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Hammer - Galactic Cage Fighters 5

Page 4

by K. D. Jones

  “Voltan? Don’t they have fire abilities?”

  “Yes, that’s right. Do you know much about the different alien species?”

  “Only a little of what I read. You are a Biclops because you have two eyes.”

  He nodded and started to stuff his mouth with the beef stew. The spicy flavors hit his sensory and he let out a moan of pleasure. “Oh God, this is so good.”

  She smiled as she sat down across from him. She loved watching people enjoy her food. Jerry was always trying one diet or another making it impossible for her to cook and enjoy eating it. If she was allowed to make a stew, Jerry insisted it be vegetable stew. Seriously? Who heard of a vegetable stew? For once she was sitting across the table from a man who truly enjoyed eating meat. It was a real pleasure to watch him eat.

  Every sound of pleasure he made seemed to cause a reaction within her body. Her nipples tightened, goose bumps covered her arms and legs. Her panties were getting wet with her arousal. The man was hot.

  Chapter Five

  “Aren’t you going to eat too?” he asked her. This food was beyond delicious. He wondered if there was more.

  “I ate already with the kids,” she replied, getting up and getting him another beer.

  “Thanks, you didn’t have to do that.” He felt embarrassed. She was the nanny, not his own personal maid and chef. An image of her wearing an apron and nothing else played across his mind. His cock was so hard he thought it would starting thumping against the table. He shifted in his seat to try to get a more comfortable position.

  “Any more…problems with the kids?” His eyes narrowed when he noticed her glance away. “What happened?”

  “Nothing…really. They learned that I won’t be easily thrown off guard.”

  “I’ll speak with them.” Hammer started to stand but halted when Molly put her hand on his arm.

  “Please don’t. They are testing me just like they have been testing you.”

  He sat down and frowned when she removed her hand. He missed her touch already. “Testing?”

  She nodded, getting up and getting herself a beer. She sat back down and took a sip. “They are testing both of us. For me, they are looking for my breaking point, to see what they can do to get me to leave.”

  “And me, how are they testing me?”

  “To me, it seems as if they don’t trust that you are going to be there for them. So they are trying to see if they can do something that will make you walk away. I’m not a psychiatrist or anything so don’t quote me on that.”

  “Of course I’ll be there for them. I’m their guardian and I’m their uncle.”

  “You have to be their guardian, but they may not think you want to be.”

  Hammer ran a hand over his freshly shaved head. “Honestly, taking them in did throw me for a loop. I have had to make many adjustments. It has been hard doing everything on my own. But it doesn’t mean I don’t love them or that I don’t want them with me. I just…feel like I am failing them, and in turn failing my sister, Hanna, who entrusted them to me.”

  “All parents feel that way. Keep doing what you are doing. Consistency is key when kids are in the testing phase.”

  Hammer was done eating, but he wanted a reason to continue to sit there and talk to Molly. It was great to finally have someone to listen to him. Most of his friends were not talkers, except for Zen. The male could talk for days. Except Zen didn’t really understand the issues Hammer faced. He stood and carried his dish to the sink.

  “I’ll get that.” Molly went over to the sink to wash the dish, but he held her arm still to stop her.

  They were mere inches from each other. Molly could feel the heat radiating from Hammer’s body. Her nipples hardened even more in response and her breathing became erratic. This was not good. He was her boss.

  “You cooked, cleaned, took care of the kids. The least I can do is clean up after myself,” his voice was deep and husky. He took in Molly’s scent and almost growled with need. She was just as affected by him as he was by her. He started to reach out a hand to touch her cheek but she pulled away.

  “Okay then. I’ll…see you in the morning,” she said breathlessly.

  “Goodnight, Molly.”



  The rest of the week went by without any pranks from the kids. Molly wasn’t a fool. She knew they were waiting to catch her off guard. She was preparing herself for whatever they threw her way. She would employ tricks she learned as a kid herself, one who was constantly bullied for her height and being overweight. Name-calling was just words, and they only have meaning if she gave them meaning. She also learned that if she laughed at herself and could see the humor in her own flaws, then no one could hurt her by pointing those flaws out.

  Hammer’s kids weren’t bad kids, they just needed to be shown that someone cares no matter what and their bad behavior only hurts them. She had stayed up the night before coming up with ideas on rewards and punishment to show to Hammer. In her mind, it was vitally important they agree to this and stick to it. She knew she might have a struggle on her hands to get him to agree to her ideas. But it was the right thing for the kids and she hoped he would see that.

  Convincing Hammer had not been as bad as she thought. But the kids didn’t take it well.

  “Why do we have to clean up our own rooms when you are being paid to do it?” Tomas demanded to know.

  Hammer answered, “Molly is the nanny not the maid and not the cook. If she does something extra for you, it is because she wants to not—because she has to. You will be keeping your rooms clean and you will be following every rule I lay down or else I will take away your favorite games, iPods, and toys. In turn, you will earn an allowance each week for doing well in school and for following your chores at home. You fail to do those things you will lose your allowance.”

  The kids grouched about it but they soon learned the benefits of earning their allowance. Molly and Hammer would take them shopping one Sunday to let them spend the money they earned.

  They all seemed to fall into a schedule of sorts. She would wake up each morning fixing breakfast for everyone. The kids stopped eating cereal altogether and began eating whatever she fixed for them. Hammer insisted she didn’t need to cook for him, but she enjoyed it.

  Both she and Hammer would walk the kids to their school. Then Hammer would go down for his training. Molly would go back to the suite and clean for a couple of hours. Then she would either eat lunch there or join some of the other women on board for lunch and shopping. In the afternoons when she had some free time, she would go to the small library to read. It was a dream job. She was thinking about staying on even after the funds come through from the sale of the condo. Things were starting to look up for her future. Then she received a text from the realtor.

  “Miss Maynard, the lock to the condo has been changed and I am unable to show it to perspective clients. The condo manager wasn't notified of the locks being changed. Please advise.”

  Damn Jerry! Why the hell did he change the locks? She dialed the condo manager Lars.

  “Hello?” A gruff voice answered.

  “Hi, Lars. It’s Molly.”

  “Maynard, why was I not notified of the locks being changed on the condo. I have to be able to send maintenance crews in.”

  “I know and I am so sorry. My ex-husband, Jerry, must have changed them without letting me know. I am going to text him right now about it. If he doesn’t get a key for you by tomorrow, you have my permission to change the locks yourself.”

  “Fine, get the key.” Lars hung up.

  Molly sighed. Jerry was still messing with her and she wasn’t even on the same planet anymore. What an ass.


  Molly was sitting at the dining table in Lindy’s suite. Lindy was married or mated to Talon, one of the other fighters. She was due any day and the healers told her not to do a lot of walking. They were going to have lunch brought to Lindy’s suite. Lindy’s parents were pl
anning to come for the birth and Lindy needed help getting the guest room and the baby room done on time. Some of the other women were there too helping. Her friend, Maya, was there and so was the head of security, Rachel.

  “I am so glad you are here,” Maya said to Molly as she helped pour them a cup of tea.

  “Me too. I really like it so far. I hope to be able to continue, if Hammer agrees.” Molly took a sip of tea.

  “Oh, Hammer will agree. He needs the help with the kids,” Lindy said, stuffing her face with finger sandwiches.

  Molly pushed back the longing she felt. She had hoped Hammer would want her to stay for other reasons. It was a ridiculous idea. He had really not shown any interest in her at all. He spent little time with her when the kids weren’t around. It felt like he was uncomfortable being alone with her. So she gave him his space. He had been nothing but kind. That frustrated her the most because she was starting feel something. Ridiculous because she had only known him a little over a week.

  “Well, I hope he’ll think about it.” Molly ate her sandwich.

  “Molly, Maya says that you are recently divorced?” Lindy questioned.

  “Yes. The divorce is recent, but I have been separated from my ex for over a year now.”

  “Have you started dating anyone yet?” Lindy continued questioning her.

  “Not yet. At first I couldn’t even think about being with someone else. Now, I might be open to it.” Molly wondered why the women were looking at each funny. Had she said something wrong?

  “I have just the guy for you,” Rachel said with a wicked smile. She took out her cell phone and started texting.

  Molly had a sneaking suspicion she was about to get set up. Great.


  “Have you fucked her yet?”

  Hammer almost fell off the treadmill. “What the hell, Zen?” He slammed the button to get the machine to slow down and finally to stop. He glared over at the other male as he continued his run.

  “Just asking if you fucked the nanny yet.”

  “Of course not, Molly isn’t here for me to fuck. She’s here to watch the kids for me. She wouldn’t…it’s not like that.”

  Zen shrugged. “She looks like a quiet gentle type, but I bet once a spark is lit within her, she would go all inferno.”

  “Well, I won’t be finding out. She’s just my nanny.” Even as Hammer tried to deny things, he wanted more than anything to test that theory. There were times when a sparkle lit in her eyes when Molly laughed, he longed to make desire show there too. He couldn’t be thinking these things. She wasn’t for him.

  “Good.” Zen hit the button on his treadmill to stop it. He walked off. “I have a date with her this evening and I didn’t want to step on someone else’s territory.”

  “What?” That couldn’t be right. Hammer stared at Zen like he grew two heads.

  Zen picked up a towel to wipe off his sweat. “I have a date with Molly this evening.”

  “She can’t date you!”

  “Why not?” Zen turned to give his friend a raised eyebrow. “Why can’t she date me?”

  “She…she’s…she’s the nanny!”

  Zen gave him a wide smile. “Ah, but she’s your nanny, not mine. I can date her freely.” He walked away heading to the gym showers.

  Hammer stood there for a moment completely stunned. Zen was going out on a date with Molly. Knowing his friend, he would take her to some fancy restaurant, then take her dancing. After that, he'd take her back to his suite where he would then show her some of his famous moves—in his bedroom naked. Hammer wouldn’t stand a chance with Molly after Zen the Sin was finished with her. Hammer hit the wall with his fist. Fuck!


  Molly was taking a shower getting ready for her big date with Zen. How did she let Rachel and Maya talk her into this? Oh yeah, they went on and on about Zen’s sexy body and how he was well known among the ladies on the ship for his sexual abilities. She wasn’t interested in having sex with him, but she was feeling lonely. Hammer didn’t talk to her much like he had the first couple of nights. She spent most of her time starting conversations with him only to have him grunt and then walk away. She got it. He wasn’t interested in her. That was fine. She’s there to do a job, that’s all. Other men would want her. So here she was getting ready for a hot date with Zen the Sin.

  She reached for the bottle of shampoo and almost poured it on her head without looking first. The color was off. She twisted the lid off. Pink, a hot pink colored dye. She laughed and put the top back on. The kids are back at it again. She wondered if she should tell Hammer about it. She decided against it. She didn’t want to give him cause to yell at them again. Plus, she had tricks up her own sleeve. She smiled an evil smile.

  She used the soap to wash her hair and body. She got out and dried off. She let her hair air dry curly. Normally she tried to straighten it, but having had to use the soap, her hair would be out of control anyway.

  She finished putting on her makeup and then put her dress on last. She didn’t have a lot but she tried to buy things of quality so they lasted her longer. This was one of her favorite cocktail dresses. It was black with wide shoulder straps. It came up to her knees. She wore black heels with it. She looked in the mirror. Well, she looked pretty at least. The bell to the suite rang. She felt a deep dread. Time for her date.

  Chapter Six

  Hammer opened up the door and glared at Zen. Zen walked past the taller male acting as if nothing was wrong. “Molly not ready yet?”

  “No.” Hammer closed the door. He turned and looked Zen over. The male was dressed up in a fancy silk black shirt and leather pants. Half of the buttons on his shirt were undone exposing Zen’s hairless golden chest. For the first time he felt himself envying his friend. Here was a male that females threw themselves at and none was afraid of his size.

  Zen shrugged, plopping down on the couch beside Lauren and Kate. Tomas was on the floor in front of the TV playing one of his games. “How are the two most beautiful girls on the entire ship?” He ruffled Lauren’s hair.

  Lauren blushed. “Fine. Are you looking forward to your next match?”

  “Sure. It will be interesting,” Zen answered, leaning his head back and closing his eyes.

  He didn’t seem to notice the way Lauren looked at him with stars in her eyes. Hammer noticed though. He didn’t like it one bit. His niece was too young to be checking out males. Especially one like Zen who went through females like most females went through lipstick.

  “Whatcha playing, Junior?” Zen asked Tomas.

  Tomas didn’t turn back to look at Zen but kept playing his game. “Voltan vs. Martian War Games.”

  “Cool. I’ll play you next time okay.”

  “Sure that’d be great.” Tomas continued playing.

  The door opened to Molly’s bedroom. Everyone turned to look. The kids were visibly disappointed when Molly walked out without her pink hair.

  “How do I look?” Molly asked the kids as she did a twirl. She had a smile on her face knowing they were hoping for the pink hair.

  “Fine,” Lauren said as she folded her arms across her chest and looked away.

  “Beautiful,” Little Kate answered.

  “What the hell happened?” Tomas slipped up by speaking aloud.

  “Tomas!” Hammer couldn’t believe Tomas would cuss.

  “Didn’t you wash your hair? It…uh…doesn’t look clean,” Tomas asked.

  “Tomas, what is wrong with you!” Hammer was embarrassed that his nephew was being so rude.

  “I didn’t wash my hair. I was going to wash it tomorrow. But if I look bad…” Molly touched her hair.

  “You look divine,” Zen reassured her, walking over to kiss her hand.

  “Thanks.” She gave the pretty male fighter a smile. He was attractive and suave. But his touch didn’t really do anything for her. She looked over at Hammer. He seemed angry. “We won’t be gone too long. If you need me just call my cell and I’ll come straight ba

  Hammer was very tempted to tell her he needed her to stay, but that wasn’t fair to Molly. She deserved to have a life. “We’ll be fine. You do look beautiful.” She was freaking gorgeous. Her curves were accentuated perfectly. All for Zen. Zen and Molly made an attractive couple. He felt bitterness swell up toward his friend again. He hated the feeling.

  Molly gave him a wide smile. “Thanks. See you later.” She let Zen shuffle her out of the suite.

  Yeah, later. Hammer closed the door slowly so he could watch Molly walk away. If Zen was Zen, Molly would come back early in the morning and be completely head over heals for Zen. Females always fell for Zen. Hammer didn’t stand a chance. He sighed, closing the door the rest of the way. He hoped Zen appreciated what he was getting.


  “So, how do you like working for Hammer? Is he a heavy task master?” Zen asked when the waitress poured them a glass of wine.

  “I love him…I mean it…the job. The kids are challenging, but they are smart and funny. They just need a little direction and consistency.”

  “And Hammer, what does he need?” Zen probed.


  “Come on, Molly, I saw the way he was looking at you.”

  Molly blushed. “He was looking at me?”

  Zen snorted. “The male has a thing for you, a big thing. I don’t blame him, you are gorgeous and sexy.”

  “I don’t know about all that…I’m too tall and overweight.”

  “No, you are perfect just the way you are. Any male would be lucky to have you. But the question is, which male do you want?”

  Molly looked away. That was too easy to answer. But her answer didn’t matter. “If he was so into me, why did he let me leave with you?”

  Zen shook his head. “I have known Hammer a long time. He is the best male I have ever met. He is loyal to his friends and he is dedicated to his family. But as much as I love my friend, he can be a blind ass sometimes. He just needs a little shove in the right direction.”


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