side, he watched June nibble on the pizza. He reached out, stroking a hand down the line of her back.

  “When you’re out with this asshole I’m going to want you to remember me,” he said.

  “How can I forget you?”

  “I’m going to be fucking you every day of this week. Prepare your pussy for a pounding.”

  Trey moved behind her, pulling her hips up and opening her thighs. He tested her readiness for him. She was slick to the touch and ready for his cock.

  Gripping the shaft, he pressed deep inside her. She was wet, hot and so ready for him.

  She dropped the pizza onto the floor.

  He held her hips, sliding up to the hilt inside her.

  “You’re not wearing a condom,” she said, looking at him from the bed.

  “I’ll pull out.”

  “That’s not safe.”

  “It’ll have to do unless you want to stop and get the condoms?”

  She shook her head.

  “Good. You feel so good.”

  Trey pulled out of her, seeing the cream coat his naked shaft.

  Her moans were muffled by the bed.

  He slapped her ass between each thrust. Trey had to hear her pleasure. He needed to know she wanted this as much as he did.

  Tightening his grip on her hips he slammed into her, watching his cock sink inside her tight, red pussy.

  Her hands lay down by her sides. He rested them on the base of her back, holding her trapped and fucked her hard.

  She screamed, crying out as with his free hand he caressed her clit.

  Her clit was swollen and her cunt tight.

  He fucked her hard, bringing her to orgasm three times before he finally pulled out of her and spent his semen on her back.

  Collapsing to the bed, Trey drew in as much air as he could.

  Fuck, it was hurting him knowing she wasn’t here for anything other than fun. Why couldn’t he want the same?

  “I need to shower.”

  “We’ll shower in a second.” He stared up at his ceiling, wishing he had the answers.


  On Friday June was tense. She couldn’t handle her upcoming date, and she certainly couldn’t handle her mother’s interfering ways. Martin called every day to confirm their date, and her mother was currently stood by her large, industrial mixing machine. Her work was becoming a problem. They were invading her peace and quiet while Trey invaded everything else. She missed him all the time.

  They’d been having sex for over a week, and already she was desperate for another slice of him. Trey was her slice of heaven.

  “Are you listening to me?” Lexie asked, snapping her out of fantasy land.

  “I’m listening. Don’t put my elbows on the table. Don’t slouch. Order enough food to keep me satisfied but not too much to make him think I’m a pig,” June said, repeating everything she’d been told.

  “What else?”

  “Listen to him all the time talk about his crappy work place. If I’m not sure what he’s talking about, then get him to explain everything. Mom, I’ve got this. I’ve been on dates before.” Admittedly, none she’d ever actually wanted to be on but whatever. No one was judging her.

  “Your father and I are excited about this. We’re thinking a New Year wedding.”

  Lexie’s words pulled her out of the fantasy, fast.

  “Mom, what the hell are you talking about? No, I’m not marrying this creep. It’s bad enough I’m spending a couple of hours with him without supervision. I’m not marrying him.”

  “Sweetie, he’s so right for you,” Lexie said.

  June felt her temper rising by the second. How could her mother not see the truth?

  “I’m not marrying him.”

  Someone cleared his throat, and June turned to see Trey stood carrying a folder with him.

  “I hope I’m not interrupting anything,” Trey said.

  “Not at all. My daughter is being stupid. Trey, you’re a guy. What would you hate for your woman to do on a date?” Lexie asked.

  Her day couldn’t get any worse. Lexie, her mother, was actually talking to the guy she was having sex with. Hot, dirty, sex, the best sex she’d ever had, but it was still sex.

  “I’d hate for the woman I was seeing to sneak out early in the morning without saying goodbye,” Trey said, giving her a pointed look.

  June looked away. That morning she’d freaked out. Every single time they’d been together, there had not been any real intimate moments. The first time hadn’t been all that great because she’d been freaking out about going to her parents’ for dinner. This morning it felt different. She felt different around him.

  The crush she had on him for so long was starting to develop into something else, and she couldn’t allow that to happen. Trey Hunt was not in her future. He was her enemy. The enemy she liked to have sex with.

  “You’re not the settling down kind of guy, Trey. I’m sure the woman didn’t want to be pushed away.” Lexie turned back to her. June saw the flash of hurt in his eyes. Her mother had dismissed him because of his reputation.

  Feeling bad for him, she ignored her mother. “Are they for me to look at?”

  “Yes. Molly said she was good to watch the shop.”

  “Great.” Turning to her mother, she smiled. “I’ve got to go, Mom. It was nice seeing you, and I’ll tell you how the date went later.”

  Walking back to her office, she felt Trey behind her. The door closed, and the lock slid into place.

  “Do you think this guy is the one?” Trey asked.

  June burst out laughing. “No. I hate him. I don’t like him at all. He’s using me to get in with his own family. I can’t stand him and want nothing to do with him.”

  Shaking her head, June tried to contain the tears threatening to spill over. His hands gripped her shoulders, pulling her back against him.

  “I’ll be here all the time,” he said, whispering.

  “It’s just sex.”

  “I know, but it’s here all the same.”

  She was disappointed. Her heart sank at his words. Why couldn’t she get her thoughts back on track?

  Wiping under her eyes, she took a deep breath before turning around.

  “What do you have to show me?” she asked.

  “I’ve been working on some designs.”

  Moving to the desk, she watched him open the folder. “Here is the tattoo now.” He lifted a picture of her back.

  “When did you take this?” she asked.

  “Last night. You were, erm, busy.”

  “You took a picture of us fucking?”

  “No, I took a picture of the tattoo. I have several designs I’ve been working on, and I want you to see which one you like.”
  She noticed he kept hold of the picture as it was some kind of lifeline.

  For the next thirty minutes she looked at several different pictures that expanded the tattoo on her back. She loved all of them.

  “I really need for you to pick.”

  “I can’t choose right now. Can I keep this folder and make my mind up later?” she asked.

  “Sure.” His lips claimed hers, and June melted against him, moaning.

  The kiss was soft yet passionate. She didn’t want it to end, but he pulled away first. “I’ll see you soon.”

  She watched him walk out of the office. Her heart pounded inside her chest. Molly came to the office five minutes later.

  “Something doesn’t smell too good.”

  Cursing, June pulled the burnt cupcakes from the oven. “Shit.”

  “You’re distracted. It’s not good to be distracted,” Molly said.

  “I know. Crap, I can’t think. He’s messing with my head.”

  Running her fingers through her hair, June let out a scream, hoping to clear her head.

  “It’s good for you that I put the closed sign up on the shop. It’s been a week, June, and you’re a mess.” Molly rubbed her back.

  The thought was nice, but June wasn’t in the mood for the sympathy.

  “My parents are planning a wedding to a creep I don’t even like. I can’t get Trey out of my head. It’s killing me all the secrecy, but I need it. Everyone will laugh at him. Oh, look there is Trey Hunt fucking the fat girl. I’m sure he’s only doing that for fun.” June tried her best to mimic a male voice.

  “You’re thinking about everything too hard. Trey likes you. I see the way he looks at you. There’s something going on between you. You both need to stop running and hiding from the truth. That’s my advice.”

  The door tinkled again, and June cursed.

  “I’ve got to go. Please, think about what you’re doing. I don’t like seeing you like this.”

  June listened to her friend’s advice. Nothing had changed in her mind by six when she was dressed and ready to go. She sat on the sofa wondering if she could get sick in the next hour. It was a shame scientists hadn’t invented a pill that could make women who didn’t want to go on dates have symptoms to stop them. They could call it The-Sucky-Date-Pill.

  When the door rang, June wasn’t ready.

  Getting up she made her way to the front door to see Trey stood on the other side.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked.

  He didn’t answer but pushed her through the door. Trey closed and locked it.

  Cupping her face, he slammed his lips down on hers. “I can’t do it. I can’t let you go on a date without staking my claim first. While you’re sitting there eating your fine cuisine I want you thinking about me.”

  Trey pushed her toward the couch. He turned her, bent her over the edge and pulled up her dress.

  “You’re going on this date for your parents. I get that. I get everything you’re telling me, June. I’ll support it, but I’m not going to let you go without claiming you first.”

  She heard the foil tearing and his grunt as he rolled the latex over his cock. In the next instant he slid deep inside her. She was wearing a thong, which he’d pushed to the side. Their moans echoed around the room at the same time. He was long, thick, and buried deep inside her.

  “When you’re sat with him, you’re going to know you had my dick in your pussy.” He pulled out and slammed back in.

  His hands gripped the straps of her dress pulling them down so her breasts tumbled out. Fingers tweaked her nipples, making them ache.

  “Please, Trey, fuck me.”

  “Who do you belong to?” he asked.

  “You. I belong to you.”

  “Good. I own you, June. We’re a secret, but no fucking man gets what I get. I’m the one you’ll be coming home to. Me, I’ll be the man fucking this pussy and sucking on your tits. No one else, me.”

  She loved his possessive attitude. His words were making her wet and turning her on. She cried out as he released her breasts to slap her ass.

  Once he finished with her ass, he stroked her clit, driving deep into her pussy. Closing her eyes, she groaned feeling her orgasm crash through her.

  “That’s it. Come on my cock, baby.”

  Crying out, she pushed against him, feeling him hit her deep.

  “Fuck!” It was the last word he spoke before he erupted inside the condom.

  She lay across the sofa panting. June didn’t want to move or to blink for fear the feelings erupting around her body would disappear.

  The sound of the door being knocked interrupted their moment.

  Trey cursed again, helping her to her feet.

  Her heart in the throat, June stared at him. “I don’t want to go,” she said.

  “You’ve got to go.”

  Glancing toward the door she shook her head.

  “Go, I’ll be here for you,” he said.

  She handed him a spare set of keys before heading toward the front door. Staring at him, June wished she could stay.

  “Come on, June. I know you’re there,” Martin said, calling through the door.

  With no other choice, she turned on her heel and fled out of her apartment.

  Chapter Ten

  Trey gripped the back of the couch trying to bring some focus to his chaotic mind. All he saw was June with her date. He hated the picture and despised the feeling of another man being close to her.

  The thoughts had driven him to coming here tonight. He couldn’t let her leave her apartment without touching her, tasting her.

  A good twenty minutes passed before he left her apartment, keeping hold of the spare key.

  He stopped as he saw Dale stood outside of the tattoo parlor, flicking open his phone. His friend turned to him, looking at the building and then looking at him.

  “Do I even want to know what’s going on?” Dale asked.

  Walking to his front door, Trey kept his thoughts to himself even as he set the two keys down on the counter by the front door. Dale was close behind him.

  “I wasn’t imagining it. You were coming from June’s place, right?”

  Sighing Trey turned toward Dale.

  “I need a drink.”

  He went to the kitchen, hearing Dale ask a lot of questions from behind him. Trey rubbed at his temples, wishing there was something he could say.

  “You’re seriously not going to tell me what’s going on?” Dale asked.

  Uncapping the bottle, Trey took a long gulp of the beer.


  “I told you about Molly. I gave you a part of myself and you’re going to cut me out?”

  “I’m not doing this on purpose. I can’t tell you anything.”

  “I’ve got two fucking kids with the woman that I love, but because of the shit I’ve done I can’t be with her. I told her to get rid of my kid, and she keeps pushing me away. When she first told me she was pregnant, I laughed. I told her I wasn’t going to be bound to a woman my whole life. When I saw she was telling the truth, I proposed. At every turn I’ve fucked up, Trey. I’ve fucked up that much that I can’t have her. Molly doesn’t trust me at all, but that’s between us. I’ve told you the truth!” Dale’s voice kept getting louder.

  Staring at his friend, Trey knew he was being unreasonable.

  “I get why you don’t want to talk to Max. He’s a great friend but a fucking gossip. I get it. I’m not Max. I’m Dale, and you should talk to me.”

  Dale hit his chest. He was red in the face, and his eyes were wet.

  “I’m fucking June Armstrong, and she doesn’t want anyone to know about it. Right now she’s on a date that her parents set up. I was just buried balls deep inside her, and she’s with another man. A man who she could take to her mom and dad.” Trey stopped, taking a gulp of the beer. “I’ve been in love with her for a long time. I had to hurt her when I was younger. These feelings she causes scare the shit out of me, so
yeah, I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Well, shit,” Dale said, taking a seat.

  Trey stood by the refrigerator sipping at his beer.

  “She doesn’t want anyone to know about you?”

  “I bullied her in high school. I can’t make her see me in a different light.”

  “Yes, you can. You’re different, Trey. You’ve changed. Tell her how you feel. Better yet, show her.”

  “I wouldn’t have the first clue what to do.”

  “Does she like this guy she’s on a date with?” Dale asked.


  “Then let’s go, together. She won’t suspect a thing. You can keep an eye on her, and we can hang out where our idiot friend isn’t.”

  “Max out fucking again?”

  “Yeah. The two women he was fucking want him. They’re always coming around, begging for him to show them a good time. It’s creepy, and I was wondering if I could crash here tonight?”

  “You want to stay at my place?” Trey asked. “It’s quiet with no chance of pussy.”

  “I’m in love with Molly. This is the best idea. I can’t keep pretending to be someone I’m not.”

  Nodding his head, Trey agreed for his friend to stay the night. “Are we getting old before our time?”

  “I’m the father of two kids. I feel old. A lot of guys would have loved for their woman to send them away without the pressure of raising kids. I want to be in my kids’ lives, and I want to be in hers.”

  “What are you going to do about it?” Trey asked, putting the empty bottle in the recycle bin.

  “Work things out with her. Show her I’m not backing down or going away.” Dale stood. “Let’s go and check out the guy your woman is with.”

  Trey looked down at his jeans. “We’re going to need to put on our Sunday best.”

  Twenty minutes later they were out of his house and heading in the direction of the French restaurant.

  The maître d’ let them inside, and Trey ordered a beer while Dale ordered a soda.

  “It must suck being the designated driver,” Trey said, smiling.

  When the bartender told him the cost of the drink, Trey almost spit out the beer.

  Dale smirked. They paid for their drinks, taking a seat.

  “I don’t know about you, but I’m going to make sure this drink lasts me all evening,” Dale said.


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