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His Heart's Desire

Page 27

by Julianna Douglas

  Ethan raised himself onto his forearms. “We've waited this long. What's one more day?”

  Her face scrunched up in confusion. “One day?”

  He gave her a huge grin. “Becca Anderson, will you marry me tomorrow?”


  He shrugged. “Why not? We are in Vegas after all.”

  Becca's face lit up as though something had just occurred to her. “Did you have this planned all along? Is that why you asked me to come here?”

  Ethan cleared his throat. “Guilty as charged,” he answered without remorse.

  “But how did you know I'd say yes?”

  “I didn't. I decided to take a chance, and so far, it's really paid off.” Still smiling, he continued, “ still haven't answered my question.”

  Her brows drew down contemplatively. “What question was that again?”

  Ethan laughed and shook his head at her teasing. “You really like to torture a guy, don't you? I think that makes you a very naughty girl.”

  “Maybe I'm giving you a taste of your own medicine,” she replied seductively as her hands resumed their exploration of his body. She lifted her pelvis to grind it against his still-firm cock. One hand slid inside the waistband of his jeans as she raised up to nip his bottom lip.

  Ethan moaned. “Like I said, you're a very naughty girl.”

  She rewarded him with a giggle and one of her adorably innocent smiles. “So if I say yes, I have to wait until tomorrow. What happens if I say no?”

  “Let's just say that if you say yes, I promise I'll make it worth the wait.” Then he leaned down to murmur suggestively in her ear, “And in the meantime, I'd never leave a lady frustrated or unsatisfied.”

  A cute little whimper escaped her lips. “Deal.”

  With that, she reached up to grab the back of his head and pulled him down into a passionate kiss. Her tongue tentatively darted out to skim the seam of his mouth. He immediately opened up and tangled with hers.

  The hand inside his pants was joined by her other one. They kneaded his buttocks, her long nails nipping at his taut flesh.

  Ethan could scarcely believe his sweet Becca was being so passionate. The woman was full of surprises. He had a feeling she was going to be incredibly responsive, and he couldn't wait to see the look of pleasure on her face when he made her orgasm.

  As Ethan continued his passionate assault of her mouth, she brought her leg up to hook it over his hip. He grabbed the back of her calf and skimmed his hand up past her knee to the softness of her thigh, then higher still to her firm bottom. He nibbled at her ear lobe, her neck, her shoulder, then dipped his head to place a tiny kiss on one hard pink nipple before capturing it in his mouth. He loved the taste of her and suckled greedily as her breath escaped in ragged gasps.

  Ethan glanced up through his lashes to find Becca watching him. With one last deep pull, he drew back until her nipple escaped his lips with a slight pop. His gaze never leaving hers, he slid his hand over her belly and down to cup her mound.

  A heady feeling of masculine satisfaction washed over him when he found her panties damp with her arousal. He rubbed his fingers back and forth between her legs while pressing his thumb to her sensitive nub.

  Becca's body spasmed in reaction, and she made soft mewling sounds in the back of her throat. Pushing the fabric of her panties aside, Ethan circled her satiny, wet feminine flesh with one finger before carefully sliding it inside her slick hot passage. Becca arched her back and moaned deeply. Her fevered response and the way her inner walls contracted against his finger were electrifying, making him want to drive her to the brink of need and then take her over the edge.

  Gently, Ethan slipped another finger inside to join the first. Her tight passage clenched around them as he slowly retreated and then thrust in again. His fingers continued their in-and-out rhythm while he massaged her clit with his thumb.

  He dropped his head to take the pretty pink tip of one breast in his mouth. He could feel the tension mounting in her body as her needy whimpers reached a fevered pitch. One of her hands fisted in his hair and the other in the furry throw at her side.

  Ethan lifted his head to whisper in her ear, “Come for me, sweetheart.”

  Seconds later she shattered apart in his arms, crying out his name. He continued to caress her sensitive flesh, milking every last spasm from her body until she went limp beneath him.

  Becca's eyes were closed, and she wore a serene smile on her plump lips. Ethan held her close until her breathing slowed back to normal.

  She sleepily opened her eyes and raised a hand to cup his cheek. “That was amazing,” she said with a look of wonder on her face.

  “It was my pleasure, m'lady.”

  She rewarded him with another sweet smile as her hand ventured down to grasp his still-hard cock. “But you haven't been pleasured yet.”

  The temptation to allow her to do just that was strong, but he tamped it down. For now, he wanted this to be all about her and nothing else. With a twinge of reluctance and a small sigh, he peeled her hand away from his erection and lifted it to his lips. “Don't worry about me. I'll be fine.”

  Already her eyes were drifting shut.

  He leaned down to kiss her temple and murmur in her ear, “Go to sleep and dream of our wedding tomorrow.”

  Becca's eyes never opened, but she hummed softly as the corners of her lips turned up again. Within minutes, Ethan felt her relax into slumber.

  He slid his arms from around her and arranged her comfortably against the pillows. He sat up, taking care not to wake her, and covered her with a blanket. For a moment he stared at her sleeping form and her lashes fanned over her porcelain cheeks.

  He'd never tire of watching her sleep nor stop thinking she looked like an angel sent straight from heaven just for him.

  Finally, he stood, rearranging his jeans to ease the ache in his groin. For one more night he would take a cold shower and get friendly with his own hand. Tomorrow, he'd make her his wife, his soulmate, and his lover...for life.

  Chapter 19

  Becca slowly awakened to bright fingers of sunlight streaming through the floor-to-ceiling windows in the adjacent dining area. The fire in the hearth had long since burned out, leaving a slight chill in the air.

  She rolled onto her back and stretched languidly. A smile touched her lips as memories of the night before flooded her senses. Ethan had been so sweet and loving as he'd pleasured her body. If that was even a hint of the things that were to come tonight, she might not be able to move when he was through with her. She grinned at the thought.

  When she raised her hand to rub the sleep from her eyes, the sun glinted off her engagement ring. She held her hand poised there a moment and stared at the beautiful ring. As she fingered the delicate band almost reverently, she could hardly believe that today was her wedding day. She'd come here merely wanting to share her feelings with Ethan, desperately hoping he would reciprocate them. Although she had dreamed of marrying him many times, she'd never entertained the notion that it would happen so quickly. And yet it all felt so right.

  Thoughts of her upcoming nuptials made Becca realize that her groom was nowhere in sight. The last thing she remembered was Ethan telling her to go to sleep. She must have done exactly that. But where had he gone?

  Thinking he was in another room, Becca called his name, but there was no response. Throwing back the blanket, she rose from her makeshift bed and began searching the suite. There was still no sign of him. The only room she hadn't looked in was the one which Ethan had told her not to enter because of the construction mess. Surely he wouldn't be in there?

  In the interest of being thorough, she headed for the door anyway. As she grasped the handle and was about to turn it, the phone rang.

  Releasing her hold on the knob, she retraced her steps across the living room to answer it.

  “Morning, gorgeous.” The masculine voice on the other end sent tingles down her spine.

  “Ethan, where are
you? I woke up and was looking for you.”

  “I couldn't very well see my bride-to-be on our wedding day, now could I? That would be bad luck.”

  “I guess you're right, but that doesn't answer my question.”

  “About where I am? After you fell asleep last night, I left to spend the night in another room here in the hotel.”

  “Oh, I see.” Becca knew he was following tradition, but she couldn't help feeling a bit disappointed that he wasn't there when she woke up. “I missed you.”

  “I missed you too, sweetheart. So did you sleep well last night?” Ethan asked in a husky tone.

  Remembering the intimacy they had shared last night made her suddenly feel a little shy again. She nervously tucked her hair behind her ear before answering. “Yeah, I did. How about you?”

  “Actually, I'm a little sleep-deprived. My brother, Nathan, and my crazy best friend, Todd, kept me out until about three a.m. celebrating the end of my bachelorhood.”

  “Nathan and Todd are here? How did they... You little sneak! You really did have this planned all along, didn't you?”

  He chuckled warmly. “Like I told you last night, sweetheart, guilty as charged.”

  “What if I hadn't said yes?”

  “Then Nate and Todd would have gotten a free trip to Vegas, and I don't think they would've been complaining.”

  “So I take it you guys had a good time,” she said wistfully.

  “We had a great time, hon. But do I detect a note of jealously?”

  “Maybe,” she answered cryptically while twisting the belt of her robe around her finger.

  “Well, don't be jealous.”

  “Why shouldn't I?” she replied in a huff. “You guys got to go out and paint the town while I slept.”

  “I didn't hear you complaining last night,” Ethan replied suggestively.

  “Maybe not, but I still don't think it's fair,” she answered sulkily.

  “Like I said, don't worry. I have it all taken care of.”

  “You have what taken care of?”

  “In about one minute, your doorbell is going to ring. When it does, have fun. I'll see you in the chapel at seven. I can't wait to make you my wife.”

  “Ethan, I–” Becca was cut short by the chime of the doorbell.

  “I love you, sweetheart.”

  “I love you too, Ethan.”

  “Now go answer the door.” With that order, he hung up.

  Becca padded to the entryway, still in her bare feet, wondering with every step what in the world Ethan had up his sleeve now. She clicked back the locks and swung the door wide only to have her mouth drop open in astonishment.

  “Edna!” she practically squealed.

  “Hello, dear.”

  Edna stepped inside. With a huge smile on her face, she opened her arms wide to give Becca in a tight hug.

  “What are you doing here?” Becca asked.

  “Well, I heard you're getting married, and I wouldn't have missed the wedding for the world.”

  “But how did you–”

  Becca was interrupted by the sound of another feminine voice in the doorway.

  “Bring everything in here ladies,” the tall brunette called over her shoulder before turning to Becca. “Hi, Becca. How's the bride-to-be?” she asked as she embraced Becca warmly.

  “Alex, I thought you were going back to Afghanistan.”

  “I was, but Ethan called about a week ago to tell me he was getting married. I wasn't about to miss my brother's wedding, so I decided to stick around for a few more days.”

  “A week ago? But he hadn't even asked me then.”

  Alex laughed. “Guess my brother made the biggest bet of his life, and it paid off.”

  Becca peered around Alex's statuesque frame to find the penthouse being invaded. There must have been at least a dozen women carrying in boxes and bags. Some were already unpacking the things they'd brought and setting them out anywhere they could find space. A young man was supervising the wheeling in of several clothing racks filled with garment bags.

  “What on earth is all this?”

  “Your wedding planning committee,” Alex answered.

  “My wha...” Becca's voice trailed off. She put a hand to her forehead and swallowed hard.

  “Becca, sweetie. You look like you're about to faint. Come over here and sit down.” Alex guided Becca to a chair at the dining room table that was now laden with all sorts of wedding accessories.

  “I thought we were having a quick Vegas-style wedding. I–I don't think I can do this,” Becca stated feebly.

  “You're not having second thoughts about marrying Ethan, are you?” Alex asked.

  “No. Absolutely not,” Becca replied with more strength. “It's just all this...” She indicated with a wave of her hand around the room. “It's kind of overwhelming.”

  “That's why I'm here,” Alex answered with a smile as she took a seat next to Becca. “I do have some experience with the whole wedding-planning thing, and Lord knows, I'm nothing if not efficient,” she added with a laugh.

  “Oh, that's right. I forgot you've been married before. I'm so sorry about how that all turned out.”

  “Yeah, well, that's water under the bridge,” Alex said dismissively. “We're not going to ruin your special day by talking about my problems. Ethan asked me to take care of you, and that's what I'm going to do.”

  “So Ethan brought you guys here too? He mentioned that Nathan and Todd were here.”

  Alex nodded. “He flew us all up on the company jet last night. Mom and Dad and Gramps too. I hope you don't mind that he asked me to help with the wedding. He wanted you to feel like you were having a real one, and not a quickie Vegas wedding. I know we've barely begun to scratch the surface of getting to know one another, but I had a feeling from the moment I met you at the barbecue that you were the one for Ethan. Even if you were 'just friends.'” She punctuated her words with air quotes while giving Becca a conspiratorial smile. “Despite my current personal feelings on the topic of marriage, I'm really thrilled for you two. I think you make an awesome couple. Not to mention I finally get to have the sister I always wanted!” She practically shrieked with delight.

  Alex's enthusiasm was infectious. Becca finally felt herself relaxing. “I guess I finally get to have a sister too. And a brother.” She laughed and reached over to give Alex another hug. “And no, I don't mind in the least that Ethan asked you to help. I think I can use all the help I can get right now. I don't have a clue where to start.”

  “Well, what are we waiting for? Let's plan a wedding!”

  Becca had almost forgotten the army of people still standing in the background waiting for instructions. Edna took off for the kitchen to fix her breakfast while Becca and Alex started looking at flowers, decorations, cakes, and menus. Since the wedding was going to be a small affair, with only a few guests attending, they didn't need to order much.

  Alex hadn't lied about being efficient. With her practical experience and firm guidance, everything moved along smoothly. She definitely had a skill for knowing what needed to be done and making sure it happened.

  After ushering most of the service people out the door to begin their preparations for the ceremony that evening, Alex rejoined Becca at the table.

  Alex glanced at her watch. “Well, that didn't take long. It's only 10:30.”

  “Really?” Becca was astounded that they'd finished so quickly.

  “Yup, all we have left is the gown. I had them bring a good selection. I hope you find something you like.”

  By then, all the gowns had been removed from their protective bags. Yards and yards of shimmering silk, frothy tulle, and delicate lace lined the living room, which now looked as if it had been turned into a bridal showroom all for her. Not for the first time this weekend, Becca felt like Cinderella living in her own fairy tale.

  Still in her chemise and bare feet, she slowly circled the room, looking at each dress. She ruled out some gowns right away because the
y simply weren't her style. On her third pass through the sea of dresses, she finally selected three particularly elegant ones in different styles. Alex and Edna helped her carry them to her bedroom, where they assisted her with trying them on. They were all lovely and fit nicely, but she couldn't help feeling something was missing.

  After taking off the third one, Becca flopped down on the bed. “I don't know, Alex. I like them all...but I don't love any of them. Does that make sense?”

  “Sure it does.” Alex sat next to her and rubbed her back soothingly. “It's your special day, and you want to look perfect. After all, you'll probably only be doing this once in your life.”

  “I hope so.” Becca smiled. “What if I don't find The One?”

  “Did you have something in particular in mind?”

  “No, not really. I just feel like I'll know it when I see it.”

  “Well then, let's go back out and have another look.”

  “I don't know. I already went through them all three times. The ones I tried on were my favorites, and they still don't seem quite right.”

  “It can't hurt to take one more look, dear,” Edna added. “Maybe you'll find something you missed before.”

  “And if you don't, no sweat,” said Alex. “There's still plenty of time before the ceremony. We'll take you to a few boutiques.”

  Becca nodded and headed back to the living room. She looked at each gown very carefully this time. Alex held up a form-fitting sheath that was very classy-looking, but Becca was afraid she wouldn't be able to walk in it. She was already rather clumsy and didn't need to add to her handicap.

  She shook her head ruefully at Alex, who put the dress back on the rack.

  Next, Alex pulled out a little strapless number. “How about this one?”

  Becca shook her head again. “I don't really have enough to fill the top, and I'd be forever worried that it was going to fall off,” she said with a giggle.

  “OK, how about this one?” Alex pulled out another one that had a very simple unembellished style.

  Becca wrinkled her nose. “Too plain.”

  This continued until they had gone through about thirty different gowns and had exhausted all the possibilities.


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