Lord of the White Hell Book 2
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Nugalo Sagrada: Royal bishop and second son of the king.
Ollivar Falario: Second-year student, Elezar’s underclassman.
Rafie Kir-Zaki: Kiram’s uncle on his mother’s side.
Riossa Arevillo: Common Cadeleonian girl, daughter of a judge.
Sevanyo Sagrada: Heir to the Cadeleonian throne.
Shukri Kir-Zaki: Kiram’s inventor father.
Siamak Kir-Zaki: Kiram’s eldest sister.
Timoteo Grunito: Eldest of the Grunito sons, recently taken clergy vows.
Vashir: Haldiim Bahiim, distant cousin of Alizadeh.
Yassin Lif-Harun: Historic half-Haldiim scholar.
Places and Peoples
Anacleto: Costal trade city, home to the oldest and largest Haldiim district of Cadeleon.
Bahiim: Ancient Haldiim holy order that traces its history back to the original Jhahiim.
Cieloalta: Cadelonian capitol.
Circle of Red Oaks: Holy Grove in Haldiim district of Anacleto.
Circle of the Crooked Pines: Irabiim Holy Grove.
Haldiim: Naturalized minority descended from Jhahiim.
Irabiim: Nomadic tribe descended from Jhahiim.
Jhahiim: Tribe from which both Haldiim and Irabiin descend.
Mirogoths: Cadeleonian name for a vast number of northern tribes, the majority of whom are led by witches and shapeshifters.
Muerate: One of the few poisons strong enough to kill even Javier.
White Tree of the Red Oaks: The center of the Red Oaks Holy Grove and a symbol of the Bahiim power; oaths and spells are bound by its light.
Yuan: An exotic kingdom far across the South Sea.
Days & Hours
Primiday: First day of the week.
Dosiday: Second day of the week.
Mediday: Third day of the week.
Levaniday: Fourth day of the week.
Traviday: Fifth day of the week.
Auguiday: Sixth day of the week.
Sacreday: Seventh day of the week.
Bells: A system of time keeping by sounding off loud or softer bells, which divide summer days into fourteen brassy day bells and ten wooden night bells. Winter days consist of only ten day bells and fourteen night bells.
Brief Cadeleonian History
1000: The Sagrada fortress is built to stand against the first waves of Mirogoths.
1090-1105: King Nazario purges Haldiim from all of northern Cadeleon but dies before his forces can break the defenses of Anacleto and other southern cities.
1096: Bahiim lock the shajdis away to keep them from Nazario.
1106: The curse, the Old Rage is put to rest, but cannot be dissapated.
1150: Civil war sends the Sagrada king into hiding in Rauma.
1190: The Restoration of the Sagrada rulership.
1200: Sagrada Academy is founded on the grounds of the old fortress. The school is dedicated to training the brightest nobles. Thirty years later the sons of merchants and scholars are granted admittance.
1226: The Yillar Academy is founded. Admittance is limited to Cadeleonian nobles and members of the high clergy.
1242: Second Mirogoth invasion begins in north.
1250: Calixto Tornesal opens the white hell and defeats the invading Mirogoth forces at the Sagrada Academy.
1253: Bishop Seferino pens his legal rulings on ethics, conduct and conversion.
1350: Kiram Kir-Zaki is the first full-blooded Haldiim to attend the Sagrada Academy.
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Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six