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Forever, For Always

Page 17

by Quinn, Sabrina

  “When I saw you up there and he was pointing that gun at you, I thought I was going to die myself. Right then and there if he pulled the trigger. I could never live without you, Vada. I can’t believe you were going to let me,” his voice soft and is laced with sadness.

  I fall onto his chest, weeping at the thought of hurting Benny and Isaac like the way I almost had. “I’m so sorry. Please forgive me,” I cry into the hospital gown.

  Isaac carefully moves me to the side with grunt and a pained look.

  “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” I cry even more after realizing I had just thrown my head on the very place he was shot.

  Isaac smoothes my hair as he tries to calm me down. “Shhh, it’s okay. We’re going to be okay.”

  I gently crawl into the bed with him so I can wrap my arm around his waist instead. He places his arm under the crook of my neck, cradling me into his side. “I thought you were dead,” comes out of my mouth in a whisper. We lay silently for a few minutes holding onto what we had thought was lost.

  “I can’t believe your plan was to blow up the building.”

  “Technically, it was supposed to just be a fire. I didn’t counter in the massive amount of paint cans in the back of the storage room. I should’ve explored that room a little better I guess.”

  “You guess?” He laughs. “How’s Benny?” his voice returns somberly.

  “He’s okay. He’ll be okay. He’s so young and resilient. I’m hoping this is something he won’t really remember. I’m going to do everything in my power to fade it away with happy memories.”

  “I wish I could forget it. The look on your face when you screamed at me to go will unfortunately forever be seared into my memory. That’s when I realized that you didn’t plan on making it out alive and when I had made up my mind that I was going to do what you made me promise not to do and go back for you. I love you, Vada, so much it hurts. I love Benny the same way. I would have never been able to live with myself knowing I didn’t do everything I could to save you.”

  “Thank you. I’m sorry I put you through all of this. As if losing your dream of becoming a detective wasn’t enough, I got you shot and almost killed.”

  “Actually, I didn’t end up losing my detective job after all. The chief came in this morning and told me they were so impressed with how I went undercover, that they want to still offer me the position. I was able to call Officer Luna right after I got Benny out and some of the buyers were even apprehended at the scene. All the girls were taken to the police station so they could help them find a safe place to go.”

  “You are amazing, Detective Monroe.”

  “No, you are, Adaline Jane Doe, otherwise known as Vada Bruno.”

  “Just Vada Bruno for now on out.”

  “Well, Just Vada Bruno. Are those red roses I see?” he asks with a mischievous smile.

  “They are.”

  “Just to be clear, you brought me red roses?”

  “I did.”

  He pulls me down to him and places his lips to mine for the sweetest kiss I have ever experienced. “I know you are scared to say it, but you don’t have to. You already did without saying a word.”

  “I love you, Isaac, and I promise to love you forever.”


  18 Months later

  “Happy Valentine’s Day!” Benny yells as he walks into my bedroom with Isaac following close behind. He’s carrying a big wooden tray.

  I sit up as he sets it down in my lap. A fresh cup of Café con Leche sits beside a plate of cheesy scrambled eggs, crisp bacon, and Isaac’s famous cinnamon vanilla pancakes. There is also a tiny vase holding one white rose. Eternal love.

  He leans down and kisses my lips. “Happy One Year Anniversary, Mrs. Monroe.”

  “Happy One Year Anniversary to you, Mr. Monroe.”

  “Daddy, don’t forget to say Happy Valentine’s Day, too,” Benny interrupts, standing with one hand on his hip. I’m thinking five will be the year of the attitude.

  Isaac swoops up Benny, tickling him. “That too, Benny, I’m sorry. How about you go to your bedroom and get dressed. I already have your clothes laid out on your bed. Remember, we have big plans today.” He winks at him and Benny winks back.

  “Oh yeah!” He takes off out of the room toward him own.

  “What are these big plans you two are talking about?”

  “It’s a surprise.”

  “I don’t like surprises,” I interject as I stuff a huge bite of pancake into my mouth.

  “I think you will like this one. It’s my Anniversary present to you, so you will have to like surprises for today. But, we sort of need to catch a flight soon. Our plane leaves in two hours to get to it. You better hurry up and eat so you can shower.”

  That catches my attention mid sip of my coffee, almost choking me. “Plane? A flight? To where?”

  “That’s the surprise. You don’t want to spoil it by asking twenty questions do you?”

  I downcast my mouth into a frown as I look at him, he looks so happy. “No, I guess not.”

  Crying interrupts our conversation. I grab the sides of the tray to move it off my lap but Isaac catches it, holding it into place. “I’ve got her. Eat and shower,” he demands. He leans down over the bassinet beside our bed to pick up our daughter, Dominique, who was born just three short weeks ago. He kisses the fuzzy red hair on top of her head then gently nuzzles her to his chest.

  “But she’s probably hungry, I need to feed her.”

  “Hush, I already warmed up a bottle of breast milk for her before bringing your breakfast to you. I knew she would be waking soon. I’ll feed her.”


  I was a little more than curious when our plane landed in La Guardia Airport. I haven’t the slightest clue as to why Isaac would bring me back to New York or what could be here as my present.

  As we walk out of the massive airport, a valet brings up a rental car that Isaac had already waiting for us. We work as a team as we get the kids car seats installed and buckle them in. Isaac reaches for my hand as we drive off.

  I haven’t the slightest clue as to where we are going until I notice a sign pointing toward the cemetery that Dominic had been laid to rest at. Isaac turns in to the long driveway and looks over at me cautiously. “I thought you might want to stop here before heading to the hotel.”

  I will never be able to get over the amount of respect Isaac has for Dominic. He was even the one who had suggested the name Dominique when we found out that we were having a baby girl. His heart and soul is filled with more kindness than any other I have ever come in contact with, besides Dominic of course. For someone who was thrown out like trash from the moment she was born, someone who never thought she would ever know the power of love, God has given it to me twice.

  “Thank you,” I say softly as he parks the car and I step out into the brisk February air.

  The closer I get to the place where Dominic’s small generic silver place marker rests, the more a giant black granite stone sitting in its place becomes. I fall to my knees in awe once I make it to it. Even though he was one of the wealthiest men in Manhattan, Vincent had spent the bare minimum amount when it came to Dominic’s funeral, which meant no tombstone. Just his name and date printed on a tiny marker.

  “I hope this is an okay gift,” Isaac quietly says. I turn around and my handsome, caring, selfless husband is standing directly behind me, cradling Dominique in a blanket against his chest with one hand and firmly holding Benny’s hand with his other.

  A single tear rolls down my cheek. “It’s more than perfect. Thank you.”

  I turn back to the stone and place my fingers over the etched writing in the stone as I read.

  Loving Husband, Father, & Protector

  Dominic Benjamin Rossi

  October 10, 1990 - June 2, 2009

  Our Angel Looking Down On Us

  Forever, For Always. For All Of Time.

  Human Trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery. The most
common forms are sex trafficking, labor trafficking, and child trafficking. This crime unfortunately happens all over the world, in every country, including the United States.

  If you would like to learn more information on human trafficking and how to help these victims, please visit


  First and foremost I have to always thank God. He blessed me with an amazing support group of family and friends.

  To my editors, Jane Smith and Heidi Moran, thank you. The two of you work full time jobs, are wives, and busy moms, yet both of you went above and beyond to edit my manuscript for me. You were completely honest and up front with me when something didn’t sound right and gave me that constructive criticism that I needed. I couldn’t have done this with without you two.

  Sarah Vandever, thank you for being such a super supportive friend. Thank you for reading my manuscript, giving me advice, and just being so enthusiastic about my writing. Your support means so much to me. I’m so blessed that you are one of my people.

  Jessica Barnes, Jessica Valenzuela, Joanne Lautz, April Boyles, Heather Corral, Julia Roe, & Lisa Tuckfield- Thank you for beta reading random chapters, throwing in advice and pointing out mistakes. You girls are the best!

  I need to thank my husband, Thomas, and children, TJ, Makenna, Lilah, & Camryn. They dealt with me constantly on my laptop, especially the last few weeks of writing and editing. I’m sorry for being MIA in my mind and presence while writing this story. Thank you for allowing me to follow my dream.

  I want to thank my Mother in Law, Marian Quinn. She would always call me and demand a report on my word count for the day. She pushed me to keep writing on the days I was not motivated. Thank you for the confidence you have in me and for always being so supportive with my writing.

  Of course I need to thank my parents, Richard & Pam Blackard. They have always encouraged me to write since the first time I had shown them a story I had written when I was just a little girl. They knew this is something I have always wanted and were behind me 100%. I would be no where without their love and support.

  I always need to thank my sisters, Samantha Sharrett & Kaycee Blackard. Even if you two never read through the whole manuscript before it was finished, you have always been there for me and listened to me talk about these characters over and over. I know that no matter what you two will always have my back. I love you!

  Thank you to Sarah at Sprinkles On Top Studios. I’m in love with my cover. Sorry for all of my questions! You did an amazing job!

  Last but not least, my Chicken Soup girls. I am so blessed to have found you ladies. We are all in the same boat and support each other 100% through our Indie journey. Thank you for everything!




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