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His Heart's Desire

Page 24

by Julianna Douglas

Becca showered quickly so that she could take a little extra time with her hair and makeup. By the time she had finished, there was only ten minutes left to dress, but she had already figured out what to wear while she was in the shower. The pretty sundress she'd donned for her “date” with Ethan to his parents' barbecue would be perfect. If Edna was right about him eyeing her that evening, maybe the outfit would turn him on today too.

  She slipped on her strappy sandals and took one last look at herself in the mirror. Taking a deep breath, she opened the bedroom door to find Ethan sitting on the sofa, reading a magazine. He was dressed casually in khaki pants and a polo shirt. As always, he looked magnificent.

  The soft click of her shoes on the tile floor brought his head up. He slowly rose from the couch, his eyes never leaving her. Maybe Edna was right. He seemed to be devouring her from head to toe, leaving her with the impression that he was undressing her with his eyes. His perusal of her ended as he turned to round the sofa.

  Once by her side, he smiled. “You look beautiful.”

  Suddenly feeling self-conscious, Becca dropped her gaze to the floor. She nervously tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and gave him a shy smile. “Thanks.”

  “So are you ready for our adventure?”

  She extended her arm in a flourish. “Lead the way, my good man,” she replied, her jovial demeanor returning.

  Before she knew it, they were traversing the streets of Las Vegas in the luxury of Ethan's limo. “So where are we going?” she asked.

  “You'll see,” he answered coyly.

  A few minutes later the driver turned into the parking lot of a shopping mall. She turned to Ethan. “The mall?” she inquired incredulously.

  “Yes, the mall. I'm taking you on your first shopping spree.”

  “Ethan! You know–”

  “Ah.” He held up a finger to interrupt her. “No protesting, remember? Not to mention you should be thanking me. I wanted to take you to the upscale place across town, but I knew you'd be uncomfortable there.”

  “Thank you, I guess.” Becca adjusted the folds of her dress nervously, still feeling out of her element. “But I have no idea what to buy. I've told you a million times that you don't have to spend money on me.”

  “I know I don't have to. I'm doing it because I want to. Just buy something you need.”

  “What if I have everything I need?”

  “Then buy something you want.”

  “What if I can't find anything I want?”

  The driver pulled up to the curb next to the door. “Would you stop being contrary and get out of the car?” he replied firmly. “We're going shopping whether you like it or not.”

  Becca could tell from the tone of Ethan's voice that she wasn't going to win this argument. “Fine. I shall do my best to spend your money even though I don't want to,” she replied reluctantly.

  For the next couple of hours they wandered in and out of stores. Becca tried on several outfits while Ethan patiently waited outside the dressing room. Each time she came out, he gave her his opinion, and a couple of times he said they looked really nice on her. Becca pretended that the clothes didn't catch her fancy, because the price tags made her feel a little guilty about the idea of spending someone else's money so extravagantly.

  As they were leaving the fifth store of the day, Ethan took Becca's hand, led her over to a bench and pulled her down beside him. “Becca, we need to talk,” he began in a serious voice.

  “What about?”

  “You really don't know how to do this shopping spree thing, do you?”

  She tried to defend herself by showing him the small shopping bag in her hand. “I bought something.”

  Ethan took the bag from her and dumped the contents onto the bench between them. “Uh, Becca, I hate to tell you this, nice as it is, I don't think your new miniature glass angel figurine is going to break the bank,” he said while waving the item in question in front of her face.

  Becca grabbed the angel and stuffed it back into the bag. “Well, for your information, it's the only thing I found that I really wanted. I happen to love angels, and it's even in my birthstone color.”

  “I'm glad you found something you like, Becca, but you're missing my point.”

  “Which is?”

  “Geez, Becca. Are you that dense?” he asked in an exasperated tone. “I think you must be the only woman on the planet who isn't interested in spending my money.”

  “I'm sorry, Ethan. You know it's difficult for me to accept money, because know. Besides, I don't have much money of my own, and I never have. I've just learned to be frugal, and it's hard to break the habit,” she finished dejectedly.

  Ethan reached over to lift her chin so he could look her in the eye. “Hey, I'm the one who should be sorry. I never meant to make you feel bad. This is all supposed to make you feel good. We're supposed to be having fun.”

  “It's fun just being with you.”

  Ethan smiled at her. “I know, and I feel the same way. But you know what else would make this even more fun for me?”

  She gave him an inquisitive look before he leaned in to whisper conspiratorially in her ear. “Loading up the car with so many boxes and bags that there's hardly enough room left for us.”

  She laughed.

  “Come on, my shopping-challenged friend. I'm going to show you how this is done.”

  With that, he took her hand again and pulled her up.

  Becca could barely keep up with Ethan's long stride. He took her the window of a ladies' dress shop that sold fancy gowns. “I like that green one,” he said as he pointed it out. “I bet it would look beautiful on you.”

  “I don't know, Ethan. I wouldn't have any place to wear something that nice.”

  “But do you like it?”

  “I love it. It's gorgeous.”

  Ethan dragged her into the store to the first salesperson he spotted. “The lady would like that green dress in the window in...what's your size?” he asked as he turned back to her.

  “Um...a four.”

  “We have one right over here. Would you like to try it on?” the salesgirl inquired.

  “Um...yeah.” Becca was feeling oddly overwhelmed as the girl bustled her into a fitting room.

  She changed into the dress and was surprised to find that it fit like it was made for her. She smoothed her hands over the satiny fabric, marveling at how silky it felt. It had a rather daring neckline. She'd never worn anything quite so low-cut, but she had to admit that it made her look rather sexy.

  She shyly emerged to take a look in the full-length mirror, and found Ethan and the salesgirl waiting for her.

  Ethan took one look at her and let out a low whistle. “What did I tell you? It looks way better on you than it did in the store window.”

  “He's right,” the girl added. “It looks great on you. It compliments your hair and eye color perfectly.”

  “We'll take it,” Ethan said without hesitation.

  “Ethan, could I talk to you for a second?” When Ethan was close enough for her to whisper without the salesgirl hearing, Becca continued. “When I was putting it on, I got a look at the price tag.”


  Becca bit her lip. “And it's two hundred dollars.”

  Ethan glanced back over his shoulder toward the salesgirl. “Is there a problem, sir?” she asked.

  He looked back at Becca. His gaze never left hers as he answered, “Nope. No problem at all. Like I said, 'We'll take it.'”

  A few minutes later, they left the store with Ethan carrying a big box under one arm.

  Next he took her to Bath & Body Works, where he insisted on buying her half a dozen different scents of body wash, bubble bath and lotion. From there, they went to Yankee Candles and bought at least a dozen candles of every conceivable shape, size and scent. Then he insisted on going back to the women's clothing store for the outfits that had looked good on her. By the time they exited that shop, Ethan was juggling so many box
es and shopping bags, he nearly dropped a couple.

  “Oh, here, let me help you,” Becca offered as she reached for the falling bags. “So have we spent enough money now that we can barely carry everything?”

  “Not even close, sweetheart.” Ethan laughed. “Here, can you get my cell phone out of my pocket?” He turned to the side and tried to rearrange the packages in his arms.

  Becca pushed a couple of bags aside to find Ethan's pants pocket. She swallowed hard around the lump that was forming in her throat at the thought of putting her hand in there.

  At her hesitance, Ethan tried to peer over the top of the boxes. “Can you reach it?”

  “Um...yeah,” she answered, sounding breathless to her own ears.

  Time seemed to stand still. Her heart pounded as she slipped her hand inside his pocket and breathed in Ethan's masculine scent. The intimate contact infused her body with heat that pooled low in her belly and weakened her knees. She desperately wanted to touch more of him than the restricting material of the pocket would allow, but being in a public place, she held her desires in check. There would be plenty of time for that later if things went as planned.

  She willed herself to grasp the phone and remove her hand. “Got it,” she said raggedly as she held it up.

  “Great! Just speed-dial seven. That will call Thomas. Tell him to meet us at the east entrance to pick up all these packages.”

  Becca nodded. Her fingers were still a little shaky. She had to dial twice to get it right.

  No sooner had they left their loot in the care of Ethan's driver than Becca's stomach let out a loud growl.

  Ethan grinned. “Hungry?”

  “Shopping is hard work.”

  “Come on, I'll buy you lunch. After all, we're just getting started. I can't have you passing out on me, now can I?”

  “Getting started? We've been here for hours.”

  “Yeah, but I saved the best stores for last.”

  “Really?” she asked skeptically.

  “Yes, really,” he answered. “I'm glad you're enjoying yourself now.”

  “Well, I don't know if I'll ever get used to spending so much money at once when it's not for rent or a car payment. But yeah, it's kinda nice. You make it fun, like everything we do together.”

  “Making you happy makes me happy.”

  Ethan stood there, staring into her eyes, until Becca began to feel self-conscious and lowered her gaze. He slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her into his side. Oh, how she loved the feel of being in his arms. Tonight, she told herself. When they were alone back in his suite, she would tell him how much he really meant to her, and hopefully be in his strong arms all night long.

  After sharing a delicious meal with Becca at a Mexican restaurant, Ethan was ready to pull out all the stops. The shopping they'd done so far had been a warm-up for the “main event.” He was probably taking a chance by steering her toward the stores he had in mind, and he hoped he didn't tip his hand too soon. He had big plans for this evening and didn't want to screw things up, so he'd have to tread very carefully.

  “So where are you taking me now, Mr. Big Spender?” Becca teased as they exited the restaurant and ambled down the wide aisles of the mall.

  “Ooh, someplace with pretty things that women like.”

  “Doesn't that describe all the stores we've been to today?”

  “Touché.” He chuckled. “But this one is...well, different,” he finished lamely as he came to a halt in front of Victoria's Secret.

  “Ethan...lingerie?” she whispered without even looking at him. A becoming blush infused her cheeks.

  “Sure, why not?” he answered blithely. “I don't have to come with you this time if you'd be embarrassed. But I figured it would be good practice for me. Like with the romance novels. It'll help me figure out what a woman likes.”

  Becca gave him a questioning glance.

  “I thought maybe you could give me some advice. I've never bought lingerie for anyone before, and I was curious about what's available.” He led the way into the store. “What kind of things do you like?”

  Her brow furrowed. “I–I don't know.” She shrugged. “It's not like I've ever had much money to spend on lingerie. And I've certainly never had a boyfriend buy any for me. Giving you book recommendations was easy, but this...” Becca's voice trailed off and her cheeks flamed. She couldn't even look him in the eye anymore.

  Ethan decided to take pity on her and try to figure this out on his own. “Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. Why don't you go find yourself something pretty, and I'll just ask a salesgirl to help me.”

  “OK.” She sounded relieved and headed for the back of the store.

  Way to tread carefully, doofus, Ethan told himself while watching her retreating back. This was not going well. All he'd wanted to do was find out what she liked so he could buy her something sexy. But instead, he'd botched it up so badly, she probably thought he was either a perv or had another girlfriend.

  With a sigh, he began wandering around the store.

  It wasn't long before he was accosted by an employee. “Can I help you find something, sir?”

  “Yes, I want to buy something for a special lady.” He pointed at Becca, who was perusing a rack of frilly nighties. “Actually, it's that lady right over there,” he said softly. “And I want it to be a surprise.”

  “No problem.” She smiled at him. “I promise to be discreet. What did you have in mind? A chemise? A baby doll? A cami-tap set?”

  “ be completely honest, I have no idea what you just said. Are you sure you're speaking English?”

  The salesgirl giggled at Ethan's joke. “How about we try it this way? Are you looking for something sweet and demure or hot and sexy?”

  “Definitely hot and sexy,” he answered, his eyes still lingering on Becca as she headed for the changing rooms.

  “What color would you like?”

  Once Becca disappeared behind the door, he turned his attention back to the girl. “Do you have anything in red?”

  “Sure.” She led him to a rack. “How about this?” she asked while holding up a very hot little concoction.

  To Ethan, it looked like a bra with a sheer fabric draping down from it and a little scrap of a thong to match. He felt himself getting hard at the mere thought of Becca in that outfit. Or better yet, out of it.

  “That would be perfect.”

  “Do you know the lady's size?” the salesgirl inquired.

  “Yeah, she said she was a four.”

  “Well then, this one right here should fit her fine. But let me go check with her sales associate to see what size she's trying on.”

  “That sounds great. But remember–”

  “I know,” she said. “I'll be careful she doesn't find out.”

  A few minutes later, the girl returned. Ethan paid for his purchase and arranged for his driver to pick it up, so that Becca wouldn't suspect anything. He looked around the store and found her standing at a checkout on the other side. When she drew a credit card from her purse, Ethan rushed to her side.

  His hand closed over her wrist as she was about to hand it to the cashier. Hoping not to embarrass her in front of the woman, he simply reached for his own wallet before saying, “Today's my treat, remember?”

  Becca nodded a little uncomfortably as she tucked the card back into her purse and allowed him to pay.

  He thanked the saleslady, picked up the shopping bag, and with his hand lightly resting at the small of her back, guided her toward the exit.

  Once they were out of earshot of the employees, he asked, “What was that all about?”

  “Nothing.” She waved her hand dismissively. “I was just a little embarrassed to have you buying me...unmentionables.”

  “Sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I thought every lady could use some pretty unmentionables, but I promise I won't mention them again.”

  Becca's mouth quirked up at the corners. “Ethan, you are so goo
fy sometimes.”

  “I live to please, m'lady.”

  They ambled a little father down the main thoroughfare of the mall in silence. Ethan noticed that Becca wasn't as bubbly as she had been this morning after he'd loosened her up about the shopping excursion. He decided that she was probably getting tired, but he only had two more stops planned anyway. Then he'd take her home. He couldn't wait to unveil the rest of his surprise for the evening.

  Ethan stopped in front of a jewelry store. “Ah,” he said, drawing out the syllable with a flourish. “Here's something else that every lady needs...jewels.”

  “Ethan, you've already bought me so much already. I really don't need jewelry too.”

  “Well, it can't hurt to look. Let's go in.”

  Reluctantly, she allowed him to draw her inside. After Ethan made a show of perusing the cases, Becca's interest was finally piqued by a display of pendants. He requested assistance for her from a nearby salesclerk, then escaped to the other side of the store. Scanning the rings, his eyes settled on a delicate gold band with a modest diamond setting. He asked the salesman behind the counter to see it.

  While the man retrieved the ring from its velvet box, Ethan glanced back over his shoulder at Becca. She fastened one of the pendants around her neck and then admired it in the mirror sitting atop the case.

  Ethan turned back to the salesman and picked up the ring he had placed on a velvet cloth. It was pretty, but after taking a closer look, he wasn't quite satisfied with the quality of the diamond. He requested to see a few others, periodically checking to make sure Becca was still occupied. After looking at a half-dozen rings, he still didn't find anything that caught his fancy. Besides, he had a much better idea in mind. After thanking the man, he returned to Becca's side.

  She wore a delicate emerald pendant. The stones were cut in a heart shape with a small one atop a slightly larger one. Both cascaded from the shiny white-gold setting at a jaunty angle, making them look like a pair of cherries still attached to their stems.

  “It looks beautiful on you.” He fervently wished he could get her alone wearing that pretty necklace and nothing else. After clearing his throat uncomfortably, he added, “And it matches the dress I bought for you earlier.”


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