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Marked By The Devil (The Devil's Riders Book 5)

Page 7

by Joanna Blake

  “Molly, I’ve heard so much about you.”

  “You have?”

  “Apparently, Callaway has a lot of good things to say. The whole club is talking about it.”

  I glared at her for blowing up my spot, and she laughed at me. Janet was always cheeky. She was worse than the guys when it came to talking smack and could hold her own with anyone, even a burly biker. Molly had turned an adorable shade of pink.


  “So, you’re looking for work?”

  Molly nodded eagerly.

  “Do you have a resume?”

  “I’m between computers, but I can get it for you if you give me a few days.”

  “That’s okay. Just tell me what you’ve done.”

  I stood there, watching Molly with pride. She listed all her jobs and the skills she used at each one. She was young and inexperienced, but she was a hard worker. And she wasn’t afraid to speak up for herself. I have to admit I was impressed.

  Especially when she rattled off her GPA and the award she’d won in high school. The girl should be in college, I realized with a frown. A girl like her deserved to keep learning, if that’s what she wanted.

  How could she be, dumbass? Her brother’s in a fucking coma and she’s his guardian.

  Well, things would change now that she was with me. She wouldn’t be alone anymore. The weight would come off her pretty shoulders. I’d handle things. I stopped, realizing she might not like that. My Molly was way too independent.

  I amended my thought.

  I’d help her handle things.

  Janet had her come behind the front desk. They put their two pretty heads together and started looking at the schedule to set up a few shifts. They would start on a trial basis. I was grinning ear to ear when we left a few minutes later.

  Molly took my hand when I tried to put her helmet on. She squeezed it, stopping me. I looked down at her gorgeous face.

  Damn, she’s almost too pretty to look at! But I’ll do my best to get used to it. To get used to her.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing’s wrong. I just . . . I want to thank you.”

  I gave her a suggestive grin.

  “Thank me with a kiss.”

  She nodded shyly and stepped in, lifting her chin toward me. I was a hell of a lot taller than her, so even on her tiptoes, she couldn’t reach my lips.

  Of course, lying down, we wouldn’t have that problem . . .

  Images of the two of us tangled up in bed flooded my head, immediately sending my cock to full attention. With a groan, I caught her against me, kissing her deep and long. Her arms slid around my neck as she kissed me back, not holding back this time.


  The sound of passing cars brought me back to reality. We were getting some attention from rubberneckers on the busy road. Whoops.

  “Let’s get out of here.”

  She turned pink and I knew she got my meaning. I wanted to be alone with her. I wanted to do things to her. Lots of dirty, filthy things.


  “Come on, we’ll go to my place. I have that computer you were wanting to use.”

  I helped her onto the back of my ride and climbed on, reminding her to hold tight before I started the engine. I drove a hell of a lot slower with her on the back, that was for damn sure.

  I even followed the damn speed limit, something I never did.

  My ride was custom and it had an engine that was faster than anything else on the road. Well, other than Jack’s ride. But he had done mine, so they might be about equal.

  Either way, it went way faster than the speed limit. Something I took advantage of on a daily basis. But not with her precious fanny behind me on the leather seat.

  Just thinking about her sweet ass made my cock so hard it hurt. I resisted the urge to speed home so I could get some relief. Or at least try to get some relief.

  Soon enough, Callaway.

  I fuckin’ hoped so, anyway. There was every chance that today would end with my balls turning blue again. I didn’t care. I just wanted to touch her. Make her come. It was nuts, but it was the truth.

  I just wanted her. It was a new sensation for me. My own selfish desires were secondary. Yeah, I knew I would go off like a rocket when the moment came. But all the other stuff that came before the finale had me grinning with anticipation.

  Molly’s first time had to be perfect, whether it was today or some other time. Hopefully, not in the distant future.

  Definitely with me.

  I pulled into my parking spot in front of my apartment building. The landlady, Mrs. Keeley, loved me and had given me a reserved spot. It was safer under the street light, though nobody in this town would dare touch an SOS bike.

  Not unless they were suicidal. It could happen, I guess. Death by biker. It kind of had a ring to it.

  “This is where you live?”

  I nodded, helping her off the back of the bike.

  “Yeah, I’ve been here since high school. But I’m saving up for a little place. Maybe outside town, where it’s green.”

  “That sounds . . . really nice.”

  Her eyes were a little starry-eyed. I could tell I’d impressed her. Good. I needed all the help I could get in that department. I decided not to scare her by telling her that I kept picturing her living in the house with me.

  “Come on, let’s get you set up on the computer. I can make us lunch in a little bit.”

  “Okay. Thanks, Callaway.”

  I took her hand and squeezed.

  “Don’t think twice. What’s mine is yours.”

  I held the door open for her and then pushed the elevator button. I usually took the stairs to my third-floor apartment, but today, I had other things on my mind. Like what to do with Miss Molly in a confined space.

  The moment the elevator doors closed behind us, I pounced. I pulled her against me, grinning wolfishly. She let out a little surprised squeak as my lips came crashing down on hers. I kissed the hell out of her, using all of my experience to knock her socks off.

  It worked.

  A soft ding announced that the doors had opened when I finally stopped kissing her. She was pressed against the faux-wood paneling of the elevator, one leg lifted and wrapped around me.

  She looked stunned as I grinned at her.

  “After you.”

  Chapter Twelve


  Callaway’s apartment was . . . unexpected. Sunny and clean, with some pretty cool retro furniture and family photos. It didn’t look like the drug-filled pussy palace I had been half expecting in the back on my mind.

  There was only thing I didn’t like, and it took me a minute to figure out what it was. The apartment was freezing.

  I wrapped my arms around me.

  “Shit. Are you cold?”

  I nodded, and he raced to turn off the AC in a room I couldn’t see. He appeared a moment later, looking sheepish. He opened the window and took off his jacket, offering it to me.

  “Sorry. I sleep better with the AC on. I must have forgotten to turn it off.”

  “It’s okay.”

  His leather jacket was deliciously warm and heavy as he slid it over my shoulders. It smelled good too. Like old leather, a hint of cologne, and something else. Something manly but hard to describe.

  Not BO, that was for sure.

  Callaway never smelled bad, from what I could tell. I eyed his hair as he stood there, looking serious. His hair was perfect. Always. The sides were shaved with a styled mop on the top. He was more stylish than your average biker, and that was before you even noticed the piercings and tats.

  Never mind that his clothes fit him like a glove and looked well-made and expensive but perfectly worn-in.

  “You look good in my jacket.”

  I could tell he wanted to kiss me, but he didn’t. I exhaled, realizing I’d been holding my breath. The kiss in the elevator had overwhelmed me and left me feeling restless and unsettled.

��So, ah, the computer is in the bedroom. Let me get it and bring it out here.”

  I knew he wanted me to tell him not to bother. That it was fine and that we could work in the bedroom. But I didn’t. I was still feeling shy around him and nervous about what he might expect.

  And I just wasn’t ready to see this big, raw, sexy man’s bed just yet.

  I was insanely curious about his bed and what might happen in it, but I was equally nervous. Knowing he wanted to take me in there and do all kinds of things with me only made me antsier. I swear I could feel my clothes on my skin, and the tiny hairs all over my body stood up.

  And that was before I remembered exactly what had happened on my kitchen table.

  Callaway chose that moment to walk in and caught me staring at the small table that sat just under the window that dominated the living room. He gave me a wry smile and walked over to it, setting down his laptop.

  He sat down and looked at me.

  “Sit down, Molly.” He lifted an eyebrow. “I’m not going to bite.”

  I sat down next to him and watched as he logged into his Wi-Fi. I stifled a giggle, though it was hard to resist teasing him.

  “Your Wi-Fi name is . . . Mee-maw?”

  He looked mildly embarrassed, which made my heart melt.

  “That’s what I used to call Bonnie. When I first went to live with her.”

  I felt questions tumble to my lips, wanting to explode. What had happened to his parents? How old had he been? Had he been scared?

  But I didn’t say anything. My hands slid under my thighs in a familiar gesture. I always sat on my fingertips when I was unsure of myself, which was a pretty frequent occurrence. Especially around someone so confident and appealing.

  “I thought you called her ‘Nana’,” I mumbled instead.

  “Oh, yeah. I used both back then but ‘Nana’ stuck, I guess.”

  He slid the laptop over to me and sat back.

  “Have at it.”


  I leaned forward, and he immediately moved his chair closer, his hand sliding under the jacket to stroke my back. I almost purred in pleasure. His big hand was so warm. The apartment was losing the chill with the warm air coming through the window, but Callaway’s heat was different.



  It seemed to penetrate my skin, heating the bones and muscles beneath. I felt like a cat, leaning into someone’s hand. His touch was so reassuring I nearly cried.

  “What are we looking for?”

  “I need to make sure his benefits are still up to date. And I want to apply for more aid.” I stared at the screen. “This is great. I can do all of this online instead of mailing in forms.”


  He sat there in complete silence while I updated my contact info and checked on the status of Tommy’s benefits. No pressure. No distractions. Only his calm presence and patience as I did what I had to do. It took almost an hour, but he didn’t make a peep other than to offer me a glass of water.

  Finally, I sat back, rubbing the bridge between my eyes.


  “No, I just . . . I think I need glasses. I had a pair but I lost them. It’s not a big deal.”

  “Hell yes, it is.” He grinned at me. “I think you’d look cute in glasses.”

  I laughed, shaking my head. He even made glasses sound like a come-on. Did this guy have any turn-offs?

  I asked him and his smile faded.

  “Not when it comes to you.”


  He leaned in. I could have pulled away but I didn’t.

  His lips were so soft as they pressed into mine. Warm. Firm. The kiss was tender at first, but it quickly became demanding. His mouth opened, and my lips did the same. His tongue danced into my mouth, and I mimicked his moves, making him growl his approval.


  Before I could even react, he’d lifted me off my feet so I was pressed against his body. I gasped at the feeling of his hardness. I could feel his blazing-hot cock through his jeans and my clothes. It triggered something deep inside me, and I whimpered, not recognizing the feminine sound of my own voice.

  Then I was horizontal. Callaway loomed above me for a split second before he came crashing down on me. We moaned in unison as the full length of our bodies made contact. My thighs opened without conscious thought, and he was wedging his narrow hips between them.

  “Molly . . .”

  His lips found the sensitive spots on my throat. He kissed and licked and tickled me as his hands wandered up and down my body at will. He pulled my earlobe into his hot mouth and tongued it. He was revving me up. I wondered if he knew how far. I was nearly out of my mind by the time he undid the buttons of my shirt and spread it wide.

  “Hmm . . . I want you so badly.”

  I took a deep breath.

  “I want . . . you too.”

  His eyes were hooded and somehow penetrating. It was like he was looking straight through me. But I could see he was struggling with his control.

  “But you’re not sure how much.”

  “No. That’s not it.”

  “Okay, not how much.” He kissed me. “But how far.”

  I nodded, nearly forgetting what we were talking about.

  “Tell me, Molls.”

  “Well, maybe a little bit farther . . .”

  “But not far enough to go into my bedroom.”

  “Right. I mean, if that’s okay.”

  “Fuck, Molly. I’m not going to turn down having you in my arms.”

  He groaned as our lips met again. His kisses were more controlled now, but I could feel the wildness underneath. He was a wild man. But he was gentle with me.

  I trusted him, I realized with a start.

  So I didn’t hold back. I felt myself letting go of all my worries, just like I did the first time I rode on the back of his bike. I felt the weight of the world lift off my shoulders.

  I didn’t hesitate or worry. I wasn’t coy. I didn’t even think about the big V hovering above us.

  Not when he kissed me. Not when he deftly removed my shirt and jeans and bra. Not when he pulled my nipples into his mouth one by one, slathering them with reverent kisses. Not when he pressed a kiss into the white cotton of my panties. When he stared up at me, his eyes were raw with need.

  I nodded, even though I felt shy about what he was doing. And I still wasn’t ready for what came after.

  He didn’t speak again. He got to work on me like a starving man at a buffet. My panties disappeared so fast it felt like they dissolved into thin air. The air wasn’t as cold anymore, but it felt cool against my most sensitive bare skin.

  But not for long. His lips were there too quickly for me to even catch a breath, kissing me and stroking me with his calloused hands.


  His tongue slid up and down the line where my lips met. It was only the second time anyone had ever done it to me, and it was overwhelming. Last time, I had stopped him so fast. Now, I was wondering why I’d been so stupid. I didn’t know anything could feel this good. His breath fanned my bare pussy and I nearly flew off the couch.

  “Mmm . . . you taste delicious.”

  The sarcastic part of me wanted to ask ‘really?’ but I never got a chance. He was too busy proving to me that he really did find me delicious. He licked me like he was licking a bowl for the last of the ice cream. My fingers wound their way into his hair without my noticing. I tugged at it, arching my back and gasping for air.

  He added a finger to the mix, rubbing it gently against my clit. I couldn’t imagine anything feeling better. Until he switched and pulled my clit into his mouth. Then he strummed his tongue against me. Hard.

  I felt his finger slide inside me as the first orgasm hit. I arched off the couch, nearly falling off. For the first time, I wished for a bed. I was ready to float back down to reality but Callaway had other ideas. He leaned back to look at me. I was out of breath and fuzzy aro
und the edges. My eyes focused as he leaned in and blew cool air against my sensitive flesh.

  “I’m not finished with you yet,” he murmured with a wicked grin.

  That was it. I was wide awake. I stared in fascination as he stuck his tongue out slowly and dragged the tip up my pussy. I nearly screamed with pleasure.

  This time, he didn’t let me come right away. He teased me endlessly, keeping me on the brink. I whimpered in frustration as he paused and stroked my nipples and winked. I wanted to slap that knowing smirk off his face. But not as badly as I wanted to shove his head back between my thighs.

  Actually, I want more.

  I froze, realizing I was thinking about him. His body. Inside mine. I wanted to do it. The big it. The ‘it’ that I had resisted for so long.


  Callaway’s expression let me know he was thinking exactly what I was thinking.

  I shook my head. It was too soon. We were on a couch. I hadn’t even seen him without his clothes yet. He moaned in disappointment and gave me a quick smile to let me know he wasn’t mad.

  “But . . .”

  His eyes swept to mine, looking hopeful.

  “Maybe we could do this . . . some more? And I could do it, you know, to you?”

  He shut his eyes and grimaced.

  “Oh, God. Yes. Okay. Yes.” He looked at me, and I saw the crazy look in his eyes. He was worked up and trying to play like he wasn’t. He looked like he was on the edge of sanity. “But maybe we could go into my bedroom.”

  I looked toward the hallway, then back at Callaway. I gave him a tiny nod. I wanted more. Just not . . . everything. But close.

  And soon.

  If I kept seeing him, it was a done deal. And I doubted I could stop this now, even if I wanted to. Sure, I was worried that a guy like him would hurt me. I was sure he wasn’t a one-woman guy. But maybe, just maybe, he wanted to be.

  I stood up and let him lead me into the bedroom.

  Chapter Thirteen


  “Oh, my GOD!”

  I gritted my teeth, holding back moans. We were on my king-sized bed, spread out. I’d already had her thighs wide as I ate her sweet pussy again, making her come a third time while my cock pulsed relentlessly in my jeans. Now I was the one who was getting worked over. And I was close to finishing.


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