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The Spiked Wolf

Page 27

by David Shiels

  They walked up the small slope to the building. Burrock stopped her at the top by placing his strong solid tail in front of her legs.

  “I don’t know what is going on but all of those wolves cannot fit into this city, look behind you strange one” Burrock said, whilst pointing a furry paw towards the sea of wolves walking through his usually quiet city. He turned his head to the wolf at Claudia’s side and opened his mouth to talk to it.

  Claudia kicked his tail to the side and aimed her gun at his head.

  “They are my wolves. They do as I wish and I wish to have them here. If you have a problem with that then just say so.”

  Burrock did not want a fight. His tribe had been through enough problems since being exiled 15 years ago; including harsh weather and unfavourable living conditions. This mountain was nothing but empty dark corridors until he lead his fellow exiles into making it a home. He did not know what this woman wanted but she knew Reinwolse. He would wait to speak to him before acting.

  “Please, follow me inside” Said Burrock, turning his body sharply around and entering the small door at the mouth of the large building.

  Claudia followed, having to crouch to fit inside the door.

  The interior of the building was just as unappealing as the outside. It was just a series of small caves which lead to even smaller caves where the bolves slept. Completely unremarkable was the words that pierced through Claudia’s mind.

  Claudia wanted to sit near the top of the building to look out over the peasants of the city yet the house had no stairs, just slopes and slants that the bolves pounced up effortlessly. She stayed by a window on the ground floor and waited.

  A wolf that looked shabby and grey with age approached Claudia and began speaking to her. He told her of the history of Reinwolse. How fifteen years ago he had started an uprising that would see him turned to stone by an ancient spell while the rest of the wolves that stood with him were forced to live on the once uninhabitable island.

  That wolf was still living in that lush prosperous city, filled with beautiful food, amazing weather and a large amount of volves who fear and resent him, too scared to speak up in fear of being removed to the cold outer limits of the planet.

  They were once all volves but the banished wolves had decided to rebrand themselves as bolves.

  Claudia was barely paying attention until the adjectives prosperous, beautiful and amazing were used. This raised her hopes that maybe the planet wasn’t a massive mistake. She prayed that she had not left a planet where she was worshipped for one where there is nothing to offer her.

  It took Reinwolse twelve hours for him to appear within the city.

  Talk Of War

  Reinwolse came in riding the great silver wolf. The bolves instantly ran to the wolf, hugging it and cheering, not realising that Reinwolse was now in the body of a human. The wolf they hugged showed them absolutely no emotion or response.

  When he first spoke in his human form everybody was sceptical what to believe; were these beings liars? Where had they come from and what did they want with this simple way of life?

  These doubts were soon vanquished as he spoke. He spoke with that same energy, passion and power that he did all those years ago.

  He spoke of his plan to overthrow the wolf lord Howta once and for all. Everybody cheered, howling hard into the bright night sky.

  Reinwolse entered the large house.

  “You took your time. I’ve been so bored here” Claudia whined.

  “I had to ensure that I had gathered every bit of Intel possible for our assault to be as flawless as possible.” Reinwolse spoke with such certainty.

  He sat down besides Claudia.

  “How was your journey here?” Reinwolse asked.

  “Well” Claudia leaned forward “Your wolves were pretty useless, I had protect myself from countless gigantic volves, it only due to my smarts and quick reflexes that I made it here alive”

  Reinwolse let out a small laugh.

  “What about the pool?” Reinwolse winked then grinned like a hyperactive hyena.

  Claudia’s face turned into the same shade red as her hair as she leaned back.

  “ saw that?”

  “I see everything my wolves see, remember?”

  “Well I thought that I deserved a break after all that I have been through” Claudia snapped, ashamed of herself for feeling embarrassment.

  “It’s no problem, just be more careful around here, and it brings me onto my next point”

  Reinwolse stood up to speak.

  “I and an enormous group of wolves and bolves will leave tomorrow. I know it is soon but we need to strike now before they have a chance to figure out what is happening. I will be briefing everybody soon. I will leave enough wolves here to keep you protected.”

  Claudia’s mouth stood open in shock. Unbelievable.

  “I’m not being left here, no way” She barked, loud enough for it to echo multiple times through the now bustling and cheerful city.

  “You know that your life is too important. I can’t lose you and the army of wolves”

  “I have this suit and I know you have more weapons, and only I can use them, and oh how I want to use them so much” Claudia spoke through a grinning mouth while stroking her throbbing gun.

  “Let me think about it, I need to tell everybody the war plan” Studley said was he He started to walk out of the building.

  “And hey, about the pool, I’m sorry I couldn’t be there to save you but I know my wolves would do anything in their power to keep you alive and…” He paused.

  “I really wish I could of been the one to resuscitate you” He smiled, sheepishly.

  “Oh, I’m positive you would have loved that” Replied Claudia as she swung her hair over her shoulder.

  Reinwolse gathered everybody in the centre of the village; it was nothing more than a few stones placed in a circular pattern. The entire village was filled from wall to wall. Wolves were standing on top of other wolves just to be able to see Reinwolse.

  He spoke loud and powerful of his plan of attack, he spoke in such immense detail that not many wolves fully comprehended his words, but they understood his precise hand actions. He went into every minor detail; he told everyone what team they were in, he told them where and when they would attack. He explained with such perfection. Claudia admired that he had everyone solely paying attention to him, not a single creature was looking the other way, even Claudia herself found herself mesmerised by his speech; she felt a surge of adrenaline as he spoke of his war plans. He was that good. She was pumped. She always wanted to meet hitler, and this was the closest she got to that dream.

  Later that night Reinwolse approached Claudia in a brightly lit corner of the city. The city was full of life as bolves walked around discussing their excitement. She was checking all of the weapons in the cart, imaging how destructive they could be, feeling a buzz just thinking of the limbs of the volves being blown apart. Her mood had improved dramatically.

  “Here, let me show you how to use that” Reinwolse sniggered and placed his hands on the pulse rocket launcher, two fingers landed on Claudia’s hand and they shared a longer than normal glance.

  It was a bulky small weapon. He showed Claudia what buttons to press on the small LCD screen to make it cause chaos and destruction.

  “I know how to use a touch screen” Sighed Claudia.

  She tapped two small icons on the screen as she reached to grab the gun off of Reinwolse. A bright blue ball of energy surged out of the small mouth of the deceptively sized weapon. The ball skimmed past the Reinwolse’s face; he felt all of the hairs on his body stand on edge, so much that he thought each of his hairs were going to be plucked instantly from his body.

  The sphere of energy exploded in the dark blue sky; at its peak the explosion looked to be the size of the moon. It lit up the entire village as smaller balls of energy floated through the sky like a swarm of fireflies.

  Bolves of all shapes and siz
es stared up to look at the beautiful illumination.

  Reinwose, now with his hair spiked up like many of the wolves around him, looked at Claudia, his face full of concern.

  “Oops, I guess” Claudia grinned, not even feeling a pinch of guilt for her dangerous actions.

  “Claudia, I want you to come somewhere with me, just the two of us” He gently grabbed her by the hand and walked with her through the village, the bolves stared at them as they walked past.

  Claudia pulled a face like a schoolgirl who had just been told off for being naughty when she swears that she is innocent, yet she followed without a fight. She sensed importance in his voice; any other man who grabbed her by the arm would have felt the wrath of her venomous tongue, at the least.

  He lead her through a small passageway at the back of the village.

  Strange Romance

  The passageway was dark and an extremely tight squeeze. Each step Claudia worried that she was going to graze herself on the edges of the jagged walls.

  She felt so vulnerable not wearing her suit. She was wearing a peach jumper and black jeans, clothes Reinwolse had packed for her on the wagon; probably clothes that belonged to the female scientist she murdered.

  The dark passageway went upwards, at some points very steeply. In some places she lost her footing but Reinwolse was quick to place his hand on her, preventing her from falling even an inch.

  Claudia wanted to moan but the climb was draining her energy too much to be bothered to.

  They climbed for 15 minutes until they came out onto a large slab that stuck solitarily out of the side of the mountain. It was like a large splinter sticking out of a finger.

  “Why did you bring me here?” Claudia enquired. She slightly jogged on the spot to ease the aching pain from the climb.

  Reinwolse walked towards the edge of the protruding cliff and looked longingly into the blue sky.

  “I used to come here when I was a young wolf. It was a thrill because we were not allowed to enter this forbidden mountain. I used to sit here and watch the sun change from its dull blue to its crimson pink” He let out a big involuntary nostalgic smile as he spoke his memories.

  “This was before my race was split in two by a leader who said the lush side of the planet was not sustainable for so many of us. It caused havoc as people questioned each other's importance.”

  He turned around to Claudia and grasped both of her hands in his. She didn’t know what to say. She didn’t really care about his speech, she never understood people's desire to ramble on about the past.

  “I wanted you to see this beauty before we go to war” He smiled at her.

  Behind Reinwolse the blue sky slowly began to change to a shade of vibrant red. The transition was a beautiful aurora of shifting colours as the red and blue mixed to make colours Claudia wasn’t sure she had ever seen before.

  Claudia was hypnotised; It truly was a beautiful sight. She had never seen anything like this. She was a city woman through and through. Nature was never her thing.

  The outline of Reinwolse glowed. He looked like an angel sent to reward Claudia for her progression in life. Claudia felt a warmth as the red side of the sun overtook the blue, like it was being chased away.

  “You mean the world to me, and I don’t just mean that because your life is my life.”

  He leaned in and kissed a jaw dropped Claudia.

  She returned the sentiment. The two embraced as the red hue of the planet slowly resumed its place. The planet was in a strange transition of the battling colours.

  Reinwolse began to remove Claudia’s top. His penis grew strong and erect. This feeling was new and exciting, he knew of the sensation but he had never felt it.

  Claudia hesitated. This man kissing her was perfection. He was strong, charismatic, he worshipped her, he was smart but he was in the body of her twin brother. However, she never quite realised just how beautiful he was; he could have been a stud if he hadn’t been born retarded. With that thought in mind, she let Reinwolse remove her clothes. She returned the favour to him.

  They embraced. Pecs touched breasts. Genitalia rubbed together. The heat from the sun felt good against their pale skins as arms stroked wildly around both bodies.

  Claudia lay her back on the surprisingly smooth cliff floor. She looked into the eyes of Reinwolse. Beautiful blue eyes, much like her own. His body was firm, not an ounce of fat to be found. His arse cheeks were firm and tight, feeling magnificent to grip.

  Reinwolse entered his penis into Claudia. He felt and heard the wetness as his edged in and out of her vagina.

  It started gentle. But requests from Claudia for ‘harder, faster’ urged him to thrust with much more force.

  As he pounded her slim physique, her body edged closer and closer towards the edge of the cliff. She panted. He panted. She screamed. He moaned.

  Claudia’s head hung off of the edge of the cliff but she didn’t care. This was the best sex she had ever had. His large thick penis filled her up perfectly. Russian men were prone to having small genitalia, but her family DNA had not let him down in this department.

  She opened her eyes and enjoyed the breath-taking view as she felt the most breath-taking sex she had ever felt before. She didn’t have much breath left to give.

  Reinwolse Climaxed. He had never felt such a rush of pleasure in his entire wolf and human existence. Sex as a wolf was awkward and never truly felt satisfying, but this gave him even more determination to not die during the war to come.

  Claudia and Reinwolse sat naked and in silence at the edge of the cliff, she rested her shoulder on his broad shoulder, watching the sky complete its transformation. Sweat ran down both of their backs, forming a small puddle behind the pair.

  Claudia wanted to keep this man. She waited all of her life for someone who could match her on an attractive, intellectual and powerful level.

  After some time, Claudia stood up and dressed herself. She turned around to a still naked Reinwolse who was peering out over the red horizon.

  “I’m still fighting today. This changes nothing.”

  She turned and began to walk away. She hoped the walk down would be a lot easier than the way up.

  Reinwolse’s voice called from behind her.

  “We leave in twelve hours. Get some rest.”

  Claudia smiled and descended the slim passageway back to the village.

  Outbreak: Day Eight

  The City Of The Volves

  The twelve hours passed. Claudia spent most of the time analysing the advanced weaponry, the rest she spent sleeping. She dreamt of her time with Reinwolse.

  Rewolse spent his time not resting but planning. This was a one attempt attack. If they failed then the wolves would come to the village and wipe everyone out. Before the banishment there was serious talk of obliteration instead of banishment.

  The volves were stronger and better trained as they had access to better food and better grounds for hunting and training. The traps he had set had to make the difference that he hoped they would. Everyone had to play their part to perfection, except Claudia; he really didn’t want her to go but he knew he couldn’t stop her but he hoped their moment last night made her be more careful; give her more reason to want to live.

  The time arrived. The wolves all gathered outside of the mountain, by the river that split the treacherous mountain from the luscious, bountiful land.

  Hordes of wolves and bolves of all varying sizes gathered. If seen from above then the area would look like a billion hedgehogs had gathered together; not a single piece of the ground was visible beneath.

  Reinwolse was position at the head of the pack, saddling his former vessel; the great silver fox. Next to him was his oldest friend, Burrock. Claudia sat in the metallic trailer surrounded by an abundance sci-fi level of weaponry; She was so excited she felt twinges throughout her body.

  The Claudia back on earth would have sat in her office barking orders, this Claudia was ready to get her hands dirty; and she couldn’
t wait.

  Reinwolse gave a rousing speech. A speech of treachery, pain, loss, and most importantly, revenge.

  They set off. The wolves cleared the river and ran through the thickening forest.

  On the way they encountered the white striped wolves. They fell fast and hard as hundreds of thousands of wolves poured through the forest, followed closely behind by hundreds of bolves. They didn’t stand a chance. They were not allowed even a second to warn of the approaching attack.


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