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Spies and Commissars

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by Robert Service

  2. Ibid., pp. 57–8.

  3. Tsentral’noe byuro po obsluzhivaniyu inostrantsev v Moskve pri NKInoDel (Byurobin): Russian Subject Collection (HIA), box 13, folder 12.

  4. E. Goldman, My Disillusionment in Russia (Doubleday, Page: New York, 1923); E. Goldman to B. Russell, 8 July 1922: B. Russell, The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, 1914–1944, p. 174.

  5. British Labour Delegation to Russia, 1920: Report (Trades Union Congress and Labour Party: London, 1920), p. 3.

  6. Mrs P. Snowden, Through Bolshevik Russia (Cassell: London, 1920), p. 8; Manchester Guardian, 28 April 1920.

  7. V. I. Lenin, Neizvestnye dokumenty, 1891–1922, pp. 332–3.

  8. Manchester Guardian, 15 May 1920; Mrs P. Snowden, Through Bolshevik Russia, pp. 7–8.

  9. The Times, 28 April 1920.

  10. B. Russell, The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, 1914–1944, p. 141.

  11. Mrs P. Snowden, Through Bolshevik Russia, p. 32.

  12. D. Debrestian, ‘On the Origin of the Term “Iron Curtain” ’, Washington Post, 26 September 1991.

  13. Ibid., p. 8.

  14. Ibid., p. 30.

  15. Manchester Guardian, 21 May 1920.

  16. Mrs P. Snowden, Through Bolshevik Russia, p. 50.

  17. Ibid., p. 55.

  18. Ibid., p. 66.

  19. J. S. Clarke, Pen Portraits of Russia under the ‘Red Terror’, p. 49. Clarke laughed at his friend’s Paisley brogue but he himself didn’t get right the Russian word for ‘I understand’ (ponimayu).

  20. Ibid., pp. 56–7.

  21. Ibid., p. 92.

  22. M. E. Harrison, Marooned in Moscow, p. 223.

  23. Ibid., p. 181.

  24. Ibid., p. 171.

  25. Manchester Guardian, 2 June 1920.

  26. Ibid., 7 June 1920.

  27. V. I. Lenin, Pis’mo k angliiskim rabochim in Polnoe sobranie sochinenii, vol. 41, p. 125.

  28. New York Times, 23 July 1920.

  29. Mrs P. Snowden, Through Bolshevik Russia, p. 180.

  30. A. Ransome, ‘Lenin in 1919’, in A. Rhys Williams, Lenin: The Man and his Work, pp. 167–8.

  31. Ibid., p. 168.

  32. Ibid., p. 173.

  33. Mrs P. Snowden, Through Bolshevik Russia, p. 117.

  34. Ibid., p. 76.

  35. Ibid., pp. 75 and 117.

  36. Ibid., pp. 76–7.

  37. Manchester Guardian, 29 July 1920.

  38. Ibid., 12 July 1920.

  39. Ibid., 1 July 1920.

  40. Mrs P. Snowden, Through Bolshevik Russia, p. 116.

  41. Manchester Guardian, 29 July 1920.

  42. Ibid.

  43. Mrs P. Snowden, Through Bolshevik Russia, pp. 137–8.

  44. T. Alexander, An Estonian Childhood, p. 120.

  45. H. G. Wells, Russia in the Shadows, p. 139.

  46. Ibid., p. 158.

  47. C. Sheridan, Naked Truth, pp. 151–2.

  48. Ibid., p. 156.

  49. C. Sheridan to W. S. Churchill, 23 January 1921: Churchill Papers, CHAR 1/138.

  50. C. Sheridan, Mayfair to Moscow: Clare Sheridan’s Diary, pp. 12–13.

  51. C. Sheridan, Naked Truth, pp. 157–9.

  52. Ibid., pp. 160–1.

  53. ‘Woman Sculptor Tells Impression of Soviet Chiefs’, New York Times, 23 November 1920. This excerpt from Clare Sheridan’s ‘diary’ is not contained in the version published as a book.

  54. I. Litvinov, autobiographical fragment, ‘Moscow 1921’, pp. 5 and 7: St Antony’s RESC Archive.

  55. C. Sheridan, From Mayfair to Moscow: Clare Sheridan’s Diary, p. 82.

  56. Mrs P. Snowden, Through Bolshevik Russia, p. 76.

  57. C. Sheridan, Naked Truth, p. 192.

  58. Ibid., pp. 193–4.

  59. Ibid., p. 194.

  60. Ibid., p. 195.

  61. C. Sheridan, Mayfair to Moscow: Clare Sheridan’s Diary, p. 156.

  62. C. Sheridan, Naked Truth, p. 196.

  63. Ibid., p. 197.

  64. C. Sheridan, Mayfair to Moscow: Clare Sheridan’s Diary, pp. 142–3.

  65. C. Sheridan to W. S. Churchill, 23 January 1921: Churchill Papers, CHAR 1/138.

  66. W. S. Churchill to C. Sheridan, 21 April 1921: ibid.

  67. C. Sheridan to W. S. Churchill, April 1921: Churchill Papers, CHAR 1/138.

  68. British Labour Delegation to Russia, 1920: Report, p. 27.

  69. Ibid.

  70. H. G. Wells, Russia in the Shadows, p. 64.

  71. Ibid., pp. 83–4.

  72. Ibid., pp. 107–8.

  73. The Times, 8 December 1920.

  74. B. Russell, The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism, p. 42.

  75. Ibid.

  76. B. Russell to O. Morrell, 25 June 1920: B. Russell, The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, 1914–1944, p. 172.

  77. Ibid., pp. 152–3.

  27. The Spreading of Comintern

  1. Mrs P. Snowden, Through Bolshevik Russia, p. 121.

  2. Pervyi Kongress Kominterna. Mart 1919 goda (Partiinoe izdatel’stvo: Moscow, 1919), p. 131.

  3. Ibid., pp. 172–219.

  4. A. Ransome, Russia in 1919, p. 220.

  5. Pervyi Kongress Kominterna, p. 219.

  6. Politbyuro TsK RKP(b) — VKP(b) i Komintern, 1918–1943. Dokumenty, p. 26 (footnote 7).

  7. Ibid., p. 28.

  8. Yan Berzin to G. E. Zinoviev, 28 August 1919: ibid., p. 31.

  9. Politburo, 25 March 1919: ibid., p. 25.

  10. Ibid.

  11. RGASPI, f. 17, op. 3, d. 164, p. 2 in ibid., p. 76.

  12. Ibid., d. 194, in ibid., p. 93.

  13. W. Kendall, The Revolutionary Movement in Britain, 1900–1921: The Origins of British Communism, pp. 182–3.

  14. L. A. E. Gale to C. Ruthenberg, 23 February 1920, p. 2: Jay Lovestone Papers (HIA), box 195, folder of CP-USA General Correspondence, February 1920.

  15. P. S. Pinheiro, Estratégias da Ilusão: a Revolução Mundial e o Brasil, 1922–1935, p. 30.

  16. Congress of the Peoples of the East. Baku, September 1920: Stenographic Report, pp. 21–3.

  17. Ibid., p. 35.

  18. Ibid., p. 47.

  19. Ibid., pp. 76–8.

  20. Ibid., pp. 85–8.

  21. Ibid., pp. 145–6.

  22. Ibid., p. 161.

  23. V. I. Lenin, Pis’mo k angliiskim rabochim, in Polnoe sobranie sochinenii, vol. 41, p. 127.

  24. Ibid.

  25. ‘Announcement of the Provisional Bureau of the Communist International’: Jay Lovestone Papers (HIA), box 209.

  26. Yan Berzin to G. E. Zinoviev, 28 August 1919: Politbyuro TsK RKP(b) — VKP(b) i Komintern, p. 31.

  27. M. E. Harrison, Marooned in Moscow: The Story of an American Woman Imprisoned in Russia, p. 222.

  28. To Poland and Beyond

  1. A. A. Ioffe to L. D. Trotskii, 30 January 1919: RGVA, f. 33987, op. 3, d. 2.

  2. I. N. R. Davies, White Eagle, Red Star, pp. 47–61.

  3. Ibid., pp. 91 and 148.

  4. Emil Nobel at Yudenich’s financial consultative committee, 21 November 1919: Nikolai Yudenich Papers (HIA), box 21, folder 20.

  5. V. I. Lenin to I. V. Stalin, 17 March 1920: V. I. Lenin, Neizvestnye dokumenty, 1891–1922, pp. 330–1.

  6. V. I. Lenin, political report to the Ninth Party Conference: RGASPI, f. 44, op. 1, d. 5, p. 11.

  7. G. Nowik, Zanim zęamano „Enigmę”. Polski radiowywiad podczas wojny z bolszewicką Rosją 1918–1920, p. 587.

  8. L. D. Trotskii, ‘Sovetskaya i shlyakhetskaya’, 6 May 1920: RGVA, f. 33987, op. 2, d. 113, pp. 74–5.

  9. Savinkov’s testimony in ‘Sudebnoe razbiratel’stvo’, Pravda, 30 August 1924, p. 6.

  10. ‘Svodka agenturnykh svedenii’, 20 December 1919: Nikolai Yudenich Papers (HIA), box 4, folder 8; Savinkov’s testimonial letter, Pravda, 30 August 1924, p. 2.

  11. B. Savinkov to unknown general, 11 June 1920: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), folder: Robin Bruce Lockhart, ‘Reilly: Russian
Revolution, Etc.: Sources: Sir Edward Spears’.

  12. Byulleten’ Narodnogo Komissariata Inostrannykh Del, no. 28, 15 August 1920.

  13. L’Humanité, 17 June 1920.

  14. Byulleten’ Narodnogo Komissariata Inostrannykh Del, no. 28, 15 August 1920, pp. 10–11.

  15. New Statesman, 10 July 1920.

  16. I. V. Stalin, ‘Novyi pokhod Antanty na Rossiyu’, Pravda, 25–26 May 1920.

  17. I. N. R. Davies, White Eagle, Red Star, p. 95.

  18. M. Cooper to US Adjutant General, 8 August 1941: Merian C. Cooper Papers (HIA).

  19. M. Cooper to Chief of Staff, USAF, 12 October 1953, pp. 6–7: ibid.

  20. Polish embassy (Washington), 5 September 1941: ibid.

  21. Washington Post, 15 March 1921.

  22. P. Dukes, diary for 1920: Paul Dukes Papers (HIA), box 1. On the Northcliffe connection see Robin Bruce Lockhart, ‘Notes on Meeting with Sir Paul Dukes’, 25 June 1966, p. 2: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 11, folder: Robin Bruce Lockhart, ‘Reilly: Russian Revolution, Etc.: Sources: Paul Dukes, 1922–1990’.

  23. P. Dukes, Red Dusk and the Morrow, opposite pp. 227 and 240.

  24. Robin Bruce Lockhart to George Hill (n.d.): Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 11, folder G. A. Hill Correspondence with Robin Bruce Lockhart. On the date of Reilly’s trip see A. Cook, On His Majesty’s Secret Service: Sidney Reilly — Codename ST1, p. 177.

  25. S. Savinkova to S. Reilly, 19 December 1922: Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart Papers (HIA), box 6, folder 39. S. Savinkova was Boris Savinkov’s mother.

  26. L. D. Trotsky to S. S. Kamenev, copied to E. M. Sklyanskii, Lenin and the Central Committee, 17 July 1920: V. Krasnov and V. Daines (eds), Neizvestnyi Trotskii. Krasnyi Bonapart: Dokumenty, mneniya, razmyshleniya, p. 307.

  27. V. I. Lenin, political report to the Ninth Party Conference: RGASPI, f. 44, op. 1, d. 5, pp. 13–14.

  28. Ibid., p. 16.

  29. Ibid., p. 15.

  30. Politburo meeting, 23 July 1920: ibid., f. 17, op. 3, d. 96, items 2, 7 and 8.

  31. L. D. Trotskii to M. M. Litvinov, 7 July 1921: RGVA, f. 33987, op. 1, d. 409, p. 724.

  32. V. I. Lenin to I. V. Stalin, 23 July 1920: V. I. Lenin, Neizvestnye dokumenty, 1891–1922, p. 357.

  33. Politburo meeting, 10 August 1920: ibid., f. 17, op. 3, d. 101, items 3 and 4.

  34. V. I. Lenin, political report to the Ninth Party Conference: ibid., f. 44, op. 1, d. 5, p. 20.

  35. V. I. Lenin, Polnoe sobranie sochinenii, vol. 41, p. 458.

  36. Dresel in Berlin to Department of State, 10 July 1920: US Department of State, Records of the Department of State Relating to Political Relations between Russia (and the Soviet Union) and Other States, 1910–29 (HIA).

  37. Izvestiya Tsentral’nogo Komiteta KPSS, no. 4 (1991), p. 171.

  38. Politburo meeting, 19 August 1920: RGASPI, f. 17, op. 3, d. 103.

  39. Manchester Guardian, 2 August 1920. See below, pp. 300–1.

  40. Politburo meetings, 13 August 1920: RGASPI, f. 17, op. 3, d. 102, item 3; and 19 August 1920: ibid., f. 17, op. 3, d. 103, item 1.

  41. The Times, 5 August 1920.

  42. Ibid., 6 August 1920.

  43. Ibid., 7 August 1920.

  44. Manchester Guardian, 11 August 1920.

  45. The Times, 11 August 1920.

  46. Manchester Guardian, 11 August 1920.

  47. The Times, 4 August 1920.

  48. Ibid., 7 August 1920.

  49. Ibid., 10 August 1920.

  50. Manchester Guardian, 5 August 1920.

  51. I. N. R. Davies, White Eagle, Red Star, p. 274.

  52. Politburo meeting, 1 September 1920: RGASPI, f. 17, op. 3, d. 106, items 7, 9 and 10.

  53. Politburo meeting, 6 September 1920: ibid., d. 107, item 2.

  54. Manchester Guardian, 12 September 1920.

  55. Politburo meeting, 1 September 1920: RGASPI, f. 17, op. 3, d. 106.

  56. Ibid., p. 34.

  57. Ibid., p. 26.

  58. Ibid., p. 28.

  59. Ibid., pp. 36–7.

  29. Trade Talks Abroad

  1. New York Times, 17 July 1920.

  2. Ibid., 3 September 1920.

  3. The Times, 23 July 1920.

  4. Ibid., 27 July 1920.

  5. Ibid., 20 and 21 July 1920.

  6. Politburo meeting, 19 August 1920: RGASPI, f. 17, op. 3, d. 103.

  7. See here.

  8. The Times, 6 August 1920.

  9. Ibid., 7 August 1920.

  10. New York Times, 13 September 1920.

  11. Ibid., 14 September 1920; The Times, 17 September 1920.

  12. M. J. Larsons, ‘Au service des Soviets’, pp. 42–4: typescript, M. J. Larsons Papers (HIA), box 1.

  13. Ibid., pp. 43–6.

  14. Ibid., p. 50; see also Krasin’s explanation to Dr Freund, 1 December 1947, M. J. Larsons Papers (HIA), box 1.

  15. A. J. Sack, America’s Possible Share in the Economic Future of Russia, p. 24.

  16. M. J. Larsons, ‘Au service des Soviets’, p. 47.

  17. Ibid., p. 48.

  18. W. B. Vanderlip (with H. B. Hulbert), In Search of a Siberian Klondike, pp. 4 and 315; New York Times, 27 October 1920.

  19. New York Times, 19 November 1920.

  20. Ibid., 28 October 1920.

  21. Ibid., 27 October and 19 November 1920.

  22. V. I. Lenin, Polnoe sobranie sochinenii, vol. 42, pp. 23 and 62–4.

  23. H. G. Wells, Russia in the Shadows, pp. 164–5.

  24. Ibid., pp. 164 and 167; The Times, 8 December 1920.

  25. New York Times, 1 December 1920.

  26. Ibid., 11 January 1922.

  27. Manchester Guardian, 4 January 1921.

  28. Ibid., 15 and 19 December 1920.

  29. New York Times, 3 January 1921.

  30. Relations with Russia: Hearing before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate. Sixty-Sixth Congress, Third Session, p. 5.

  31. Ibid., p. 62.

  32. D. Lincove, ‘Radical Publishing to “Reach the Million Masses”: Alexander L. Trachtenberg and International Publishers, 1906–1966’, Left History, vol. 10.1 (Fall/Winter 2004), p. 91.

  33. Relations with Russia: Hearing before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, pp. 72–3.

  34. Ibid., pp. 12–28.

  35. ‘Comments of the Esthonian Press on the De Jure Recognition of Esthonia’: Nicolai Koestner Papers (HIA).

  36. Central Committee meeting, 26 January 1921: RGASPI, f. 17, op. 2, d. 56.

  37. Manchester Guardian, 19 December 1920.

  38. The Times, 22 December 1920; New York Times, 29 December 1920. See above, pp. 251–2.

  39. The Times, 22 and 23 December 1920.

  40. Ibid., 8 January 1921.

  41. Central Committee meeting, 26 January 1921: RGASPI, f. 17, op. 2, d. 56, item 12.

  42. Manchester Guardian, 19 December 1920.

  30. The Economics of Survival

  1. Desyatyi s”ezd RKP(b), pp. 349–50.

  2. Politburo second meeting, 5 February 1921: RGASPI, f. 17, op. 3, d. 130.

  3. Politburo first meeting, 5 February 1921: ibid., d. 129.

  4. Politburo meeting, 16 February 1921: ibid., d. 134.

  5. Central Committee plenum, 24 February 1921: ibid., op. 2, d. 59, item 2.

  6. See here.

  7. The Times, 17 September 1920.

  8. Ibid., 3 December 1920.

  9. C. Andrew, Secret Service: The Making of the British Intelligence Community, p. 262.

  10. B. Savinkov to P. N. Wrangel, 15 October 1920: Boris Savinkov Papers (HIA).

  11. Central Committee plenum, 25 February 1921: RGASPI, f. 17, op. 2, d. 60.

  12. L. Bryant (Moscow) via F. Mason (Berlin), 10 March 1921: Frank E. Mason Papers (HIA), box 3, fol. 1, pp. 68–9.

  13. L. Bryant (Moscow) via F. Mason (Berlin), 8 March 1921: ibid., p. 79.

  14. Ibid., p. 80.

  15. V. Kr
asnov and V. Daines (eds), Neizvestnyi Trotskii. Krasnyi Bonapart: Dokumenty, mneniya, razmyshleniya, pp. 339 and 340–1.

  16. Desyatyi s”ezd RKP(b), pp. 716–59 and 765–8.

  17. Ibid., pp. 349–50, 354, 391 and 393.

  18. L. D. Trotsky to the Politburo, 10 March 1921: V. Krasnov and V. Daines (eds), Neizvestnyi Trotskii, p. 346.

  19. B. A. Bakhmetev to V. A. Maklakov, 19 March 1921: ‘Sovershenno lichno i doveritel’no!’: B. A. Bakhmetev–V. A. Maklakov: perepiska, vol. 1, p. 329.

  20. Politburo meetings, 18 and 19 March 1921: RGASPI, f. 17, op. 3, dd. 138 and 139.

  21. Washington Times, 17 March 1921.

  22. Boston American, 16 March 1921.

  23. L. Bryant to F. Mason, 12 March 1921: Frank E. Mason Papers (HIA), box 2, p. 61.

  24. Politburo meeting, 17 April 1921: RGASPI, f. 17, op. 3, d. 155, item 155.

  31. The Second Breathing Space

  1. Petrogradskie izvestiya, 12 April 1921; ‘Revel’skaya gavan’ i bol’sheviki’, 21 April 1921, pp. 1 and 5, Nicolai Koestner Papers (HIA).

  2. Pravda, 14 April 1921.

  3. L. D. Trotsky to A. D. Tsyurupa, 21 March 1921: GARF, f. 3316s, op. 2, d. 83, pp. 2–4.

  4. B. A. Bakhmetev to V. A. Maklakov, 19 March 1921: ‘Sovershenno lichno i doveritel’no!’: B. A. Bakhmetev–V. A. Maklakov: perepiska, vol. 1, p. 330.

  5. New York Times, 22 March 1921.

  6. Ibid.

  7. Ibid., 13 July 1921.

  8. Chicago Tribune, 27 March 1921.

  9. J. Aves, Workers against Lenin: Labour Protest and the Bolshevik Dictatorship, pp. 158–85.

  10. V. A. Antonov-Ovseenko to V. Lenin, 20 July 1921: The Trotsky Papers, vol. 2, p. 536.

  11. ‘Desyataya partiinaya konferentsiya, 26–28 maya 1921 goda’: uncorrected minutes, RGASPI, f. 46, op. 1, d. 2, pp. 1, 16, 18 and 60.

  12. See R. Service, Lenin: A Political Life, vol. 3, pp. 182–4 and 205–12.

  13. ‘Desyataya partiinaya konferentsiya, 26–28 maya 1921 goda’: uncorrected minutes, RGASPI, f. 46, op. 1, d. 2, pp. 58–9.

  14. Ibid., pp. 50–62.

  15. Ibid., pp. 125 and 133–4.

  16. New York Times, 25 May 1921.

  17. L. D. Trotskii to M. M. Litvinov, 7 July 1921: RGVA, f. 33987, op. 1, d. 409, p. 555.

  18. New York Times, 30 June 1921.


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