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Awakening Desires: Katie's Art of Seduction

Page 5

by N. J. Walters

  “Not very pretty, is it?”

  Katie flushed in shame as she realized that she’d been standing there just staring at him, but answered him honestly. “No, pretty is too weak a word. Your face is strong.”

  He looked taken aback by her blunt comment and then the corner of his mouth quirked up in an amused smile. “Now you sound like a parent trying to comfort a small child. I can assure you that it’s not necessary.”

  Katie instinctually knew that for some unknown reason, her opinion was very important to Cain. Hoping she was doing the right thing she gave him the truth. “No, I sound like an artist.” She held her hand out to him once again. “I’m Katie Wallace. I’m glad you like my self-portrait.”

  Once again his hand clasped hers. This time he drew her into the shadows and then faced her fully. “I was jealous of the artist.”

  Katie stared hard, trying to discern the left side of his face, but with no success. “Why?” she asked as she continued to blatantly stare.

  “Because he had obviously spent time with you. Because he knew you, and I wanted to.”

  “Are you always this blunt?” Katie was taken aback by his reply. She took a step backwards, towards the light, but Cain retained possession of her hand. It seemed silly to fight him, so she stopped tugging on her hand, stood her ground, and glared at him.

  “Always,” he replied. He grinned, looking almost boyish for a moment, and tucked her hand in the crook of his arm. “Would you walk with Gabriel and me? We’ll take good care of you and make sure you get home safe.” When she hesitated, he quickly added, “We were on our way to the park to play. I only take him out at night. It’s quiet there and we can talk.”

  Despite her better judgment, Katie answered the only way that she could. “Yes.”

  He tucked her closer to his side and matched his longer stride to hers as they strolled through the dark streets towards the park. The night air was cold, but Katie was warm and cozy as Cain’s large body sheltered hers. Cars sped by, sirens wailed, and occasionally the sounds of raised voices filled the air. But the sound was almost muted, muffled somehow by Cain’s very presence.

  Chapter Four

  Cain’s large body radiated heat, which enveloped Katie as they walked together. She instinctively snuggled closer to him, drawn to the warmth and comfort he provided. It was completely out of character for her to be so rash. Yet, strolling hand in hand with this virtual stranger, Katie was surprisingly content.

  Neither of them spoke as they meandered down the almost deserted sidewalks. The silence was comfortable, rather than awkward. Cain steered them unerringly through the dark shadows of the buildings and away from the streetlights. The action seemed as natural to him as breathing.

  Why was she here? Katie glanced quickly to her left, but she could only see the right side of his face and very little of that. Her eyes went back to the dark pavement in front of her as she contemplated the enigmatic man beside her. Yes, she found him handsome in an interesting sort of way, but it was more than that. There was something about him that attracted her on a far deeper level. But what?

  Katie bit her lip as she mulled these questions over in her mind. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach. But underlying her nervous reaction was a feeling of anticipation. It was the same feeling she’d had when she’d first picked up a paintbrush. Her life was about to change in some unalterable way.

  “Watch your step.” Cain’s voice was a whisper in her ear. His lips grazed the edge of her ear as he spoke. A shiver ran down her spine, but she ignored it as he guided her up a set of unlit stairs. The sound of their footsteps echoed through the dark. His large hand on the small of her back protected her from stumbling backwards. “Just a little further.”

  The sound of his voice reached deep inside her, stirring to life feelings she didn’t recognize. What was it about this stranger that enticed her? That tempted her to do such a foolish thing as walk with him on a dark, deserted street? It wasn’t his looks, as she had only glimpsed one side of his face. Yet there was something in the way his entire energy focused on her when she spoke. His green eye was like some wild beast’s, sharp and intense, as he watched her. He made her feel fascinating and interesting.

  He was naturally protective of her as they walked, tucking her arm securely in his and automatically using his sheer size to keep the cold winter wind from assaulting her. There was a strength, both physically and mentally, about him that was mesmerizing. A sureness when he walked. A sense of purpose.

  The feeling of grass under her boots tugged Katie from her musings. Glancing around, she realized that they had entered a small park. There were some well-lit paths, but they were well away from those, sheltered in darkness by the large trees. “It’s very hard to see where I’m going.” Her voice trembled slightly. A fine time to get nervous, she scolded herself.

  “You’ll get used to it.” He gave a sharp whistle as he strode onto the field and Gabriel came bounding up to him. As she watched, he removed a length of rope from his pocket and threw it. Gabriel raced off in pursuit, a large blur of gray that was eventually swallowed up by the dark.

  “Get used to it,” she muttered crossly. “Why would I want to get used to it?”

  Katie jumped when a pair of strong arms enveloped her from behind. Like a ghost, he moved so quickly and silently that she hadn’t noticed him sliding behind her until his arms wrapped her in their strength. Her mouth and throat both went dry and she tried to swallow her rising fear. He was a stranger to her, and she had willingly put herself in his power.

  “The night is a place of beauty, Katie.” One of his large hands coaxed her closer to him until her back was pressed tight against his chest. She could feel the solid muscle of him through their coats. Her breathing was shallow and quick, creating a slight fog in the air in front of her.

  While one of his hands anchored her to him, the other one moved up over her chest, pausing for a moment to stroke her breast before coming to rest at the side of her head. She was taken off-guard by his boldness but said nothing, waiting anxiously to see what he would do next.

  He nudged her face against his shoulder and then cupped her chin, turning her face upward slightly to meet his gaze. “Let me show you.”

  Katie held her breath as he lowered his face towards her. The rational side of her was screaming to break away from this man, but the emotional part of her desperately wanted to know his kiss. His touch.

  Slowly, his lips grazed hers. Barely touching. He moved away and stared at her. Waiting. “Let me show you,” he repeated. His rough fingertips gently traced the curve of her cheek. He was a sorcerer, and she was helpless to resist the dark spell he was weaving around them.

  Katie tipped her head towards him ever so slightly. It was all the consent he needed. His head lowered once again. Katie’s stomach fluttered with anticipation as she waited for him to kiss her. Some previously unknown part of her yearned for his kisses. Instead he teased her with light touches of his lips. He kissed her lips, her cheeks, her nose.

  “Close your eyes.” He was like a solid rock behind her, waiting for her to follow his directions. For a moment, her common sense rose to the fore, demanding to know what in the hell she was doing. But Katie ignored it, and closed her eyes, enjoying the softness of his lips as he dropped kisses on her eyelids.

  “Keep them closed and embrace the dark,” Cain instructed in a whisper as his lips skimmed hers. His teeth grasped her lower lip and he nibbled on its fullness. Katie moaned and tried to deepen the kiss, but he pulled away.

  Katie’s eyes opened and she stared up at him. “Why?”

  He hushed her and rocked her in his embrace. “Close your eyes and let me give to you. Take what I offer you.” She could feel him waiting patiently for her to decide.

  His sheer sized dwarfed her, and the arm he had wrapped around her was like a solid band of steel. She knew she could not escape him unless he released her. The very idea scared her even as she found herself aroused by the realization
that she was at his mercy.

  Katie’s uncertainty grew, but the lure of his kisses was too great to deny. As she closed her eyes, she caught a glimpse of satisfied triumph in his face, and then the darkness was complete. She was rewarded when his lips once again sampled their way down her face to her lips.

  His grip on her waist tightened, as if he were afraid she would change her mind. This time his lips seized hers in a long, deep kiss. His tongue forged its way into her mouth and claimed it. He dueled with her tongue before capturing it and sucking on it. Wielded his tongue like a rapier, he advanced and retreated until he had won her completely. Her legs weakened, but he held her easily in place and she let herself go, trusting him to keep her upright.

  The world no longer existed. Sheltered in the dark of the trees, away from the footpaths and the lights, the night was a secluded and seductive haven. Vague sounds of traffic and the barking of a dog were nothing but dim background noise, drowned out by the pounding of her heart. For Katie, there was only Cain.

  Her feet left the ground as Cain lifted her easily and moved them both deeper into the surrounding trees. Startled, Katie opened her eyes as her feet touched the ground again. Cain turned her body so that her back was against a tree, and he stood in front of her. The two of them were completely isolated from the rest of the world, as the only sounds were their breathing and the wind whistling through the tree branches.

  “Trust me,” came his sorcerer’s voice from the darkness.

  Cain undid the front of her coat and slipped it down off her shoulders. She shivered as the cold night air sank through the thin layers of her clothing. His hands grasped hers and raised them over her head, wrapping them around a low tree branch. She could feel the rough texture of its bark through the thin leather of her gloves.

  “Hold on tight. Don’t let go.” Obeying his instructions, she gripped the branch tightly, her fingers slightly chilled beneath their thin covering. It was her only support. She could hardly believe she was doing this.

  The coolness of his hands was startling as he unbuttoned her top to reveal her bare stomach and her bra. His fingers skimmed over her stomach, causing the muscles to contract. He laughed softly as his fingers reached for the front closure of her plain cotton bra. His nimble fingers made quick work of the fastener, and he pushed the cups aside. Her nipples puckered in the cold night air. Katie shivered. She felt exposed. Vulnerable. Sexy.

  Taking his time, he positioned her so that her back was tight against the tree, and her hands were anchored firmly to the overhead branch. Stepping back, he looked at her for a moment before pressing both elbows back. This time when he looked at her, he nodded in satisfaction. “Beautiful. Now don’t move.”

  Katie could feel the wetness between her legs and was almost embarrassed by it. Never had she played these kinds of games with a lover before and she was shocked by how turned on she was by his commanding presence. With her arms extended and her elbows wide apart, her breasts were thrust forward as she waited for him to touch her.

  The heat of his mouth was shocking as he took one tight peak in his mouth and sucked. Hard. Katie moaned and pushed closer to his lips. Cain cupped both breasts in his large hands, holding them captive as he continued to pleasure her. His clever fingers tantalized and pleased one breast even as he used his talented mouth on the other.

  “So damned beautiful,” he muttered as he went from one breast to the other. Tasting. Teasing. He captured one nipple between his teeth and nipped it carefully.

  Katie was alive with sensation. It was if every nerve ending in her body was connected to her breasts. Her entire body was alive and screaming for more. Unable to help herself, Katie dropped her hands to his shoulders and tried to tug him closer.

  As soon as her hands touched him, he grasped them and returned them to the branch. “If you want me to pleasure you then you have to keep your hands where I put them.”

  Katie swallowed nervously. “I can’t,” she whispered. Averting her gaze, she scuffed the toe of her boot across the frosty ground.

  Cain sighed deeply and used a finger to tip her chin up to meet his heated gaze. He placed a tender kiss on her lips, as his hand cupped her jaw more firmly. “I can help you if you’ll let me.”

  “What do you mean?” Katie’s uncertainty grew as he reached into his coat pocket and drew out what looked like a leather dog leash.

  “I rarely need it, but it does have other uses.” He stepped away from her and held the leather strap in front of him.

  Katie’s hands automatically covered her breasts as she tried to back away from him only to find herself against the tree. Cain nodded and started to replace the leash in his pocket. “I’ll take you home.”

  His voice was calm and accepting which gave Katie the courage to ask, “What would you do with it?” She couldn’t believe she hadn’t run through the park screaming, but she was hot and restless with what they’d already done, and part of her, she had to admit, was curious.

  “I’d never hurt you,” he promised. “This is just a tool to help you keep your hands where I put them.” The leather leash was pulled tight between his huge hands. “If I tie them to the branch then you don’t have to worry about moving them. All you have to do is relax and allow me to pleasure you as I choose.”

  His voice whispered through the night, seducing her with his words. The thought of being totally at his mercy, captive to his every whim frightened her even as it aroused her. She could feel her nipples growing harder against her crossed arms. Her legs were weak, and she could feel her wet pussy clenching, aching to have him inside her.

  He stepped closer to her, his booted feet crunching on the ground. When he was directly in front of her, he raised his hands and let the leash dangle between them. “It’s your choice. If you refuse, I’ll take you home. You can pretend it never happened, and I won’t bother you further.”

  Katie instinctively knew that if she refused him she’d never see him again, and she didn’t want that to happen. This virtual stranger had aroused her passions more than any other man ever had. But was she willing to take the chance?

  “Choose.” His voice was tinged with irritation now as if he was losing patience.

  Afraid that he might change his mind and leave, she raised her arms in front of her before slowly clasping her hands together and offering them to him. Cain’s expression never changed as he carefully wrapped the leather strap around her wrists, and then raised them high above her and tied the leash around the tree branch.

  Katie felt a momentary panic as she tried to move her hands and could not. Unable to help herself, she struggled for a moment before Cain stopped her. “There’s no need to hurt yourself.” His voice soothed her and she subsided. When she was calm once again, his hands pushed the edges of her top open again until she was full exposed.

  Taking his time, he ran his hands all over her torso and back. She arched towards him, wanting him to touch her breasts again, but tied up as she was, she was unable to make him do anything. Her frustration grew even as her skin heated up. Cain nuzzled her breasts, tasting them before finally flicking the nipples with his tongue. The relief was so great she almost came on the spot.

  “Yes,” she moaned. “More,” she encouraged. Her entire body swayed in an erotic dance.

  It was a new experience for Katie to allow a man to control her passion, and much to her surprise, she found that it heightened her own arousal. It made her even hotter that he had exposed her body in a public place and was now playing with her. Controlling her by promising her even more. She never wanted him to stop. The heat he created inside of her kept the cold night air at bay. Katie had never felt this wanton in her entire life. It scared her. But, it excited her.

  Cain seemed to sense the change in her, and he wrapped her firmly in his embrace. There was no way for her to escape him now even if she was so inclined. And she wasn’t. His attention to her breasts never wavered, but his hand quickly flicked open the button on her jeans. The zipper quickly f
ollowed and then his hand slid beneath her panties.

  Katie spread her legs, giving him total access to her. Encouraging him wordlessly to touch her clitoris, to stroke her with his large, thick fingers. She rocked her hips towards him while her hands clenched desperately on the tree branch. “Touch me,” she cried.

  He pushed her jeans and panties down to her knees and groaned when his hand was met with the wetness and heat of her desire. One of his fingers slid deep inside her and she could feel her muscles closing tightly over his finger. Katie moaned and moved against his finger, unable to stop herself, not even sure she wanted to stop. Cain slid a second finger in to join the first. Stretching her. Bringing her closer to orgasm. Katie could no longer think at all. Her entire being was focused on the pleasure he was bringing her. Her fingers dug deep into the tree, trying to keep herself grounded.

  “No, don’t stop,” Katie pleaded when his mouth left her breast. But Cain ignored her as he kissed a hot trail up the side of her neck. The tip of his tongue traced the whirls of her ear before dipping inside it. Katie was caught in the web of Cain’s dark seduction. His breath was coming faster now and his body was tense. It was enthralling to be the focus of all this barely leashed masculine power.

  His voice was barely a whisper as he licked the tip of her ear once more before nibbling the line of her jaw. Katie arched her head to give him better access. “Come for me,” Cain commanded before his lips covered hers in a searing kiss. His tongue moved in a rhythm that matched his fingers. In and out. Deep and steady. On and on he played her body in the velvet of the night.

  Forgotten was the fact that they were in a public park, and that she was virtually naked, exposed to the night. The world narrowed to the two of them. Katie could feel the muscles of her body tightening, reaching for completion. Nothing else matter, not even her next breath. Her entire focus was on Cain and what he was doing to her body.


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