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The Spiked Wolf

Page 11

by David Shiels

  Moo placed her back to the wall and peered around the corner, looking down.

  It was an immensely large dungeon, there were torches alight in the centre in a circular pattern, all on sticks similar to the ones seen on the streets in the village; but the room was so large that the room was still in vast darkness, the circle of flames looking like a flaming ring in the darkness of space.

  In the centre of the circle of fires were ten men dressed like wolves; they were half naked only in their underwear and wore a head garment and cloak combination which gave their heads the appearance of a wolf, which stretched all of the way down their back. They were in a circle chanting words that Moo and Trimple had no comprehension of. Moonlight pierced through a large hole in the ceiling which emitted a bright light in the centre of the men.

  “This is some messed up shit” Moo whispered towards the camera, which was now behind her catching all of the bizarre footage.

  Below the steps in an overhang Moo would see where the sounds of the chains were coming from. It was the woman they had seen being dragged through the forest; she was naked and looked bruised, dirty and weak, now only able to barely shake the chains which bound her to the wall, it would've been unheard by the team at this volume.

  One of the men nearest to them raised his head, turned around and approached the girl. She tried to mutter some words to him but her mouth had been filled with what looked like wood, so sharp that it pierced her skin from the inside and poked itself through to the outside world.

  He unchained her from her bind causing her body to slump to the floor; her body too weak from the constant fighting to free herself. She had given up and accepted her fate to these wolf men.

  With just one hand he dragged her to the centre of the room, her flesh being torn on the rough stone ground, then threw her onto the edge of the moonlight. She sat up and looked towards the bright heavenly light. She thought of her family, her friends, her beloved husband who had been captured with her but was nowhere to be seen.

  She hoped for someone to just jump in at the last moment and save her.

  It was done. Her head detached itself from her body and landed directly in the centre of the light; her eyes were wide open with tears staining her face. Her body remained in the position it was in. It too, like Moo, was in complete shock and could not move.

  Moo’s eyes met the woman’s gaze. The celestial light beamed directly onto her cold, motionless retinas, causing two bright beacons to shine directly towards Moo; she looked like a phantom. For a moment Moo felt a strong pain within her chest, an inner sting she had never felt before and hoped to never feel again; empathy.

  Her body finally caught up with what had occurred and collapsed, blood forming like a pool around her body; slowly slithering away as if trying to escape, hoping to find a new host.

  The man behind her casually walked off into the darkness with his shining sword, the cut had been so clean that the sword required no wiping.

  Eight of the men remained chanting while another picked up the young woman’s head, holding it in the air; chanting louder, different sentences than the other cultists.

  This went on for minutes. Moo and Trimple were too startled and amazed to move or even think of what they should do next. But the next step was decided for them when a voice came from behind them.

  “Did you know that wolves can see in the dark?”

  A Psychotic Love

  The power in the neighbourhood had gone out.

  In the corner of the room faintly lit by candlelight was a red eyed Studley, his quaking mouth bound by a dirty cloth rag.

  The stump of his arm had ceased its bleeding but still caused him immense pain; it had been like a nightmare to him.

  His arms and legs were tied.

  Lisa, with huge dark circle under her eyes, rocked back and forth on the king-sized bed, while munching on a chocolate bar, in and out of the glow of the candle, humming to herself gentle tunes, hoping to lull Studley off to sleep.

  The light detection of infection stung at Studley’s handless arm. He cried out through the soaked rag.

  Lisa’s eyes grew wide and appeared as dark as a rat in the dim flickering light.

  “Don’t make a sound, shhh, we mustn’t let anyone hear you” She whispered like a mad woman talking to one of her cats, one finger repeatedly bouncing off her lips. “You know the rules, shhh”

  Studley tightly pushed his lips together and made the ‘shhh’ sound to himself.

  There had not been a single sound in the streets since the two police officers had died; even the birds had given up all hope for this place.

  Lisa had not known what to do when Studley dismembered himself. She had spent the previous day in complete mind numbing shock.

  Studley had used most of his time crying. He didn’t understand why he was in so much pain or why he had to be so quiet.

  “They won’t take you from me Studley” She stared hard to him “No they won’t”

  She had bound and gagged him to ensure his own safety. The military and the wolves both wanted his body. He is so sought after but he is hers and only hers.

  Nothing was going to make them leave this place.


  The Wolves And The Wolf Men

  The pair swiftly spun around to see the cultist with the sword, his hands around the face of Ming, tears flowing from her eyes down his large, hairy hands.

  He used Ming as an offensive shield forcing them down the stairs to the other cultists. They bound the trio's hands using barbed wire; it dug into their skin causing small holes of blood to appear, sliding around their arms like a red bracelet decorating the tangled wire.

  All of the cultists were impossible to distinguish from the other; their bodies and faces were dark, rough and covered in tattoos; the same tattoos of wolves, wolves howling to the moon, and wolves feeding on corpses; men, buffalos, lions. The list went on.

  “You three should not have come here” said one of the cultists, his voice deep and low, it sounded like he was trying his hardest to manipulate this voice; but his face showed no signs of effort to talk.

  “You have posed a problem, we only need to sacrifice one limb from one human being once a month…” Said another man.

  “And we will not waste resources keeping three of you alive over a period of four months; we already have another sacrifice in storage” Added one of the others.

  “Why are you doing this!?” Ming asked, her face now completely wet from sweat and tears.

  “That is of no concern for you ignorant outsiders, you come here with your toys, sticking your face where it is not required. For years you fools looking for a story come here. You all think you’re doing something different but we have encountered many of your kind over the years and none have left to tell the story. This time will be no different. Kill them”

  The man with the sword unsheathed it from its holster on his back.

  “No limbs to worry about brother; just have some fun” Said one of the men.

  Ming, Moo and Trimple all separated and ran in different directions.

  The man noticed Ming struggled to make any speed, like a deer trying to hop around with a broken leg, so instead charged towards Trimple who had fled into the darkness of the dungeon.

  The man was as swift as a wolf; he ran circles around Trimple, even though he was in darkness the man felt like a shadow constantly floating around Trimple, periodically poking the sword into various points on Trimple’s body; causing small spikes of pain to be felt all over.

  Trimple had no idea where to feel pain; it was constant, continuous, everywhere. A stab to his thigh, then a stab to his arms, then a stab to his stomach. He wasn’t sure how deep it was breaching but he felt the warm fluid gushing onto his flesh.

  The wolfman was playing with its meal.

  Moo reached the far wall of the dungeon hopelessly slapping her bound hands against the hard stone wall; she found a door but it was completely solid; she pulled at the handle bu
t it did not even quiver for a brief moment; the barbed bracer causing each pull to sting at her skin.

  She turned around and ran back towards Ming who had given up her run just towards the edge of darkness. She forced her up and the women charged to the stairs which was blocked by one of the cultists; a massive grin formed on his face showing his dirty, black, gapped teeth.

  They ran into him; it was like a gazelle attempting to charge down a rhinoceros; futile.

  The man effortlessly pushed the girls to the ground, their wired arms merging together, ripping flesh from both of their supple wrists.

  Moo, dazed from the fall, looked out past the cultists and into the darkness, holding a light pathetic hope that Trimple had bested his pursuer and would valiantly emerge from the void wielding the sword and banish all of these madmen; but it was an insane hope as she knew Trimple was even physically weaker than she was.

  Suddenly a small dark figure elegantly dropped from the moonlight, landing almost without a sound.

  The cultists all turned in astonishment at the arrival of this sacred beast.

  It was an unnaturally large wolf. It bathed in the moonlight giving it an unholy appearance, it’s fur was brown, thick and looked sharp enough to cut glass. It was motionless.

  It peered around the room, deciding which target was worthy of joining the ranks, and those who were deemed merely food, or rather, something to play with.

  The cultists all gathered around it, linked their arms and began a new chant.

  It fired. The spike penetrated through the stomach of one of the men, coming through the other side; he fell backwards and the hard spike kept his body hovering at an angle.

  The men did not cease their chant. The man with the sword appeared and joined in the circle.

  One of the men lost their nerve at this point and started to run, but the wolf did not allow this; it jumped on his back, dug its teeth deep and ripped out the entirety of the man’s spine; the body instantly collapsed, the man's face in his own crotch. This caused another man to feel an urgency to escape, the movement just made the wolf pick them as its target.

  Running prey is always the first to go.

  “Brothers, this is our dest-” another wolf dropped down and placed a spike directly through the swordsman's mouth, cutting his sentence short and bloody.

  The girls, close to the now unguarded stairs, chose this as their moment to escape; they rose to their feet and crept their way up the thin steps; Moo taking a brief moment to pick up Trimple’s camera which had been left there by the cultists.

  At the top of the first flight of stairs Moo stopped and aimed the camera at the carnage that was taking place, amazed at the footage she was obtaining. While she may have been in utter shock, her body was begging for nothing more than to run away, but her mind’s desire to witness something as incredibly brutal as this kept her in place; if only she knew that by now this had already been seen first-hand by millions of people; soon to be billions.

  Ming tugged at Moo’s arm; it was like trying to move a two hundred pounds statue. She was stuck admiring what she was witnessing. But the time to make an exit did arrive as two more wolves landed through the hole in the ceiling making the killing and spike tossing a much faster event.

  One wolf spotted Moo’s peeking head and leapt towards her; the girls ran up the steep stepped hill, skipping three steps at a time, and slammed the door behind them.

  The girls planted their backs against the sturdy door but the sheer strength of the large beast caused it to smash the door open with ease, sending both girls tumbling along the corridor. Moo recovered instantly to her feet, her immediate instinct was to grab Ming and drag her along with her.

  Moo felt that this was what her life was always leading towards. She always fantasised about being in a situation such as this, fighting for her life, constantly seconds and inches away from death. No matter how hard her heart pushed through her chest, her mind thrived on this, she had played similar scenarios out time after time. She loved the rush.

  The girls ran around the corners of the stretching hallways; it was almost pitch black except for the odd bits of moonlight that came through the open doors in the hallway. The amount of corners they turned gave them an advantage over the wolf as it needed to stop and reposition itself after every turn; it’s agility was very mechanical, it was much more suited to the sprawling outdoors.

  They approached a dead end with only wooden steps leading upstairs; turning back was not an option. Moo pictured in her mind how she would sway and dodge around the wolf but in reality she knew this is not how it would play out.

  The duo sprinted up the old stairs, each landing foot causing the boards to creak and crack. A few more steps upon them would surely cause them to snap and fall from their cradle.

  The wolf took a galloping leap onto the stairs; its jaw latched onto the tail end of Ming’s kimono, keeping her pinned to the stairs. Her fear choked throat let out a nasally squeal. The wolf gently pulled at the kimono not wanting to tear it but wanting to keep the girl in place for its brothers and sisters to help finish the hunt.

  A Lifetime Regret

  As Ming frantically tried to untie the kimono from around herself with trembling hands, Moo slid to the side of her and continually kicked the wolf’s face, taking delight in each blow; the wolf snarled loudly, bile dripping from the side of its mouth. Yet the wolf did not detach itself.

  From around the corner another wolf appeared and instantly leapt, landing on the steps next to the other wolf; the combined weight of these beasts caused the steps to finally give up the task they were created to perform such a long time ago and fell to the floor below, ripping part of the kimono off in the process, revealing the yellow flesh of Ming’s legs.

  The girls, on the sheer edge of the still stable steps, ran into the nearest room to them and slammed the door behind them. Moo hurriedly forced all of furniture she could find in front of the door. It would keep the wolves at bay for a short time.

  Both girls sat down with their backs against the blockade. Ming’s face was dripping wet with sweat, her body was shivering and she was panting loudly, finding it a task to breathe efficiently.

  Moo, still feeling the high from the chase, leant in and kissed Ming on her soaking lips, Ming instantly reciprocated the action and both girls embraced; tongue’s fighting in each other’s mouths. Moo placed a hand through the hole in Ming’s kimono and slid her hand up towards the central pleasure point, causing Ming to exhale in pleasure.

  Ming grabbed at the left breast of Moo and placed her nipple between two fingers, lightly twisting and pulling, feeling it erect with each motion.

  A loud thundering sound came from the door behind them, shaking both of the girls as the blockade rumbled; provoking Moo to pull back slightly.

  She pulled up the camera to her face and ejected the video tape from inside and placed it inside a pocket in her Kimono, then faced Ming.

  “You know how much I love you despite our differences Ming?”

  “I love you too Moo Moo, forever and a dayie”

  Moo stood up and pulled Ming up with her.

  “As we once promised, it is better for one of us to live than two to die” Said Moo.

  She moved the furniture to the side.

  “Moo, what are you doingy?!” fear swelled her face as realisation set in.

  Moo grabbed her arms from both sides.

  “You were a great friend and I will miss you”

  She threw the door wide open, enabling full access to the dark, wolf infested hallway, and without looking she shoved Ming out into the wolves den, hastily shutting the door behind her.

  Moo, not wanting to hear the howls of death, charged towards the small barricaded window, hands in front of her face, and jumped straight through it; the impact of the strong wood snapped the fragile bones in one of her hands.

  She landed outside on the cold hard grass with a painful bone crunching thump.

  Sex Slave

he pain in her head was so incredible, like the morning after a night of drinking at least two large bottles of vodka.

  Claudia opened her eyes but her vision was still unsteady; she could just about make out two figures on the table next to her, she could not comprehend the sounds as they were all muffled. She tried to move her arms but they felt heavy and restricted.

  She wondered what had happened the night before and how she had managed to let herself get this drunk again. She had sworn this would never happen again.

  Her brain then clicked into motion and she remembered exactly the situation she was in. She tried to jolt up but her arms were bound to a small table and her feet just about dangled off the end.


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