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A Siberian Werewolf in Paris

Page 3

by Caryn Moya Block

  She tiptoed her way back down the hallway to the front stairs, then walked normally the rest of the way down. She pasted a smile on her face, hoping to hide the ache in her chest from her guilt.

  Valerii sat in the chair, facing the stairs, looking for her return. He took her breath away. His long blond hair lay loose on his shoulders. His bronze skin made her fingers itch to touch him. His chest, lightly sprinkled with blond hair, was sculpted with muscles. When he saw her, he smiled in welcome, and his eyes warmed. Her heart clenched, and she felt her knees wobble. How she wanted him! Her wolf spirit wanted to rub against him and mark him as hers.

  If Valerii wondered why she’d brought her backpack downstairs, he didn’t question her. He rose from his seat as she walked to him. Then, holding out his hand to her, he drew her closer.

  Josephine willingly walked into his embrace. She hugged him tightly, only wincing slightly from the pain in her shoulder. She felt his moment of hesitation before he hugged her in return. He was being so careful with her. Tears came to her eyes, and she quickly blinked them away. Valerii nuzzled her hair, before drawing in her scent and enfolding her tenderly in his embrace. She sighed, holding her emotions under tight control.

  Chapter Two

  Josie stole furtive glances at Valerii. She sat in the front seat of one of the sedans the pack owned, gripping her backpack on her lap while Valerii drove to the hospital. He’d changed into a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, and his hair was tied back with a leather lacing.

  Would he realize she’d tricked the doctor into insisting she needed a CAT scan? Going to the hospital for the test would position her for catching a train. And the only way to get to London was by train or car. From London she could take the bullet train to Paris. She refused to pay back the English Alpha’s kindness by stealing one of his automobiles. She owed her easy charade of head injury to the lycan in Siberia suffering from headaches.

  She gritted her teeth. When did she become such a liar? Worse, she hated hospitals. The smells reminded her of the lab she had been held in. But this would give her a chance to get away.

  “It will be fine, detka. Stop worrying.” Valerii reached over and patted her knee. The familiar tingle of awareness made her breath hitch when he touched her. “There is no chance of them discovering we are lycans with a CAT scan.”

  “I don’t like hospitals,” she murmured.

  “Nobody does.” Valerii chuckled as he pulled into the car park. Then he turned to look at her, his eyes caressing her face. “Come on, I’ll be with you,” he promised.

  Josephine winced as Valerii exited the car and walked around to help her out. No, he wouldn’t be with her. Her heart ached at the thought of a future without him. Her need to protect him dominated everything.

  Valerii’s protectiveness would make it hard for her to escape. But all she needed was a couple minutes. The train station was only a few blocks away. She had been going into London once a month and always used the train service.

  Valerii opened the car door for her. She got out and slipped the backpack onto one arm before letting him escort her inside. His arm, wrapped around her waist, felt so right. She leaned into him, brushing against his body as they walked.

  Valerii strode up to the counter and signed in. The receptionist handed him a clipboard with several administrative forms. Shaking his head, he took Josephine’s hand and walked them over to a group of green chairs.

  “I need to go to the toilet,” Josephine blurted. She needed to get away. If she didn’t leave him soon, she never would be able to. “I’ll be down the hall.” She turned and hurried toward the signs marking the water closets.

  She could feel his eyes on her as she walked away. Luckily, the toilets were around the corner from Valerii’s sight. As soon as she turned the corner, she headed for a side entrance down the hall to her right. She hurried around a man in a wheelchair and a woman dragging her three children behind her.


  Valerii stared after his little mate. She acted very strangely. Of course, she always acted nervous around him. Probably, her wolf recognizing her mate. Today, she acted even odder, one minute soft and yielding, the next pulling away. Sighing, he sat down and started working on the forms needed by the hospital. What name should he list her under? Joe MacDonald, or Josephine? Was MacDonald her real last name? Rosie wasn’t her real mother. He didn’t know much about his little mate. Would she come out of hiding now that they were bonding?

  The large double doors in the front of the reception room whooshed open, bringing a wave of air into the room. When a scent he recognized came closer, Valerii stiffened. He glanced toward the doors and saw three men walk into the lobby. It wasn’t the smell of gun oil that had his wolf raging toward the surface, but the scent of the man who’d shot at his mate. One of the men, his stomach bulging from his coat, held a small rectangular black box in his hand. He pointed it down the hall where Josephine went.

  Valerii put the clipboard down on the chair next to him. He watched the tall thin man who’d shot Josie walk around the corner. The fat man with the box stood by the door, and the third, a scar across his left cheek, walked up to talk to the receptionist.

  Josie, hide. The man who shot at you just walked in the door. He is walking down your way.

  I’m going out the side entrance. I’ll meet you at the car.

  The side entrance? Why didn’t she stay hidden? He bolted for the door.


  Josie ran the last few feet to the side entrance and pushed the door open. She heard someone shout behind her. How did Fortescue’s man find her again?

  When she got outside, she put on a burst of speed. She couldn’t go to the car. That would lead the men to Valerii. Instead, she stayed with her plan and ran through the car park. She wove her way between cars in case the mercenary fired his gun. All the while, she headed in the general direction of the train station.

  The sound of someone running after her was easily heard over the traffic noise. How were they finding her? Josie flashed back to the night of her kidnapping. She remembered waking up in the animal cage with a small incision on her arm. Pain slashed behind her eyes. She blinked as her eyes watered, and she almost tripped. Had they put a tracking device in her? She reached the street and ran down the sidewalk, dodging people as she went.

  “Slow down, you hooligan,” an old man yelled as she danced around him.

  Josephine made the mistake of looking back. What she saw made her gasp. Three men in dark business suits were chasing after her, their jackets flapping in the wind. Behind them, she could see Valerii. Why did Valerii have to chase them? She didn’t want him hurt.

  She turned at the final street and saw the station ahead. With all the people on the platform, she hoped a train was due any second. She put on another burst of speed.

  She ran to the ticket machine and slipped Valerii’s credit card into the slot. Next she selected her destination, London. The ticket printed as she stood, panting, willing the machine to hurry. Finally, the ticket popped out, and she slipped it into her pocket. Now she needed to get lost in the crowd.

  She pushed her way through to the front and found a perfect spot. Several teenagers stood together chatting. Josephine sidled up to them, listening to them talk about going to the zoo. She reached into her backpack and pulled out one of her caps. Putting it on, she moved closer to the group.

  “Nice hat,” one of the teens commented.

  She gave him a big smile.

  It wasn’t long before Josie was included in the conversation. She moved to the middle of the group, shielding herself from prying eyes. For once, she didn’t mind being smaller than her companions.


  How was he going to handle three humans with guns and still keep Josie safe?

  He reached for her mind. Josie?

  She ran down the sidewalk, her thoughts jumbled. He caught one phrase being repeated in her mind: train station. Why was Josie heading for the train station? Did she plan to lose the
men in the crowd of people gathered on the platform?

  He caught sight of her running several blocks ahead of her pursuers. She turned and looked back at him before disappearing around a corner. For a moment it felt as if she was running from him, but that couldn’t be right.

  Valerii speeded up, passing the two men from the lobby. They were both breathing hard, and the fat man’s face was bright red. Valerii waved and heard them swear as he continued past on the sidewalk. He dodged a woman pushing a stroller and an old lady with a cane before reaching the corner where Josie had turned.

  The station was down the street. A crowd of people filled the platform. The train’s whistle sounded in the distance, announcing its imminent arrival. Valerii didn’t see Josie anywhere. The thin man, who was still following her, would reach the platform about the same time as the train. Valerii wouldn’t let him catch Josie.

  The train rolled in and stopped, and the doors opened. Valerii was only a few feet from the thin man. He caught the man’s scent and growled low in his throat. This man had shot at Josephine. Would he try and shoot her here on the platform in front of all these people? Not if Valerii could help it.

  The thin man continued to search the crowd. More than half the people had already entered the cars. Valerii stayed right behind him as he moved down the platform. Valerii’s canines threatened to lengthen as his wolf rose to the surface. This man would not get his hands on Josephine.

  By the time Valerii and the thin man reached the end of the platform, the doors were already closing, and the train was starting to make its way down the track. The man turned and ran for the stairs leading to the car park. He bumped into Valerii without even noticing him. Valerii wanted to grab him, teach the man what happens when you hurt a lycan's mate. But this place was too public with people still gathered in small groups on the platform. His hands fisted at his sides, fighting his wolf spirit’s need to rip and tear, Valerii watched the man go.

  Where was Josephine?

  He focused his eyes and mentally pulled on the mating bond. The thin yellow cord flowed down the track. On the train. He took a step forward, his hand reaching out, before he stopped and stretched his mind through time and space. Using his telepathy, he linked their minds together.

  Josie, where are you? Come back to me. His heart beat fast. Why would she leave him? Did she regret that they were bonded?

  Valerii? I can’t. I bring danger everywhere I go.

  He could feel her overwhelming sadness and regret leak into their heartmate bond. Her need to protect him overpowered her desire to return to him. His wolf spirit calmed. She needed him. The mating bond wasn’t causing her to run.

  Let me help you, malyshka. Whatever you are running from, we can fix.

  You can’t protect me. These people killed my parents. They know what I am, and they will kill anyone close to me. Don’t follow me, Valerii.

  The fear in her thoughts flooded into his mind, and he broke out in a sweat. He gritted his teeth, holding his wolf back by a thread. Don’t follow her? She belonged to him. Nothing would keep him from her side.

  Josephine, you are my mate. Of course, I’m going to follow you. You know what the heartmate bond signifies. We are tied together, heart and soul, never to be parted.

  Valerii, you can’t. It isn’t safe.

  We will face this danger together. Get off at the next station. I’ll come pick you up. He knew she had feelings for him.

  I can’t come back. I’m sorry.

  The link was cut, and Valerii was thrown from her mind.

  "Chyort Vossmi, Damn it all." Valerii reached for his wallet in his back pocket. He'd buy a ticket and follow her. He opened the wallet and stared in disbelief. All his credit cards were gone and so was his cash.


  Growling with anger and frustration, Valerii ran from the train station toward his car. When he’d grabbed his wallet earlier, he thought he caught Josie’s sweet fragrance. After he caught up to his little mate, she’d have some explaining to do.

  His tires burned as he roared out of the car park and onto the road.

  Wait. The fuel gauge showed the tank was almost empty. No money and no petrol. Valerii slammed his hands against the steering wheel. He would be lucky to get back to the hunting lodge without running out of petrol.

  Sighing in defeat, he turned the car toward Somerset instead of London. There was no choice but to go home and get supplies for his trip.

  Grigori? Valerii called using his telepathy. Josephine has run away. I need to chase her down.

  What is going on that she has run from you?

  That was Grigori, always the protective Alpha. Thank goodness Josie wasn’t running from him.

  She is being chased by several men. They know that she is a lycan.

  They know she is one of us? How is that possible?

  I’m not sure. I intend to find out. I need a better vehicle and some money. My funds seem to have disappeared.

  Disappeared? Am I right in assuming your mate had something to do with that? Grigori’s amusement seeped into his mind.

  I can only assume. Grigori, I can’t let her go. She’s scared and needs me.

  Of course. Come home, and I will have funds ready for you. You can take Melisande’s Mercedes to chase your mate down.

  I’ll be there as quickly as I can. Thank you, Grigori.

  Good hunting, Valerii.

  Valerii smiled as his canines lengthened. If these men knew about the lycan race, they would have to be dealt with. His wolf looked forward to it.


  Taking a seat next to the window, Josephine sat with the other teens. She hunched down and tried to make herself inconspicuous. She had done it. Not only had she escaped Boucher’s mercenary, but she had escaped Valerii, as well. A giggle slipped out, then she laughed aloud. It felt good to be successful.

  A couple of the guys looked at her, so she shrugged her shoulders. They smiled and soon turned back to their conversations.

  She needed to figure out what to do about Fortescue’s men. But the first thing to worry about was the possible tracking device in her arm.

  Pain jabbed behind her eyes again, making her gasp and blink. That happened a lot after her escape. To stop the pain, she tried to forget about her time spent in the laboratory.

  She felt around until she could feel a hint of something hard deep in the fleshy part of her arm. Did she dare cut the thing out?

  “Hey, do any of you blokes have a multi-tool?” Josephine asked.

  “Yeah, I got one. Why?” the young man who’d commented on her hat asked.

  “Can I borrow it a minute? I need to fix something,” she said, feeling guilty about the lie.

  “How do I know you won’t pinch it?”

  “How about you keep my hat? Come on, be cool. I’ll just be a minute.”

  The young man glanced at his friends, then back at Josephine. “Okay, I better get it back. My grandfather gave it to me.”

  “Here, I’ll be right back.” Josephine dropped her hat in his lap before walking toward the water closet, the multi-tool clasped in her hand.

  She slipped into the toilet and pulled the knife out of the tool. Her hand shook as she rolled up her sleeve and looked at the blade. Merde! She was an Alpha in her own right. She could do this. Putting the blade against her arm, she pushed it into her flesh. Tears came to her eyes and rolled down her face, but she gritted her teeth and continued to cut. Blood dripped down her arm into the sink. She needed to hurry.


  Valerii pushed the car above the speed limit. He knew he chanced being pulled over, but getting to Josephine was his first priority. If he was lucky, a mind push would convince any officer to let him go.

  He gasped, feeling a blade cutting his skin. He looked at his arm, expecting to see blood. Nothing was there. Then Josephine’s thoughts flooded into his mind. She was hurt. He could see, through her eyes, the blood dripping down her arm.

  Josie, what has happened?
br />   They put a tracking device in my arm. I didn’t realize it until now. I feel so violated. Chipped like a dog. I hate this.

  Detka, stop. You are going to do some serious damage.

  Valerii tried to draw the pain into his mind and away from hers. His heart pounded in alarm. His wolf rushed to the surface. He drew on his lycan strength and felt her sigh of relief when he succeeded in shielding her. He gripped the steering wheel until his knuckles were white.

  I’ve almost got it. There, it’s out.

  Shift. You need to heal your arm, Valerii insisted, pushing at Josephine’s mind.

  I can’t shift now. I don’t have time to strip, and there isn’t any room in here.

  When you get to London, call the pack members who live there and have them pick you up. I’ll be there as soon as I can. He couldn’t take much more of this. Josephine needed to return to him so he could keep her safe.

  I told you I can’t do that. I have to go back to Paris. That’s where these men killed my parents.

  Josephine, I forbid you to do this. You are my mate, forever in my care. When would she realize their lives were forever connected? One mate could not survive without the other.

  Valerii, I am the heir to the Alpha of Paris. I have to go back to my pack.

  His jaw dropped. There was a pack of lycanthropes in Paris? Another secret Josie kept hidden. No wonder she seemed so driven. But the Alpha of Paris?

  Josie, I...

  She cut their link, blocking her mind from his. He was once again alone.

  “You may run, milaya moya. But you are mine, and I will find you,” Valerii vowed.

  Chapter Three

  Valerii threw his bags in the back seat of Melisande’s Mercedes and pulled out of the garage in Somerset. Josie was now thirty minutes ahead of him. He gritted his teeth and hoped the motorway traffic wasn’t too bad. At least, he now had a full tank of petrol.

  His first destination was Paddington Station. Hopefully, he would catch up with Josephine there. After consulting with Grigori, Valerii decided he would travel with Josie to Paris and meet her old pack mates. If Josie tried to make her claim and take the Alpha female position, the Alpha male of the pack would try to take her as his mate. Valerii would not allow that to happen. The mating bond, sacred to all lycans, should prevent it. But Alpha males hated to give up power over a pack. Whoever this male was, he would be highly tempted to keep Josie as his own.


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