Finding Bliss (Bliss #1)

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Finding Bliss (Bliss #1) Page 25

by Cassie Strickland

“I like it.” He strolled to the bathroom with me in his wake. “This looks fantastic, Clara.” He spun around in the middle of the bathroom, taking in the color.

  “It’s called brown maple. It’s not brown, but it’s not tan either…an in-between, I guess.” I studied the walls, happy with my selection. As I turned my attention to the window, enjoying the mountains in the distance, I went on. “I think it goes nicely with the backdrop. It adds depth to the view.”

  Grey’s arms snaked around my middle and rested his chin on my shoulder. “I think it’s perfect. You did a great job, darlin’.”

  “Thank you,” I murmured. I turned my head to look at him. “Let’s go see Bella’s room.”

  We walked hand in hand into Bella’s room. One wall was a rose-pink while the rest of the walls were a vibrant cream. “I’m going to put her crib against that wall,” I pointed to the pink one, “and add a bit of the same color throughout the room. It’s very shabby-chic. When she’s older, I will be able to change the color of the one wall if she wants, rather than all.”

  “It’s very girly, very Bella.” He gazed down at me. “She’s gonna love it.”

  I chuckled lightly. “She’s a bit too young to know any better, Grey.”

  He curved an arm around my waist and kissed my temple. “It just proves how much you love her, darlin’. You’re gonna be a great mother to her.”

  “Grey…” I breathed, rocked to my core.

  His eyes heated, and if it wasn’t for the shout from downstairs, I was sure we’d be going for round number three.

  “Hello? Anyone home?” I recognized the voice belonging to Tim, the owner of the painting company.

  “Come on,” I told Grey reluctantly. “Let’s get this over with. You’re going to hate me by the time this day is over.”


  As the painters got started in the living room and kitchen, Grey and I unloaded all the cleaning supplies that I’d bought over the last few days. The house had been vacant for a good while, so I wanted everything to get a good scrub-down before we started moving in furniture.

  First, we’d started in my room, washing windows and the floors, before moving to the bathroom. It didn’t take long since it was empty. We’d finished Bella’s bedroom and bathroom and were walking down the stairs when Brad and Emma knocked.

  After opening the door, I greeted them. “Hey! You’re just in time.”

  Emma held up a bag. “I’ve brought donuts. We figured you were too busy this mornin’ to eat.”

  Grey’s chuckle behind me meant his head was in the gutter.

  Instead of reprimanding him, I replied, “Thank you. That was sweet of you.” I left out the part that Grey already made us breakfast – no one could turn down donuts, no matter how full they were.

  “Why don’t we eat on the front steps,” Grey suggested. “There isn’t anywhere in here to sit down, and the painters are in the livin’ room and kitchen just now.”

  Brad passed around coffee and the fixings for it after we sat down. I doctored mine up quickly and then received a chocolate donut from Emma.

  “How’s it lookin’ so far?” Emma asked.

  “Not much has changed since yesterday, but so far so good. When we’re done eating, I’ll show you around.”

  “It looks great,” Grey agreed around a bite of donut.

  “Well, Brad and I are here all day to lend a hand. Just point us in the right direction and we’ll do whatever,” Emma kindly informed me.

  “That’s very sweet of you two.”

  Seriously, Grey’s parents were the nicest people I’d ever met.

  Emma laughed. “Trust me, you wouldn’t be sayin’ that if you knew what I got out of it. Violet and Hershel are still at the house.” She shook her head dramatically. “I’d do just about anythin’ not to listen to them for a whole day. Violet started her whole voodoo nonsense on the house right before we left. She said there was too much dark energy swirlin’ around.”

  I felt my eyes go round. “I’m sorry, what?” I glanced at Brad to see if he’d elaborate, but he only laughed at my reaction.

  Emma continued, “Yeah, she’s into the whole alternative life style…bad karma, readin’ auras, dark energy. I have no idea what it all means. She’s tried to explain, but I zoned out after the first few words. Total craziness if you ask me.”

  “Okay…” I trailed, not wanting any more information. “Good thing I can keep you busy then.”

  They laughed as Grey snaked an arm around my neck. He kissed my cheek, then told me, “You’ll get used to my grandparents. They’re a bit acentric, but they mean well and are lovin’ to the bone.”

  Thankfully, Brad changed the topic, asking, “What are you havin’ delivered?”

  “Bedroom furniture for Bella and me and the washer and dryer. I’ve pretty much picked out everything else besides a couch for the living room. That arrives once the downstairs is finished.”

  “Wow. You’ve been busy,” Emma teased.

  “You should see one of the rooms upstairs. I moved all of the stuff I’d bought from Grey’s yesterday morning. It’s packed full. Once the washer and dryer arrive, I’m going to spend a whole day just washing things. I’ve got towels and sheets and curtains…” I felt a bit overwhelmed just thinking about it. “There’s a lot. I might have gone a bit overboard. I’m not sure just yet.”

  “I can take some of it over to my house and have Violet start helpin’. She’d be more than happy to help.” Emma winked at me and joked, “It’ll help her cleanse your home of negative energy.”

  I choked on my coffee as a surprised laugh slipped out. “Ah, no. You don’t have to do that.”

  She waved me off. “Show me what needs to be washed, and I’ll take it over there.”

  “Are you sure?”

  She gave me a motherly look. “Clara, it’s okay to receive help when it’s willin’. Don’t worry about it.”

  “Well, thank you then. You all have been more than kind to me since I’ve been here.”

  “What did I tell you yesterday? You’re family now, Clara.”

  We finished up breakfast quickly after that, no one saying anything else. Brad collected our trash as he stood. “I’m gonna check out your connections in the laundry room to make sure everythin’ is ready to go.” He threw everything in the painters’ dumpster in front of the house and disappeared inside.

  “Let’s go check everythin’ out. I hadn’t been here in years.” Emma stood and followed her husband.

  Grey stopped me before I could follow. “You okay?” he asked as he entwined our fingers.

  Was I okay?

  I was.


  “Perfect,” I replied truthfully. “I love your family, Grey.”

  He kissed my forehead, murmuring, “Good. Let’s find Mom before she takes charge of everythin’.”

  We found her peeking into the living room to see what the painters were doing. “What do you think?” I asked as we approached her.

  “I love the color. This house is spectacular. I had no idea it’d changed so much.”

  I followed her eyes, scrutinizing the progress. The painters were doing a great job so far, and the room was almost entirely finished. I’d chosen a soft sandstone for the wall and white for the trim. I wanted something soft, inviting, rather than loud.

  “Let me show you the upstairs,” I told her as another warm rush went through me.


  This was my home.


  After the delivery men had left and the washer and dryer were installed, the reality of moving to Bliss was becoming more real. Emma and Brad had already taken a load of things over to Violet to start washing. Grey and I were working on cleaning the rest of the upstairs when a loud knock sounded downstairs.

  “That’s probably the stuff Paige sent,” I told Grey and rested the broom against the wall. “I have no idea where I’m going to put everything. We’re cleaning a house that’s only going to be
destroyed again.”

  “It’s progress, Clara,” Grey reminded me as he threw his rag down next to the broom. He tucked me against his side and kissed my temple. “One thing at a time.”

  I sighed and leaned into him. “Yeah…”

  A knock sounded again.

  “Come on. I’ll help you bring everything up.”

  He led me down the stairs and to the front door. He blocked my way, so I couldn’t see who it was until the door was opened fully.

  And when I saw who it was, I screamed, “Oh, my God!”


  Paige was standing at the front door.

  Paige was here!

  I ran the last few steps and slammed into her, hugging her as tightly as possible, laughing. “What are you doing here?!”

  Her laughter mixed with mine as she released me. She held both of my hands and let her eyes roam over me. “Surprise!”

  “No kidding! How on earth…? How? Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”

  Paige shrugged smugly. “I wanted to surprise you. I decided to bring your stuff, instead of shipping it. Galen and Tom said I deserved a vacation and that I should get down here to help you move. I’m never one to turn down a vacation, so viola! Here I am!”

  I beamed at her. “When I talked to you last night…”

  “…I was driving here. I might have fibbed a bit when we talked.” Her smile died, and she gave me a pointed stare. “That drive was killer, by the way. I wouldn’t do that for just anyone, you know? I was so close to giving it away when you answered. Luckily, you changed the subject.” She wiggled her eyebrows at me.

  I rolled my eyes. “Yeah…right.”

  “Seriously, though…I’m exhausted. I’ve never driven that long.”

  “Tell me you didn’t drive straight through?”

  “Nah. We stopped late last night and then got on the road again first thing this morning. I was safe, mother.”

  I rolled my eyes again and then realized what she said. “We?” I asked, looking behind her. “Logan’s with you?”

  “Of course. Do you think my mother would’ve kept him for a whole two weeks? Riiight…”

  “Two weeks!” I shouted, ecstatic. “You’re kidding?!”

  “Nope. Galen and Tom said that if you still need help by the time that’s up, I’m to stay. Seriously, my bosses are the shit.”

  I laughed, agreeing with her wholeheartedly.

  “I better get Logan before he wakes up. He’d freak…” She glanced past me as she turned and froze, her mouth dropping. “Please tell me that’s not Grey. And please, please, please tell me he’s single.”

  I looked over my shoulder and found Grey standing in the doorway, leaning against the frame, with a sly smirk on his face. I giggled and strolled to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me softly, making his point.

  When he glanced back at Paige, he was grinning broadly. “Sorry to disappoint you…but I’m definitely taken.”

  Paige was fanning herself as I turned in Grey’s arms. “Oh, honey. You said he was yummy, but this is way better,” she murmured as her eyes raked down the length of him. “That’s not yummy, that’s effing delicious.”

  “Yummy?” Grey questioned humorously.

  “Go get Logan, Paige. You can check him out later.”

  “Right…right. Logan.” She shook herself out of a daze and gave Grey her flirty smile. “I’ll be right back.”

  We watched her as she walked to her old black Suburban, an extra sashay in her steps. I rolled my eyes at her antics and smiled up at Grey.

  “So…that’s Paige?”

  “Yeah. I can’t believe she’s here.”



  “Good.” His brows rose suddenly, like something just occurred to him. “Who’s Logan?”

  “Her son,” I explained and watched Paige. She hauled her big, sleeping three year old out of his car seat. His body was lax as she carried him to the front porch, his weight hard for her to manage.

  “He’s gotten huge since I saw him last,” I said, floored. Logan was a beautiful child, with dark hair like his mother’s and the most amazing pair of green eyes from his father, not that I’d met him – Paige told me.

  “I know,” she grunted as she stepped up the stairs. “He went through a growth spurt over the last few weeks. I swear, he weighs at least a hundred pounds.”

  “Here. Let me take him.” Before she could protest, Grey scooped up Logan like he weighed nothing.

  “Uh…thank you?” She gave me wide eyes as Grey walked into the house.

  “Come on,” I waved her in. “Let me show you around. We’ll find them in a few.”

  “Is Logan okay with him?” Her eyes darted between the door and me.

  “Positive. You should see him with Bella. Grey’s wonderful with kids.”

  She didn’t seem to believe me, but she shrugged.

  After showing her the downstairs – she was gushing over everything – we went upstairs and found Grey in my bedroom. He had nabbed a new blanket and pillow from the other bedroom and was covering Logan as he slept peacefully in the middle of my bed.

  Paige didn’t seem to notice as she stared wide eyed at my bedroom. “This is amazing. I love it, Clara.”

  “Thanks.” My mouth tipped up proudly as I looked around my room. I had to say…I outdid myself.

  But, it was the bed that was the showstopper.

  The four posts looked as if they were constructed from twigs. The bottom of each post was thick, but it tapered and branched out at the top. The branches intertwined, giving the illusion of trees. It was painted a soft cream, though it had been sanded down at certain areas so that the natural wood tones shown through.

  The rest of the furniture matched, making the whole room seem like you walked into a fairy tale. The fact that the walls were painted green made it even more enchanting. It fit with the whole cottage theme of the house.

  “Why don’t you two catch up,” Grey suggested as he stepped toward me. “I’ll unload all of your stuff out of her car.”

  “We can help”.

  “Don’t worry about it, darlin’. I’ll put everythin’ in one of the empty bedrooms. I’m sure you two have a whole lot to talk about.” He winked before he dropped a kiss on my lips and walked out.

  I found Paige watching me. “Well, isn't he charming?” She waggled her eyebrows at me.

  I laughed under my breath. “Um, yes…he is.”

  Paige looked around, perplexed. “Where’s Bella? I figured she’d be attached to your hip.”

  “Mrs. Birdie is keeping her for the day.”

  Something new came over her face as she studied me. “You look happy, Clara. Radiant. I’ve never seen you like this.” Her voice was soft, gentle. “It looks good on you.”

  “Thanks. I’m happy.”

  “You’ve got this,” she motioned downward, from my head to my toes, “glow. I like it a lot. Is it him?”

  Was it just Grey that brought this on?

  “Yes and no. He makes me feel things I’ve never felt before…but it’s Bella and his family, too. I feel like I finally belong, like I’m meant to be here.” I walked to the window and stared out at the mountains. “And look out there.” I pointed to them. “How can you not find peace in a place like this?”

  She wandered up next to me and looped her arm through mine, following my gaze. “That’s true. I’ve never seen anything quite so beautiful before.”

  “There’s a sense of healing here.”

  “I love that for you, Clara…so much.”

  I rested my head on her shoulder as we stayed there for a minute, soaking in the scenery.

  Of course Paige had to break the moment.

  “Now, tell me, are there any more like Grey? Please tell me there are. That man is all sorts of gorgeous.”

  “You’ll see,” I teased.



  “Clara said you�
��re here for two weeks,” Sam stated as she forked a couple of stuffed mushrooms onto her plate.

  “Yep,” Paige confirmed with a wide smile. “Two whole weeks.”

  We were having dinner at The Ridge to celebrate her arrival. Emma and Paige had hit it off after Emma came back to the house, therefore dinner was her idea. She’d invited Violet and Hershel, but Violet feigned exhaustion – I think she just wanted to keep Hershel away from us – and said they’d join us next time.

  After a long day of cleaning, cleaning, and more cleaning, Grey and I left Paige at my place to get ready. I decided it was best that she stayed there while I remained at Grey’s until the house was finished. Once we were done, we picked up Bella before grabbing Paige and Logan. When Paige finally met Bella, she, of course, fawned over her. I think Logan was a bit enamored, as well.

  “I still can’t believe they’re letting you off for so long. That’s unlike Tom and Galen,” I added, still reeling from Paige’s arrival.

  Paige pointed a look at me that said you’re crazy. “Honestly, Clara? Those two men worship the ground you walk on.”

  “But it’s your vacation,” I pointed out.

  She laughed and shook her head. “You think this was my idea?”

  “It wasn’t?” I asked, dumbfounded.

  “Nope.” The p in nope came out with a pop. “Galen and Tom were worried about you, so they pretty much ordered me to come. I had no choice in the matter.”

  My eyes bugged out. “You’re joking.”

  “Afraid not.” She gave me a sly smile. “They told me I had to come to take care of their girl. They knew you’d be moving into the new house and figured you’d need a hand. They’re even footing the bill, not that I’m complaining. I about jumped up and down with glee when they told me.”

  “Finally, something in his favor,” Sam muttered under her breath.

  Paige raised a brow at that. “Seems you aren’t a fan. I find that highly unlikely, though. Galen’s a big ole teddy bear.” She turned her questioning gaze at me.

  I shrugged, not sure what that was either.

  “Sam, cut it out,” Grey warned.

  “What? Can I not have an opinion?” Sam huffed.

  “You’ve never met the man,” Grey countered. “Leave it alone.”

  “Grey’s right, girly. Leave it alone. This is a happy night,” Brad added, giving his daughter a stare that meant business.


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