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Black Light: Suspended

Page 15

by Maggie Ryan

  “We’re not… walking out there naked are we?” she asked when it became apparent that he wasn’t intending to hand her dress to her.

  Dillon laughed again. “Did you forget we are in a sex club?”

  Charlie opened her mouth and then closed it. She wasn’t about to admit that yes, she’d totally forgotten. Where the club was modern, bright and open, this room—no, this dungeon—was exactly how she imagined ones beneath the floors of ancient castles to be. But though it was small and dim, flickering lights representing flames in sconces along the walls, instead of fear, she felt her insides quickening again. Equipment she could see included a set of stocks, a large St. Andrew’s cross, and another raised table.

  “Ready?” Dillon’s question snapped her back to the present and she took his extended hand. It wasn’t until she took a step that she pulled up short.

  “Um… Dillon?” she whispered though the room had cleared out.

  “Honey, no one is going to care that you’re naked—”

  “No, it’s not that,” Charlie began, glad the room was dim as she was positive her face was scarlet. The moment she’d started walking, she’d felt the movements of the balls still tucked up inside her pussy. “What… what if the ben wa balls fall out?”

  Dillon’s grin had her face heating even more. “Well, that they might notice. So, baby, I suggest you let the need to concentrate on keeping them inside take your mind off the fact that you’re nude.”

  She groaned but did tighten her pelvic muscles as he slipped an arm around her waist. And, as he’d suggested, she barely noticed the people they passed, and didn’t care a bit that she was a glistening, naked woman as her Dominant led her across the club.

  Charlie discovered that the coed shower room wasn’t only for cleaning off. After Dillon set their clothes into a cubby, she blushed as he squatted before her. “Okay, push down.”

  “Oh, God,” she whispered… embarrassed to have to release the ben wa balls out in the open until she realized that other people in the room were not the least bit interested in what she was doing. They were too involved in their own enjoyment to even glance her way. After Dillon had caught the toys, they washed the ben wa balls and anal bead string as well before soaping each other. Dillon dried her with a thick fluffy towel. As he fastened her dress, she could barely keep her eyes open.

  “Just a bit longer and then you can curl up and sleep on the way home,” Dillon promised, pulling on his clothing and guiding her from the room. They found Owen and as Dillon told him they were heading out; Charlie was aware enough to notice he was scowling a bit. Looking over her shoulder, she saw Marty sitting on the lap of some man, her face animated, obviously telling some sort of story by the way her hands were constantly moving. When Marty looked up and caught her eye, Charlie smiled and gave her a little wave, mouthing, “See you later.” Marty nodded, gave a quick glance to the two brothers, and then returned her attention to her companion, draping her arms around his neck. As Dillon led her from the club, Charlie was still smiling. It seemed that Owen might need to step up his game if he had any interest in the feisty accountant.

  Chapter 11

  Dillon woke her early the next morning with a kiss. When she grumbled, he ran his hand down her side and cupped her bottom cheek. “Up and at ‘em, recruit,” he said, giving her ass a swat.

  “You’re a sadist, MacAllister,” she said, sitting up in the bed.

  “That’s Special Agent MacAllister today, young lady. Get dressed and come downstairs… and that means in the next five minutes. Don’t you dare go back to sleep.”

  “Lord, you are bossy.”

  Dillon laughed and pulled her up, giving her a hug and another kiss. “Get used to it. Today is going to be full of orders for you to obey.”

  “Hmmm, maybe I’ll just stay here and play with the puppies.”

  “Well, suit yourself, but if you’re too chicken to run a real obstacle course instead of those wimpy courses the DEA thinks are badass, then, I suppose—”

  “Take that back!” Charlie said, her eyes finally clearing. “I bet I can run your course with one hand tied behind my back.”

  He grinned and pulled her closer, his hands cupping her bare butt. “As much as I love to see you bound, I’m afraid that would be a safety infraction. Besides, don’t you want to eat in the cafeteria?”

  Charlie laughed. “Well why didn’t you say that in the first place?” He gave her butt a slap and released her. He was at the door before she said, “Wait, what should I wear?”

  “Did you pack those sexy little khaki shorts you ran around in down in Brownsville?”

  “You’ve got a strange sense of fashion, Agent MacAllister, but yes.”

  “Wear them and a t-shirt, socks and tennis shoes. Oh, and pull your hair up. It will make a useful handle if I have to tug you up the wall.”

  “Very funny. It’s going to be a very short handle,” she muttered but moved to where her suitcase had been placed. Dillon left her to get ready as he returned to the kitchen.

  A few minutes later, he looked up and grinned. “Well, well, how did you know?” he asked.

  “Know what?” she asked nonchalantly, but her twitching lips gave her away.

  Evidently Charlie had found one of Lucy’s rawhide bones as it was now balanced on top of her head, her black ponytail sticking straight up. She looked just like Pebbles of The Flintstones. He turned off the burner on the stove and began to stalk towards her, leering as her smile vanished and she started backing away. “It’s always been a fantasy of mine to go back in time to visit the stone age… especially as I fell in love with Pebbles years ago and have been blessed with my own club.” She whirled and streaked away, the bone sliding off her head as he took off after her. It didn’t take long to catch her, popping her butt as he chanted, “Bam… bam, bam.”

  “I couldn’t resist,” she squealed, wiggling for all she was worth as Lucy bounced around the couple as if wanting to join the fun.

  “You are just too damned cute.” He kissed her and retrieved the bone, tossing it to Lucy before leading Charlie back into the kitchen and handing her a mug of coffee.

  “I can’t possibly eat all this,” she complained a moment later when he placed a plate piled high with scrambled eggs, bacon, a thick slice of ham, crisp hash browns and two pieces of toast in front of her.

  “You can and you will,” Dillon corrected. “You’re going to be burning a lot of calories today.”

  “So that part about the cafeteria was just a lie?” she asked, buttering a piece of toast.

  “Nope, you’ll need to refuel then before the afternoon session.” He joined her at the table, grinning as she rolled her eyes again. He knew she’d be grateful she’d eaten a hearty breakfast by the time lunch rolled around.

  Charlie had practically bounced on the seat the entire drive to Quantico. Lucy sat on her other side, seeming as amused as he about Charlie’s excitement. He stopped at the gate, signed in, adding her name as a visitor and then drove onto the grounds.

  Charlie’s head swiveled as she looked out the windows. “How big is Quantico?”

  “Pretty big,” Dillon said as he made a turn. “There are over 500 acres with several areas serving different purposes. We have the FBI academy here as well as buildings for forensic training, and other administration facilities. There are gun ranges, various obstacle courses, some for humans and then there are ones designed for K-9 training. We’ve got mock-ups of what one might expect to find in war zones, buildings set up to train dogs to find drugs and others set up to search for survivors or recover bodies after man-made or natural disasters.”

  She looked up at him, stilling at the thought of disasters. “Do you use real bodies?”

  “Yes. Have you ever read any books by Patricia Cromwell?” At her nod, he continued. “Her novel Body Farm includes information about forensics and the decay of a human body. It sounds a bit morbid, but the research has improved knowledge from everything about how to determine how
long a body has been buried by studying insect activity, to how to judge the cause of death. Without people dedicating their remains to science, forensics wouldn’t be as exact a science as it is now.”

  She nodded her understanding and turned her attention back to the windows as they passed a large group of people running in formation. “This reminds me of my training,” Charlie said. “Some days I thought my legs were made of rubber from all the miles we had to run.”

  “Yes, it’s pretty intensive, but I must say, all that running has given you some mighty fine legs, Agent Fullerton.” He emphasized his point by running his hand over her bare thigh, slipping his fingers beneath the hem of her shorts.

  “Watch it, Agent MacAllister,” she said as she pulled at his wrist. “It wouldn’t do for the teacher to be seen mauling his student.”

  “Oh, Charlie, that comment just brought up the sexiest little image of you in a short little plaid skirt, a white blouse, knee socks, and of course, a pair of white little panties just waiting to come down.”

  “So not fair,” she said as he pulled into a parking lot. “That’s all I’m going to be thinking of all day!”

  Dillon laughed, turned off the ignition and then bent to kiss her. “Maybe the image of running from the teacher wielding a paddle…” he paused, remembering that she’d said one of her hard limits was a wooden paddle. “Sorry, babe—”

  “No, don’t be,” she said softly, reaching up to cup his cheek. “I trust you and know that you’d never harm me.” She bent forward and kissed him lightly.

  He helped her out of the truck and clipped a leash onto Lucy’s collar. “We’ve got some time to get you checked in and look around before the others arrive.”

  Dillon took her into a building and introduced her to several people he worked with. He wasn’t the least bit surprised when the teasing ended and she turned into the serious agent he’d met all those months ago. He also wasn’t surprised that she seemed to be absorbing everything as he gave her a quick tour on the way to his office. Once inside, he gathered the papers he’d need as she looked around.

  “You have some pretty impressive accolades, Special Agent MacAllister.” He glanced up from the papers on a clipboard he was flipping through to see her standing at the wall where several plaques hung.

  “I’ve worked with some great teams,” he said, not one to be particularly impressed by what he considered an expected, but unnecessary, ego-wall.

  “You forget; I’ve seen you in action. I think it’s wonderful that you not only do what you do, but that you train others to do it as well. The more thoroughly trained any agent is, the better it is for the good guys.”

  He accepted her compliment and then led her back out into the hall. “Come on, I’ve got a little shopping to do.”

  “More shopping? What kind of shopping?” she asked, suspicion in her voice.

  Dillon chuckled and bent down to whisper, “Did I forget to mention we have a training area on researching new products for that special course I told you about?”

  Her eyes widened and her mouth opened before her nose crinkled. “You are so bad.”

  “And you love every minute of it,” he said, leading her down another hall and into a large locker room. “It’s going to be sunny and I don’t want you to burn,” he said, selecting a baseball cap from a shelf. Loosening the band, he put it on her head and then chuckled as the pouf of hair on top of her head caused the hat to stick up. Removing it, he pulled the band from her hair, smoothing it down and tucking it behind her ears, before adjusting the snaps to fit. “There goes my nifty handle. Guess you’ll have to climb up that wall yourself, Fullerton, but at least now you look like an official trainee.” She’d paired a polo shirt with the khaki shorts, the DEA emblem over her left breast.

  “This group consists of DEA and FBI agents, as well as law enforcement officers from around the country. They’ve been training for several weeks and will graduate on Friday if all goes well.”

  She nodded as they left the building behind, and after he’d left Lucy with another agent, he said, “She’ll join the other dogs until later. Are you ready to meet the others?”


  Dillon and Charlie walked some distance and had just climbed a small rise when she halted. “Wow, you weren’t kidding, that’s some course!”

  Off in the distance was an obstacle course that spread out of sight. He grinned. “Having second thoughts, Agent Fullerton?”

  She smiled and shook her head. “Are you kidding? I can’t wait!”

  Dillon laughed as she kept looking towards the obstacle course as he led her down the small hill to where people were milling about. Like the both of them, the dozen who made up the class were all in shorts, and shirts with various emblems denoting their agency on their chests. All wore baseball caps as well.

  “Morning,” Dillon said.

  “Good morning, Sir,” they all replied, the chatter stopping as they formed a line in front of him.

  “I’d like to introduce you to Agent Fullerton. She’s DEA working down in Texas. She’s going to join us for the rest of the week.” He looked down the line and grinned. “Couple of things you need to know. Don’t let her size fool you, she’s little but she can have you flat on your back before you can blink. And, don’t embarrass me by letting her outshine you, because I assure you, she’s gonna try.”

  “Gee thanks,” Charlie muttered, knowing her face was heating. Dillon just grinned knowing that if she had intended to hold back, she wouldn’t dare now.

  “Now, get in line, recruit!” A slap against her shorts had her jumping and her face coloring, and yet she was wearing a huge smile.

  Once she had joined the others, the line moved into two, spreading out, and Dillon began to lead them through exercises that would get their blood pumping and their muscles loosening. He was a man who believed in teaching by example. Though he could easily assign some assistant to lead them through their paces, he exercised right along with him. He might pay a hefty monthly fee to be a member of Black Light, but he didn’t have to pay a dime for a gym. He pushed his body hard, the reward being not only physical fitness, but an endurance that allowed him to play and a stamina that assured that play could go for hours. Hours he hoped would extend into years if he could convince a little Texan to join him.

  Charlie jumped, bent, stretched, did sit ups and crunches with the rest of them, feeling the pull of muscles and yet reveling in the exercise. After their ‘little warm-up’, Dillon instructed them to hydrate and handed her a bottle of water. It became clear that he wasn’t hung up on his position as the others milled around them, welcoming her and joking with Dillon. She was surprised when one of the other DEA agents congratulated her on the drug bust.

  “Thanks, it was only possible because of agents like y’all. Dill… I mean, Special Agent MacAllister and Lucy spent several months training DEA and ICE agents before the operation. The K-9 corps were responsible for leading us to the drugs. It was absolutely amazing to watch the dogs work.”

  “Ahhh, so it was really Lucy who captured your heart?” Claudia, a female FBI agent asked.

  “Um, I think I’ll keep that a secret,” Charlie said, knowing her face had heated as she saw Dillon grin. The group’s easy banter and camaraderie allowed Charlie not only to relax but to feel more a part of the group as they easily accepted her as a fellow agent.

  “Okay, enough chit-chat,” Dillon said. “Remember to hydrate at the stations. Pace yourselves, but just to keep you motivated, the last one to the course will pay a penalty. All right, move out.”

  Charlie ran beside the others, enjoying the sight of Dillon in the lead. He was by far the most fit man she’d ever seen. His muscles rippled as he ran, his long stride easily eating up the miles as the group ran, and his butt… she could look at it flexing all day. Unlike the recruits she’d seen earlier running on the grounds, Dillon led them not over a road, but through the trees. As the first mile passed and then the second, the group be
gan to spread apart. Not about to discover what the penalty was for being last, Charlie stayed in the middle. The run was taxing, but it was beautiful. Unlike the parts of Texas where she’d worked, which was basically flat, there were rolling hills and rises that they ran up and down. She could see the blue of a lake off in the distance and the grass was a verdant green. By the fifth mile, she was beginning to feel the strain in both her legs and her lungs, a bit surprised but realized that she was running at a higher elevation as well. She fell back a little, but not enough to be in last place. As they passed a juncture, she saw those ahead veering to the right to grab a water bottle from a large plastic bin. Doing the same, she continued to run as she gulped down most of the icy cold liquid and then upended the remainder at the back of her neck. She shuddered and her nipples hardened inside her sports bra at the sudden shock, but felt refreshed enough to pick up the pace. It wasn’t long before she found a burst of energy as the obstacle course came into view. Though she was breathing hard by the time she joined the others, she wasn’t last.

  “Good job,” Dillon said, handing her another bottle of water. “Drink all of it.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she said, saluting him with the bottle before uncapping it.

  “Smartass,” he said softly, grinning as he did.

  A few minutes later, she heard him say, “Nice of you to join us, Baxter. Drop and give me fifty.”

  “Yes, Sir,” the man said. He was an FBI agent who’d joined the K-9 corps upon successful completion of the basic agent training course and didn’t bat an eye as he began to pay the penalty for being last. The muscles in his biceps bulged as he pressed his body weight up and down, nose to the ground with each descent. It didn’t take him long either. For the last push-up, he folded an arm across his back and after he completed it, he jumped to his feet.

  “Well done,” Charlie said, passing him a bottle of water. “You made that look so easy.”

  Baxter chuckled and drained the bottle in one long swallow. “Beats having to run fast.”


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