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Erotica: Beyond: Dark Action Romance Paranormal Thriller (Adventure Demon Humor International Interracial Mystery Short Stories)

Page 14

by Iaz Grant

  Mark was hidden outside the building and he used his werewolf ears to listen to their terrifying plan. He swore to himself that he would rather give his own life than have this happen to his family. His heart broke when he saw Jenny crying. She looked so scared and he knew he had to let her know she was not alone. He had to give her some courage and hope somehow. He caused a commotion outside with some gun shots. Most of the people from the clan got out to check what was going on. One of them left the door open to the room where Jenny was kept. He managed to get in. She almost fainted when she saw him.

  “They can get in any second. Please leave, you have no chance by yourself, they will kill you for sure.”

  “I know my love, I am working on a plan. I just wanted to see you for a second and to let you know that I am here with you. Courage, my love!” He kissed her and he wished that kiss would never end. They broke off the kiss when they heard one of the guards getting back in. In a second, he was gone. Jenny was alone again but she knew that her man was just a few steps away even if she could not see him. His kiss gave her the strength she needed to fight for her life and the life of her baby. She only hoped that she could escape before the moment of birth came. If before she was scared about giving birth in the forest, now she was even more terrified. She was aware of the fact that none of the Hell members cared about her safety or her son’s. Luckily, Mark did not want to share with her what he heard. She had enough on her mind.

  The guard brought her some food. She was at least grateful for this. She had no appetite but she had to eat for her baby. This also gave her some kind of hope that maybe they were not planning to kill her. Little did she know that they were only keeping her alive until after she gave birth to her son. They needed him to complete their revenge. Jenny tried to talk to the guard. She always preferred to see the good in people and she was not going to make an exception with the shifters.

  “I am sure you are just following your orders. You look like you have a kind heart. I just want you to know that I do not blame you for this.”

  The shifter’s name was Dineg and he was not at all kind. Actually, her words offended him. He was trying hard to build a tough reputation for himself. Without a words, he went near hear and slapped her on the face. This caused her lip to bleed. Jenny did not make the mistake to talk to one of them again. She was going to wait patiently until Mark found a solution.

  Special Baby

  When she felt stabbing pains in her belly, Jenny knew it was time. She started to scream more out of fear than pain. The pain was actually welcome because it gave her something to focus about and helped her forget about her fear for a couple of hours. When he heard her screams, Drak, one of the leaders, sent a female shifter to her room. She looked young and beautiful but something in her eyes told her that she was an old soul with a lot of experience. Jenny hoped some of that experience was helping women give birth. Luckily, that was true. Vanessa was the one dealing with all the births in the clan. However, this was the first half human baby she was delivering. This aroused her curiosity.

  All the other clan members were waiting just outside her door. They were anxious to see the new creature. The big crowd made it difficult for Mark to see the birth of his son. This did not mater very much though because he knew it was time to get them both away from there. He heard that after the birth they were going to kill her. His only hope was to go back to his own clan and beg them to help him. He was almost sure they would not care but it was his last hope. They were guarding Jenny very well and over the past week he saw no opportunity to help them escape. Now she was running out of time. Mark shifted into a werewolf and run as fast as he could to his clan and family.

  In the meantime, Jenny was pushing her baby out into the world. The female shifter guided her all the way and she was happy to have her there. The baby was very beautiful. He had golden eyes like the shifters but the color was more close to green. He could easily be confused with a normal human baby. Two minutes after he was born, he shifted into a werewolf. When he got hungry, he shifted back into a baby and was nursed by Jenny. There was no doubt he was a shifter too. No one could tell for sure what other special powers he had. Jenny did not care, all she wanted was for him to be healthy.

  “Can we please leave now?” She asked the female shifter who helped her give birth.

  “No, I am going to need your baby now. He will come with me.”

  “What?? No!! Please!!” She cried with hot tears and begged. Her baby was ripped from her chest and all she could do was to drop to the floor and cry. When they stopped bringing her food, she understood. They were going to kill her. The strange thing was that she didn’t even care. She felt like she was numb. Nothing could touch her anymore. Her breasts were full of milk and they were aching. Only then she felt that horrible pain of longing for her baby. She asked one of the guards if he was going to be safe and his answer pleased her. At least he was going to live. This gave her hope that someday Mark will be able to rescue him. It was too late for her. She was ready to die.

  “When is it going to happen? When are you going to kill me?” She asked one day. She just wanted to get it over with. The waiting was worse than anything.

  “We were going to kill you tomorrow morning but luckily for you, your baby refuses to eat anything but your milk. He will be brought over for nursing and we will keep you alive for a couple of more months.”

  His words were like music to her ears. Not only she was going to hold her baby again, but a few months meant more time for Mark to save them. Without even knowing, her baby saved her life.

  For the next days, Jenny tried to forget about her captivity. She focused on that little angel who needed her as much as she needed him. She named him Mark Junior. Her baby gave her the desire to live again. Holding him in her arms made her so happy that she even found the power to smile again. The shifters were watching her amazed. They even increased the guards at her door. Drak assumed her new found happiness was because she had a plan of escape. None of them could imagine how much joy her baby brought to her life.

  They did not let her spend a lot of time with Mark Junior. He was only brought to her from 4 to 4 hours for feedings. Jenny was actually counting the minutes until she could be with him again. She sang to him and promised him his daddy was going to save him. She did not know his plan but she knew he was never going to give up on them. In the little time she got to know him, she could feel how much she meant to him. She felt the same way for him and the bond they had was indestructible. No human or shifter could ever get between them. Jenny had no idea if he was still outdoors watching her or if he left to look for help. Either way, she knew for sure he was still alive. She had this special type of connection with him. They were always connected and she knew he was okay.

  Family and Friends

  When he arrived back home, Mark took a deep breath and knocked at the door. His mother opened and she gave him a hug. She was so worried about him. His father was colder but he could see the relief in his eyes. He was happy to see he was alive and safe. The clan and his parents heard that the Hell clan was looking for him. That afternoon he met with the other 4 leaders of the clan. He lost his leadership position when he chose to be with a human woman. Mark was okay with that but he hoped they would agree to help him. The other leaders, Stephan, Liam, Adam, and Ronald got together to decide if they were going to help him or not. Normally they would not have second thoughts. However, this was a special situation. Mark broke the rules and now he had a half human baby. In their eyes, he made a step away from them and towards the humans.

  “Why don’t you ask help from your humans?” Asked Liam.

  “Because you are the only family I have. I do not count on humans. They are not as loyal as we are. They are very individual. My bride does not even have parents. I am all she has and I would rather give my life than disappoint her and our son. Please brothers, you have to help me!”

  “Albright, we regretted letting you leave the way you did. Of course we will he
lp you. Your baby is one of us too and so is Jenny. We will help you rescue them.”

  Mark was so happy he could jump. However, there was no time for celebrating. They had to plan and act fast. Together they shared the clan into groups and decided to attack that night. Being with his old friends again felt like home. Just now he realized how much he missed it. Now that they decided to accept his new family, he could not wait to bring them into the clan. He had no hopes that they would ever accept him as a leader again but he did not care. Mark trusted the 4 other leaders to manage things without him. Planning the attack with them brought back many good memories. They always had to fight other clans and it was not the first time they had to go against the Hell clan.

  Not long ago they made a peace pact but this was broken. Mark knew he made a big mistake killing Tara. He should had brought her to the shifter judge. Instead, he left his anger take over him and he lost control. He never imagined how much this would cost him. Of course he knew the Hell clan will come after him but instead, they took the love of his life and his baby. This was much worse than he imagined. The good thing was that now he had the support of his family and clan. For him, the clan was part of his family too. He gave up a lot to be with Jenny. Even so, he never regretted for a second.

  One group attacked the Hell leaders while the others burned some of the buildings where they held their meetings. Mark was clear about not hurting any women or children shifters. Ever since he became a father, his heart got softer. He wanted to fight fair and avoid killing innocents. All his clans members agreed with him. His father wanted to join them too but he refused. He did not want to lose his father too in the battle. It was enough for him that he got to this decision and changed his mind about Jenny.

  When they got to Jenny’s room, she was alone. She jumped into his arms and started to cry of happiness.

  “I knew you were coming! We have to look for our son!”

  Unfortunately, the Hell clan was running away. One of them took the baby too and they had no idea where they went. The ones that escaped alive were all gone. Jenny refused to leave without her baby but Mark convinced her there was nothing she could do there. They took the baby with them and they needed to find him. Her happiness to see Mark and his clan quickly transformed into desperation. He was heartbroken too especially because he never even got to see his son. However, he heard their plan of revenge and he knew for sure that their son was safe.

  “I overheard their plan. They are planning to raise our son as their own and send him to kill me 18 years later. He will never know we are his parents. This is good news though! It means our baby will be safe. We will find him Jenny, I promise you that!”

  The thought of having their own son transformed into their enemy was too horrible to imagine. However, for now, Jenny focused on the fact that they will keep him alive. This gave them the chance to find him and bring him home. She trusted they could do this. Not long ago, Jenny lost her hope that she would ever escape alive and now she was safe in his arms. She had no doubt that the same will happen with their son. She thanked the clan members for all their help and asked them with tears in her eyes to help her find the baby.

  “I named him Mark Junior.” She said to Mark as soon as they arrived at his parents’ house. He kissed her and stroked her long beautiful hair. His mother received her with a warm hug. She never imagined his parents would be so normal. They were as caring and loving as humans. She lost her parents long time ago and now she felt that she found new parents. She talked to them about their grandson and they could not wait to meet him. Jenny did not allow her to get sad. Her baby needed a strong mom.

  Half Human

  Two years later, Mark and the clan were still looking for the baby. He was accepted back as one of the 5 leaders. Not a day went by without new plans to find Mark Junior. One day, the luck was finally on their side. The woman who helped Jenny give birth, Vanessa, knocked on her door. Her own son was executed by the clan for some silly mistake he made. Like all young shifters, he was involved in small fights. He made the mistake to fight one of Drak’s sons. He did not kill him but Drak saw this as a sign of disrespect. He could not allow to lose his influence over his shifters. His decision was to execute Vanessa’s son. This was enough for her to turn against them. She came to Jenny to tell her where her son was being kept.

  He was actually in the house of Drak himself. His wife was as mean as he was. She often punished Mark Junior and she showed his hate towards him. They called him Agemon. The little child did not understand why his mommy was so mean to him while she treated his older brothers with such kindness. When they found him, he was being punished to stay by himself in a cold barn where they kept the animals. Jenny went to him and took him in her arms. She could not stop kissing his little face and hands. She told him she was his real mommy and that she came to take him home. Even for his baby mind, this felt right. He immediately felt the love coming from Jenny. A love he never felt from the people who said they were his parents.

  “You take him home and we will deal with them.” Mark said to Jenny.

  She left with Mark Junior and a few other clan members. At home, Mark’s parents could not stop spoiling their grandson. They never believed they would get to love so much a half human half shifter grandson. They realized that even if he was just human, they still would had loved him.

  Jenny was so happy to have her child back with her. However, she kept looking on the window for her husband to return.

  “Don’t worry honey, he will get back safe.” Sad his mother.

  “I know…” Answered Jenny.

  Mark and the clan members got back three days later. That was how long the fight took. They were able to kill Drak and they made a new peace deal with the Hell clan. Mark also apologized for killing Tara. He explained why he did it and admitted it was a mistake. To repay his mistake, he promised to help the Hell clan integrate with the humans too. The only condition was for them to stop attacking humans. Mark felt like he won two battles in one. His goal was to stop them from killing people any way. Now he made them understand that they needed the humans. It was their chance to have a better life. If people could see that they were no fret, their kids could have the same chances to education and jobs. Shifters could soon stop hiding in underground communities. They would go to work and earn real money. This was all they wanted. Attacks were coming from the humans too. However, Mark told them it had to be them doing the first step towards peace and a new beginning. His speech convinced everybody.

  Since the Hell clan was now very weak, they asked Mark to unite the two clans. They were willing to accept and obey the 5 leaders. They all accepted. Even though now they were a huge clan and they could had done a lot of damage to humans, Mark and the other leaders decided against it. They still wanted peace and harmony.

  “I have something to tell you, husband.” Said Jenny one day with a mysterious smile on her lips.

  “What is it my love? Not more bad news, I hope”

  “Not at all! Unless you consider another half human half shifter a bad thing.”

  “This makes me so happy!” He said while grabbing her in his big strong arms.

  He took her in his arms and closed the bedroom door. The news she gave him deserved a celebration. She got naked and he stopped for a second to take in her hot body. Even after having one child she was still looking great. He got her nipples one by one, into his mouth and sucked them slowly. This was enough to get her wet and ready for him. She spread her legs and pulled him towards her. They moved together like in a wild dance full of passion and lust.

  ----- The End -----

  Strange Love

  Cheating Husband Series

  Vivia Fleckenstein

  Copyright © 2016 by Vivia Fleckenstein

  All rights reserved. No part of this guide may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  Published by Grant P

  Twisted Marriage

  Serena left the children with her friend and went to Liam’s office. She was wearing a long coat and absolutely nothing underneath. Her hope was to get a few minutes alone with him in the office. She could not even remember when the last time they had sex was. By the time he usually got home she was already too tired to do anything. Even though she trusted her husband, Serena knew something had to change. She could not blame Liam for never being home because she knew they needed the money.


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