Not Dead Yet (AM13 Outbreak Series Book 4)

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Not Dead Yet (AM13 Outbreak Series Book 4) Page 17

by Samie Sands

“Tie it up,” I whisper quietly back, almost forgetting that I might get caught. “Tie it above the wound to stop the bleeding.”

  “With what?” There’s a sheer terror in her eyes, one that’s making her act way out of character.

  “Material...your tee shirt, or maybe you can find something in here.” I flick my eyes from side-to-side, rapidly spotting danger coming at me from every angle. All I want to do is help, but if I do I risk myself. Again, I want to do the right thing, I’d love to be able to sacrifice myself to help someone else, but the icy cold fear was telling me to run. “Maybe you should hide for a while until all of this is over.”

  “But what if they kill me...”

  I run, needing to find something to look after myself with. Her too, since she can’t fight. I hope she takes my advice because from the looks of that gash if she doesn’t, the blood loss will slow her down and she’ll be killed for sure.

  Oh God, there are infected everywhere now, coming at me from every single angle. Everywhere I look my eyes are bombarded with the image of death, which causes an unbridled panic to overwhelm and consume me. I can’t do this, not this time, this is the time that I’m going to die...


  The breaths spill from my body like desperate pants, my heart pounds heavily against my rib cage, all I want to do is throw up, but it’s as if there’s nothing there inside of me to actually come out. Blood...I’m covered in blood, I can’t even remember where it all came from. All I know is that one moment I was in a pit of chaos, and then I found myself back here, back in my cage.

  One more day down, God knows how many more to go. I don’t think I can take this anymore...

  “You’re wanted.”

  I spin my eyes around slowly, every single horrifying emotion inside of me heightening. This can not be happening, haven’t I been through enough today? I’ve just been called into the ring, there’s no way they can be doing this to me again. I know they’re sadistic here, but this is on another level entirely.

  “For what?” My voice is raspy, difficult to hear, but I need more information before I can even think about going anywhere. My butt is on the cold, hard ground now, I don’t want to move it again unless I really have to.

  “Dave wants to see you.”

  “Dave never wants to see anyone anymore!” In the beginning, he came in here to torment me all the time, but ever since his little project has grown, he’s been around less and less. He lets everyone else do the dirty work for him.

  Oh God, a cold fear strikes my heart. What if he’s decided to get back in the whole torture game and he’d picked me as his victim? I really don’t want to go, I would do literally anything to get out of it, but as always I’m not in control of my destiny here. I have to do exactly as I’m told.

  “Dave wants to see you, so I suggest you move before I’m forced to move you.”

  My knees knock together as I stand, my whole body trembles with an intense all-consuming fear. I was wrong before, this is far worse than getting ready for The Games, at least then I know where I stand. I’m at the bottom of the ladder, the victim in a messed up fantasy concocted by a madman, with this I have no idea. Only that it won’t be good.

  As we walk through the hallways of this building, I’m taken past the other cells for the first time since being here. I can’t resist peeking in, just because I know I might not get another chance, and what I see makes me sick to my very core. Sure, I probably look as messy, as screwed up, as twisted as these girls but I haven’t seen myself. Seeing it is way worse than anything I could’ve imagined.

  That’s when another idea starts to form in my mind. I’m actually in a lucky position here, I’m going to be in the same room as Dave, without bars separating us. Maybe I should use that, and I should finally put my murder fantasies into action. It’s risky, I might not make it out alive, and maybe someone equally as bad will take over, but if I don’t do this I’ll probably regret it forever more.

  It’s worth thinking about anyway.

  “Here.” The man pushes me forwards. “He’s right through that door.”

  “What, you want me to just go in there?” I point towards the door, as an incredulousness overtakes my tone. “Are you serious?”

  He rolls his eyes exaggeratedly at me, and shoves me once more, making his feelings on the subject clear. I don’t mean anything to him, I’m just a pawn in this whole madness, it wouldn’t mean anything to him if I lived or died.

  Well, that’s just fantastic!

  I push the door quickly before I can totally bottle in and I slide my way in, trying to remain as inconspicuous as possible, but of course, that’s totally pointless. Dave is waiting for me, and by the looks of it so is his guest. His very undead guest...

  “You might know my little friend,” he smirks and points towards her, seemingly relishing in my discomfort. “You spoke to her earlier today.”

  Oh God...oh no...

  Yep, it’s her. Everything in me flip flops and churns at the sight of the poor woman I abandoned in the ring earlier on today. Maybe this is my fault, maybe if I hadn’t left her she’d still be alive.

  “Oh my goodness, will you wipe that guilty expression from your face? She was already bitten. Where do you think the blood came from?”

  What does he expect me to say to that? He’s staring at me expectantly as if he thinks I’m going to respond, but my lips are sealed shut. It’s taking all that I have not to keep staring at the beast-like version of her behind him. Even if her death isn’t my fault, I still feel to blame. She’d been through a horrible time here, she was at death’s door, I could’ve at least seen her off in a comforting way.

  What the hell has happened to me? Who have I become?

  “What is this?” I eventually spit out, accusation lacing my tone. “What are we doing here? What are you doing here?”

  “I’m just enjoying the end of the world,” he extends his arms outwards, indicating towards his new world. “What are you doing?”

  “You know that all I want is to find my husband. You tricked me here, now you’ve brought me into this room and I want to know why.” I fold my arms across my chest, trying to show him fury, but really all I’m really doing is covering up my fear.

  “Who were you?” he shocks me by asking. “Before all of this, I mean.”

  “Huh?” I furrow up my eyebrows, trying to work out exactly what his game plan is right now. It’s never straightforward, there’s always something he’s playing, and not know what that is scares the living hell out of me.

  “Well, I mean, I see a tall, slim, terrified woman standing before me, one that could really use a shower...but that wasn’t always you, was it? So, why not tell me more about yourself?”

  “So, suddenly you want to know about the people you’re torturing?”

  “Oh don’t be so mean, I don’t see it as torturing. I’m just having a little fun.” His head falls back as he lets out a barking laugh as if all of this is totally hilarious. “So, come on tell me all about you, Beverly.”

  The only way to work out what this is, is to play along for a while. “Okay, well my name is Beverly Denuse Laude, I live in a small ranching community in New Mexico.” Talking about home sends a bolt of intense pain coursing right through my body. “I used to be a vet, but now I’m a volunteer EMT....”

  “EMT, emergency medical technician? Damn, you should’ve told me. I would’ve brought you out onto this side of things much sooner if I knew you were going to be useful.”

  I’d never be useful for you, my brain screams, but I keep that thought inside. Some things don’t need to be said just yet, not until I’ve worked out what’s going on. “Right, so is that everything, or do you need to know more?”

  “Hmm, I don’t know,” he muses for a couple of minutes, tapping his fingers on his chin.

  “What about you?” I might as well blindside him a little, get something back from this nightmare. “Who did you used to be?”

  “Does it matter?” He lo
oks uncomfortable for the first time since I’ve seen him, I need to go in for the kill!

  “Well, if you need to know everything about me, then surely I get to ask you some questions too?” There it is, that laugh again. “I’m so glad that I amuse you, but I’m not joking.”

  “Okay fine, shoot. Ask away.”

  I wasn’t expecting that, but now I need to roll with it. “Okay, what’s your full name?”

  “Dave Suscheck, I wasn’t lying when I told you that. I might be a lot of things, but never a liar”

  “Where are you from?”


  “Why are you in Venice?”

  “Work. I’m an English Professor.”

  There’s a heat circling us, a battle brewing. The quicker I fire off questions, the faster he replies.

  “How old are you?”


  “Who are you in Italy with?”

  Silence. For the first time, he purses his lips together and says nothing. Have I hit on something here? Maybe there doesn’t need to be any more death, maybe I can get us all freed another way entirely. I stare at him, refusing to break eye contact for even a second. I need to break him...

  “I’m alone.”

  “No family?” I’m not stopping, not now. All I need to do is remember all the horrible times I’ve been through to keep me strong. There’s a growling monster straining behind him as a constant reminder of that.

  “Not in Italy, no.”

  “In America then?”

  He stands up and pounds his fists on the table, his skin reddening with temper. I’m there now, prickling under his temper, much as it scares me this is where I need to be.

  “Will you just shut it?” he commands loudly. “I’ve answered enough of your ridiculous questions...”

  “Well no, you know about my marital status, so why can’t I know about yours?”

  “I’m a survivor,” he growls while slamming his thumb hard into his chest. “That’s all you need to know. I’ve kept you alive this far, haven’t I?”

  “You call this alive?” I’m actually shocked to hear him say this, does he really think he’s doing us a favor. “I think I speak for everyone when I say that we would all rather be dead than suffering your stupid Games.”

  He moves closer to me, and it takes everything within me not to freak out and step back. I know that I’ve gotten to him, I can sense him struggling, so he’s reverting back to his default mode: intimidation. “You’re trying to tell me that The Games aren’t the best part of your day? They’re certainly mine.”

  “That’s sick, you’re sick.”

  As the warmth of his body almost connects with mine, my breath hitches in my throat. I’m trying to keep my brain intact, to keep myself going, but it’s really hard with him here.

  Then my eyes spot it, very briefly but enough to know. A gun.

  Oh my God if I can just get hold of that gun, it’ll all be fine...

  “Oh, you’ve seen that, huh?” he slides it from his pocket, looking pleased as punch with himself. “She’s a beaut, isn’t she?”

  I don’t even know how he knew that I was looking, but now I’m really scared. Especially as he’s waving it in front of my face, bringing my closer to the barrel of a gun than I’ve ever been before.

  “Want to see me fire her?”

  “Erm, no thanks,” I shake my head maybe a little too vigorously. “Look, you’ve obviously called me in here for a reason, so why don’t you just tell me what it is?”

  “It hasn’t gone unnoticed that you’re breaking the rules a lot, and I want to know what it is that you want,” he shrugs casually but keeps his hand firmly wrapped around the gun. “I’ve killed people for less.”

  “So why not me?”

  “I don’t know, maybe because you’re my first. None of this would be real if it wasn’t for you. If I hadn’t found you hiding away like a little beaver that day, maybe I never would’ve been able to...”

  “Oh don’t pin this on me, you had this place planned out for something just a sick and twisted as this. You must’ve thought about doing this before the virus, maybe you just got lucky.”

  “You think this is mine? God, I wish.”

  “So you just happened to find it?” He’s lying to me, I just know it. There’s no way in hell that’s the truth, when he brought me here he knew exactly what he was doing. “Are you serious?”

  “Okay, I did know about it before it all hit the fan, but I never had any plans.”

  “One more question, what was it before?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Maybe just one more, why did you decide to turn it into what it is now?”

  He moves around the room, sliding like a snake, all the while unease settles firmly in the pit of my stomach. Something big is going to happen soon, it has to. Am I going to roll over and let Dave take control, or am I going to do it for once? My heart thunders painfully in my chest as I try my best to find some bravery inside of me somewhere.

  “I have nothing left, I’m never getting home, I’m stuck here in a country that I hate with no one, and if no one comes up with an answer to this nightmare anytime soon then I’ll never get back there.”

  “I understand that,” I reply slowly and deliberately, trying to edge delicately around this. “But we’ve all lost people, there’s no excuse for going out and treating people this way.” I can’t imagine the rest of the world has reacted in this way to this nightmare if only I can make him see that. “Maybe you need to focus your attentions on trying to find a way back home. Put all of this to bed, let everyone go, and get back to your family.”

  He stops dead on the spot and turns his head slowly, freakishly so to look at me. My heart skips, hope rises, I start to think that just maybe I’m getting through to him...

  “Don’t you get it, you freak? The world has ended, this is it, this is us now.”

  “No way, someone out there will be working on a solution. I bet something’s being concocted as we speak.”

  I near him as I speak, slowly reaching out my arms to touch his shoulders. I try to seem like I’m comforting him, but really I’m reaching, trying to grab anything to end this right now.

  “I guarantee that you’ll be back home soon, and all of this will be a distant memory.”

  My fingers move down.

  “What you should do is end it now, before this whole experience changes you forever. You don’t want to end up totally unable to move on.”

  This is working, he’s actually getting sucked in by my words. Any minute now, I’ll have that gun and everything will be done.

  “I think it might be a little too late for that,” he smirks at me, staring deeply into my eyes.

  “What are you...?”

  I don’t know why, but something down below catches my attention and my eyes flicker downwards. I don’t know exactly what I’m expecting to see, but it certainly isn’t blood dripping on the ground. Where is that even coming from?

  Then a hot pain radiates from my chest, and a horrible realization dawns on me. The blood, it’s coming from me, from my chest. That means...

  “Yeah, sorry, I didn’t really want it to come to this, but I can’t have your ridiculous optimism bringing this place down. It doesn’t matter what happened in my past, this is my present, this is your present...or at least it was. Now I guess you’re done for and it’s just me on my own.”

  My head fuzzes up, my body feels heavy, I might be falling I’m not totally sure.

  “It’s a shame, I don’t want to get rid of my first, but there’s no other way it can be.”

  The room whirls, everything blackens, a pain strikes my back. I’m on the ground now, Dave is above me, I feel like I should be fighting but there’s nothing left.

  “Anyway, time to go...”

  He spins around and uses the knife covered in my blood to slice the girl zombies head open. Things spilling out of her is the last thing I see before everything goes tot
ally black.


  “Mao? Mao?”

  I can hear someone calling me, but I don’t even look around to see who it is. My eyes are fixed on the skies above. Something is coming, and as soon as it hits everything will end.

  Weirdly, knowing that the end is coming doesn’t make me want to run, and that’s mainly because the bright light in the sky is somehow beautiful. It’s destructive, it’ll wipe out everyone and everything in its path, but right now the glow is intoxicating.

  It’s not unknown that things between us and the Russian’s have been fraught recently, that there were negotiations that fell apart at some point in the proceedings, I guess it was inevitable that something like this would eventually happen, but the reality is so much more terrifying.

  From what we’ve all heard—from various biased sources, of course, I’m not naïve enough to believe that we ever get the whole truth—the Russian’s had a cure for all of this, but they were cautious about giving it to the Chinese because they think the virus started here. It didn’t, we saw it broadcast in other countries before there was any sign of it here, but the rumors caused issues.

  Then things took a really bad turn, and to be honest I think a lot of us have been waiting for the war to begin.

  I suppose, in a way, this is a good thing really. If the nuke was to hit a little further away, it would kill us slowly, burning up our insides, bursting our organs, pulling us limb-from-limb. A death by radiation poisoning would be worse than the people who suffered the virus has experienced.

  No, a quick blast of pain before the end of life as we know it is better. No death would be the perfect option of course, but that choice has been taken from us now.

  Still, it’s a shame to die now, just as it seemed like we were coming out of the worst of it. The jiangshi are finally dying out, the virus is seemingly losing it’s grip on humanity, taking us to a point where we could restart civilization again. It’s a shame to lose now when we’ve all fought so hard to be here. We’ve all done things we aren’t proud of to survive, and it seemed that we were just about to get our reward for that. Our prize for surviving the worst thing that’s ever happened to humanity.


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