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Page 8

by Lynn LaFleur

  “I know you, Dax. You don’t just make conversation. Say what you’re thinking.”

  Rye straightened before he took his shot. He looked from one brother to the other, but remained silent.

  “Okay. I’m thinking I’m jealous ‘cause Emma is really hot. I was hoping to coax her into my bed. But since she resisted all my charm, I’m happy she fell for you.”

  “There was no ‘falling’. It’s only sex.”

  Rye stood his stick on the floor and wrapped his hands around it. “That doesn’t sound like you, Griff.”

  “Yeah well, losing your wife changes a man.”

  “It doesn’t have to. You’re only thirty-two. There’s no reason you can’t fall in love and marry again.”

  “That isn’t going to happen, Rye.” Griff took a long pull of his beer. “There will never be another woman besides Jana in my heart.”

  “Never is a strong word, bro,” Dax said.

  “I know how I feel. Emma only wants a good time. That’s fine with me.” He set his empty bottle on a table. “My heart is dead, but my body isn’t. Sex with her last night was incredible.”

  Rye frowned. “Don’t you want more than sex?”

  “No. I had the love of my life. I can’t expect to ever feel that way again.” He looked from Rye to Dax. “You aren’t interested in anything long-term. Why can’t I feel the same way?”

  “Because I’ve never wanted anything long-term. I like my single life. You liked your married life.”

  “I lost my married life when that kid shot Jana. End of story.”

  “Hey, guys.” Emma breezed into the room, a smile on her face. “Supper’s on.”

  She must have sensed the serious conversation for her smile disappeared. “Am I interrupting something important?”

  “Nope.” Griff hooked his arm around her neck and dropped a kiss on her lips. “Let’s eat.”


  Emma loved Rye’s and Alaina’s living room. The overstuffed couch and armchairs and the earth tones color scheme made it warm, inviting. She curled up in one of the armchairs with her glass of merlot while Alaina and Kelcey took the couch. The brothers had gone back to the game room, leaving the women alone to talk.

  “I can understand why the prime rib is the biggest seller at your restaurant, Emma.” Kelcey patted her stomach. “You are an amazing cook.”

  “Thanks. I’m going to feature it on Friday and Saturday nights at Alaina’s restaurant.”

  “I can’t believe you let Emma talk you into building a restaurant, Alaina.”

  “Hey, I didn’t have to talk her into anything. Lainy thought it was a good idea.”

  “But the money—”

  “Kelc, stop thinking like an accountant and think like a friend.”

  Kelcey looked down into her wineglass for several seconds, then released a sigh. “You’re right. I do think like an accountant most of the time.” She looked back at Emma. “After working at the same job for eight years, I can’t help it.”

  “That’s why you need a change. I’m giving notice Monday. I think you should do the same.”

  “Wait a minute.” Alaina shifted on the couch, turning toward Emma. “Don’t push Kelcey to quit her job. I’m not ready for her yet.”

  “Yes, you are. You already have a lot of duties you could turn over to her.”

  “Unless you don’t want me.”

  “Oh no!” Alaina reached over and clasped Kelcey’s hand. “Of course I want you. But I’m worried you’ll regret giving up your job.”

  “Trust me, I won’t regret it for one second. I have to bite my tongue every day to keep from telling my boss to take a leap off the roof.”

  Emma grinned. “I’d love to hear you say that.”

  “I’m tempted. He was in the office one day this week.” She held up a single finger. “One! The end of the quarter is next week and he’s supposed to be helping me with next quarter’s projections.”

  “Definitely time to quit, Kelc. Besides, you could use some down time. You haven’t taken more than two days off in a row since I’ve known you.” Emma sipped her wine. “You need to tackle a hunk and ravish him.”

  “Reading and lots of naps works for me.”

  Emma had never understood why Kelcey didn’t date. It wasn’t as if she didn’t have offers. Men asked her out all the time, yet she always turned them down. Emma even considered that Kelcey might be a lesbian, but she’d never shown any interest in women either. She’d always been content to do her job, then come home and stay there. Books were her companion, not men.

  That needed to change.

  “Dax was very friendly toward you over dinner, Kelc. I’ll bet he would be happy to show you around Lanville.”

  Kelcey rolled her eyes. “Oh please. Surely you can do better than that.”

  “What’s wrong with Dax?”

  “Other than the fact he thinks he’s God’s gift to women?”

  “Dax is a good guy,” Alaina said. “Yes, he has a reputation, and a lot of that reputation is based on truth, but he’s been wonderful to me.”

  “And me.” Emma swirled the wine in her glass. “Plus he’s gorgeous.”

  “I’ll agree that all the Coleman brothers are handsome. There, are you happy?”

  “Nope. Not until you have some fun.”

  Kelcey blew out a breath. “Emma, I’m not like you. I don’t need a man in my life to be satisfied.”

  “Why is that? Don’t you like sex?”

  “There’s more to life than sex.”

  “Sure there is, but you don’t even date, Kelc. Why is that?”

  “I love to read. I’d rather curl up with a good book than do anything else.”

  “You obviously haven’t been with the right men.” Emma picked up the wine bottle from the coffee table and splashed more into her glass. “I like to read too, but a book is a poor substitute for a hard cock.”

  “Or a wicked tongue,” Alaina said with a grin.

  Emma grinned too. “Oh yeah.”

  Kelcey chuckled and shook her head. “Y’all are so bad.”

  “Yeah, but we have a good time.” Emma drained her wineglass. “So, Kelc, what do you say? Are you ready to quit that shitty job?”

  “I think I am.” Kelcey looked from one woman to the other. “I know I am.”

  “Great!” Picking up the wine bottle again, Emma poured the last of the merlot into their three glasses. “A toast to our new adventures.”

  Alaina touched her glass to Emma’s and Kelcey’s. “And to success doing what we love.”

  The wine at dinner mixed with the bottle the three of them had shared left Emma feeling woozy. And a little daring. “How about if we join the guys? I’m in the mood to win at pool.”

  “Do we need to take another bottle of wine with us?” Alaina asked.

  “I say yes. Kelcey?”

  “It’s Friday night and I don’t have to drive. I say yes too.”

  “Okay.” Alaina stood and picked up the empty bottle. “I’ll meet y’all there.”

  Emma led the way to the game room. She stepped into the room just in time to see Griff bend over to make his shot. His faded jeans tightened over that perfect ass. A surge of desire shot through her body, directly to her clit.

  If they were alone, she’d be naked in ten seconds and bent over the table with her legs spread.

  Since that wasn’t possible, she walked up beside him as Kelcey slipped into one of the leather chairs. His ball sailed in a straight line to the corner pocket. She congratulated him by giving one butt cheek a quick squeeze. “Nice shot.”

  He looked at her over his shoulder. “Thanks.”

  “Who’s winning?”

  “You have to ask?”

  “Shut up, Griff,” Dax said, frowning.

  Emma laughed. “Can I play the winner?”

  Griff straightened and slipped his arm around her waist. “You feel like losing again?”

  “Don’t be so cocky, Coleman. It’s impossible f
or someone to win every time.”

  “Yeah.” Dax motioned with his stick. “I still see three of your balls on the table.”

  “If I win,” Griff whispered in her ear, “I want something special when we get to my house.”

  “How special?” she whispered back.

  “Surprise me.”

  She could do that. She knew exactly what kind of surprise to give him.


  “I think I’m drunk,” Emma said, leaning her head on Griff’s shoulder.

  Chuckling, Griff tightened his arm around her waist. She may not be drunk, but was definitely past tipsy. “Not feeling any pain?”

  “Nope. Not a smidgen.” She looked into his face and smiled. “I’m glad you suggested we walk to your house. It’s so nice out. The moon is gorgeous.”

  Griff looked up at the bright disc of the full moon. It turned everything in their path silver. “I thought walking was a good idea since neither of us need to drive right now.”

  “True. I don’t normally drink so much, but it was fun. I had a good time tonight.”

  “I’m glad.” He pressed a soft kiss to her temple. “Tired?”

  “A little.” Her hand dipped down to caress his ass. “Not too tired to give you your surprise.”

  He liked the sound of that. “Do I get a hint?”

  “It won’t be a surprise if I give you a hint.”

  “Will I like it?”

  Her grin was so wicked and sexy, his cock immediately responded. “I think you’ll love it.”

  “Do you still want to try the hot tub?”

  “That’s a good place to start.”

  Intrigued by what she had planned, Griff quickened their pace. They arrived at his house moments later. Holding Emma’s hand, he led her through the laundry room and into the small bathroom that opened into the hot tub area. The area was enclosed, but with a flip of a switch, two walls rolled back to expose the woods behind his house. The glass panels in the ceiling let the stars and moonlight shine on the sparkling water.

  “This is wonderful.” She looked up at the glass panels. “I love that you can see the stars while you’re in the tub.”

  “It’s relaxing.” Griff flipped the switch to move the walls. He smiled when Emma’s eyes widened.

  “Oh wow. What an incredible view. The moonlight makes the ground look like it’s covered in snow.”

  “I sat in the tub last New Year’s Eve and watched the snow falling. It was breathtaking.”

  She faced him, a tender expression on her face. “You sat here alone?”

  Griff nodded. “I could’ve gone out with Rye and Dax, but I wasn’t in a partying mood.”

  “No, I guess you weren’t.”

  Enough of the trip down memory lane. He hadn’t invited Emma to his home to harp on his past. He tugged off his T-shirt and dropped it on the floor. “Time to get naked.”

  Chapter Ten

  Emma stood still and watched Griff remove the rest of his clothes. She swallowed when his briefs fell to the floor. His cock was already half hard. It wouldn’t take much coaxing from her for it to be full and ready for her to ride it.

  Her pussy clenched and wept, her clit throbbed. She doubted if she’d ever tire of looking at his body, feeling that thick cock slide into her channel.

  He walked up to her, a teasing grin on his lips. “You aren’t naked.”

  “I’m enjoying the view.”

  “I want to enjoy the view too.”

  He pulled off her tank and dropped it. By the time he’d unhooked and removed her bra, his shaft had hardened until it stood straight up and almost touched his stomach. Emma wrapped her hand around the base and smiled when he drew in a sharp breath.

  His reaction proved he liked her touch, so it surprised her when he gently tugged her hand away from him.

  “No touching until you’re naked.”

  She rose on her tiptoes and spoke against his lips. “Then get me naked, because I want to touch.”

  He obeyed her command, quickly stripping her of the rest of her clothing and shoes. Cradling both breasts in his hands, he gave a tender kiss to each nipple. “Ready for the tub?”

  Emma nodded. Griff released her breasts and pressed a button on a panel next to the rim. Lights came on in the bottom of the hot tub. Another button started the jets bubbling.

  “This is the low setting for the jets,” he said. “Do you want more?”

  “No, that looks good.”

  Griff climbed over the rim, held up his hand for Emma to take, and helped her into the tub. Still holding her hand, he moved backward and sat down. She straddled his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck, wiggling until she pressed her body completely against his.

  “You know what we need?” she asked.



  “Sorry. All out of champagne.”

  “Then I guess I’ll have to settle for this.”

  She kissed him with all the passion and longing inside her. Griff returned kiss for kiss, his hands sweeping down her back, over her buttocks, up to her breasts. Grasping her waist, he lifted her until his shaft could slide between her legs. His length caressed her feminine lips every time he pumped his hips.

  It sounded so delicious to have sex in a hot tub, but she knew from experience that it wasn’t comfortable. Instead of the water helping, it washed away her natural cream. She’d like nothing better than to rise up and take Griff’s cock inside her. If she did, she’d regret it.

  “Griff, we can’t make love here.”

  “There are a lot of ways to make love, Emma.”

  He kissed her before she had the chance to ask him to explain what he meant. Then she couldn’t speak at all because his kiss stole her ability to form words. His mouth moved over hers, his tongue caressed the seam of her lips. She parted them and sucked his tongue into her mouth. It explored her mouth before he withdrew it and licked a line down her neck. At the base, he nipped her skin firmly enough to make her gasp.

  “Hurt?” he asked.

  “No. I love it.”

  Griff held the back of her head and tilted her neck to the side. Emma could feel the sucking motion of his lips. “You’re marking me.”


  “I have a meeting with your father tomorrow.”

  He kept sucking. Each pull of his lips corresponded with the throbbing of her clit. She rocked back and forth, rubbing her labia over his cock. God, she was so close to coming…

  Griff released her skin as he gripped her hips and kept her from moving. Her orgasm faded and died before it could peak. She couldn’t complain, not when he was kissing her so deeply again.

  “Lean back,” he whispered in a ragged voice. “Let yourself float on the water. I’ll help you.”

  She had no idea what he had in mind, but she was willing to do whatever he wanted. Releasing his shoulders, she leaned back and relaxed. Griff clutched her hips, so she didn’t worry about going underwater.

  “Reach over your head and hold the rim.”

  Once she’d done as he said, he shifted his hands to her thighs and spread them wider. Emma barely had the time to inhale before he touched her clit with his tongue.

  He’d come in her mouth and they’d fucked, but this was the first time he’d put his mouth on her pussy. He’d kissed her through her panties, yet had never touched her bare flesh with his tongue.

  Until now.

  Draping her thighs over his shoulders, he clasped her buttocks and brought her pussy out of the water. Emma gripped the padded rim tighter when he laved her entire labia. She slowly released the death grip, relaxing again so her upper body floated. The warm water made her feel as if she were drifting on a cloud with all her focus between her legs.

  Griff took his time, slowly bathing her intimate flesh. He didn’t flash his tongue over her clit, didn’t suckle it between his lips. He simply lapped at the feminine lips, the sensitive bud. He ventured almost to her anus, but didn’t lick that h
ighly erogenous part of her body.

  Most of the men she’d been with enjoyed anal play. Emma wondered why Griff avoided licking her there, a place where she liked a lot of attention.

  He returned to her clit. She forgot all about where he hadn’t gone and concentrated on where he was now. He still licked her slowly, letting her pleasure build gently instead of crashing through her. The tip of his tongue barely touched her, then it darted into her channel. Emma gasped. Using Griff’s shoulders under her thighs for leverage, she tried to arch her pussy closer to his mouth.

  “Faster, Griff. Please!”

  He ignored her plea. He held her so she couldn’t move and continued to nibble and lap. The pleasure built, an orgasm just beyond her reach. If only he would lick her a little harder…

  Without any warning, Griff latched onto her clit and suckled while he pushed two fingers into her channel. Emma’s body jerked as the climax slammed through her body.


  She released the rim of the tub, but Griff’s strong arms slipped around her and held her afloat. She appreciated that for she probably would’ve gone underwater and drowned. At least she would’ve died happy.

  Emma had no idea if seconds or minutes had passed when she was finally able to think again. She lifted her head and looked down her body. Griff had his chin propped on her mound. The heat in his eyes sent a fresh wave of wanting from head to toes.

  He released her legs and stood in the tub. Water sluiced down his skin, making her think of a god rising from the sea. She could see only to his waist, but she easily imagined the hard cock hidden beneath the surface of the water.

  Without speaking, he took her hands and helped her to stand. Holding her waist, he turned her body and pressed between her shoulder blades, silently telling her to bend over. Emma bent over the rim and rested her torso on the ledge built around half of the tub. The position lifted her ass in the air.

  Warm, wet palms kneaded her cheeks, then pulled them apart. She could hear Griff’s heavy breathing over the bubbling jets. She moved farther out on the ledge so her ass was even higher in the air.

  “Fuck,” he muttered before he rammed his cock into her channel.

  Emma crossed her arms and rested her forehead on them. Griff drove into her pussy again and again, each thrust harder than the last one.


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