Finding Bliss (Bliss #1)

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Finding Bliss (Bliss #1) Page 26

by Cassie Strickland

  “Whatever,” she muttered again.

  Bella started to fuss in her car seat next to me. I grabbed a bottle I made at the house and took her in my arms.

  “Let me,” Grey offered as he took her from me. “Have fun. I’ll keep my girl entertained.”

  “You don’t…”

  “…have to. I know. But I want to. Have fun.”

  “An excellent idea,” Emma exclaimed. “Why don’t y’all go out tonight? There’s a band playing at Bobby’s. I can keep Bella and Logan. Take the girls out for a good time, Grey.”

  Grey grinned at his mother. “I think I can do that.” He peered down at me, his grin spreading. “What do ya say, darlin’? Wanna go dancin’ again?”

  “I’m in,” Sam hollered and grinned.

  “I think that would be wonderful,” I replied over Sam. “What do you say, Paige?”

  Paige glanced between Emma and me. “Are you sure? I mean, I just met you and Logan…”

  “He’ll be safe with me, dear. I promise. I love havin’ the little ones at my house. Reminds me of mine when they were little, and they are adamant,” Emma glared at Sam, “about not givin’ me any grandchildren. I’ve gotta get my fix somewhere.”

  Paige laughed, but then nodded her consent. “Sounds good to me then. I’d love to see Clara let loose a bit. She wouldn’t when we were back home.” She smiled gleefully at me.

  “Well then, it’s settled,” Grey stated cheerfully.

  Chapter 17


  “You actually got her to dance and drink beer?” Paige asked, floored. The four of us were sitting around a table as Clara told her about our night out.

  “It wasn’t that hard,” I explained, laughing at her shocked expression.

  “I’m surprised she agreed to go dancing. I took her out once right before she came here, and she disappeared while I was turned around.” Paige gave Clara a meaningful stare.

  Clara leaned in and tapped the table. “Oh, no. Don’t put that on me. You ditched me!”

  Paige rolled her eyes and glanced back to me. “Needless to say, that was the first time I’d ever gotten her anywhere outside of her apartment, the office, or a restaurant. It was like moving a mountain!”

  I wrapped an arm around Clara’s shoulders and kissed her neck. “I think she just needed a little incentive,” I teased. Clara visibly shivered.

  “Oh, I bet you give a good incentive,” Paige bantered with a wicked gleam in her eyes.

  “My ears are bleedin’. Seriously. Don’t go there,” Sam complained, looking a tad green.

  Clara and Paige laughed as the waitress arrived with our drinks. I’d ordered the same beer Clara drank at the bar in Asheville, which was how the conversation got started.

  “I’m gonna run to the restroom. I’ll be right back,” Paige informed us as she stood. “Wanna come with?”

  “No. I’m fine,” Clara replied and leaned into me a bit more.

  “Bet you are,” Paige murmured, her eyes twinkling, before she turned around and headed off.

  “She’s interestin’,” Sam stated, watching Paige leave.

  “A big flirt is what she is,” Clara declared, her happiness radiating off of her. “But she’s amazing. She can come off as a bitch at times, too, though she honestly doesn’t mean it. She says things before she thinks them out. It takes a bit of time getting used to, but once you do, she’s the greatest friend you could have.”

  “Hmm…” Sam hummed vaguely.

  “Hey, guys!” Chelsea cheered as she appeared next to our table. “I didn’t know you were comin’ tonight.”

  “It was last minute,” I explained, glad to see her. This meant the guys were somewhere close. “One of Clara’s friends came into town as a surprise, so we decided to celebrate. I was plannin’ on textin’ you in a bit.”

  She gestured toward the table. “Can we join? Justin just went to get drinks.”

  “Of course. Pull up a chair,” Clara offered, grinning.

  “Adam’s comin’, too.” Chelsea stared between the table and me, her expression telling.

  “As you wish,” I joked and released Clara to stand. After I pushed an empty table up to ours, I arranged more chairs around it before sitting down and claiming Clara again. “That should do it.”

  Chelsea smiled at me. “Thanks, Grey.” She turned to Clara as she parked her ass in a chair. “How’s the house comin’ along?”

  “Great. We were there today getting everything in order. I should be moving in next week,” Clara replied openly. “I have a bit more shopping to do, but I’m pretty close to being done. I was thinking about heading to the city tomorrow to finish. Why don’t you come with Paige and me? We can make a girls day out of it. You too, Sam.”

  Sam’s, “sure,” was drowned out by Chelsea’s overly eager reply. “That would be awesome!”

  “Sounds like a day then.” Clara beamed at them.

  While I was happy that Clara’s friend was here, I was a bit disappointed, too. She had been mainly mine since she’d arrived in Bliss, and I didn’t like to share. I knew I needed to put the Neanderthal tendencies on the back burner. Instead, I’d give Clara something to remember me by while she was gone.

  Pictures flashed in my mind from last night and this morning – the look on her face when I slipped inside of her, and the sight of her slick flesh with beads of water pouring down it as I stared up at her from between her legs, my mouth tasting her for the first time.

  I adjusted myself and wondered if she’d agree to leave early.

  “Grey? Hello? Earth to Grey?” Adam asked with the smirk on his face. “You okay, man?”

  “Uh, yeah.” I had to clear my voice. “Yeah…fine.”

  Adam laughed as he sat. “Sure? You looked a bit preoccupied.”

  “Shut up, Adam,” I snapped.

  He let out a boisterous laugh and glanced at the rest of the table. Noticing Sam, he gave her a cocky smile, one that I knew she hated. “Sam,” he crooned. “Sweet Samantha, how you doin’, beautiful?”

  “Fuck off, Adam,” Sam growled and flipped him off.

  Clara’s eyes grew wide as she watched the two of them. I leaned in so that only she could hear me. “They’ve had a love-hate relationship since we were kids. You’ll get used to it.”

  “Um, okay.”

  “They can play nice some of the time, but it can get heated. Sam hates the fact that he’s a bit of a player. Adam knows it, so he lays it on thick with her. It’s just their way of showing affection. They don’t mean it.” I bit back a smile at that.

  “Hmmm.” She nodded, her eyes still a bit big.

  “Oh, come on, Sam,” Adam pleaded. He covered his heart with his hands. “You wound me, love. Deeply.”

  “Seriously, Adam? Go find another woman to fall for that shit.” Sam scooted her chair back and told the rest of us, “I’m gonna find someone to dance with,” before stomping away.

  Adam laughed and then gave Clara his attention, ogling her playfully. “Hey there, gorgeous. This guy treatin’ you right?” He winked at her. “Why are you settlin’ for that ugly mug, when you could have this?”

  I rolled my eyes as Chelsea laughed. “Why? So she could catch an STD? You are a man whore, Adam.”

  Adam held his arms out wide. “I never said I was an angel.”

  Clara giggled, but she did move closer to me. I didn’t think she was completely comfortable with his ribbings.

  “I think I’ve picked the right one, Adam,” she countered and kissed my jaw.

  I peered down at her and grinned. “Damn straight, darlin’.”

  “I’m moving here,” Paige proclaimed with a huge smile as she sat next to Clara. “I’m in man-heaven. It’s like this place is a beacon for gorgeousness. Seriously.”

  Clara laughed again as Adam asked, “And who do we have here?” Paige’s eyes lit with interest as Clara introduced Chelsea and Adam. “This is my lucky night,” Adam professed. He stood and offered his hand to Paige. “Come on,
sugar. How ’bout a dance?”

  Paige licked her lips and took his hand. “I have a feeling you’re trouble.”

  “You’re right – trouble with a capital t.” He gave her a wolfish smirk and led her away.

  “He is trouble,” Clara agreed with a shake of her head. “I’ve never met such a flirt. He’s almost as bad as Paige.”

  “Just wait. It’ll get worse,” Chelsea added playfully. “He’s been good the times you’ve seen him. But in this place…” She shook her head. “The women are out in droves, and they’re eyes are always on him, hopin’ they’ll be the one to tame him. He eats it up.”

  “Oh,” Clara muttered, pressing her lips together.

  “Like he’ll ever be tamed,” Justin added as he dropped down into the chair next to Chelsea. He swung his arm over her shoulders and smiled at us. “Hey, guys.”

  I nodded as I took a sip of my beer and Clara returned, “Hey, Justin.”

  Knowing that Chelsea wouldn’t be alone, I peered down at Clara. “What do you say, darlin’? Ready for a spin on the dance floor?”

  She beamed. “Definitely.”


  We danced for a bit before Clara needed a break, but as soon as we were back at the table, she was swept away again by Adam. I laughed as he charmed her, dragging her back to the dance floor.

  Justin spun Chelsea around, both of them laughing. Sam, I noticed, was dancing with a man I didn’t know – probably a tourist – which left me at the table with Paige, alone.

  “Having a good time?” I asked after taking a good, long swig of my beer.

  “Yeah. Very much so.” She stared across the room, focusing on someone. After a moment, she looked back at me, pointing at the dance floor. “Who’s that? The one with, uh…Chelsea, was it?”

  I nodded. “That’s her husband, Justin.”

  Her expression was mixed with skepticism and shock. “Really?”

  This puzzled me. “Yep. They’ve been together forever. Why?”

  She pursed her lips and then shrugged off whatever was bothering her. “Doesn’t matter.” She took a pull from her drink and studied me. I gave her a questioning look, hoping to encourage her. Something was on her mind. “You seem to really care about Clara.”


  She was going to give me the best friend speech.

  “Look, Paige. I understand that you two are friends, but what happens between Clara and me is just that: between us.”

  She leaned in, her eyes flashing. “You don’t understand shit, Grey. That woman has been through hell, and it’s up to me to make sure she doesn’t get fucked over by you.”

  Sighing in resignation, I asked, “Has she told you about Jon’s house?”

  She was thrown by Jon’s name. “Jonathan’s house? What’s that got to do with anything? I’m not talking about Jonathan.”

  “Aren’t you?” I lifted a brow at her. “Now, answer me. Has she told you about the house?”

  Her brows furrowed. “No. There’s been a bit about Jonathan, but nothing about his house. Why?”


  “So you don’t know what we found there, and how, afterward, she told me everythin’?” I leaned in so that she could see just how serious I was. “Everythin’, Paige. I know what Jon did to her. I’d already partially figured it out before she told me.” I took a deep breath and sat back, enjoying her shock. “I see where you are comin’ from. I get it. You’re protective of her. I promise that I’m in this just as much as her. But…you need to back off. That woman is a lot stronger than you give her credit for.”

  “She…she…she told you?” she sputtered.


  “It took two years before she finally said anything,” she whispered in awe.

  “I get that, and I see why. It’s an ugly story. I wish I could resurrect Jon, just so I could kill him all over again. But I’m not gonna let you waltz in here and act like you’re doin’ somethin’ good by protectin’ her from me. She’s happy, very happy. She’s changed a lot since she arrived here. She’s a lot better…stronger. And I’m goin’ to make sure all of that continues until she shines so brightly she’ll blind you.”

  She contemplated me for a brief moment before she replied. “You care for her.”

  “No shit. You’re just figurin’ that out?”

  She laughed at my sarcasm. “Good. That’s what she needs. She…how can I put this?” She turned serious again. “For a long time, she didn’t feel like she deserved to be happy…that no one would want her.”

  “I know. She told me. I’m fixin’ that.”

  “Hmm…” She picked up her glass and twirled the liquid around, still thinking, before she held it out to me. “Then cheers. I wish you two the best of luck.”

  I tapped her glass with my beer bottle. “Is that the best friend approval?”

  “Definitely,” she murmured and grinned.

  “I didn’t need it,” I informed her.

  “No, I guess you didn’t,” she said softly. “But you see where I’m coming from. Just make her happy.”

  I nodded and then turned back to the dance floor, ending that discussion. I watched as Adam twirled Clara around. Her long hair swung through the air as she giggled. An emotion I’d never felt before gripped my heart. I didn’t know what it was, but I liked it.

  Chelsea and Justin blocked my view of Clara as they walked back toward our table. Chelsea was saying something to Justin as they approached. Whatever it was made Justin laugh. It was then that he noticed Paige sitting with me, and it died. Something flashed in his eyes that caused me to pause mid-swig, but then he smothered it and smiled again.

  Chelsea sat first, saying, “Whew, I need a drink,” while motioning for the waitress. Justin sat next to her and placed his arm around her shoulders protectively.

  “You two have fun?” I asked, wondering what was up with Justin. He was acting odd again.

  “Blast,” Justin replied and then gestured at Paige. “Who’s your friend, Grey?”

  “Justin, Paige. Paige, Justin. She’s a friend of Clara’s visitin’ from Chicago.”

  Justin frowned, but nodded to her. “Nice to meet you, Paige.”

  Paige lifted a brow at him and smirked. “Yeah, you too, Justin.” There was an undercurrent in her words. I couldn’t quite place what it was. Hostility, maybe?

  “Have you two met?” Chelsea asked, confused as well.

  “No. Not really. I accidently bumped into her a bit ago. Damn near ran her over.” Justin forced out a laugh, and I swear, he was lying.

  “Riiight…bumped into me.” Paige snickered and rolled her eyes. “I’m going to go find someone to dance with. Nice to meet you, Justin.” She glided away without saying anything else.

  “What was that?” Chelsea wondered aloud.

  “Guess she’s holdin’ a grudge,” Justin stated while averting his eyes.

  Chelsea was put off by Paige’s attitude. “Well, it was rude.”

  I decided to ignore it for now. I’d ask Justin about it later.

  Clara dropped down in the chair next to me, groaning. “My feet are killing me.” She took a big gulp of beer and gave me a stunning smile.

  “Hey, darlin’,” I murmured and then leaned in to give her a quick kiss.

  Adam interrupted us. “You sure you don’t wanna leave this guy for me,” he taunted Clara. “The way you move, gorgeous… I’m gonna have wet-”

  “Shut up, Adam,” I growled and pulled Clara on my lap. She giggled as I glowered at Adam. “She’s perfectly fine where she’s at.”

  “You’re too easy, man,” Adam snorted.

  “Where’d Paige go?” Clara asked as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

  I peered down at her, smiling at her open affection. “To find someone to dance with.”

  “More like her next victim. She’s a man-eater.” Her eyes danced with humor.

  “Then it looks like Adam’s met his match,” I joked and stole another kiss.
/>   “Cut it out, you two,” Adam grumbled. “You two are so sweet on each other, you’re making my teeth ache.” He shivered in revulsion.

  “Mmm,” I groaned and turned to Adam. “She does taste pretty sweet.”

  Everyone laughed, but I didn’t hear Clara’s mixed in. When I glanced back at her, she was staring at me with that expression I cherished – the one where her face was soft and her eyes shined with joy.

  I kissed her again, this time deeper and a whole lot wetter. Catcalls and cheers went on around us, but I didn’t care. As long as her mouth was on mine, the world melted away.


  “How ya feelin’, darlin’? Not too tipsy?” I asked as I unlocked the door.

  “Not at all. I didn’t drink very much, and what I did wore off from all that dancing,” she replied, shrugging off her coat and hanging it up. “Why do you ask?”

  I tugged her beautiful body to mine so that we were chest to chest and smiled down at her. “I’ve got some plans for us tonight.”

  Her response was coy. “Oh, really?”

  “Yes, really. We have a whole night alone, and a big bed I plan on using to my advantage.”

  She flushed and bit her lip. “Oh.”

  “Oh?” I chuckled. “That’s it?” She shrugged as she blushed brighter. “You look good in red, darlin’.”

  “I’m not wearing…” And then she realized I didn’t mean her clothes. “Oh.”

  “You’re too cute. Way too cute. I like how shy you get,” I murmured as I took the lobe of her ear into my mouth, sucking it lightly. She whimpered and clutched my arms. “Does the bed sound better, Clara? All night, me and you?” I licked a path down her neck.

  She let out a stuttered, “Ye…ye…yes.”

  “Then come here, darlin’.” I leaned down and picked her up, guiding her legs around my waist. As soon as we were eye level, I took her mouth.

  Our kiss rocked me, sparking a deep blaze only she could bring out in me. I wanted to soak her in, bind her to me in a way that there was no telling where she began and I ended. One body. One soul. One mind. I wanted it all.


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