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Hostile Desires

Page 20

by Melissa Schroeder

  “Adam was filling us in. Sounds like a good lead,” Del said.

  “Yeah, it does. Adam is calling up his uncle.”

  Del chuckled, and there were a few smiles.

  “What?” he asked.

  Adam explained. “There are uncles and aunties, and none of them are related by blood, but yeah, I’m calling a friend of my father’s. He came up in the academy with Dad.”

  “Good. Hopefully, he can help us find out who was using this Chester Fung as a CI.”

  “I’ll ask around, but not sure if I will get anywhere,” Carino said. “A lot of the old guard has moved on to retirement, but I’ll talk to Captain Pham.”

  “Great. Someone call the mayor and let him know that HPD and TFH can work together,” Del said with a smile. He pushed away from the table and stood. “And that’s it. I’m shutting down my computer and going to head out. Adam’s in charge for the next week, but I’ll have my phone if need be.”

  Adam smiled at Graeme. “We timed that right.”

  “I heard you,” Del called out from his office, as he turned his computer off, then turned out the lights. “I am too freaking happy to care. See everyone tomorrow. You’ll be there, right, Rome?”

  The detective nodded. “Our first real date since the baby, so I am not missing it.”

  Del gave them a salute and headed out the door.

  “So, if the guy is dead, does that mean you have Jenny’s killer?” Drew asked.

  Adam nodded. “Maybe. He had the gun, but did he own it? Did he use it, or did he use it against someone else?”

  Graeme caught on to what Adam was saying. “So, we have two scenarios. He either did the killing himself, then the cop helped him cover it up, or the cop was the killer. Somehow, he got hold of that gun.”

  “And either way, there might be a cop involved,” Carino said. Graeme realized he did forget something important. “Even if it is an accessory after the fact situation, it’s still murder. There is no statute of limitations.”

  “Which means we need to match up this Chester Fung with Sam Katsu, or more importantly, his mother...what was her name?” Adam asked.

  “Iris. Iris Katsu,” Graeme said. “If we go back to arrest warrants, maybe we can put them at the same residence. Sam was born in nineteen ninety, so if Fung was living with Iris then, there is a good chance he’s the father.”

  “I’ll try to catch Pham before the end of the day. I’ll let you know if I hear anything. See everyone tomorrow.”

  The moment it registered that the wedding was tomorrow, it hit Graeme he hadn’t bought a present for the couple.

  “Damn, I need to head out too. Got my mobile on, and I should be back in an hour.” He looked at Adam. “You hear anything, call me.”

  Adam nodded. “Just remember, it’s Aloha Friday, bruddah. Ain’t no one around today.”

  He shook his head as he left. The truth was, he liked the idea of Aloha Friday, even though they rarely got to take advantage of it themselves. This was a good time to take the time though. They might have a case on their hands still, but they had good things to celebrate.

  * * *

  The next afternoon, Elle stared at herself in the bathroom mirror and tried to calm her nerves. She seemed to be repeating the pattern of standing in front of a mirror while she tried to shore up her courage.

  Why had she suggested this? Because she had to be out of her bloody mind, that’s why. And why was she so bloody nervous? They had slept together. But this was something different. It was somehow more intimate. While she had mostly stayed at his house, now their things were intermingled, their names linked. It was also signaling to the team that they were definitely involved.

  “Are you going to spend all day in there, lass? We’re going to be late.”

  She sighed. Grabbing her gloss and compact, she took one last glance in the mirror. She couldn’t hold off any longer. Drawing in a deep breath, she opened the door. She had expected Graeme to be right there, but he wasn’t. He was standing by the sliding glass door that led out to the lanai.

  The sun was still shining brightly outside. It danced over his flesh and his hair, adding an otherworldly quality to him. Then, she noticed what he was wearing. He had donned a Hawaiian shirt and matched it with a kilt that she was sure were the McGregor colors. She couldn’t stop the bubble of laughter that escaped.

  He turned around with an amused smile. “Why are you laughing?”

  “You.” And dammit, as odd as it was, he’d pulled it off. Of course, he did. He was a giant Highlander dressed in a kilt. All that was missing was a claymore in his hands.

  “What?” he looked down at what he was wearing, then looked up at her. “It doesn’t match?”

  She shook her head, unable to stop laughing.

  “I brought my white shirt, so I can change. I wore this because Adam said he had to wear a Hawaiian shirt to the wedding.”

  Her laughter faded as she watched him. Worry moved over his expression. He cared. It was one thing she had learned about him these last few weeks. It wasn’t about fitting in. It was about showing his respect for traditions. It was one of the things she loved the most about him.

  Oh. Dammit. She loved him.

  No. She didn’t. She didn’t want to be in love again. It hurt too much, and she definitely didn’t want to fall for a cop. It was all wrong. She knew better than to make that mistake again.

  “Are you okay, love?”

  She blinked and looked up at him. His gray eyes were filled with concern, and he was frowning. Dammit, she did love him. They had only been involved for barely two weeks, but he had touched her soul profoundly. From the way he adopted a dog from a war zone, to the love she heard in his voice when he talked about his family, to the way he worked at his job. He would always take care of those he loved.


  She drew in a deep breath and smiled. She couldn’t worry about it right now. She shook her head and blinked back the tears burning the backs of her eyes.

  “You definitely pull it off.”

  “Yeah?” he asked, his mouth curving up.

  She nodded.

  Then, slowly, his smile faded as his gaze moved down her body then back up. By the time their gazes connected, his eyes had darkened. Heat flared low in her belly. God, the man always made her melt, even before he touched her.

  “I don’t think anyone will be looking at me. All eyes will be on you.”

  His brogue had deepened, drawing out the words. Her throat tightened. She loved the simple sea green dresses Emma had picked for her bridesmaids. Each of them had a style that fit her figure, and they were casual enough that they could wear them again.


  His mouth curved. “I have left you speechless for the second time in less than a week. I call that a win,” he said approaching her.

  “Don’t,” she said taking a step back. She knew he would touch her, and she would lose the ability to say no to him.

  “But I want to.”

  “You’ll mess up my makeup and hair. I have to look perfect for the wedding.”

  “Do you have anything on your neck?”

  She shook her head.

  He took her hand and pulled her closer. Then he bent his head and nuzzled her neck. She shivered as his tongue moved over her pulse point. God, he was killing her. The scent of his aftershave, mixed with his own personal masculine scent, filled her senses. At that moment, he could have talked her out of her dress and into bed. It should scare her. No man, not even her ex, had ever had that kind of power over her. She couldn’t seem to get enough of him, or the way he made her feel when he made love to her.

  He pulled back before she was ready. Leaning down, he kissed the tip of her nose. The simple gesture brought a lump to her throat.

  “See, didn’t mess your hair or makeup.”

  Then he went about gathering up his mobile and wallet, and she stood there. She couldn’t move. He might have left her unmussed, but he’d captured her he

  Chapter Twenty

  The sun was setting over the Pacific as the music for the first dance started. Elle sipped her champagne as she watched the bride and groom walk out onto the dance floor to take their first dance as a married couple. It had been a beautiful ceremony, including having both Emma’s brother Sean and Randy walk her down the aisle, both men visibly moved by their part in the ceremony. The garden setting, the smell of the salt air and plumeria, and the soft breeze had made it that much more magical.

  Emma glowed with happiness, and Elle could not blame her. Del was practically strutting. As Del took his bride into his arms, Elle’s heart sighed.

  “They make such a sweet couple,” Cat said, stepping up next to her.

  Elle glanced at her. “They do, as do you and Drew.”

  Cat said nothing, but kept watching the first dance of the newly wedded couple. Elle didn’t miss the way the younger woman’s mouth curved. Oh, this could be trouble. Granted, she had ignored her own policy about getting involved with someone at work, but this was Drew. He was a good man, one who deserved the best.

  “Just be careful, Cat.”

  Cat tore her gaze away from the activity on the dance floor. She studied Elle with a narrowed gaze. “What do you mean by that?”

  She counted Cat as a good friend, but she loved Drew like a little brother. “He adores you. You’re a decent person, just remember that when you are dealing with him.”

  She sighed. “I thought I would never think of him that way. I knew he had a crush on me, but I thought he was in the friend category. He’s geeky, and has this romance streak in him that just makes me want to gag at times.”

  “I’m sensing a but here.”

  Cat sipped her champagne. “He kissed me.”

  Elle smiled. “Is that a fact?”

  “I thought, no big deal. I’ve been kissed before. Not that I kiss every man I meet, but it’s not like I haven’t had more than a few dates. So, I was prepared to let him kiss me. You know, get it over with. He leaned in and I figured it would be simple.”

  “It wasn’t?”

  Cat shook her head. “No. Lord, he made my knees weak.”

  Elle laughed, not in humor, but for the joy of it. “Drew has a habit of surprising people.”

  Before Cat could say anything else, the music changed and people started moving toward the dance floor, and Drew was approaching.

  “Care to dance?” he asked Cat.

  “Sure, slick,” Cat said, her voice as steady as usual. Elle didn’t miss the way her hand shook when Cat placed it on Drew’s arm. Knowing Drew, he had noticed it also.

  She watched as Drew expertly drew Cat out onto the dance floor and started to dance. God, they were sweet too. She felt tears burn the backs of her eyes. She was getting sentimental. She wasn’t a woman who cried when she saw card commercials, but these were people she cared about. She just wanted everyone to be happy forever.

  Okay, that was a little too much. Maybe she should lay off the champagne.

  A few seconds went by before a rather large hand slipped around her waist.

  “That’s an interesting development,” Graeme said, his breath warm against her ear. She shivered.

  “Yes. Seems Cat got more than she bargained for.”

  “Hmm,” he said, as he nibbled on her ear. “I know the feeling.”

  She chuckled. “What have you been up to?”

  “I was talking to Adam.”

  She glanced at him over her shoulder. “Working at a wedding?”

  “First, it’s not mine. Second, he just got a call from an uncle. Now that we have a name, he has his uncle checking to see how might have been using Chester Fung as a CI back then.”

  “Ah. Anything?”

  He shook his head. “Still waiting. How do you feel about a dance?”

  Giddy happiness filled her. It was silly, really, but she felt like a teenager at a dance.

  “I think I would like that,” she said.

  He took her almost empty glass from her hand, set it on a passing waiter’s tray. He brought her hand to his mouth, kissed her knuckles, then drew her out to the floor. She smiled, pushing all her worries aside, and decided to enjoy it. She was under the stars in Hawaii, dancing with a sexy Highlander wearing a kilt.

  * * *

  Graeme watched Elle dance with Drew. It was a swing number, and she was laughing. He couldn’t really hear her over the music and the people, but just watching her made him happy. A laughing Elle made everything in the world seem complete.

  “So, I understand there’s a room you’re sharing,” Del said, as he stopped beside Graeme.

  He nodded, but didn’t take his gaze from Elle dancing.

  “Earth to Graeme.”

  He blinked and looked at Del. “What?”

  Del chuckled. “Nothing. Was just trying to make small talk.”

  “Where’s Emma?”

  “She’s out on the dance floor,” Del said, waving his hand toward the area. And sure enough, Emma was dancing with Sean.

  “Oh, I didn’t see her.”

  “I hate to do this at my own wedding, but I was just talking to Carino. He told me on one of the warrants for his arrest, Fung was at Iris Katsu’s house less than five months before Sam’s birth.”

  “Damn. So, we have the connection. If we could find the gun, or figure out how Sam got the gun, it would make it so much easier.”

  “Yeah, but then, this case has been stupid FUBAR since the beginning.”

  The music started to die down, but Emma started off running in the opposite direction.

  “I think that was a little much for her stomach. Duty calls.”

  Then Del cut across the dance floor, nodding as he passed his new brother-in-law. But Graeme’s attention was brought back to Elle and Drew. He was walking her back to Graeme.

  “Have you seen Cat?” Drew asked.

  “Over at the TFH table.”

  Drew smiled. “Thanks for the dance, Doc.”

  Then he sauntered over to the table the team had procured as their own, but Graeme paid him no attention.

  “They had their cake and all that nonsense.”

  “I’m sure Emma appreciates that you called it nonsense. And I will point out that you had two pieces of cake.”

  “Can we go now?” he asked. He wanted to be alone with her.

  She smiled. “They are going to throw the bouquet.”

  “Do you want to be here for that?”

  “Not especially,” she said.


  He grabbed her hand, then started off to the lift.

  “Wait. I need my purse.”

  After backtracking to the table, she grabbed her purse. He saw the look in Adam’s eyes, and knew he was going to give Graeme crap. He tugged at Elle before Adam could ask her to dance. He ignored everyone as he made his way out of the garden setting and into the hotel. The elevator doors opened, and they had to wait for an older couple to step off. Once they were gone, he stepped into the lift, then tugged her inside.

  Graeme pulled her into his arms and kissed her. She laughed against his mouth and he pulled back.

  “I kiss the woman I love and she laughs.”

  “We need to hit the button or we won’t move.”

  She leaned back and hit their floor number, and he tried to kiss her again.

  “Behave, Graeme. I don’t want to be caught snogging.”

  He frowned, but did as she asked. Within minutes, he was opening the door and urging her inside their room. He backed her against the door, then cupped her face and kissed her. Slanting his mouth over hers, he stole inside, enjoying the taste of champagne as it danced over her tongue to his.

  He pulled back and realized he had been a little more aggressive than he had been before with her.

  “Sorry, love. I’ve been wanting a taste of you for hours now.”

  She smiled. “No worries, Graeme,” she said, sliding her hand to the back of his neck. She urged him clos
er. “I had the same feelings about you.”

  She took control of the kiss now, slipping her tongue into his mouth. Heat that had been at a low boil all day, roared to life in his blood.

  Graeme tore his mouth away from hers and knelt down in front of her. Taking a fist full of her dress into his hand, he hiked it up to her waist. Oh, fuck, she was wearing lace panties. Not just panties with a little lace on them. These seemed to be made of lace and bows, leaving little to his imagination—and Graeme had a very good imagination.

  Without removing them, he slipped his finger beneath the leg band. She was already wet, dripping with arousal. He eased the delicate fabric aside and leaned closer. The scent of her desire washed over him, and he had to have a taste. He licked her slit then, just a simple lick, and she moaned. Bloody hell, that sound would forever be imprinted on his soul.

  He slipped a finger inside of her, along with his tongue. She shivered against him and speared her fingers in his hair. Over and over, he moved within her, enjoying the way her moans grew louder with every second that ticked by.

  As he felt her approaching an orgasm, he pulled back. He was a greedy bastard, and he wanted to be inside of her when she came. She growled, and he smiled as he eased her panties down her legs. He tossed them behind him, not caring where they landed.

  Then, he peeled her out of that stunning dress, making sure he didn’t rip it. He wanted to see her in it again. Her gaze traveled down his body. His cock was hard, easy to see beneath his kilt, since he had gone commando, as he always did with his kilt. He undressed in a matter of seconds, then grabbed a condom from his wallet and slipped it on.

  He took one step towards her and lifted her into his arms. Elle wrapped her legs around his waist, pressing her wet sex against his shaft.

  “Bloody hell,” he said, almost stumbling. His brain was blank of everything but that sensation.

  “What was that?” she asked too sweetly.

  He growled and she laughed.

  He walked them into the bedroom, but instead of going to the bed, he turned to the wall, steadied Elle against it, then entered her in one hard thrust.


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