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Fighting Gravity

Page 22

by Julie Adams

  “I can take a shower in the guest room,” he says unbuttoning his shirt.

  I shake my head. “There's plenty of room for both of us in yours.” I grab his hand and pull him with me to his room.

  “Ours.” He corrects behind me. “I know things have changed, but I still want you here.”

  I turn on the water and begin to undress. “One thing at a time, Nathan. Right now I just want you naked in this shower with me and then I want food, real food. I feel like I haven't eaten in ages.” As the words leave my mouth I can feel how hollow my stomach is. I haven't had much of an appetite the last few days. Actually, I haven't had much of an appetite since before I left America. But today I'm ravenous in so many ways.

  The warm water feels so good. Nathan soaps up a big silk sea sponge and rubs it over my chest and shoulders. For all the lust in his eyes, he keeps on task. I pour the shower gel into my palm and work it over his chest, my fingers circling his nipples before drifting over the muscles of his chest and stomach being sure to thoroughly clean as I do. I work either hand over the V crease of his hips, following the delicious indents down to his bobbing erection.

  I'm aching for him again, my soreness from earlier forgotten. He reaches for my breast and I step away from his touch. He growls. I step closer and stand on tiptoe to claim his mouth. He wastes no time finding my tongue with his own. He reaches for my breasts again and just grazes them before I pull away. Another unhappy sound from his throat before he grabs my hips and pulls me to him. I squeal and brace my hands on his chest.

  “Tease.” He glowers down at me. Faster than I can evade he locks his arm around my waist and hoists me up on the marble ledge of the shower. It's just big enough for me to sit on. I gasp and tangle my fingers in the wet strands of his hair. “Nathan,” I whisper as he enters me.

  Earlier was fast and needy, but this is slow and claiming. This is a promise. A poem of our bodies.

  His breath and moans against my ear with the sound of our bodies meeting is an assault to all my senses.

  After we’ve finished he just holds me until the water turns cool and we quickly wash.

  He gets out and wraps the towel around his waist then hands me my own. “I love you.” He says kissing me. Then he pads into the bedroom to dress.

  I take my time drying and winding my hair up into a bun before going to get dressed myself. I'm just reveling in being here with him again. Feeling his body against mine, inside mine.

  I know I've made the right decision, that he’s the other half of me.

  Pulling on sweats and a tank I go out into the living room and freeze.

  Nathan is sitting on the couch his back to me. The muscles beneath his shirt are bunched taut and he’s sitting so stiff.

  “Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” chills break out on my skin. I whip my head around to look into the kitchen.

  Standing at the end of the island is Dave. He’s holding a gun. “Surprise!” He says and waves his hands around.

  I forgot how unfunny he could be.

  He looks pretty much the same, only he looks 20 pounds thinner, his blonde hair longer and his blue eyes bloodshot. “I’ve been trying to reach you. I’ve missed you.” He comes closer to me and Nathan goes to stand. “Easy!” Dave shouts pointing the gun at him.

  He comes over and wraps me in a hug. I cringe and suffer through it. “Come on, come in here with us.” He says using his arm to push me into the living room. I can see that the front door is barely shut, having been kicked in or pried open.

  “Dave, what are you doing here? How did you find me?” I ask my mind racing, grasping for a way out of here.

  “One question at a time. You were always so curious you couldn’t contain yourself, remember?” He raises an eyebrow at me suggestively and I feel my stomach churn. “When you stopped answering my calls and changed your number, I got the hint. But I knew given time, you’d miss me. That you’d come back. Imagine my surprise when I show up at your mother’s and she tells me you’ve moved, wouldn’t give me any information on how to contact you. There I was back in the states, so fucking lonely and pining away for you and you’re here with this French prick letting him do all the things I used to.” His face contorts with rage, his complexion turning as red as his eyes.

  Is he on something? Drunk?

  “We had to end things, you were married,” I reply forcing myself to be calm, to enunciate every word clearly.

  “I loved you! So what I was married she was a crazy bitch!” I bite my tongue, starting to see they were a perfect match. “Then, at last, Beth sent your mom some stuff from Paris. Inside was a note that mentioned you. It was easy enough to seal that package back up, come here and find you.” He’s so proud of himself.

  “Did you hurt my mother?” My heart is in my throat and I’m gagging on it.

  “No, god, I’m not a monster.” He says. “Did you think about me at all?” He chuckles and sighs, “In the shower just now? Were you thinking of me?”

  Funny how when there's no danger my anxiety goes into overdrive thinking of all the things that could happen, but right now, there's nothing but adrenaline forcing me to think clearly. I have to play this right. “I did.”

  He stops and looks at me, hopeful. “You did?”

  “Yes, you hurt me. But I loved you, I ran to Paris to get away from everything that reminded me of you, of us.” Mostly true, completely different meaning than the one I'm feeding him.

  I turn so I can see Nathan. Backing up a few feet to frame them both. “I've been losing myself in this city to forget you.”

  Lie. Lie. Lie.

  Survive. Survive. Survive.

  “You've been making a whore of yourself!” Dave yells pointing the gun at me. Nathan jumps to his feet and puts himself in front of me.

  I grab his arm. No! He's going to get himself killed.

  “I've been chasing the ghost of you, trying to find what I had with you,” it's all such bullshit, I don't know how he isn't sensing it. But he seems to be waiting for more.

  I still myself for what I'm about to say. What I have to do.

  I push in front of Nathan. “I love you. If you want me, let's leave and go back to America. Start that life together we talked about. Remember?” I walk closer to him holding my hand out for him.

  “I don't know if I can forgive you for this,” he spits looking at Nathan with fiery hate. And I’m afraid it’s over, that he’s going to kill us both.

  “He's nobody. A Paris fling.” I wonder how much he's seen me and Nathan together, how long he's been watching me.

  “I lost everything. Everyone. But I knew that you still loved me. I just had to see you again to remind you.” He says and takes my hand. He jerks me to him, my shoulder screaming in pain as he does it. “I should kill him for having you.” He hisses pointing the gun over my shoulder at Nathan.

  I grab his wrist. “It's not worth the risk. Think of our future.” Who the hell am I? It feels like I'm watching this outside my body. This is a soap opera and the lines are being fed to me.

  “Prove to me that he means nothing,” Dave commands wrapping his arm around my waist, his hand resting on the swell of my ass.

  Don't recoil, I order my body. “How?”

  “Kiss me, show him it was all pretend.”


  I close my eyes and breathe through my nose.

  “This is ridiculous. It was just a fling like she said.” Nathan protests. “No need to prove anything to me. She means nothing to me. Do you even know who I am here?”

  “Yes, I know exactly who you are.” Dave’s hand tightens on me and I feel bile rise in my throat.

  “Then you know I'm not exactly a relationship kind of guy,”

  “Not according to my research.” He turns to me angry. “Do you have any idea the lengths I went to for you?” He's squeezing me hard, nails digging through the fabric of my pants. “I had to kill that construction worker when he found me
in the theater. I was there watching you, deciding how to talk to you, I loved that, I felt like your private superhero, making sure you were safe. The way I couldn't before.”

  Breathe, don't recoil. If you recoil he's going to snap.

  “Then that guy found me while getting his tools. Then you found him and took off, right into his arms instead of mine.” He's yelling again, agitated and waving the gun around wildly. “You stole my glory!”

  “But he didn't. I'm here with you,” I say grabbing his face and forcing him to look at me. I act quickly before Nathan or Dave can say anything else. Before I have time to think too much. I kiss him. He's startled at first, then his tongue is pushing past the tight press of my lips. I try to reciprocate. His shoulders stiffen and he straightens.

  I recoiled.

  “You lying whore!” He seethes. And pushes me away from him, my back hitting the counter. He puts the gun right between my eyes.

  For the first time, I feel panic. I'm all out of ideas.

  A low growl followed by a high pitched angry yip.

  Frankie comes sailing from around the couch where he was hiding. A little brown blur in motion whips past me and straight for Dave.

  “No!” I breathe reaching for him, but it's too late.

  Dave howls in pain. Frankie continues to growl and snort. His teeth firmly latched onto Dave’s crotch.

  Nathan jumps around me and grabs his wrist, his other forearm hitting just below the elbow snapping the arm back with a crack and sending the gun clattering across the room. I scramble for it.

  Frankie drops and scurries to my side. Nathan subdues Dave, wrenching his arms behind his back. Grabbing the dog leash, he knots it around his wrists.

  “Give me the gun,” he says gently holding his hand out for it.

  My hands are shaking and the weapon feels like it’s ten pounds. “Don't kill him,” I say and he gives me a look, taking the gun from my shaking hands.

  He quickly ejects the mag and pulls the slide, a little brass bullet clatters to the marble. He was ready to kill us. One wrong move, one little slip and one of us could be dead.

  Here comes the panic in full force. And with the panic comes tears. My knees are shaking and I nearly collapse.

  “Lily, look at me,” Nathan's firm, calm voice forcing me to get it together. “I need you to go into the bedroom and get your phone. Call the police.”

  I nod and go towards the hall. A loud thump stops me.

  Turning around I see that the front door has been kicked in and uniformed officers are swarming the hall behind Bisset who's entering the room, his gun drawn. “Police!” He takes in the scene. “Anyone else in here?” He asks.

  “No,” Nathan replies. “How'd you know to come?”

  “The doorman called after he woke up, he was knocked unconscious, by this guy I'm assuming.” Franks hauls him up and hands him to the uniformed officers. “When the call came in for this address I knew it was something to do with you.”

  “Well, thanks for getting here,” Nathan says kind of sarcastic, kind of sincere. “This thing was loaded when he busted in here using a crowbar on the door. He admitted to killing the construction worker at the theater.”

  I sink onto the couch, adrenaline gone and with it my energy to stand.

  Bisset rubs a hand over his face. “I'll need statements from you both. I won't be seeing either of you on any more of these calls.” He looks pointedly at us both.

  Frankie jumps up next to me and snuggles in against my legs. He saved us. This little assassin saved us.

  I scratch behind his ears and he snorts happily as if nothing ever happened.

  Thirty One


  Two weeks have passed since Dave was put behind bars for good. I wish I could say having him locked away made my anxiety all better and that I never have it anymore, but that's not true.

  I still have my moments, I still have nights when I lay in bed and listen for any little noise. But then a big arm wraps around me and pulls me close. And a little snore from the foot of the bed tells me I'm in the safest place I could be.

  Tonight is the theater opening and it looks fantastic. It's grown up rock n’ roll glam, all black and sparkles. Beth calls it Phantom of the Opera Chic.

  An entire wall when you walk in, is photos of the theater through the ages. In the very center, a photo of a showgirl and her son. That one always catches my eye.

  Now that the theater is getting all kinds of buzz thanks to tonight's headline act, Shadows of Sins. Brent has hired a real booking director. And I'm grateful not to be responsible for it anymore. Instead, I'm focusing on my writing. Meeting with songwriters and watching them work has inspired me. I think I have what it takes.

  But until that starts paying the bills, I'm working at Reine du Bal. And I've decided I'm staying in Paris indefinitely.

  A warm hand closes on my shoulder and I turn to look, still jumpy. I might always be. Even if Dave will spend the rest of his life behind bars and his ex-wife is a sea away.

  “Hi, mon beau,” Nathan says, His lips meeting mine. I still get that giddy jolt when he kisses me.

  We part and he glances around the theater, “Should I be girding my loins?” He and Brent have yet to see each other since that night he confessed everything.

  “I don’t think so. He hasn’t said much about it.” I shrug and step out of the way as a sound guy runs a cord around the stage.

  “It’s surreal to be back here. You did such a great job with this place. It’s elegant but like vampire owns the place.”

  “I think that’s the effect they were going for. You know you are welcome to come here anytime you want.”

  He shakes his head. “I don’t need it anymore. I’ve made peace with my past, laid those ghosts to rest peacefully. I’m looking forward to my future.” He winks at me.

  “Come on, let's go up to our box and out of the way.” I weave my way around techs and managers, to the service entrance leading to the boxes.

  The boxes sold out quickly, there’s always someone looking for the VIP experience. Brent saved one just for his friends and family. It’s the smallest and doesn’t offer the best view, but it’s wonderful nonetheless.

  The box is empty. Brent and Beth will join us just before the first act takes the stage. I grab a water from the mini fridge and take a sip. I’m nervous for them. But everything seems to be going better than we could have imagined. Fans are packing the place, talking about Shadows of Sins upcoming album, and of course the ghost that haunts this place.

  Brent and Beth open the door and step in. Brent looks at Nathan who visibly straightens.

  Brent extends a hand, “My sister is smart enough and old enough to make decisions for herself. I like you. But if she ever needs muscle, I’m just a call away.” He warns.

  “I wouldn’t expect anything less. She’s lucky to have a brother like you.” Nathan says, relaxing.

  “Yeah, she is,” Brent says looking at me like I should write that down and remember it.

  I roll my eyes and sigh.

  “So much testosterone in such a little space,” Beth chokes, grabbing her throat and coughing exaggerated.

  “Ha. Ha. Ha.” Brent replies grabbing her around the waist and tickling her until she cracks up.

  They are just the picture of a functioning relationship. They have what everyone hopes they’ll have someday.

  Nathan entwines his fingers with mine as the lights dim and a power chord is struck, reverberating over the theater.

  It's Showtime.

  The crowd screams and nearly drowns out the music with their excitement.

  Four glorious hours later, Jaxon Marks presses the mic against his gorgeous lips and says “Goodnight and goodbye, Paris. You’ve been the best lover- I mean audience- I’ve ever had.”

  And all the women swoon. Including me. Just a little.

  “I’m going to find Brent and see if he needs help,” Beth beam
s with pride. “We fucking did it!” She hugs me tight, then giving in to her own affectionate ways, she hugs Nathan. “See you both in a bit.”

  My ears are humming and I’m on cloud nine over the success of the show. I can’t help myself and check the theater’s social media. The numbers have skyrocketed. It's been a huge success.

  Fans are now shuffling out and the cleanup crew has started picking up.

  “Come on, I want to show you something,” I say taking Nathan’s hand.

  I lead him back through a service entrance and up a staircase. I push open a heavy metal door and step out onto the roof and into the night air. Paris unfolds herself to us. The tower glowing in the distance.

  “Wow,” Nathan breathes. “I’ve never been up here before.”

  “Really?” I ask surprised.

  “No, that was one of the few rules we had. No roof and no outside.”

  I lead him to the little wicker patio set that’s been put up here by Beth. I plop down on the soft cushions. “You a rule follower?”

  He shrugs. “I haven't always been this way. It took years to perfect my je ne sais quoi.”

  I laugh. “And here I thought it was just that effortless French quality you have,”

  “Did I ruin the mystique?”

  I hold up my finger and thumb, indicating a little. He balks at the sign.

  “That's not what I mean.” I explain.

  “I can remind you. Right here.” He sinks down beside me and pulls me in.

  When he kisses me, I forget everything but him and me.

  Nathan's lips trail up my throat to my ear. “Move in with me?” He asks again.

  For so long I've been fighting gravity. And for the first time, I feel like I can let go and float away without crashing. I am safe here. I am safe with him.

  “Yes.” I say kissing him

  Thank you so much for reading!

  About Julie Adams

  Julie is an author of romance novels and lives in the Midwest with her family. You can usually find her with coffee and some kind of electronic device that she can read e-books on while chasing her toddler. She stays up too late writing, watching television, browsing social media, and planning her travel bucket list.


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