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Fall from Grace

Page 6

by Syra Bond

  She remained, bending over, her panties down - a delectable fawn - the antennae fixed to her back bobbing and sparkling in the desert sunlight.

  She peeped out of the line again and widened her eyes precociously. This time Sir Orfeo saw her. He was enraged. He ran forward along the line of fairies. He brought his wand down cuttingly across her bare buttocks. She yelped loudly. He brought it down again. She fell forward. He turned to the others - many of them were giggling and holding their hands to their mouths.

  He kicked at Bracken as she struggled to get to her feet. She wrapped her arms around his legs. He tried to shake her off but she would not let go. He dragged her along roughly.

  ‘Pull your panties down!’ he shouted angrily to the others. ‘Pull them down to your knees!’

  Field Goblinwind was the first to feel the lashing contact of his wand. It came down so viciously - it contained all his anger. She did not yell out - it was as if the cutting slash was too painful. Her head dropped slightly and heavy silent tears fell from her eyes.

  I winced each time the wand came down and my own body tightened with fear as I saw the red lines that quickly spread across her tight, pale skinned buttocks.

  As she was slowly overcome by the pain, her body relaxed and her buttocks widened. But Sir Orfeo’s wand did not relent. Its sharp edge cut against the exposed oval of her cunt, marking lines across the soft pinkness of her delectable flesh.

  Suddenly, as if seized by a fresh thought, and still with Bracken hanging onto his legs, he marched to Bramble Elffrost. She gritted her teeth, knowing what would happen, knowing that now, punishment could not be avoided. He kicked at Bracken but still she clung on. Her tenaciousness only increased his frustration. He ran his fingers between the cheeks of Bramble Elffrost’s buttocks. She tightened them. He pinched her hard. She flinched and it angered him even more.

  Bramble cried loudly as the wand came down. She sobbed as it continued and, the more she showed her suffering, the harder he beat her, and, the harder he beat her, the more improbable it seemed that he would stop.

  I watched as, in turn, all the others took the same beating - each one knowing what had preceded her own punishment, each one knowing that hers would be worse. Some of them dropped to their knees, Bramble and Field Goblinwind stayed standing. They all cried. As Sir Orfeo finished punishing the last one in the line, he bent over and started thrashing Bracken who still held on tightly to his legs. She clung on as long as she could but, in the end, her grip loosened and she let go. She lay curled up on the floor as he continued beating her. In the end, he pulled her to her feet and made her stand, still bent over and still with her panties pulled down to her knees.

  At last it seemed as if he had slaked his thirst for inflicting pain and he marched the rest of them in a line to the tower at the centre of the compound. It was a latticed rigging of ironwork about fifty feet to the top. Its base was fixed onto a heavy crane platform with outriggers leading to massive steel stabilising pads. A huge diesel engine was fixed to the base and a mess of cogs, shafts and wheels led to a flat steel wheel upon which the tower itself was mounted. At its top there was a circular platform and from the platform dangled several heavy ropes.

  ‘This is my flying machine,’ Sir Orfeo said proudly. He stalked around its heavy base. ‘I invented it myself. It is where my little fairies get their wings. Only if they show they can fly on my machine can they earn them. Look how they prance at its feet. See how their excitement overwhelms them.’

  All the fairies ran around the huge metal feet splayed out from the heavy base which anchored the tower and held it fast to the massive engine beneath.

  ‘Come, my little flock, help Syra. She needs to feel the elation of my wonderful machine. And perhaps she will learn the art of flight. She could earn her wings and then perhaps she will be able to join you, another member of my beautiful band of fairies.’

  I looked back to Bracken. She had not moved. A sudden whirl of wind blew across the desert scrub. It picked up a spiral of dust and drove a ball of sage brush ahead. The wind lifted the hem of her lilac and purple skirt and her delicate pink wings fluttered in its draught. Then, suddenly, as she gave me one last flashing capricious glance, the twisting shroud of dust enveloped her in its cloaking corkscrew.

  The others pulled at me and led me up some metal steps to the base of the flying machine. They made me stand with my back to the tower. Sir Orfeo started the massive engine. The heavy vibrations came up through my feet. I felt them running into my face - my lips trembled, my eyes blinked.

  He dropped a lever forward and I heard gears grinding behind me. He reached up and took one of the ropes which dangled from the platform at the top of the tower.

  ‘Now we shall see if you can earn your wings.’

  He held up a harness with green wings in front of me.

  ‘These are training wings,’ he said. ‘Barely enough to keep you aloft, but enough to see if you deserve a proper pair.’

  He laughed and pulled the harness around my shoulders.

  He wound a strap around my ankles and clipped the end of the rope into it with a karabiner. He tugged at it and I fell forward. He laughed again. It was as though he was tormenting me - as though he had already decided I would fail. He led the rope up between my shoulder blades and clipped it twice into the harness somewhere between the two small wings.

  The fairy girls fussed around me, touching my face, my breasts, my cunt. Field Goblinwind started kissing me. She probed her tongue into my mouth. I could not resist. There was a deep sense of excitement inside me - the exposure, the fear, the control of Sir Orfeo, was conspiring to brew up a storm of joy within me against which I was unable to stand.

  I started to suck at Field Goblinwind’s tongue. She pushed her hand down between the tops of my thighs and ran her finger into the panty-covered crack of my cunt. I breathed in deeply as her tongue went deeper and her fingertips pressed harder. I felt other hands on my breasts - pinching my nipples, pulling them, squeezing them painfully. I sucked harder on Field Goblinwind’s tongue. Her spit ran into my mouth. I drank it down - it was cool and foamy, sweet and delectable.

  Suddenly the massive engine revved and I felt a yank on my back. I fell forwards. Field Goblinwind and the others pulled away. I was left gaping, spit running over my bottom lip, my eyes wide with fear, my hands reaching forward in a hopeless attempt to save myself.

  A wave of fear ran through me as, struggling to keep my balance, I was hauled up on the rope. The attachments were balanced so that I was held on the harness, lying horizontally in the air. I spun as the rope was pulled up then, as suddenly as it had started to haul me up, it stopped. The rope jolted. I thought I would fall. I spun faster as the fairies below ran around in an excited bunch, pointing up at me, prancing, giggling, and kissing each other.

  A cloud of black smoke blew up from the massive engine below as Sir Orfeo revved it and threw another heavy control lever. I choked as the smoke engulfed me. I sensed movement and realised that the tower was turning. I looked down and saw that I was being taken around in an increasingly fast circle as the tower turned and I was lifted further from the ground as I was thrown outwards on the rope by the centrifugal force it imparted.

  I was still spinning on the rope but now I was also circling the tower on the rope which, as it speeded up, was flinging me out into an ever wider circle. I was terrified. My heart was pounding. I was shaking all over. I felt the little wings on my back vibrating and flapping as I went faster and faster. I stared down to the ground below. The fairies looked minute as they ran around the tower trying to keep up with me as I was flung in a massive circle above them. For a moment, it felt as though I was really flying. I saw the full circle of the perimeter fence around the compound of motorhomes and caravans. Then something started to judder. My harness was loose!

  The force of being flung outwards on the rope ma
de my hands and feet feel heavy. I couldn’t keep my mouth closed. The harness was shaking at my back. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t scream out for help. There was a jolt. I twisted on the rope. It felt as if one of the karabiners had come undone. I saw the fairies below pointing up. I think I heard them screaming and shouting. I saw a figure crouched at the perimeter fence. It was Bracken. Her pink wings and lilac and purple skirt were picked out by the blazing sun. Another jolt. I tried to scream but did not know whether I made any sound. I was twisted sideways and was flung upside down.

  I saw Sir Orfeo running towards the base of the tower. My head was spinning. I felt nauseous. He struggled with the levers of the engine. Another cloud of black smoke rose up and engulfed me. I coughed and choked. I heard the engine revving, clattering, banging. Shudders came through the rope. My wide eyes were ablaze with fear. Light and dark flashed in front of me as I hung precariously on the rope - the blaze of the sun then nothing except black smoke.

  The smoke cleared but then I hardly dared to look down. When I did, all I could see was Sir Orfeo climbing up the tower. He waved to me and shouted something, but I did not hear what he said - I was too confused and frightened.

  The rotation eventually slowed and gradually I was let down until I hung close to the tower. Finally, Sir Orfeo reached out and grabbed me. He pulled me up against the tower and immediately turned me around so that he could inspect the harness.

  I clung to the tower, shaking all over. Sir Orfeo muttered something, threw down one of the karabiners and struggled with the other. It was obvious something had gone wrong.

  ‘Who has tampered with this?’ he shouted down. ‘Who has tampered with this harness? I will thrash you all until the culprit confesses. Who was it?’

  I looked down. I couldn’t see anyone. The compound was empty - all the fairies had gone.

  ‘Who was it?’ he shouted vainly as he clung to the tower and shook his fist with unbridled rage.

  He left me hanging there, swinging on the rope throughout the cold, starry night. My arms and legs hung down limply. My shoulders ached with the strain of my body weight suspended on the tightly fixed harness. It did not take me long to realise that I had been duped. I knew now that Bracken and the others had deceived me - their only aim was to escape from their cruel master and they had used me as a distraction. Perhaps it was Bracken who had tampered with the harness. The excited gleam I had seen in her eyes now made perfect sense. I could not imagine where they had gone. The last I saw of them was the merest shimmer of their wings as they ran into the scrubby desert which surrounded Sir Orfeo’s encampment.

  When the sun came up with its welcome warmth, Sir Orfeo drove off in a pick-up. I thought I had been abandoned but, when a few hours later he returned, I realised he had tried to find them and had failed. I looked down on him and watched his angry tantrums - kicking over tables, throwing the fairies’ clothes from the backs of caravans and mobile homes, sloshing petrol over them and setting them alight with an explosive blast of fire. He sat around the blaze as it sent up a curling plume of black smoke into the blue cloudless sky. Then, he turned and looked up at me. I saw the anger in his eyes, and I could see he blamed me - if I had never turned up then his obedient band of beautiful fairies may never have had the opportunity to run from him. Yes, I could see he blamed me and that he intended to punish me for what had befallen him.

  He started the huge engine that drove the flying machine and lowered me down to the ground. The rope jolted and jerked as I descended. I stood up but stumbled - dizzy and suddenly confused by the feel of solid earth beneath my feet.

  He grabbed my hair and dragged me to the small square where he had beaten the fairies so brutally.

  ‘Now, you will take your turn, but do not expect to get away with a light thrashing, like my treacherous little fairies. No, you will feel the full force of my wand. Soon you will be begging me to winch you back up onto the flying machine so that your flesh need not suffer the agony of its kiss. Yes, now you will feel the pain that my little traitors would have felt if I had captured them and brought them back to their rightful home. Yes, Syra, you will feel not only the pain of your own punishment, but the pain of punishment due to all those you have helped escape.’

  He made me stand and bend over. He lifted the hem of my skirt. I felt giddy with my head hanging down, but I braced my hands on my knees and hoped I would not fall and make him even angrier.

  To start with he rubbed his hand across the tight material of my light green satin panties, but I could tell he would not be able to hold back his angry frustration for long. Suddenly, he ripped them down

  They tore at the flesh of my cunt, pulling at it more as I curled over to try and stop the pain. He yanked them again and brought them down to my knees. My cunt throbbed with pain. He grabbed my hips and made me stand upright again. I felt the trickle of tears coming from the corners of my eyes.

  He smoothed his hand across my naked buttocks, feeling their tautness and the tightness of the fissure between them. I knew he could see my cunt - its fleshy oval squeezed tight between the tops of my thighs. He ran his finger between my buttocks and into the fleshy gutter of my slit. He pressed his fingertip against it and I felt it yield and open against the pressure. His hand came away. I took a deep breath and, as a strange, almost mystical silence arose all around me, I waited for the certainty of pain.

  The silence lasted for only a second. Suddenly, I fell forward against my bracing hands on my knees as the palm of his hand smacked down on my waiting bottom. I gasped in shock then cried out in pain. Then the next came down, and the next, until I was gasping and crying out in a terrible rhythm that followed the waves of stinging agony imparted by his hand. Once I began to fall forwards and he stopped, wrapped his hand around my waist and bringing me back upright. He struck each of my buttocks, sometimes in turn, sometimes smacking each one several times before he changed to the next. I felt their burning redness as the fire of pain he inflicted rose throughout my body in a blaze of pain - I was alight with a fire of pleasure.

  Then, as quickly as it had started, it stopped. I began panting, getting my breath back, feeling relieved that it was all over and that I had stood it without further admonishment for disobedience or failure. I licked at my dry lips and almost turned to face him, imagining him smiling and telling me it was all over, but I was so wrong.

  I heard the swish of his wand before it struck, but only for a fraction of a second. I knew what it was when I heard it, and I started to brace myself, but it came too quickly for my body to carry out the instruction from my brain.

  It cut across my already stinging bottom like a burning knife. I howled in pain. The sting went so deep. It penetrated every part of my body - radiating out from my bottom, through my cunt into my nipples, and then ran into my fingertips and toes. I felt my hands trembling as I clung to my knees in a desperation to withstand it.

  Then another, this time harder, slashed against my taut upturned buttocks. My mouth was wide open. I did not even hear my scream - I just saw the spray of spit flying from my mouth.

  I don’t know how long it lasted. I didn’t know how I managed to stand, to hold onto my knees, to keep my naked bottom available to the thrashing with the wand. The cutting slices blurred into one, punctuated only by the agonising flashes of excruciating pain that shot through me as the wand struck the flesh of my squeezed out cunt.

  I watched tears dripping from my eyes, and between their droplets, the spiral of spit as it dribbled from my moaning mouth. When he did stop I did not move. I did not know whether I would have to suffer more, or if I was able to move anyway. I barely felt his hands splaying my thighs wide as he opened my cunt enough to thrust his massive throbbing cock into the burning wet flesh of my crack.

  He rode me with his cock - his hands around my waist, his teeth biting my ears in turn, his hot breath burning my neck. He plugged my mouth with his finger
s and pulled at my hair as he held me off the ground and thrust me in a fit of anger and vengeance. In the end, he forced me down against his throbbing shaft as his semen filled me in a massive hot deluge.

  He left me on the ground, his semen still bubbling from my cunt, as again he drove off into the desert in search of his lost band of beautiful fairies.

  I dragged myself up and drove on the opposite direction. I looked in the rear view mirror and watched the steel gantry of the flying machine slowly disappearing over the scrubby desert horizon behind me. Only when it had completely fallen from view did I dare stop, have a drink and pull on my panties.



  At last, there it was. At the end of the dusty dirt track road, a tangle of low flat-roofed buildings, decked with gaudy neon signs and surrounded by a jumble of randomly parked SUVs and pick-ups. Yes, there it was, exactly as the picture in the magazine had showed it - ‘Maizie’s Ranch - the friendliest whorehouse in Nevada’.

  I thought it would be an easy way to earn some money. I needed it, I had hardly enough to fill the pick-up with gas, and over the last few days it had developed a noisy clonk in the engine. I couldn’t afford to let anything go wrong with it - I still had to put some distance between me and Father Dawson, and, as yet, the miles I had driven were nowhere enough.

  ‘Just do what you’re told and you’ll make enough dough in a week to keep you going for a month,’ said Maizie, as she introduced me to some of the other girls. ‘And if you offer “specials”, well, all the better.’

  ‘That sounds interesting -“specials”?’

  ‘“Interesting” is one way of describing it. “Weird” is another.’

  A tingle of excitement ran across my skin. I felt my nipples harden.

  ‘What do you mean “weird”?’ I asked, as I took a deep breath.


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