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Black Light: Suspended

Page 10

by Maggie Ryan

  “Well, in your case, it applies to sexy bras as well,” he said, reaching to caress her breasts and plucking at her nipples.

  She smiled and when he pulled back, held up the t-shirt. “This looks way too small for you.”

  “That’s because it’s Janet’s,” he said, grinning. “Janet is known to leave clothing scattered all over the county. I bet there’s not a farm within a fifty-mile radius that doesn’t have a few changes of clothing lying around. She’s a very popular young woman.” When she looked at him, his grin faded as he saw the brightness in her eyes dimming. Shit, he had meant to tease… not hurt or cause her to suddenly have awkward ‘morning after’ thoughts.

  He pulled her to him. “Hey, I’m just teasing. I’ve known Janet since she was a baby. She’s a great girl who pitches in wherever needed and with a few additional, as you call us, gentlemen farmers, she is in demand. She makes enough money to pay her way through college and has earned enough experience she hopes to be a shoo-in for veterinary school.” Though he certainly hadn’t expected it, he couldn’t blame Charlie when she slapped his chest.

  “Have you no shame, MacAllister? You painted her as some sort of fantasy farmer’s daughter every man within miles lusts after.”

  “Yeah, that was pretty awful but I promise, I really didn’t mean to disparage her or upset you, Charlie. In fact, Janet is a bit like you. Knows what she wants and doesn’t let anything stand in her way.”

  “I admire women who find a way to make their dreams come true. Maybe I’ll give her a few pointers on self-defense,” Charlie said.

  Dillon chuckled. “With five brothers, I’m pretty sure she’s got that covered and if she knew I teased you like that, I’m pretty sure they’d stand by and encourage her to flip me on my ass.”

  “Good, I think I’m going to like this girl.” She stood up on her tiptoes and brushed his cheek with her lips and then stepped back and began to pull the t-shirt over her head. Muffled words came from beneath the fabric. “Um, exactly how large is Janet?”

  The reason for her question became obvious as her head popped through the neck opening, and her breasts flattened beneath the too tight fabric.

  “Well, she’s tall but obviously far less curvaceous than that fictional farmer’s daughter bombshell. Here, let me help.” He tugged the shirt off and walked to his dresser, returning with one of his own shirts. It swallowed Charlie whole but at least she’d be able to breathe. She pulled on the jeans and watched as they promptly slid from her hips.

  “Hold up, I can take care of that as well.”

  “Dillon, there is no way your pants will fit me,” Charlie said, bending to tug the jeans back up.

  “Hold your shirt up,” he ordered as he returned again from his dresser. She used one hand to obey and the other kept the jeans from falling again. He pushed a white rope through the loops and then tugged the ends until the waist drew in.

  “You just happen to have shibari ropes lying around?”

  “Yes. I practice tying knots and different patterns,” he said, tying the ends of the rope, bending forward to kiss her stomach, before tugging her shirt down. “Besides, it will make me happy to know that you’re wearing a rope that will one day be tied about your body in a different way.”

  Dillon knelt to roll the cuffs of the jeans up and then handed her the first sneaker. When it became obvious it was too big, he sat back on his heels. “You can’t go barefoot outside, but I don’t think your heels would survive.”

  “Give me a pair of your socks,” she said, removing the shoe. Once he had, the additional thickness allowed the shoe to fit snugger and she tightened the laces. Standing, she looked down at herself. “Not exactly ready for the runway, but thank you.”

  “You look adorable,” he said. “Ready for some coffee?”


  Once in the kitchen, he pressed the mug he prepared into her hands, smiling as she inhaled deeply and gave a moan as she took the first sip. “God, I will never tire of hearing that sound. Whether it’s when drinking coffee, eating some sinful dessert, or sucking my cock.” She lifted her gaze, the rim of the mug at her lips as color began to creep up her neck to stain her cheeks. “I love that blush, too.”

  She had the mug empty within a few minutes, her head tilting to one side. “Do I hear dogs?”

  “You do,” Dillon agreed. “Come meet my stock.”

  When they stepped out the kitchen door, she said, “The porch wraps around the whole house?”

  “Yes, and its width helped keep the house cool in the summer before Dad put in central air and heat.” They walked hand-in-hand down the steps and across the yard towards a large barn. When he opened a gate, she stopped.

  “Wow, this is amazing. You train dogs here, don’t you?”

  Dillon saw her looking around the enclosed area. There were areas designated to teach dogs that would become K-9 partners different skills. Large round cylinders snaked around the yard, narrow boards made little bridges, sets of bars at various levels stood waiting to have a dog climb over or crawl beneath.

  “Well, they start their training here. By the time they are old enough to be matched with their eventual owner, they finish their training at Quantico right alongside their human partner.”

  “I loved watching the teams working together when you were in Texas. People see drug dogs at places like the airport, but aren’t really aware of how much training they go through.

  “That’s true,” Dillon said. “The dogs’ training starts young before they ever meet their partners. In fact, I’ve got a group within days of earning their certification. You can come with me and watch, if you’d like.”

  “Really? I’d love that.”

  “It’s a date,” he said, squeezing her hand. “But first, we’ve got chores to do, young lady. Ready?”

  “Yes, Sir!” she practically shouted.

  They entered the barn to the sound of excited barking and the sight of dogs of various ages. Charlie slapped her hands over her ears as Dillon gave a piercing whistle. Her jaw dropped as the cacophony instantly was silenced. “Wow,” she said, removing her hands.

  “Like I said, their training starts early.” He showed her where the food was and she worked beside him to fill the many bowls. “Their water runs through pipes and is always on,” Dillon explained as he squatted down beside her. “They are fed twice a day—in the morning and evening. That’s one thing that Janet helps with. When I was in Texas, she stayed here at the house so she could not only take care of them but run them through their training. It’s important not to disrupt their regimen for too long a time. I honestly don’t know how I’m going to get along without her when she is accepted into vet school. I’ve counted on her for years. All I have to do is call and say I’m running late, and she runs over to feed them and just play a bit.”

  “Play, now that’s what I’m talking about,” Charlie said, rubbing the tummy of the puppy who’d rolled over onto his back. “They are so adorable!”

  Dillon grinned and shook his head. “You’re like Janet—spoiling them.”

  “You can’t spoil a puppy,” she said, ruffling another’s fur. “They need love just as much as humans do.”

  “That’s true,” he admitted, standing and looking around. “All right, troops, ready to play?”

  Once he’d opened all the doors, the dogs poured out to follow them into the yard. Dillon made some sort of hand signal and the dogs scattered, racing around. “They need to run off some energy before any serious training begins.” He picked up a large bucket and offered it to her.

  “Ah, so there really were balls involved in my future,” she teased, taking two of the tennis balls.

  He chuckled, loving the fact that she could be so incredibly serious when needed and yet allow herself to tease and just have fun. Even in her mismatched, borrowed clothing, she looked gorgeous. She drew back her arm and threw the ball. Dogs chased after it and they spent a half hour tossing balls and praising dogs as they retri
eved them, Charlie giving each one a hug before sending another ball flying.

  “How on earth do you ever let them go?” she asked as they took a break. “I’m already in love with every single one.”

  “It helps knowing that they are going to men and women who will not only love them, but depend on them. As much as I feel I have a bond with each one that I raise or train, the bond is nothing compared to the one between the human and his K-9 partner.”

  “Like you and Lucy,” Charlie said, rubbing her hand through Lucy’s fur. The dog had come to join them, not to run around but just to sit on the sidelines like a proud mother watching her kids play.

  “Yes. She’s a great friend. I trust her as much if not more than anyone I’ve ever worked with.” He too gave the dog a pat and then said, “Great, come meet Janet.”

  He introduced the two women and then watched as they started chatting as if they’d known each other all their lives. While some women would have been uncomfortable having to even explain why they weren’t wearing their own clothes, Charlie thanked Janet for the use of hers. He wasn’t the least bit surprised to hear Charlie asking if Janet had applied to the veterinary program at A&M.

  “Yes, but it’s one of the hardest to get into,” Janet said.

  “I’m an alumnus of the university and have some contacts. I’d be glad to help and put in a good word for you if you’d like,” Charlie offered and Janet’s squeal and hug told of her excitement.

  Dillon ran a few of the younger pups through some exercises, while Janet showed Charlie some commands that would direct the older ones through some paces. They worked for another hour before Dillon called a halt. “I’m starving. How about those pancakes I promised?”

  “And bacon,” Charlie reminded. “And more coffee. Janet, can you join us?”

  “No, but thanks. I’ve already eaten. I’ll finish up here and then I have to run out to the Adams’ place. Their mare is about to foal and Doc Worchel is going to let me do the exam.”

  Dillon took Charlie back to the house, refusing her offer to help him cook. “Just sit there and keep me company,” he said, pouring her another cup of coffee. They continued to talk about the dogs and the training until he set a huge stack of pancakes on the table, adding another plate of bacon.

  “Do you have any other stock?” she asked as she poured a generous amount of syrup over her pancakes.

  “We have some horses,” Dillon said, sliding a couple of pieces of bacon onto her plate. “They aren’t as patient with furry things nipping at their feet as people are. The stables are not far from here and they have their own pastures. Do you ride?”

  “I do,” she said. “I have since as long as I can remember.”

  “Good, then we’ll add a horseback ride to our agenda. Oh, did you have something else planned?”

  Charlie shook her head and ate her last piece of bacon after dipping it into a pool of syrup. “Let me think. Um, I could either get blisters walking around and staring up at some cold, marble statues, or ride with a warm, blooded, very much alive man… nope, no plans. I’m all yours to command for as long as you want me.”

  Dillon knew she was teasing but the words were music to his ears. He stood and moved behind her chair, bending over to kiss her, his hands cupping her breasts, rubbing his thumbs over her nipples that instantly puckered. “In that case, young lady, through there and down the stairs, you’ll find a door.” He nodded towards a door across the way. “I command you to be kneeling naked beside it by the time I put the dishes in the dishwasher.”

  She moaned and his cock twitched. Giving her earlobe a nip, he pulled her up and swatted her behind. “And I load fast!”

  “Yes, Sir,” she said softy.

  Dillon watched as she walked to the door to the basement and though she’d obviously been aroused, had instantly obeyed his order, he saw her hesitate for a moment. She looked back and he said nothing, just gave her a smile, grateful that it seemed to be enough assurance for her to open the door and disappear down the stairs.

  Though he’d spoken the truth about being quick, he took his time, allowing her some space to settle and himself a few minutes to simply think. He’d known about his proclivities since a young age, probably even younger than most as his brother Owen had the same desires of playing on a deeper level than most couples. He’d been attracted to Charlie from the moment he’d met her in Texas but she’d done an exceptional job of hiding her submissive nature behind her tough exterior. The very fact that she’d gone undercover in the role of a woman at a party where the play could become rough had only strengthened his belief that she was a strong woman. But, he’d also seen her eyes and for the first time, had understood that Charlize Fullerton was not as hard as she might wish people to think. Though the bruises he’d seen had made his blood boil, they weren’t what had given him a clue that she was struggling with the role she’d been asked to play. He’d seen her eyes, the look in them—the warrior battling with the woman. Her eyes had giving him his first inkling that beneath the surface, Charlie was craving something… someone who would take the time to peel back all those layers she’d built up over the years.

  Last night, at Black Light, he’d witnessed the true submissive woman begin to emerge from inside Charlize Fullerton. He’d watched her eyes soften and her body responding to his every command, his every touch. Washing the iron skillet he’d used, he was surprised at the stab of jealousy he felt. Not because of Sorenson—no, as far as he was concerned, that man was nothing but a sadistic bastard. What had him pausing as he worked was picturing her with another man, and while he was no beginner, he found he wanted to be the one—the only one—who made her tremble with the desire to serve. It was a new feeling and yet one that he knew was right. Charlie was the most amazing woman he’d ever met. As he looked towards the basement, he envisioned her nude and kneeling, waiting, wondering both what was behind the door and what he had planned once he took her through it. Her nipples would be tight and her pussy leaking, her blood pulsing through her veins and her heart beating a little faster. Fuck! Just picturing her had his cock rock hard. Closing the door on the dishwasher, he told Lucy to stay and then descended the stairs.

  He found her exactly as he’d ordered. Last night she’d said that she hadn’t much experience with the many possibilities of the BDSM world. But, looking at her now, he understood that she’d paid attention in the classes she’d taken. Her very pose stated she’d had at least some basic training in submissive positions. Charlie was in the ‘rest’ or ‘waiting’ position. She was sitting with her legs tucked beneath her so her butt rested on her heels. Her hands were placed palms up on her thighs which were slightly apart, and her head was lowered. And like he’d imagined, her nipples were tightly puckered little berries, but as for her sex, he’d need a better look. “Spread your thighs wider. I want to be able to see your glistening pussy.” She immediately shifted her legs apart and, sure enough, he could see the slickness coating the petals of her sex.

  He entered the code on the electronic pad next to the door to the playroom, and when the lock clicked open, he saw Charlie give a small jerk. Anticipation was quite the aphrodisiac, he thought, as he pushed the door open and said, “Follow me.”

  She moved to her feet with a fluidity that told of practice. He entered the room, flipping open a panel next to the door and turning on the lights. Once she was fully inside, he closed the door behind them, hearing the lock engage, ensuring their privacy. She stood, her legs apart, her hands at her sides.

  He stepped around her, reached for her arms and pulled them behind her. “When standing, I prefer for you to have your arms behind you, hands on opposite elbows. And, Charlie, while some Doms require their submissive to keep their head and eyes lowered, I love to watch the expressions on your face and look into your gorgeous eyes. Head up and face forward.” Once she lifted her head, he wrapped his arms around her. “Welcome to my playroom. Go ahead, look around.”

  Her head slowly swiveled and he allow
ed her body to translate her thoughts to him. As her eyes traveled over the various areas and apparatus, he felt her breathing quicken. Her head stilled when she saw the leather swing hanging in one corner and she gave a small gasp when she moved on to see a spanking bench in another. The large St. Andrew’s cross brought a soft moan, though the fact that he’d begun to roll her nipples between his fingers might have accounted for that as well. His cock stiffened as he anticipated seeing her in every possible pose—bound on, bent over, or laid across the items he’d selected with such care. He smiled as he asked himself where to start and then left the decision to her.

  “What would you like to try first?” he asked.

  “The swing, please.”

  The hesitancy was gone and he smiled. “Perfect choice,” he agreed, kissing up the side of her neck to nibble on an ear. “Go kneel by the swing.” He released her, pleased to see she kept her arms behind her as she went to obey his instruction. Once there, she turned to face him, sinking gracefully into the first position, only then moving her arms, laying her hands on her thighs, her fingers once more gently curled as if offering them to be bound if her Dom so desired, or to accept an object that he’d chosen to use on her body. She made a beautiful picture of supplication.

  Dillon removed his boots, socks and t-shirt, leaving his pants on. He adjusted the temperature, not wanting her to become chilled. Walking across the room towards her, he saw her tongue come out and lick across her lips. He didn’t stop until he was right in front of her, pleased when she lifted her head to meet his eyes.

  “You’ve got the sexiest mouth I’ve ever seen. Every single time you lick those pouty little lips, all I can imagine is your tongue on my cock. Open.”

  She opened her mouth as he unzipped his pants and released his erection. Sliding his fingers through her hair, he gave a slight tug, silently instructing her to her knees. “Keep your legs spread while you suck,” he ordered as he pushed his cock between her lips. She immediately began to swirl her tongue across his flesh, lapping up the pre-cum that had already begun to ooze from the slit in his cock. He gave her time to taste, to lick, to kiss and then moved forward again, pushing more of his cock into her mouth. “Take more,” he said, and she instantly moved down his length, taking as much as she could until he hit the back of her throat.


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