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Finding Bliss (Bliss #1)

Page 21

by Cassie Strickland

  Clara fidgeted under my arm. “Yeah, all better. Thank you for asking.”

  “Want to take yours?” I asked Clara, hoping to draw the attention away from the uncomfortable questions I knew were coming. I gave Chelsea a meaningful look that told her to drop it. “It’s already warm. I’ll drive.”

  “Sure. That’s fine.” Clara gave me a small, teasing smile. “You just want to drive it, too.”

  “Guilty,” I joked. I didn’t care – I just wanted to keep the atmosphere light.

  “I’m starved. Where are we goin’?” Adam asked as he and Justin joined us.

  “You’re goin’ home. I’m takin’ Clara and Bella out to celebrate.”

  I wasn’t kidding either.

  “Oh, come on! We’ve been workin’ our asses off all day,” Adam argued, his tone playful.

  I didn’t want company. “Adam…”

  Clara curled into me, taking my focus from Adam. She placed her hand on my chest and tipped her head back so that she could meet my eyes, hers happy. “It’s fine. He’s right – they did us a favor today. The least I can do is buy them dinner.”

  “You don’t have to do that, darlin’. Tonight was your night.”

  “I don’t mind. Really. Besides, I’d like to have a good time after today.”

  Damn her reasoning.

  But I’d give her anything when she looked and touched me like that. “Only if that’s what you want,” I relented.

  “It is. Thank you, Grey.” She kissed my jaw to show her appreciation.

  I looked back to my friends, lifting my shoulders a bit. “Looks like I’m buyin’ you dinner.” Clara tried to say something, but I peered down at her again and gave her a pointed look. “No, you’re not buyin’ anyone anythin’. This is your night, darlin’. Let me take care of you.”

  “You sure you don’t mind?” Chelsea questioned, eyeing us both. I could tell she wanted to go, probably to make sure Clara was okay. Chelsea cared deeply when it came to her friends, so I wasn’t surprised. “Adam’s just bein’ Adam. We don’t want to crash your celebration.”

  “You’re fine. The more the merrier,” Clara assured her.

  “Great! Let’s do this,” Adam chimed in, grinning. “I’m starved.”

  “But…” Chelsea tried to protest again.

  “I’ve got a baby that needs to get warm. If you’re comin’, then come on,” I ordered, raising the car seat a bit.

  “Oh, right. Sorry,” Chelsea replied sheepishly.

  I guided Clara toward the passenger door of her SUV as Justin asked, “Where are we goin’?”

  “The Ridge,” I answered as Clara climbed in and I locked Bella’s car seat in place.

  “Ah man,” Adam whined as I closed Bella’s door.

  “You wanted to come,” I called out, chuckling. “See you there.” I heard more of his grumblings as I closed my door.

  “What was that about?” Clara asked as I started the engine.

  “Just Adam… The Ridge is his dad’s restaurant. They don’t get along all that well.” I grinned at her as I started the car and pulled out of the B&B. “Serves him right for invitin’ himself. He tries to stay as far from that place as possible.”

  She nodded, her lips turning up a little. “Did you do that on purpose?”

  “Nope. Just worked out that way.”

  “Why don’t they get along?”

  It was common knowledge around town, so I explained, “His father ran around on his mother. I’m not meanin’ here and there, either – it was all the time, with many different women, and he never hid it from her or Adam and his brother. Hell, everyone knew. Adam is a momma’s boy through and through, and he saw how much it hurt her. Adam has zero respect for the man…or cheating in general.”

  “That’s sad. Are his parents still together?”

  “Nope. His mother finally had enough and left him. She lives in Washington with her new husband now.”

  “That’s good then.”

  “Yeah, but Adam and his dad barely speak these days.”

  “Should we go somewhere else? I don’t want to cause any problems.”

  “Nah. His dad’s the chef. He’ll be in the back the whole time, so we won’t see him,” I assured her, taking her hand in mine. It was kind that she considered Adam’s feelings. “If it were a problem, Adam wouldn’t come. He grumbles anytime we want to eat there, so it’s normal. Plus, the food is amazing – he knows he’d be missin’ out.”


  “What’s good here,” Clara asked as she glanced over the menu.

  “The Chicken Marsala is delicious,” Chelsea told her, licking her lips in anticipation. “I get it every time.”

  “The steak with sautéed mushrooms,” Justin chimed in.

  “Nah, the salmon. It’s amazin’. Dad knows how to grill a mean piece of fish,” Adam added begrudgingly.

  Clara giggled at them and then looked to me. “What about you? What’s your suggestion?”

  I smirked at her. “Definitely the steak, but I don’t like mushrooms.”

  Her brows furrowed. “You don’t like mushrooms?”

  “Nope. The texture messes with me.” I shivered in revulsion.

  “You have no idea what you’re missing,” she stated, shaking her head at me like I’d just spoken blasphemy.

  “Yes, I do,” I assured her and pecked her lips.

  Her skin along her cheeks and neck turned a deep shade of red, and she darted her eyes towards my friends, embarrassed. I didn’t care – I was staking my claim publicly.

  And it was publicly.

  Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw many people that I knew. I bet Mom’s phone would be ringing off the hook for the next week. When I turned my attention back to my friends, they were all staring with knowing smiles, too. But they saw this coming.

  “What’s the cause of celebration?” Chelsea asked a little while later.

  “Clara’s buying Mrs. Cline’s place,” I explained with a proud, broad smile.

  “Really?” Adam asked, intrigued. At Clara’s nod, he said, “I helped with the remodel. Mr. and Mrs. Cline poured a heap into that old place. It turned out beautiful. Congrats, Clara.”

  Her lips curved up as she replied, “You did an amazing job, Adam. I fell in love when Grey showed it to me.”

  “I should throw you a house warmin’ party once you’re settled. I can introduce you to more of the ladies in town,” Chelsea suggested. “They’ll be green with envy when they find out you’ve snagged Bliss’s most eligible bachelor.”

  “Hey!” Adam joked as Clara blushed again. “Who said he was the most eligible bachelor? I’ll have you know, women are linin’ up to get to this.” He pointed at his chest, having no shame, and waggled his brows.

  “I’m sure they are…” Chelsea drawled sarcastically. “But everyone knows you’re only down for a romp in the sheets. They know Grey is more of the charmin’, respectful type.”

  Adam frowned for a second and then smirked. “Yeah, that sounds about right.”

  Everyone laughed, but I noticed Justin’s face suddenly. His smile froze on his face and the color seemed to drain out of him as he stared across the restaurant.

  “You okay, man?” I asked quietly, trying to see what had him spooked.

  He blinked a couple of times and shook himself out of it. “Yeah, sorry.” Everyone had quit talking and stared at him. “Mr. Ridges started coming this way, or at least I thought he was. He went back to the kitchen, though.”


  That explained it.

  “The fucker knows better than to talk to me,” Adam groused.

  When I mentioned that Adam and his dad didn’t get along, I was putting it mildly. If they were within speaking distance, verbal blows were handed out on both sides. It was a messy ordeal to witness.

  Bella started fussing from the car seat resting on the chair next to Clara. “Can I hold her?” Chelsea asked while extending her hands out to Clara.

Clara agreed and carefully passed Bella over to her.

  Chelsea cooed at Bella, calming her, as she beamed. “I can’t wait to start a family.”

  The blood drained from Justin’s face again, causing me to laugh. “I think Justin needs a little time to get used to that idea.”

  Chelsea’s head shot up, and she glared at him. “What’s wrong with you? You’ve always been on board with the idea.”

  Justin shook himself out of it…again…and said, “Sorry.” He forced a smile, one that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Guess seein’ you hold a baby sent it home.”


  What’s that about?

  Justin had always wanted a family, as far as I knew. He didn’t go blabbing about it or anything, but Chelsea had made her wishes known since before they were married.

  We didn’t need any spousal debates at the table, so I turned to Clara and said, “Oh, I forgot to ask you earlier. Mom wants you and Bella over for Thanksgivin’ next week.”

  Clara seemed stunned by the announcement. “Really? Isn’t that a family ordeal? I don’t want to impose.”

  “Are you kiddin’?” Adam questioned, disbelieving. “It’s a party at the Raiden house every year. You’ll be missin’ out.”

  “Um…” Clara’s eyes darted between us as she considered it.

  Justin’s eyes lit with humor. “Is Grandma and Grandpa Raiden comin’?”

  I flinched a bit. “Yeah…” I reluctantly admitted.

  Chelsea giggled, transfixing Bella. “Do you remember last year? Oh, poor Shelley. I laughed until I cried. Grandpa Raiden wouldn’t leave the poor woman alone.”


  I wasn’t the only one that thought the man was a nuisance.

  Clara’s face scrunched up in confusion. “What did he do to Shelley?”

  “Grandpa Raiden is known to be a bit randy,” Adam elaborated, laughing at the memory. “He’s a big ole flirt and doesn’t keep his hands to himself. He was coping a feel and pinching her ass every time Shelley turned around.”

  It was Clara’s turn to appear ashen.

  “Don’t worry, Clara,” I whispered to her. “He’s a good man, but he thinks his old age allows him to get away with stuff like that. It’s all in good fun. He’d never cross the line. I promise. Stick by me and he’ll leave you alone.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Grey,” she muttered, eyes big.

  “I’ve got cha’, Clara. It’s all very innocent…I swear. Please come?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Fine. But if he gets anywhere near my ass, I’m leaving.”

  “I’ll make sure and protect it.”

  No one was touching that ass but me.

  Chapter 15


  “I’m so happy you came!” Emma gushed when she opened the door.

  Her long blonde hair was curled and pulled into a side ponytail so that her hair fell over her shoulder. Her chocolate-brown eyes shimmered with happiness as she motioned for us to come inside. She was dressed in jeans and a forest green sweater with an apron covering the front of them.

  “Thanks for inviting us, Emma. It was very sweet of you,” I replied as I lugged the diaper bag and car seat into the house.

  “Here, let me help,” she offered as she took the diaper bag and closed the door. She continued to chatter as she made her way to the kitchen, expecting me to follow. “I couldn’t let you stay home all alone on Thanksgivin’, not when we’ll have more than enough food. Besides, it feels like forever since I’ve seen you or Bella. This week has gone by so slowly for me, with getting everythin’ ready and all. And I know you’ve been busy.”

  She was right about that.

  I’d met with Gavin on Monday and received the keys to my new home, which was exciting. But I couldn’t dwell on that too much. I had too much to do. I left Gavin’s office and headed straight to a meeting with the painters. Choosing the colors was a bit tedious and hectic – I had no idea doing so would be that daunting – but in the end, I managed and the painters started the very next day.

  The rest of the week consisted of shopping, a feat I’d normally enjoy quite immensely, but I had a whole house to prepare. This meant furniture, mattresses, linens, dishes, etcetera, etcetera – the list was extremely long – which also meant that I did nothing but shopping and driving for two days. It was rather exhausting.

  Although, the nights were very relaxing.

  Grey was very attuned to me, therefore he knew exactly what I needed. He’d be waiting for me when I got home with takeout in his hands, making sure I didn’t have to cook and could unwind. We ate, watched movies, and made-out on the couch for long periods of time. Grey made sure never to push me, stopping any form of petting before it got too far. It was very chivalrous of him, especially with my past, but a woman could only take so much. I’ve never been so sexually frustrated in all my life.

  “It’s been a crazy couple of days,” I agreed as I sat Bella’s car seat down on the kitchen table. “But it’ll pay off in the end. I’m just happy to call a place my home, finally.”

  “Grey said that the painters were doin’ a fantastic job.” She marched to the closet and pulled out the playpen, then proceeded to set it up for Bella.

  “They are. The upstairs was finished yesterday. I wanted that done before anything else. The furniture for our rooms will arrive tomorrow.” I refused to use the baby furniture Jonathan had for Bella. It was a new start for the both of us. “The painters promised to have everything else done by no later than next Tuesday. The rest of the furniture will be delivered on Wednesday. I figure we’ll move in then.”

  “Wow, that’s quick,” Emma exclaimed, smiling. “You’ll be settled in in no time.”

  “That’s the plan. I can’t wait. I’m ready to stop living out of a suitcase.” I laid Bella down in the playpen with a few toys so that I could join Emma. “What can I do?” I asked as I glanced around.

  “It was really nice of you to offer, Clara. You don’t have to, you know?”

  I’d asked to come over early to help cook. My Thanksgivings with Galen were usually celebrated in restaurants. I didn’t mind this, seeing as it was only the two of us, but that didn’t mean I hadn’t missed the more tradition celebration that I’d once had with my family.

  When Emma called to tell me how happy she was that I’d accepted her invitation, I recognized the opportunity and asked to help. Emma was more than willing to accommodate me, saying she usually had to coerce Sam into the kitchen.

  “I don’t mind. I’m excited about it.” And I really was. I’d been looking forward to it for days.

  “Well then, the turkey is already in the oven. I guess you could start the dressing. Do you know how?”

  “No, but if you point me in the right direction, I catch on quickly.”

  She nodded and walked to a cupboard. She pulled out a book, flipped through it, and handed it to me. There was a handwritten recipe inside of it. “This is the one. Just follow that and you’ll be good. Everything you’ll need is in the fridge. I put the bread out over there.” She pointed to the far side of the kitchen table. “It should be good and ready by now.”

  I didn’t know what that meant, but I smiled anyway. “Perfect.” I read the recipe quickly. It seemed pretty straightforward, so I got to work right away.

  I was chopping celery when I heard the front door open. Grey’s voice called out, “Mom? Clara?”

  “Back here,” Emma hollered, then looked at me. “He always does that, even though he knows exactly where I am.” She rolled her eyes, which only made me laugh.

  Grey sauntered into the kitchen a second later, looking more handsome than ever. My breath caught and my stomach fluttered. I didn’t think I’d ever get over seeing him.

  “There are my girls,” he stated when he saw us. He kissed Emma’s cheek as he passed her, murmuring, “A sight for sore eyes.”

  Keeping my eyes on my hands (I didn’t want to chop off a finger), I felt him come up behind me. H
e wrapped an arm around my stomach and swept the hair off my neck, pressing his lips there. “Hey, darlin’. Missed you this mornin’.”

  I felt my face grow warm, and I caught his mother watching us out of the corner of my eye. She was grinning. “I, um, missed you, too.”

  Carefully, he stopped my hands and turned me so that he could hug me properly. “I’m glad you’re here,” he whispered.

  I leaned back and peered up at him, giving him a shy smile. “Me too.”

  Suddenly, he claimed my lips. It wasn’t a long kiss, but it was just as effective, thorough even. The butterflies swarmed and my heart pitter-pattered in my chest.

  However, he did it right in front of his mother!

  Oh. My. God.

  He let me go just as suddenly as he kissed me and walked to the playpen. “And here’s my Bella,” he cooed as he picked her up. I was still swaying, trying to get control of myself, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t see how adorable the two of them were together. “I’ve missed you, my gorgeous girl, even though I just saw you last night.” He kissed her head and let her snuggle against his chest.

  If he kept being this amazing, I was going to fall in love with him.

  That wild thought snapped me out of my stupor. I turned back to the cutting board and started chopping again, unsure how I felt about that exactly.

  Yes, I cared for Grey. Very much. And he had soothed any and every anxiety or concern I had about getting involved with him. But falling in love? It was very scary and remarkably exhilarating. Me, Clarabelle Vincent, had a chance at a real, normal, love-filled relationship.

  I’d never let myself think about love or marriage – not once. I saw myself as defected in a lot of ways, so I never imagined anyone would want me. First off, I was barren. Who would marry a woman that couldn’t have kids? There wasn’t anything necessarily wrong with that – there was such a thing as adoption – if it was just that. Because of what happened with Jonathan, I had a huge pile of issues. Between being barren, my issues, and the ramifications they’d have on any relationship, as well as knowing the details regarding Jonathan and me, I figured my significant other, should I ever find one, would run for the hills.


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