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Hearts Aligned (Eternal Love #1)

Page 21

by Cheri Marie

  To our little peanut,

  One of the most important people I will ever have the privilege of knowing; you are the center of my world and you haven’t even arrived yet. You will be strong, independent, hard headed, funny and loved. A beautifully perfect blend of your mother and I. You don’t know how lucky you are to have her as your mother yet but you will. She is the most loving, caring, amazing woman I have ever met. I know with all my heart you will adore her. She’s everything good in the world; everything I hope you will be. Daddy sometimes can be hard headed and I make a lot of mistakes, but know that I’m learning to be a better man and I'll do my best. Your amazing mommy is to thank for that. I can’t wait for you to arrive, there are so many things I’m looking forward to teaching you. I love you little peanut. I’ll see you soon enough. Love,

  Your Daddy.”

  Tears spring to my eyes and I scrunch the letters against my chest. Ashlan comes into the room and rushes to me when she sees me crying.

  “What happened Ari? Are you okay?” There’s concern written all over her face. I can’t say anything, I just hand her the letters. I watch her as she reads them, slowly she walks towards the couch and sits down. Walking over, I sit next to her; a tear escapes from her eyes, rolling down her cheek. When she finishes reading, she looks up at me with watery eyes.

  “Arianna, I know he fucked up big time. But this,” she brings her hand up with the letters in it, “this deserves a second chance.” She’s right; absolutely fucking right. We’ve both suffered enough, it’s time we put it all in the past and move forward from here. I check the time, it’s eleven in the morning; he’s at the office. I grab my keys and rush out the door to reclaim my man.

  I’m sitting in a meeting discussing changes that are going to be made to the hospital. My mind wanders to Arianna; I wonder whether she received the letters I sent. Someone asks me a question bringing me back from my reverie and I try to focus my attention to the meeting going on around me. There’s a sudden commotion in the hallway when the door to the conference room swings open and Arianna comes rushing through the door. She stops dead as she takes in the five other men sitting at the table and then her eyes are on me. She swallows, then after taking a deep breath she starts to speak.

  “Landon, I have loved you, every moment of every day since the first day I met you. No matter how hard I fought my feelings for you they only grew stronger. When you asked me to be your wife, it was the happiest most incredible day of my life,” tears are rolling down her cheeks as she continues. “I couldn’t be happier to spend my life with anyone else. You are my hero, my strength; you are home for me. The day I found out I’m pregnant, I was terrified. I’ve never been so scared in my whole life, the fear of becoming a mother, of telling you…” she chokes back a sob. I tried to cut in but she hushes me, “please don’t say anything, let me finish… I came home that day unsure of how you would respond to the news. But I prayed the whole way there that you would be happy for us; then my worst nightmare happened. You turned and walked out on me. I understand you being scared, I am still so scared of becoming a mother. Who knows if I will even be good at it, but after reading these beautiful letters expressing how much you love me; love us. I realize, even if we epically suck at being parents and get everything wrong, there is no one else in this world I want to do everything wrong with. I love you, with everything I have, and everything I am.” She repeats my words back to me. I choke down the lump that has formed in my throat. I will not cry, I will not cry, I keep telling myself.

  Arianna is standing there staring at me, waiting for me to respond. I don’t care that we are in a room full of my colleagues. Quickly, I close the distance between us. Caressing her cheek I wipe her tears away with my thumb, looking deep into those piercing green eyes.

  “With everything I have, and everything I am,” I repeat back to her and then my lips are on hers.

  Suddenly a round of applause erupts behind us followed by hooting and whistling. We break away and laugh at the antics of my colleagues, then I turn my attention back to her.

  “I love you my angel.”

  “I love you my hero,” she says, as she kisses me again.

  It’s been a month and a half since my accident. They found Liam competent to stand trial. The trial starts Monday and I may have to testify against him. I’m scared to face him knowing he intentionally tried to kill me.

  Monday morning, we walk into the court room and there he is; sitting in the defendant's seat with his attorney next to him. My heart drops to my feet and I feel like I’m going to vomit. Landon rubs my back to assure me everything is okay and that Liam can’t hurt me. We take our seats as the attorneys make their opening statements. It’s a long day but thankfully they don’t need my testimony to convict him.

  I watch as they go through each piece of evidence; discussing the accident, the tampering he did to my car, the fact that he plotted it all with the end result being my death. Holding back the tears that threaten, I cuddle into Landon’s side. He wraps his arm tightly around me. We reach the end of the day and the verdict comes back quickly. They find him guilty on the attempted murder charge, sentencing him to fifteen years in prison with no chance for early parole. It’s not as long as I had hoped, but at least I won’t have to worry about him for a while.

  April 14

  Today is the day, the day I marry the woman of my dreams. In a little over an hour Arianna will be my wife and in a few more short months our little peanut will arrive, completing our family. I’ve never been happier in my entire life. Damien’s helping me get ready for the biggest day of my life, I asked him to be my best man and he said yes. Xavier, being the honorable guy he is, agreed to be my groomsman.

  Arianna is off somewhere else getting ready with Ashlan; who she asked to be her maid of honor and Kat is her bridesmaid. I can’t wait to see them, I’m sure they’re all going to look beautiful. There’s a knock at the door, it’s one of the ushers telling us it’s time to head out to the altar.

  I’ve spent the day with two of my favorite ladies getting ready for one of the happiest moments of my life. Today I will say I do to Landon and become Mrs. Landon Holt. I get butterflies just thinking about it. We’re almost ready; I look into the mirror at myself. My hair is pulled up into a high ponytail, letting cascading curls fall down my back. My make-up is done perfectly, thanks to Kat and Ashlan. Landon bought me a new blue sapphire tennis bracelet to wear, Ashlan let me borrow an old family heirloom to wear in my hair to hold my veil in place.

  I run my hands over my stomach as the baby kicks. My wedding gown is an A-line style. The top is covered in flashy bling then flows down to the floor, leading out into a beautiful train that has roses embroidered around the edge. It’s absolutely exquisite. The sleeves are lace that come down into a V at my hand with a little pearl ring that goes on my middle finger, holding the sleeves in place. I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it.

  Ashlan and Kat come in to see if I’m ready. They both look beautiful in their dresses. Both dresses are a light aquamarine color; but different styles. Ashlan’s is a floor length gown that hugs her beautiful figure, her hair is pulled back into a neat bun. She’s absolutely stunning. Kat is wearing a knee length A-line style gown. It’s more of a playful style dress and I adore her in it. Her hair is pulled back like Ashlan’s and she’s equally as stunning. The tears threaten but I fight them back; I don’t want to ruin my make-up before the ceremony even gets started.

  There’s a knock at the door. It’s the usher telling us it’s time to go. The butterflies start again as we exit the room and walk towards the altar. We get to our starting point, a few moments later the music starts and the ceremony begins.

  The music starts playing. There are butterflies in my stomach and my palms are sweaty. I take a deep steadying breath; Damien pats me on the shoulder reassuringly. Kat comes down the aisle first, she looks beautiful. I smile at her and she winks at me as she takes her place on Arianna’s side of the altar. Next is Ashlan
, she’s stunning. I glance over my shoulder at Damien, he grins at me and turns his attention back to Ashlan. She winks at him and takes her place next to Kat.

  A few short moments later, the wedding march begins and Arianna comes walking down the aisle. I can’t express how beautiful she looks; there’s a glow about her that is indescribable. We make eye contact and it takes my breath away. Tears threaten but I do my best to fight them back. I can’t believe this beautiful, amazing, caring, loving woman is only minutes away from becoming my wife. She reaches the altar and the ordained minister begins his speech. He reaches the vows and we take over; I read my vows first.

  “Arianna, before I met you I had decided that life wasn’t worth living anymore. Then you, the piercing green eyed beauty, came barreling out of nowhere and turned my world upside down.” Tears spring from my eyes as I continue, “suddenly I could see the world for all its beauty again. You lit up my life with just your smile and melted my heart. The day you agreed to marry me; I can’t even express to you in words how happy it made me. With this ring my angel, I vow to be faithful to you, to care for you and love you in sickness and in health; good times and bad as long as we both shall live, with everything I have and everything I am,” I slide the ring on her hand, lifting her hand I kiss the back of it.

  “Landon, when I met you I had just been freed from a relationship from hell, I wanted nothing to do with any other relationship. Then a beautiful stranger; you, came walking into my luncheon and I knew from that moment you would be my happily ever after. Our relationship hasn’t been even close to a fairytale but that’s okay, because it’s made us stronger as a couple. The day you proposed to me, the feeling was like… winning the lottery, or the World Series. I never expected to find a man that would love me the way you do and I am forever grateful you chose me. So with this ring my hero, I vow to be faithful to you, to care for you and love you in sickness and in health; good times and bad as long as we both shall live, with everything I have and everything I am,” tears are streaming down Arianna’s face as she slides the ring onto my finger. She leans down and places a kiss on the ring. We turn back to the minister so he can finish wrapping it up.

  “With the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss your bride.” I softly caress Arianna’s face in my hands and I kiss her, claiming her as my wife.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce you to Mr. and Mrs. Landon Holt.”

  There’s a roaring applause from our friends as we bow.

  Our wedding reception is beautiful; all our friends and coworkers are here to celebrate with us. Landon and the guys planned a dance routine for our guests, it’s amazing! Who knew these guys had moves like that. Everyone’s laughing and enjoying themselves and it warms my heart.

  It comes time to throw the garter and bouquet. I sit in a chair, Landon grins as he slides my dress up and uses his teeth to pull the garter off of my thigh. I blush thinking about all of the people watching, he laughs at me. Standing he turns his back to the guys and tosses the garter over his shoulder; I watch as it lands in Damien’s hands. Ashlan looks at him and then me. I mouth, "You’re next" at her and she grins. Next it’s my turn to throw the bouquet. I turn my back to the ladies and toss it over my shoulder; it’s no surprise that Ashlan catches it. I smile at her and she smiles back, guess it’s meant to be.

  We end the night with a slow dance; it’s to our wedding song, All of Me by John Legend. It’s a clear night, the moon and stars light up the sky. Landon and I watch as a star shoots across the sky and we smile at each other. He leans in and kisses me.

  “I love you Mrs. Holt,” he says.

  “I love you too Mr. Holt.”

  Four Months Later…

  My water broke… Our princess is ready to make her appearance.

  Landon helps me into the car; rushing me to the hospital as fast as he can. He’s freaking out and it’s adorable. I’m trying to concentrate on breathing while he’s blowing stop lights. Thank goodness it’s three in the morning, so no one else is on the road. We pull up in front of the hospital, Landon throws the car into park and rushes into the hospital for a wheelchair. He returns with the chair and two nurses to help me into the chair and then we hurry inside.

  Quickly they transfer me onto a bed. I grit my teeth and try to breathe as a contraction hits me. Landon rubs my back and breathes with me. My mind drifts back to him going to Lamaze class with me. He’s so fascinated with it all; it’s like he’s seeing the world for the first time, I smile at the thought. The nurse checks me to see how far I’m dilated; eight centimeters. It’s almost time, she leaves to call Dr. Moore and inform her that she should get here soon.

  It’s five thirteen in the morning on August twentieth; our little princess has finally arrived. Heaven Leigh Holt weighed in at seven pounds, ten ounces and eighteen inches long, she is a little beautiful bundle of perfection. I’m married to the love of my life and we now have a little perfect princess that already has daddy wrapped around her little finger. Life couldn’t get any better than this.

  First and foremost, my family and friends.

  I just want to say, thank you. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for dealing with the endless hours of me huffing and puffing in front of my laptop while nothing seemed to be going right. Your support and belief in me is all I could have ever asked for!

  Melissa Parnell, My PA, Right Hand Woman and Friend :)

  Where do I start? I am so incredibly blessed to have met you. Thank you for being there when I need to rant about unruly characters or to give me your opinion on something when I feel it just isn’t quite right. Also, thank you for dealing with my crazy. I know sometimes I am a handful and I am so appreciative that you’re willing to put up with my nonsense while juggling everything for me that I can’t. Most of all thank you for not letting me give up, and for not giving up on me. <3

  Angelica DelMargo, My Author Soulmate Forever #ASMF

  Meeting you has been a great blessing! You’re my author soulmate and my other right hand woman! Thank you for putting up with my crazy antics and my threatening to throw everything away and give up. We’re so much alike it’s kind of scary sometimes. Thank you for just being you. I can’t wait until we’re celebrating and swooning over the release of your book next! I hope you’re ready, cause you’re stuck with me forever. <3

  Amie Moore, My Third and Final Angel

  Thank you so much for your support and encouragement. It means a lot to know that someone, who at first was a complete stranger can believe in me so much! So thank you, thank you, thank you! If it wasn’t for you, Melissa and Angelica, I probably would have given up a long time ago. <3

  Cheron Tribbett

  My book bestie! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being such an amazing and supportive friend since day one! You couldn’t possibly understand how appreciative I am of you.

  Andrea Ford

  My dear friend, thank you so much for being so supportive! Since day one you’ve been there through the “screw this I give up’s” and the many writers blocks. I appreciate you so much!




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