Age of War: Book Three of The Legends of the First Empire
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Art, the: Magic that allows the caster to tap the forces of nature. In Fhrey society, it’s practiced by members of the Miralyith tribe. Goblins who wield this power are referred to as oberdaza. The only known Rhune to possess any Artistic ability is the mystic known as Suri.
Artist: A practitioner of the Art.
Arwal: Location of one of the Galantian’s greatest battles. Tekchin was severely wounded there.
Asendwayr: The Fhrey tribe whose members specialize in hunting. A few are stationed on the frontier to provide meat for the Instarya.
Asica: A long Fhrey garment similar to a robe. Its numerous wraps and ties allow it to be worn in a number of configurations.
Audrey: Moya’s bow, named after her mother.
Avempartha: The Fhrey tower created by Fenelyus atop a great waterfall on the Nidwalden River. It can tap the force of rushing water to amplify the use of the Art.
Avrlyn: “Land of Green,” the Fhrey frontier bordered on the north by Hentlyn and by Belgreig to the south. Avrlyn is separated from Rhulyn by the east and south branches of the Bern River.
Bakrakar: Patron god of Clan Nadak. A giant stag that ensures fortunate hunting.
Balgargarath: A creature created by the Ancient One in retribution for his mistreatment by the elves. It rendered Neith, the homeland of the dwarfs, uninhabitable. Created by an incredibly powerful weave, it is the Art manifested into corporeal form and as such it can’t be harmed by any use of magic. It was destroyed by Persephone’s party by unraveling its spell after penetration of a weapon that contains its name.
Battle of Grandford: The first official battle in the war between Rhunes and Fhrey.
Battle of Mador: During the Belgric War, the battle between the Fhrey and Dherg when Fenelyus first used the Art, crushing the Tenth and Twelfth Dherg legions under a pile of rock that subsequently formed Mount Mador. The battle turned the tide of the war by stopping the Dherg advance.
Belgreig: The continent to the far south of Elan where the Dherg people reside.
Belgric War: A war between the Fhrey and Dherg. Also referred to as the Dherg War and the War of Elven Aggression.
Belgriclungreians: The term Dherg use to refer to themselves and their kind in the years after settling in Belgreig.
Bern: A river that runs north-south and delineates the border between Rhulyn and Avrlyn. Rhunes are forbidden from crossing to the west side of this river.
Black bronze: A metal alloy whose recipe—known only to the Dherg—utilizes gold, silver, and copper. It’s especially important in the making of sculptures.
Book of Brin: The first known written work chronicling the history of the Rhunes. It dates back to the time of the first war between Rhunes and Fhrey.
Brazier: A shallow metal container raised off the ground that holds combustible material. Braziers are constantly tended to ensure they have a burning flame that is used as the source of cook fires by all members of a Rhune village.
Breckon mor: The feminine version of the leigh mor. A versatile piece of patterned cloth that can be wrapped in a number of ways.
Brin (Rhune, Rhen): Keeper of Ways for Dahl Rhen and author of the famed Book of Brin. During the giant attack on Dahl Rhen, Brin’s parents, Sarah and Delwin, were killed.
Carfreign Arena: A large open-air field in Estramnadon where contests and spectacles are held. It was there that Lothian defeated Zephyron in a particularly gruesome Uli Vermar challenge.
Cenzlyor: In the Fhrey language, the term means “swift of mind.” A title of endearment bestowed by Fane Fenelyus onto Arion, indicating her proficiency in the Art.
Chieftain: The leader of a given clan of Rhunes. Since the appointment of the keenig, their positions of power were decreased as the keenig rules over all Rhunic people.
Clempton: A small village of Dureya, home of Raithe (the God Killer).
Conservator of the Aquila: The keeper of the Horn of Gylindora and, along with the Curator, one of the two Fhrey most responsible for administering the process of succession. The Conservator is also responsible for picking a new Curator when needed. The current Conservator is the Umalyn high priest, Volhoric.
Council of Tirre: A coalition of Rhulyn clan leaders convened to appoint a keenig to rule over all the Rhunes and lead the battle against the Fhrey.
Crescent Forest: A large forest that forms a half circle around Dahl Rhen.
Crimbal: A fairy creature that lives in the land of Nog. Crimbals travel to the world of Elan through doors in the trunks of trees. They are known to steal children.
Curator: The vice fane who presides over the six councilors of the Aquila, elected by a vote of senior members. The Curator leads meetings of the Aquila in the absence of the fane, and chairs the Challenge Council, which decides who has the right to blow the Horn of Gylindora. Together, the Conservator and the Curator are the Fhrey most responsible for determining the succession of power and administering the Uli Vermar challenge process. The current Curator is Imaly.
Dahl (hill or mound): A Rhune settlement that is the capital city of a given clan and is characterized by its position on top of a man-made hill. Dahls are usually surrounded by some form of wall or fortification. Each has a central lodge where the clan’s chieftain lives, along with a series of roundhouses that provide shelter for the other villagers. Originally there were seven Rhulyn-Rhune dahls, but two (Nadak and Duryea) were destroyed by the Fhrey and one (Rhen) was destroyed by giants.
Delwin (Rhune, Rhen): A sheep farmer who was the husband of Sarah and father of Brin. He was killed by the giant attack that destroyed Dahl Rhen.
Dherg: One of the five humanoid races of Elan. Skilled craftsmen, they have been all but banned from most places except Belgreig. They are exceptional builders and weaponsmiths. The name is a pejorative Fhrey word meaning “vile mole.” The Dherg refer to themselves as Belgriclungreians.
Didan (Rhune, Dureya): One of Raithe’s brothers.
Dome Mountain: Raised peak above the city of Neith, brought down by Suri and sealing the entrance to the dwarven homeland.
Door, the: A portal in the Garden of Estramnadon that legend holds is the gateway to where the First Tree grows.
Downriver Tower: One of two towers near the front of Alon Rhist, so named as it is the southernmost tower and the Bern River flows north to south.
Drome: The god of the Dherg.
Drumindor: A Dherg-built fortress located on an active volcano at the entrance to a large strategic bay on the Blue Sea. Two massive towers provide protection from any invasion from the water.
Dunn: One of the three Gula-Rhune clans. The other two are Strom and Erling.
Dureya: A barren highland in the north of Rhulyn, home to the Rhune clan of the same name. The entire region and all the clan members were destroyed by Fhrey Instarya. Before their destruction, they were the most powerful warrior clan of the Rhulyn-Rhunes. Only two Dureyans are known to survive: Raithe and Tesh.
Duryngon: A prison under the Verenthenon at Alon Rhist used to house prisoners and exotic animals that are studied to determine how best to fight them.
Dwarf: Any flora or fauna of diminutive stature (as in dwarf wheat or dwarf rabbits). Also, the name Persephone gives to the residents of Belgreig, that is easier to pronounce than Belgriclungreians and not as insulting as Dherg.
East Puddle: The less affluent area of the Rhen settlement in Tirre.
Eilywin: Fhrey architects and craftsmen who design and create buildings.
Elan: The Grand Mother of All. God of the land.
Elf: Mispronunciation of the Fhrey word Ylfe, meaning “nightmare,” and a derogatory term used by the Dherg to insult the Fhrey people.
Elysan (Fhrey, Instarya): Close friend and adviser to Zephyron.
Erdo (Rhune, Erling): Chieftain of Clan Erling who took over after the former
chieftain, Udgar, died in a challenge battle with Moya.
Erebus: Father of all gods as discovered by Brin in the Agave Tablets.
Eres (Fhrey, Instarya): A member of Nyphron’s Galantians. His main prowess is with spears and javelins.
Erivan: Homeland of the Fhrey.
Erling: One of the three Gula-Rhune clans. The other two are Dunn and Strom.
Ervanon: One of the four Fhrey outposts manned by the Instarya to protect the frontier. It is the one farthest north.
Estramnadon: The capital city of the Fhrey, located in the forests of Erivan.
Estramnadon Academy: Also known as the Academy of the Art. The school where Miralyith are trained in the ways of magic. Entrance to it requires passage of the Sharhasa, an aptitude test.
Fane: The ruler of the Fhrey, whose term of office extends to death or until three thousand years after ascension, whichever comes first.
Fenelyus (Fhrey, Miralyith): The fifth fane of the Fhrey and first of the Miralyith. She saved the Fhrey from annihilation during the Belgric War.
Ferrol: The god of the Fhrey.
Ferrol’s Law: Also known as Law of Ferrol, it’s the irrefutable prohibition against Fhrey killing other Fhrey. In extreme situations, a fane can make an exception for cause, or can designate a person as exempt. Breaking Ferrol’s Law will eject a Fhrey from society and bar the perpetrator from the afterlife. Since it is the Fhrey’s god that will pass judgment, no one can circumvent Ferrol’s Law by committing murder in secret or without witnesses.
Fhrey: One of the five major races of Elan. Fhrey are long-lived, technologically advanced, and organized into tribes based on profession.
Fhreyhyndia: The literal translation of killer of Fhrey. It is the name Tesh of Duryea wanted to be known by, but Raithe prohibited the boy from adopting that name.
First Chair and Second Chair: Honorific for the chieftain of a dahl and their spouse. Its origin comes from actual chairs that are placed on a dais in a dahl’s lodge.
First Minister: The third most important person in Fhrey society (following the fane and the Curator). The primary role is the day-to-day administration of the Talwara. The present First Minister, Kabbayn, replaced Gryndal upon his death.
First Tree: Fruit from this tree is believed to grant immortality, and it’s rumored to lie behind The Door in Estramnadon. The Belgric War was fought largely due to the dwarfs’ belief that this treasure was being kept from them.
Five major races of Elan: Rhunes, Fhrey, Dherg, Ghazel, and Grenmorians.
Flood (Dherg): A builder, Frost’s brother, and one of three Dherg responsible for unleashing Balgargarath from a complex series of noise-creating traps. To save him from execution, Persephone takes the three dwarves back to Tirre after Gronbach’s broken promises.
Florella Plaza: A large public square with an elaborate fountain outside the Airenthenon in Estramnadon.
Forest Throne: The seat of the fane, located in the Talwara in the capital city of Estramnadon. Created by Caratacus, who intertwined six trees as symbols of the (then) six tribes of the Fhrey.
Forks, the: Place where the North Branch and the High Spear portions of the Bern River converge and the burial place of Herkimer, Raithe’s father.
Frost (Dherg): A builder, Flood’s brother, and one of three Dherg responsible for unleashing Balgargarath from a complex series of noise-creating traps. To save him from execution, Persephone takes the three dwarves back to Tirre after Gronbach’s broken promises.
Frozen Tower: One of two towers near the front of Alon Rhist, so named as it is farther north and as such catches the brunt of the cold winter winds. Also, it lacks a fireplace to provide warmth.
Furgenrok (Grenmorian): Leader of the Grenmorians, the giants of Elan. He was employed by the Fhrey to attack Dahl Rhen. While many were killed, and the dahl destroyed, the ultimate goal of killing Raithe, Arion, and Nyphron failed.
Galantians: The Instarya party led by Nyphron and famed for legendary exploits of valor and bravery. Exiled from Alon Rhist for disobeying orders to destroy Rhune villages, they have joined with the Rhunes to oppose the fane.
Garden, the: One of the most sacred places in Fhrey society, used for meditation and reflection. The Garden is in the center of Estramnadon and surrounds the Door, the Fhrey’s most sacred relic.
Gath (Rhune): The first keenig, who united all the human clans during the Great Flood.
Gavin Killian (Rhune, Rhen): The new Chieftain of Clan Rhen, who takes over after Persephone is appointed as the keenig.
Gelston (Rhune, Rhen): The shepherd who was hit by lightning during the giant attack on Dahl Rhen; uncle to Brin.
Gifford (Rhune, Rhen): The incredibly talented potter of Dahl Rhen, whose mother died during his birth. Due to extensive deformities, he wasn’t expected to live more than a few years.
Gilarabrywn: A dragonlike creature created by Suri by sacrificing her best friend, Minna. It was created using the same spell that made Balgargarath, and as such it is the Art in corporeal form. It was crucial to the survival of Persephone’s party and ultimately destroyed by Suri when it was discovered it couldn’t leave the confines of Neith.
Goblins: A grotesque race feared and shunned by all in Elan, known to be fierce warriors. The most dangerous of their kind are oberdaza, who can harness the power of elements through magic. In the Dherg language, they are known as:
Ba Ran Ghazel (Forgotten Ones of the Sea)
Fen Ran Ghazel (Forgotten Ones of the Swamps)
Fir Ran Ghazel (Forgotten Ones of the Forest)
Durat Ran Ghazel (Forgotten Ones of the Mountains)
God Killer: A moniker given to Raithe of Dureya, who was the first known Rhune to kill a Fhrey (Shegon of the Asendwayr tribe). While staying in Dahl Rhen, he killed another Fhrey (Gryndal of the Miralyith).
Grand Mother of All: Another name for the goddess Elan (the world).
Grandford: The location of a great bridge that allows crossing of the Bern river. It marks the boundary between the Fhrey-held fortress of Alon Rhist and the Rhune plains of Dureya.
Gray Cloaks: A secret society of Miralyith who attempted to overthrow Fane Lothian because he wasn’t doing enough to elevate the position of Miralyith over other tribes in the Fhrey society. Principal members include Aiden, its leader, and Makareta, who manipulated Mawyndulë to help them discover weaknesses in the fane’s defenses.
Great War: The first war between the Fhrey people and the Rhunes.
Grenmorian: The race of giants who live in Hentlyn in northern Elan.
Grin the Brown: A ferocious bear who was responsible for the deaths of many residents of Dahl Rhen, including Mahn, Persephone and Reglan’s eldest son; Konniger, former chieftain; and Maeve, the dahl’s Keeper of Ways. The beast was eventually killed by Persephone.
Gronbach (Dherg): The mayor of Caric and Master Crafter of that city. He deceived and tricked Persephone into ridding Neith of Balgargarath and failed to uphold his promise to provide weapons to the Rhunes to fight the Fhrey. His treachery led to the eventual destruction of Neith by Suri. Brin’s outrage with the dwarf makes him a central villain in her famed Book of Brin.
Grygor (Grenmorian): A member of Nyphron’s famed Galantians, and the only giant of the group. Known for his love of cooking and use of spices. This fondness for the culinary arts has fostered a friendship between him and Padera, Dahl Rhen’s oldest member.
Gryndal (Fhrey, Miralyith): The former First Minister to Fane Lothian. Respected as one of the most skilled practitioners of the Art, Gryndal was killed in Dahl Rhen by Raithe when the Miralyith attempted to extract retribution for the dahl harboring Nyphron and Malcolm’s attack on Arion.
Gula-Rhunes: A northern alliance of three Rhune clans (Dunn, Strom, and Erling) that have a long-standing feud with the seven southern
Rhulyn-Rhune clans. Historically the Fhrey have pitted these two sides against each other and fostered their mutual animosity. As conflict with the Fhrey intensified, the Gula and Rhulyn Rhunes joined forces, all serving Keenig Persephone.
Gwydry: One of the seven tribes of Fhrey. This one is for the farmers and laborers who are responsible for raising crops and livestock.
Gylindora Fane (Fhrey, Nilyndd): The first leader of the Fhrey. Her name became synonymous with ruler.
Habet (Rhune, Rhen): The keeper of the Eternal Flame, responsible for ensuring that the braziers and the lodge’s fire pit remain lit.
Haderas (Fhrey, Asendwayr): Leader of the Bear Legion, a fighting force made up of Asendwayr and Gwydry, who were tasked with stamping out the Rhunes.
Harkon (Rhune, Melen): Chieftain of Clan Melen.
Hawthorn Glen: Home to Suri and Tura.
Hentlyn (land of mountains): An area to the north of Avrlyn, generally inhabited by Grenmorians.
Herkimer (Rhune, Dureya): The father of Raithe and a skilled warrior known as Coppersword. He was killed by Shegon.
High Spear Valley: Grassy plain just south of the High Spear Branch of the Bern River. Home of the three clans of the Gula-Rhunes.
Hopeless House: Alon Rhist residence of Gifford, Habet, Mathias, and Gelston. So named because it housed the most unworthy of Rhen’s remaining people. While not a resident (due to being female), Tressa spends much of her time there as an honorary member.
Horn of Gylindora: A ceremonial horn kept by the Conservator that was originally bestowed on Gylindora Fane by the legendary Caratacus. The horn is used to challenge for leadership of the Fhrey. It can only be blown during an Uli Vermar (upon the death of a fane or every three thousand years). When blown at the death of a fane, it’s the fane’s heir who is challenged. If the fane has no heir or if it is blown after three thousand years of reign, the horn can be blown twice, providing for two contestants.