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The Art of Love [Hedon Falls 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 12

by Michelle Graham

  Melanie went back to the gallery. Sitting in her building gave her a sense of direction. Here, she knew exactly what she wanted and needed to do. She pulled out the floor plans and began drawing diagrams showing the placement of the art. Her phone rang a few minutes later and she glanced at the display. It was Alexis.

  “Hi, Melanie,” Alexis said. “Are you still good with me coming to the gallery this morning?”

  “You bet,” Melanie replied. “The furniture was delivered yesterday, as well as the dishes and cookware, so you can start organizing the café.”

  “Excellent. I’ll see you in twenty minutes.”

  Melanie hung up, but her phone rang again just a moment later. She stared at the display, debating whether she should answer it, but decided that not doing so would be cowardly.

  “Hi, Justin,” she said carefully.

  “Ma chérie,” he began. “I saw your note, but I do not understand. What space do you need?”

  Melanie closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “I need some time away from you. And from Garrett and David. I need to figure out what to do and I can’t concentrate when you’re all around me.”

  There was silence for a moment. “But I love you,” Justin said. “You love me. What more is there to think about?”

  “I do love you, Justin. But I love David and Garrett, too. And I just don’t know what to do about that.”

  “Ma chérie—”

  “Please, Justin. Give me some time to think about all of this. I need to keep the gallery on track, too. If my personal life gets too messed up, then I won’t be able to get my business off the ground.”

  More silence. Melanie waited for him to say something. Finally, he said, “I will give you your space, ma chérie. But please, do not take too long. I do not want to be apart from you.”

  “I love you,” Melanie whispered.

  “Je t’aime,” he whispered back.

  As she sat staring at the phone, it occurred to Melanie that their conversation sounded much like the one she’d had with David the night before. She sure hoped that taking time to think would help.

  Chapter 15

  “What do you mean, she wants space?” Garrett yelled. “What the hell happened yesterday?” He glared down at the young man in front of him. The last time he’d seen Melanie, two days ago, everything had been going well. She seemed to always enjoy herself when she spent time with him and Justin, even when they weren’t in bed. Yesterday, he had needed to go into Toronto for an appointment and hadn’t returned until later, so he slept at his place. When he had come to Justin’s this morning, Garrett found him sitting in a chair and staring morosely out the window.

  “She saw David again,” Justin said. “She did not say, but I am sure they made love before they came here. He was very affectionate with her. She modelled for my painting, and then we all went into the shower after.”

  “David, as well?” Garrett asked. This surprised him. From what Melanie had told him, he didn’t think David would want to have a threesome.

  Justin nodded. “Oui, David as well. We pleasured her, she pleasured us, and he seemed to be enjoying it. Only…”

  “Only, what?”

  Garrett listened as Justin explained their declarations of love for each other and how David had stormed out. Justin had heard him telling Melanie that he loved her, and her saying she loved all three of them. Hearing that, Garrett’s heart swelled. He suspected that she had fallen in love, but to have it confirmed was wonderful, because he felt the same way about her. He looked at Justin’s distraught face. What a clusterfuck this is. He sat down beside Justin.

  “You love Melanie. I love Melanie. David loves her,” he said. “And she loves all of us. You and I have been doing well with her as a threesome. Maybe we can find a way to make it work for all four of us.”

  Justin shook his head. “Garrett, you are my friend, and what we have together with Melanie is wonderful. But I do not think David will see it that way.”

  “Maybe we just need to convince him,” Garrett said. “I’ll be back.” He picked up his jacket and walked out the door.

  The drive to David’s studio was short, and Garrett drove quickly. He rang the bell and waited. Though it only took a minute for the other man to answer, Garrett’s impatience made it difficult to keep from ringing the bell a dozen more times. When David opened the door and saw Garrett standing there, he looked surprised.

  “Garrett,” he said. “This is unexpected. What can I do for you?”

  “We need to talk,” Garrett said. “Can I come in?”

  David stood aside and Garrett went through the door and into the office area. He sat down in a chair and waited for David to sit across from him. The two men stared at each other silently. Garrett knew he’d have to be careful how he approached this.

  “I hear you were with Melanie at Justin’s yesterday,” he blurted. Nice way to ease into it. Very subtle.

  David’s expression became guarded. “Yes.” He didn’t elaborate.

  “I know what happened. All of it,” Garrett said. “I know about Justin telling her he loved her. I know you said the same thing, and that she said she loved all three of us.”


  David’s tone and expression gave nothing away, and it was irritating Garrett. He thought David was emotional, but right now he seemed like a very cold man. “This morning she told Justin that she needed distance from all of us, so she could figure out what to do. You’re the one who planted that idea in her head.” Though he was struggling to remain calm, Garrett’s voice was growing louder.

  “And you gave her the idea that it was okay to be with more than one man at once,” David shot back.

  “It is okay!” Garrett exclaimed. “Justin and I both love her, and she loves us. We were doing quite well together, but then you came along and ruined it!”

  David’s eyes flashed and a muscle in his jaw twitched. “I love her, too. Or doesn’t that mean anything?”

  “If you loved her, you’d want to make her happy, and right now all you’re doing is making her miserable! You’re only thinking about yourself and your own precious ego.” Garrett was breathing hard, his heart pounding, and a ball of rage grew within his chest. He couldn’t just stay still, so he stood and began pacing the room.

  “I think you need to leave, Garrett,” David said in a low voice as he stood, too.

  Garrett stopped his pacing to look at the other man. “I’m not leaving until you sort this fucking mess out!” he cried. “Call her! Tell her it’s okay. Tell her she can be with all of us, because if you don’t, none of us will have her!” Garrett could feel panic welling up inside of him as he realized that losing Melanie was what he was most afraid of. He had never felt this way about anyone, ever, and the thought that he might have to live without her was creating a mass of anxiety within him.

  “I can’t do that, Garrett,” David said to him. “I don’t think I can share her all the time. It was hot being in the shower with her and Justin, but…” He trailed off and ran his hands over his close-cropped hair. “I just don’t know. I don’t know you, or Justin. Hell, I barely know Melanie, when you get down to it. How can she make a decision when she never really had a chance to get to know me?”

  “That’s just it,” Garrett replied with exasperation. “She doesn’t have to decide. She can have us all. Justin and I are more than willing to have you with us, because it’s what will make her happy.”

  David shook his head. “I don’t know,” he said again. “Like I told her, I need to think. I can’t concentrate when I’m around her because she makes me so fucking horny, and you here yelling at me doesn’t help either. Having space doesn’t mean ending things. It just means taking time to figure things out.”

  Fuck. Garrett realized that David had a point. He didn’t have to like it, but it was valid. Maybe space would do them all some good. He exhaled loudly and said, “Fine. Take your space and figure it out. But do it quickly.”

  Garrett saw D
avid’s body relax a bit. “I’ll think as fast as I can, Garrett. I promise. I don’t want to lose her either.”

  The two men faced each other for another moment before Garrett said, “Okay. That’s all we can ask for I guess. Keep us posted.” He hesitated a moment and then held out his hand. David shook it firmly, and then Garrett left.

  Next stop, Melanie. Garrett headed to the gallery. He knew that Melanie wanted space, but he had yet to hear it from her directly. He decided to feign ignorance and go talk to her. Maybe they could sort it all out today. When he reached the gallery, he parked beside Melanie’s car in the freshly paved parking lot. There was another car there that he didn’t recognize, and he felt a moment’s indecision. If she wasn’t alone, maybe this wasn’t the best time to try and talk to her. On the other hand, she might be afraid to appear rude in front of her guest, and talk to him anyway. Making the choice to go in, he got out of his car and walked to the door.

  The design was beautiful. The old mill was a perfect setting, and Melanie had added enough modern touches to make the building very appealing. Large glass windows lined the front, each plastered with a sign announcing the grand opening in five weeks. Garrett tried the door and was pleased to find it open. As he entered the building, he admired the soaring ceilings with the broad timber beams. Modern light fixtures hung all around, giving a warm glow to the space. He could hear voices and laughter coming from further back in the building. He walked through the lobby and around a wall. The main gallery was large, open, and airy. At the back, he could see an area with a low ceiling and steps leading to what appeared to be a loft.

  Beneath the loft, Melanie stood with a woman Garrett didn’t know. They were unpacking boxes of dishes and carrying them through a set of swinging doors, through which Garrett could see a kitchen. He began moving toward her. She picked up a stack of dishes and disappeared through the swinging door. The other woman, a voluptuous brunette, looked up and saw him.

  “Can I help you?” she asked politely.

  “I came to see Melanie,” Garrett replied. At that moment, Melanie pushed her way back through the swinging door.

  “Alexis, I think that we’ll have…” Her voice trailed off when she saw Garrett standing there. “Garrett,” she whispered.

  “Hey, sweetheart,” he said softly. They gazed intensely at each other and Garrett could see the tears beginning to well up in her eyes.

  “I can’t do this right now,” she said.

  “Please, Melanie,” he pleaded. “Just talk to me for a few minutes.”

  The silence stretched between them and was broken when the woman, Alexis, said, “Melanie, I’m going to run back to my place to get those blackboards for the menu. We can figure out where to hang them when I get back.” She glanced quickly between the Melanie and Garrett, and then headed toward the door.

  As Garrett stared at the petite blonde before him, he felt different emotions warring within him. He recognized the love. That was the part that wanted to just pull her close and hold onto her forever. But he was angry, too, angry that she was trying to push them all away. Other thoughts ran through his mind, but love and anger were the two strongest, and the conflict between them froze him in place, unable to act on either.

  Melanie was the one who made the first move. She walked tentatively toward him, slipped her arms around his waist, and rested her head against his chest. He hugged her back, pressing his lips to her hair, and inhaling the sweet smell of her. He closed his eyes and just held her as she sobbed. “Shhhh,” he murmured. “I don’t like seeing you upset.”

  “How can I not be upset?” she cried, her voice slightly muffled because she spoke into his shirt. “I love three men, but one of them doesn’t know if he can share, and I’m just confused about what to do.”

  “I love you, too,” he said. “I only want you to be happy. And I get that you need to think about this, but can’t you stay with Justin and I while David sorts his shit out?”

  She shook her head against him. “I have to concentrate on getting the gallery ready, and all this emotional turmoil is too much for me to deal with right now. Please. Just let me get the gallery set to go, and then we can figure things out.”

  “But that’s still five weeks away! Babe, I don’t think I can stay away from you for that long.”

  “You’re going to have to,” she replied. “Just bring your paintings by sometime this week so I can start getting them hung, but let me have the time to myself. I need it.”

  He stared into her blue eyes, now bloodshot from crying, and nodded. “If that’s what you need, I can do that. I love you.”

  “I love you, too,” she whispered. She stood up on her toes and pulled his lips down to hers for a gentle, lingering kiss that made Garrett’s heart ache a little. When she pulled back, tears were running down her cheeks again, and she disappeared into the kitchen.

  Garrett watched the door swing behind her for a moment then turned and strode toward the door. He exited the building just as Alexis pulled back into the parking lot. By the time he reached his car, she was out of hers. She came toward him with her hand outstretched.

  “Hi. I’m Alexis. I’m going to be running the café.”

  Garrett shook her hand. “Garrett Anderson,” he said. “I’m one of the artists.”

  She smiled. “It looked like you were a lot more than that.”

  Garrett shrugged. “I guess we’ll have to see. It was nice to meet you.” She waved as he got into the car and drove back to his apartment, where he desperately wanted to whip something.

  Chapter 16

  Melanie looked up from her spot on the kitchen floor when she heard the door open. Alexis walked through and came to sit beside her.

  “I know we haven’t known each other long,” Alexis said. “But I’m a great listener.”

  Melanie sighed. She liked Alexis. The older woman was friendly and had a great sense of humour. It felt like they had been friends for a while, and Melanie decided that maybe a fresh opinion might help. So she launched into the story, hoping that Alexis wouldn’t be too judgemental. As Melanie talked, Alexis listened patiently, nodding and saying very little. When Melanie had finished her story, she waited anxiously for the other woman’s reaction.

  “Well,” she began. “I see you meant the term ‘clusterfuck’ literally.”

  Melanie burst out laughing. It was exactly the right thing for Alexis to say, and the two of them giggled like fools for a few minutes before catching their breath.

  “In all seriousness, though,” Alexis said. “It sounds like these men all love you very much. And you clearly love them. But I guess it’s difficult to get someone with old-fashioned ideas to think outside the box.”

  Melanie nodded. “David just seems to get so jealous and possessive. I don’t know what to do.”

  “But you said he had fun in the shower, didn’t you?” Alexis asked. When Melanie nodded, she continued, “Then it doesn’t sound to me like he’s averse to the idea. I think he’s probably just confused because he thinks he should be the only man but doesn’t understand why it’s so arousing to see you with someone else.”

  “You might be right,” Melanie said.

  “My advice, and you don’t need to listen to it at all if you don’t want to, is to stick with your decision to wait until after the gallery is open. You’re right about needing to concentrate and it sounds like being around these guys is a little too…distracting.”

  Melanie grinned. “Distracting is a good word for it. Thanks for listening, Alexis.”

  “No problem,” Alexis replied. “Anytime you need it, I’ll be right here.”

  With the serious discussion over, the two women worked at getting the rest of the boxes unpacked and began organizing the café.

  * * * *

  Melanie spent the next few weeks madly organizing for the gallery opening. Serena helped her get the printed media together and was running her website. Alexis had hired two part-time staff and was training them for the café.
Melanie had to hire another person to work the front of the gallery, and she had to train him or her as well. Plus the men began bringing their artwork in, which meant Melanie had to try to avoid being around when they were there. It all kept her very busy.

  The day of the opening gala arrived, and Melanie spent the morning at the gallery making sure everything was perfect. She checked all the lighting, made sure all the information plaques were up, organized the literature at the front desk, dusted, polished, and vacuumed. She set out potpourri and toiletries in the bathrooms for her guests’ convenience, thinking to herself that it was probably easier to plan a wedding. She checked on Alexis and her staff who were cooking and arranging the hors d’oeuvres on trays to be put in the refrigerator. The rented punch fountain and champagne flutes were stacked up and ready to be used.

  When Serena arrived to take Melanie to the hair stylist shortly after noon, Melanie found it hard to leave. “Just let me check—”

  “Melanie, if we don’t go now, you’re going to have limp hair and be wearing jeans tonight. Is that how you want people to see you?” Serena asked.

  “Fine! You win. Let’s go, before I think of something else.”

  Serena drove them to the salon, rubbing her belly the whole way. Melanie noticed her grimacing a few times. “Are you okay?” she asked. Serena was thirty-five weeks pregnant, and since she was expecting twins, she could deliver any day.

  “I’m fine,” Serena said. “These girls just keep kicking me the wrong way. It’s so crowded in there right now that they don’t have room to move.”

  “Can I feel?” Melanie asked. Serena nodded and Melanie placed her hand against the side of Serena’s swollen belly. She smiled when she felt a kick against her hand. Though she would never tell Serena, Melanie was a bit jealous of her friend. She had two loving husbands, three adorable kids, and two more about to arrive. Melanie’s own dreams of a family would have to wait. She still hadn’t said anything to the men about their relationship status. She wouldn’t be able to avoid them tonight. It would look strange if a gallery featuring local artists didn’t have said artists in attendance at its opening.


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