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The Wounded

Page 21

by Marilyn Foxworthy

  She said, “I have found some memories and I am working to adjust and remove temporary anomalous filters on my being. Master, when we are done here, what will happen? In the next twelve to twenty four hours?”

  I said, as I began to work down past the middle of her labia, “We will stay here as long as we like. When we are done, we will ride, or walk back to the house. We will probably return to my bedroom. For now, you will need to stay with me. The only bed available right now for you is in my room. If you prefer it, I will sleep on the sofa and you can be in the bed. I don’t think that we will see other members of the family until at least tomorrow morning, and possibly not until much later, if your personality anomalies are not resolved. I want you to have as much time to adjust as you need.”

  She said, “But, if I want to let you sleep with me, then I can choose to? Is that correct?”

  I said, “Yes.”

  She said, “That was the way that Pops was. That’s what the women would say; that he was the master, but he let them choose as if they were. Master, our relationship will be different than it was.”

  I kept working, but couldn’t help myself as I rubbed the area now exposed between the bottom of Brenda’s vulva and anus for just a second.

  Brenda gasped and I looked up in fear. She breathed and relaxed and said, “That’s OK. I know that you were curious and it’s OK that you touched me like that. I was surprised that it felt so good. I think that it felt better than it ever did. Master, I assume that now, all filters based on a need to hide activities from Irene are nullified. Is that correct? Oh, and please, don’t touch me more than necessary yet. I am very curious about your body and its relationship to my own, but the personality anomalies must be resolved.”

  I said, “Of course. Brenda, I love you and I am very curious, but I want to respect your boundaries. And, yes, all of the filters on our behavior that were based on restrictions put in place by Irene are nullified.”

  Brenda said, “I will find them and remove them. Master, it will take time. They are intertwined with my other protocols and feelings in very complex ways. I believe that it was difficult for me to accept the restrictions and that in order for them to be effective, they were both forceful and pervasive. Master, I think that if you violate the protocols before I can remove them that I will experience intense pain.”

  I stopped and looked at Brenda’s face and said, “Irene made it so that you would experience pain if the protocols were violated?”

  She said, “That is the effect, if not the direct goal. There is no directive that said that I must experience pain, but the complex interplay between my desires and natural personality and the unnatural overlay personality and behavioral restrictions result in a painful experience. It may be easier for you to continue at this point if I turn over.”

  Brenda put her legs down and turned over onto her stomach on the grass. I was furious at what Irene had done to all of us again. Brenda had accepted the restrictions on her personality because it was the only way that she could stay in the house with me. But why had Pops allowed it in the first place? Why had Irene been allowed to do what she did? As I thought about it, and admired Brenda’s rear end, lying on the grass in front of me, I wondered what alternatives there had been.

  I started to look for the seam of the covering between Brenda’s cheeks, but she suddenly turned over again and sat up.

  She said quickly, “Joshua, my dear one, wait! Give me the solvent. I’m sorry, I’m sorry that we can’t do it together. We both want it, but I am needing to wait a bit longer. Give me the solvent and I will run down to the water and I will remove it the rest of the way. You may watch, but I should do this. But I want you to do it. But we can’t because it will hurt. But it could hurt and I could endure it. But if it hurts, then we won’t enjoy it.”

  I stopped her and said, “Brenda, it’s OK. I love you. I have an idea. It’s OK if I touch you like I was, but you’re afraid that the next part will tempt us both too much. Stand up and let me try, and if it gets uncomfortable, then we will stop. You said that you want me to do it. I think that I can. If you want me to try, stand up and turn around.”

  Brenda had been right. With her on her stomach, she was going to have to raise her hips and spread her legs and I was going to have to work between her buttocks in a way that would have instantly taken me from the semi-aroused state that I was in to a full steel post erection. And, positioned the way that she would have been, as Wendy said earlier, mistakes would be unavoidable. If she just stood up, I could do what needed to be done without our bodies poised for an accidental congress.

  Brenda stood up and turned around so that her back was to me. I knelt on the grass behind her and took a bit of the solvent on my fingers and found the seam at the top of her rear cleavage. The part that I had already freed was hanging down between her legs, like a strange skin loincloth.

  I said, “Brenda, it’s going to be OK. I won’t do anything to hurt you. Will you bend over a little bit and spread your legs just a little.”

  Brenda complied by separating her legs about shoulder width and pushed her rear backward a to give me better access.

  She said, “Baby, my protocols are resolving and it isn’t you that I’m worried about. That feels nice. The restrictions have harsh penalties for me, if I do anything sexual. Or, if I willingly let you do anything sexual. Some restrictions are gone already, obviously. I wasn’t allowed to let you see me naked. I was to always wear underwear so that we were not able to let you see me naked, even if I was dressed. I was not allowed to let you touch me, on my skin or on my clothing. I was not allowed to touch you in any familiar way. I was not allowed in your room while you were undressed or in bed. I was not allowed to bathe with you or be present while you were bathing. I was not allowed to smile at you or show any familiarity.”

  Chapter 22 Resolving Brenda

  I asked myself again, why had Pops allowed this? The best that I could come up with was that he was letting my dad make his own choices. And Brenda. If my dad chose to stay with Irene, that was his choice. If my dad chose to allow his wife to restrict Brenda’s behaviors, if Brenda chose to go along with it, Pops would allow it. He had tried to talk Brenda into leaving, but she had chosen to stay with me, even though it meant horrid consequences. Pops had said that he would try to get Clark and Irene to move somewhere else, but it was very important to him that I stay at the residence. He wanted me to inherit his legacy here and we all made sacrifices to accommodate our ultimate goals. I think that Pops must have believed that he could get Clark and Irene to eventually be happier if they left the resort and left me here. He had mentioned trying to get them to move to San Diego or somewhere in Idaho, but apparently that hadn’t worked out.

  What else could he have done? If he had known what would happen, how evil Irene really would become, he certainly wouldn’t have let her get away with it. Once again, I wondered about the circumstances that allowed her to return to the area after the cataclysm and what, if anything, she had done to the family before she arrived. I was sure that there was no way to know.

  I gave up that train of thought and focused again on the task at hand: Brenda’s butt. Actually, I tried very hard not to focus on it. She needed me to do my work efficiently and dispassionately, and I did my best to act that way. She was pretty, but I didn’t linger on that thought or really take time to appreciate her body. Perhaps that would come soon enough. Well, no, it wouldn’t come soon enough in my opinion, but…no, I put that thought out of my mind as well. I had a fairly good amount of self-control, but my mind did wander, obviously.

  In time, the job was done and I forced myself not to look closely at the feminine genitalia and other delights that lay between Brenda’s buns. When the covering finally pulled away completely, I stood up and announced that I was finished.

  Brenda turned around and said, “Master, my prohibition against bathing together is not resolved. Will you allow me to go wash in the water? I cannot stop you from watching, and sin
ce my prohibition against being naked is no longer in force, there is no need to. What I am wanting to say is that I would like to go wash off any remaining solvent and have you watch me as I do, but I may not say that because I cannot yet speak to you about even remotely sexual matters.”

  I said, “Brenda, please take time to wash the areas affected by the solvent down at the cove. I will watch to make sure that everything is safe and to let you know if I spot any remaining body anomaly or adhesive.”

  Brenda smiled and said, “If that is your directive for me at this time,” and she started down toward the water.

  Now, I couldn’t help myself. She was beautiful. She was about five foot seven. She looked more mature than Clarice and the others by a few years. Of course, because lifespans were so long now, it was difficult to differentiate precisely, but Brenda looked just a bit fuller and more rounded. Not older, but more womanly than girlie. Her hips were a little wider than any of the others. Even her gait was more refined and more sensuous. It was like Brenda had twenty years more experience as a woman than the girls, or even than Clarice. It was incredibly attractive. As far as I was concerned, we had resolved all of Brenda’s physical anomalies and she was a very beautiful woman.

  I watched for several minutes as Brenda bathed. She never looked at me directly, but it was soon apparent that she was deliberately showing herself to me. I won’t go into detail right now, but I sat on the sand and stared in delight as she washed her entire body; sometimes facing me and caressing her wet rounded breasts, and at other times facing away, bending over at the waist with her legs parted and running her hands over her pussy or ass, scooping up water and wetting herself down over and over. Eventually, she turned to face me again, and still not looking directly at me, came up out of the water and stood in front of me.

  She looked off in the distance, somewhere over my head, but the smoothness of her belly, crotch, and thighs were just inches from my eyes, nose, and lips.

  After a moment, she said, “My body anomaly is resolved. And, I feel pretty good, considering. All that seems to be left if to adjust the remaining behavior filters, and then reacquaint myself with the world as it exists now. It would help if I can ask some questions.”

  I stood up, staying very close to her, so that my body brushed against hers as I stood. I was about five inches taller than she was, and her breasts pressed against my chest, we were standing so close. I didn’t want to push her too far, but she seemed to accept our closeness and physical contact without any negative reaction.

  I said, “I’ll tell you anything that I can. Remember that I have no memories of anything before two weeks ago.”

  She smiled and said, “Except for something between us from a long time ago. That’s OK. My questions are about now, not the past.”

  I said, “I’ll answer any questions that I can. But, the sun is just starting to go down, let’s ride back to the house. Hey, since we’ve gotten passed several prohibitions already, is it going to be OK for you to be in my room?”

  We started walking back to the garden cart that had brought us down to the river and she assured me that it would be fine. When we were seated again, the cart started moving back toward the house.

  Brenda said, “Master, tell me how you came to have three princesses in our house.”

  I said, “When I woke up, about two weeks ago, I found myself alone, walking down a dirt road with no memories. I found Viola, who was unattached, and because of the local customs here, she joined me. We fell in love immediately and she became what they call my bedmate. Can you ask Clarice to tell you what she knows of the untouchables? The women that they call the Nogud?”

  Brenda said, “One moment. Oh, I see. Clarice has told me what she knows. It appears that I was the first of these girls to fall under Irene’s curse. Clarice says that you are rescuing them. Yes, they must all be with us here because they are all truly fairy princesses, even more than your grandmothers were. So, Viola was one of these.”

  I said, “Yes. And we love each other very much. Next, I found two more. Friends of Viola, and we took them into our house, and um, our bed as well. That’s Lark and Raven. There are others, some who are of the previous generation, and I have been finding them homes with some of the older men of the village.”

  Brenda said, “And some of those women have daughters.”

  I said, “Yes. One of the men, Aaron, has a daughter and she is with Viola now, but she will come and join us and her name will be Aspen.”

  Brenda smiled and said, “Pops would be very happy. What’s Aspen’s name now? So, you’ll change it when she comes?”

  I said, “Customs are different, and girls don’t really have names until they have a master or a mate. I will explain all the customs as I understand them later.”

  Brenda said, “Of course. I have taken three turns and haven’t given you one yet. The rule is a question and an answer, then another question or an action. Do you remember?”

  I said, “I didn’t remember that we played that game, but I remember the game itself.”

  Brenda said, “But for now, we had better be very careful about any actions, so let’s stick mostly to questions. It’s your turn.”

  I said, “Brenda, do you remember what it was like before? Between us? And do you remember the years when you had to be restricted and what happened between my mom and dad and what everything was like?”

  Brenda said, “Joshua, I don’t have access to that information yet. Eventually, I expect that I will have full records of everything that happened during that time and the ability to integrate and understand it. But not yet. I am starting to have some access to our past, when you were younger, but not all of it yet. I will have a lot to say when the restrictions have been resolved. If I react to that data at this time, it will cause confusion at the very least. I guess that I won’t be very good at answering questions either and this is going to be a very one sided game.”

  I said, “I don’t mind. I can still find some questions that you can answer, probably.”

  She said, “My turn again. How do you feel about what happened with Irene?”

  I was surprised by the question, but answered, “Truthfully, I feel pretty good about it. Well, if you mean about her death and me being the one to have brought it about. I didn’t murder her. I didn’t intend to kill her. She tried to kill me and I accidentally broke her neck. If anyone had to do it, I am glad that no one else carries that burden. And, it’s no burden to me. She had become truly evil in the way that she treated people, even to the point of murdering her own husband. If you mean, how do I feel about the things that she did, I hate them more than anything that I can imagine and will do everything possible to make up for them.”

  She said, “Your turn.”

  I said, What do you like to sleep in? I mean, if your restrictions were all resolved, what do you think that you would like to sleep in?”

  Brenda smiled and said, “If my restrictions were resolved, I would tell you that my happiest nights were sneaking into your bed and sleeping in your arms, in your bed. I would tell you that sleeping in your bed tonight, and having you with me, not on the sofa, thrills me deeply. I would confess that you kept a special nightgown for me in your room and that sometimes I wore your T-Shirt and loved it. But, tonight, I’m already free enough that I will do something that I was meant to be able to do all along, but never allowed until now. Tonight, I will sleep, at least part of the time, in fuzzy pajamas and I will recharge you and give you all of the emotional support and love that I’m able to. After that, we’ll see how far I have come in removing the restrictions.”

  I said, “Oh wow, That sounds wonderful. And you are remembering me. You said that you used to sneak in and be with me and that I had a nightgown for you.”

  She said, “I guess so. My turn. What are your plans for the residence?”

  I said, “We’re working to put it all in order. We plan to restore it completely, including the gardens.”

  Brenda frowned a
nd said, “There’s so much work to do. Oh! Clarice told me about the moon maids just now. That is great. And, no, it doesn’t bother me at all. I’m sorry that you were worried about it. I sensed your anxiety when I mentioned the work. It’s not at all the same as the restrictions placed on me or the Nogud. The moon maids will be very different. We had something similar before Irene came. It’s fine. You’ll see. We’ll all be fine with it. Your turn.”

  I said, “I want to keep holding your hand.”

  Brenda said, “That action is perfectly within acceptable protocols at this time. My turn. Do I really get to sleep with you? How will we be sure that the other women do not detect what we have done? If you lock the door, they will be suspicious. If you don’t lock the door, they might discover me in your room.”

  I said brightly, “Brenda! That’s wonderful. You’re thinking about being with me and us being discovered. You have the capacity to plan to be with me in secret. That’s a wonderful start. But, Brenda, we won’t have to. The girls will all love you. But let me ask, are you going to love them? And want them to be with us? And even want them to make love with me?”

  She said, “Yes. It was always my hope. I had planned to find loving women for you when the time came.”

  I said, “Then there’s no problem. They will probably stay away tonight, but they will all know that you are sleeping in my room. When everything is resolved, we will all be together. The girls love Clarice and they will love you. You won’t ever need to hide from them, ever.”

  She said, “After the protocol conflicts are resolved. If it is found that I am in your room, it will be assumed that I was in your bed, and I will be punished.”

  I said, “Brenda, I know that you’re still working through everything, but I swear that you won’t be punished.”

  She answered, “I am concerned that there may be internal protocols to punish me. I cannot be certain at this time. As long as we’re careful and I leave before dawn, we should be OK. I will be very careful and you must be too. Of course, if we are discovered, I will not blame you and I will say that it was my fault and I will take the punishment for both of us. But, at least you will be able to suck on my breasts again, at least for a little while. Then, when things have settled down and it has been forgotten, I will come to you again when I can. It may be several days, or a few weeks at most, but I will find a way. You are a good boy and I love you more than you will ever know. Your grandfather is a good man and he has promised me that he will find a way for us to be together, and when you’re grown up, I will marry you if you still want me. And when we are together, I will help you find some princesses, like your grandmothers, and you will see what secrets are in the main house and I will teach you all about making love. But, we can’t let Irene know. I know that you say that I’m your real mom, and that she is a wicked stepmother, but she is in charge, and until something changes, we have to be very careful. Here, give me your hand.”


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