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Finding Bliss (Bliss #1)

Page 46

by Cassie Strickland

  “What did she say?” he questioned, resigned.

  “She went on and on…and on, I might add. I couldn’t believe how fast that woman could talk. And the amount of information she spewed was astounding.” I shook my head, laughing, as I put away more food.

  “That sounds about right,” he muttered.

  “Anyway, she knows about the custody suit, and she also knows a little about Wes’s investigation.”

  “What?!” he roared and leaned forward, his face masked with fury. “That fuckin’…”


  “Wes told us he’d keep it under the radar. No one was supposed to know about it,” he continued raging. “How could he let this happen?!”

  “I’m not sure how it got out, Grey.”

  Grey pulled his phone from his pocket, and before I knew what he was doing, he had it to his hear, saying, “Wes, it’s Grey. Wanna explain why Clara just got home and informed me that the town busy-body knows about your investigation?”

  I blanched, shocked. “Grey!”

  He cut his eyes to me, his jaw ticking. “Hold on a sec, darlin’.”

  I snapped my mouth shut. If he needed to do this, I wasn’t going to stop him.

  “Really?” he said into the phone. “That’s complete horse shit, Wes. No one was supposed to know. This wasn’t supposed to blowback on Clara. Do you understand the position she’ll be in because of this? I don’t care how you do it, but figure out a way to fix this.” He paused as I listened. “The details better not get out, Wes.” He paused again. “Yeah, I understand. Thanks.” He hung up and tossed his phone on the counter, scowling.

  “You didn’t let me finish,” I told him, amused. The whole knight-in-shining-armor thing he had going on was comical.

  “And?” he asked, not amused.

  “Before Becky left, she told me she thought it was the Montgomery’s spreading lies, therefore she can’t know the specifics. Plus, I met Jolene. She overheard the whole conversation with Becky and approached me. She told me that she’s heard talk, too, but it’s mainly Becky doing it. No one really believes her.”

  He stared at me for a moment and then murmured, “Oh.”

  “Yeah…oh.” I giggled. “You should have noticed that I wasn’t freaking out about this before you went all He-man on Wes. If it was bad, I would have been out of my mind when I got home.”

  Grey scratched the side of his neck and frowned, begrudgingly admitting, “Yeah…you’re right.”

  “Jolene seems nice,” I went on, smiling at him. “Guarded but nice.”

  He nodded, agreeing. “That sounds about like her.” I filled him in on the rest of our conversation while I finished the groceries. He listened intently until I was done. “That was my take on her, too,” he told me. “She hasn’t had a lot of good in her life, so she doesn’t know what to do with it. We’ll keep tryin’.”

  I let out a sigh of relief, thankful that we were on the same page. “I feel somewhat responsible for those girls, Grey.”

  “I know you do, Clara darlin’. I do, too. This happened right under my nose, and I had no clue.”

  “Yeah… And if I would have spoken up…”

  “Don’t go down that road again, darlin’. It’s an ugly one.”

  “I know, I know… That’s not why I said it. I want to help.”

  Grey walked around the counter and hugged me, offering me comfort. I believed he needed a bit of his own, too.

  “We will figure out a way to help, darlin’. Don’t worry about them.”


  A shrilling scream pierced my ears, waking me instantly.

  “Is she up again?” Grey asked, his voice laced with sleep.

  “Yeah,” I groaned, glancing at the clock. It was two in the morning.

  Bella had woken from her nap with a fever. I gave her some Tylenol and that seemed to do the trick. She was fine the rest of the afternoon, but as the evening wore down, she started getting worse. This was the second time she’d woken tonight, so I was getting worried.

  “I’ll get her,” Grey offered, yawning.

  “No, it’s fine. You did it last time. I’ll be right back.”

  I rolled out of bed and hurried to her room. The hardwood floors were like ice under my feet. I rubbed my arms, trying to gain some semblance of warmth as I opened her door. Her cries increased until they were almost earsplitting.

  “I’m here, sweet girl. Shhh, I’m here,” I whispered as I picked her up. She was hot to the touch, which frightened me. I’d given her another dose of medicine an hour before, so her fever should have gone down by now.

  I cradled Bella in my arms and walked back into my room, whispering soothing words to her as she fussed.

  “How is she?” Grey asked when he noticed us. He had turned on the lamp and was sitting up in bed, his chest bare.

  “She’s burning up.”

  He threw the covers back and climbed out of bed. “Do you have any ibuprofen? You can alternate between the two.”

  “How do you know that?” I shook my head. “Never mind. There’s some in her bathroom.”

  Grey rushed out of the room while I hurried into my bathroom. I needed to cool her down, so I stripped her of her pajamas and diaper and turned on the faucet. I checked the water to make sure it wasn’t too cold before I filled the sink. Grey walked in with the bottle of medicine as I sat her in the shallow pool of water. I supported her back as I splashed water on her back and chest and Grey fed her a bit more medicine.

  Once he was done, I asked, “Will you grab me a wash cloth?”

  “Sure,” he murmured and opened the cabinet.

  I drenched the cloth in water once I had it and wringed it out over Bella’s hair. Her cries had turned into soft mewls, telling me how miserable she felt. “Oh, sweet girl… We’re gonna get you all better,” I whispered, continuing the process over and over again.

  Grey watched for a few minutes, then said, “I’m gonna grab the thermometer. She should be cooled off by now, but if she isn’t, we’ve gotta take her to the doctor, Clara.”

  I exhaled heavily. “I know. She’s still pretty hot to the touch.”

  “I’ll be right back, darlin’.”

  I watched him exit the bathroom, feeling miserable myself. I never understood the helplessness that came hand in hand with your child’s illness. You want to take the sickness into yourself so they didn’t have to suffer.

  Grey ran back in with the digital thermometer in hand. “Here, let me,” he said, squeezing close, swiping it across her brow. He looked at the reading before giving me a worried look. “It’s too high, Clara.”

  “Should we take her to the ER?” I questioned, my fear growing.

  “No. There’s a twenty-four hour clinic in town. Dr. Melbourne is there at night. I’ll give him a call to let him know to expect us.”

  “Okay… Grab me a towel, would you?” I asked as I lifted Bella out of the water. She let out a small cry and pressed her face to my chest. She started tugging on her ears and squirming against me as I dried her off.

  “Hurry,” Grey cautioned, seeing this. “We need to get her there as soon as possible.”

  I wasn’t the only one scared.


  “Dr. Melbourne,” Grey said when the doctor walked into the small exam room. “Good to see you.”

  They shook hands as the doctor laughed and returned, “Can’t say the same, Grey. When I see folks within these four walls, it means something bad is going on.”

  “I can imagine,” Grey murmured, smiling tightly.

  “Well, let’s see the little lady, shall we?” Dr. Melbourne approached Bella and me. I was sitting on the exam table with her on my lap. “Miss Vincent, can’t say it’s good to meet you under the circumstances, but I’ve heard all about you. It’s nice to put a face to the name.”

  Dr. Melbourne was in his late sixties to early seventies, with a pot belly and short legs. I’d guess he stood about the same height as me if I was standi
ng. The top of his head was bald, with only a bit of white hair around the sides, and he wore thick glasses perched on his nose.

  “Same here, Doctor,” I replied, trying to seem sincere, but I was too worried about Bella.

  “Is this the first time she’s been sick since you’ve had her?” he questioned as he sat on his stool and rolled toward us, pulling on a pair of plastic gloves. He felt under Bella’s neck with his fingertips, tilting her head from side to side. Bella wasn’t impressed and let out a loud shriek.

  “Yes, sir,” I answered, watching him closely.

  “Ah, that explains it.” His eyes shined with understanding. “Don’t worry, dear. We’ll get her as right as rain. Promise.”

  “Thanks,” I whispered.

  He asked a few questions about Bella while examining her. Bella continued to fuss through it, not wanting to be poked and prodded. Once he was done, he rolled his chair back and pulled off his gloves.

  “Well, that explains it. Sweet Bella has an ear infection in both ears. It’s causing the high fever and the pain. No wonder she wasn’t eating or sleeping.” He stood and walked to the door, opening it slightly. Someone must have been waiting for him, because he’d listed off things that he needed before closing it.

  He plopped back down on his stool and continued, “I’m going to give her some antibiotics and a bit of pain medicine to help her sleep. You’ll only need the pain medicine for the next day or so, but the antibiotics will do the trick. She’ll be better before you know it.”

  “Is that normal?” I questioned, still concerned. “The ear infections?”

  He gave me a toothy smile. “Yes, ma’am. Babies get them all the time.”

  I sighed and relaxed, not realizing how tense I was. “Oh, thank God.”

  He patted my leg soothingly. “You settling in well? I heard you bought the old Cline place.”

  “Yes, sir,” I replied, keeping my voice low. Bella had finally quieted down a bit, so I didn’t want to startle her. “I love it there.”

  “Good, good… Heard about the custody situation you’ve got going on. I was sorry to hear it.” He glanced between Grey and me. “That’s gotta be tough.”

  Jeez, word really does get around.

  “Yes, sir,” Grey answered for me. “But we’ll get through it. We’re positive it will all turn out the way it should.”

  “Well, let me know if you need help. I’ve seen plenty of mama’s coming through this door. You’d be surprised by the varying types, so I know how to spot a good one.” He stared me in the eye. “You, Miss Vincent, are a good one.”

  He glanced back at Grey and continued, “I’ve known you since you were in diapers, and I’ve witnessed the man you’ve grown to be. I wouldn’t mind telling the judge that, either. You just let me know.”

  Touched, I murmured, “That’s very kind of you.”

  He patted Bella’s leg and grinned at her. “The town looks after their own.”

  “I heard you’re retirin’ soon,” Grey stated.

  Dr. Melbourne sighed sadly. “Yep… I’ve gotta. I’m not as young as I used to be.”

  “Well, the town will be losin’ a fine physician, but I’m sure you’re ready for a break. These late nights are probably hard on you.” Grey patted him on the back, shaking his head. “What’s gonna happen to this place?”

  “My grandson is going to take over. I’m handing it down to him.”

  “I didn’t realize your grandson lives here,” Grey replied, surprised.

  “He doesn’t. My daughter, his mother, moved off for college. She met her husband, so she stayed away. I’m glad my grandson’s gonna be close. Family’s important. He plans to arrive this summer. He’s gonna travel a bit beforehand. He’s been in school for so long, he wanted a breather. I couldn’t fault him for that. Gives me a bit more time to get used to the idea of retirement.”

  A nurse came in before we could respond and handed him a few things.

  “Well, let’s get you three finished up, shall we? I’m sure you’re ready for bed.”

  He could say that again.


  “What in the…?” I sat up in bed, trying to place the noise. I figured it was Bella again. She had fallen asleep on the way home from the clinic and hadn’t woken since.

  The sun shined brightly through the windows, so I squinted, trying to gain my bearings. As the noise sounded again, I realized it was my ringtone.

  Grey groaned next to me. “Pick it up. Please, God, pick it up.” He pulled the pillow out from under his head and covered his eyes.

  If I weren't so tired, I would have snickered at him. Instead, I grabbed my phone and answered without looking to see who it was. “What?”

  “Clara? Are you okay?” Galen asked, worried.

  “Oh, hey.” I wiped the sleep from my eyes and squinted at the clock. It was already nine-thirty in the morning. We didn’t get home until almost five.

  “Are you still asleep?”

  “Yeah, sorry. We had to take Bella to the doctor last night. She has an ear infection in both of her ears,” I explained, shaking myself to wake up. “We haven’t gotten much sleep.”

  “Is she okay?”

  “She seems better now, I guess. She’s been asleep since we left, so I’m taking that as a good sign.”

  “Good. That’s good.”

  Something was bothering him. “What’s going on?”

  “Well…” he trailed.

  Fear riddled me. “What, Galen?” Grey sat up next to me, hearing the sound of my voice. I held up a finger at him so that he’d give me a moment.

  “I’ve been subpoenaed. I have to testify at your hearing.”

  “Which means you can’t represent me,” I concluded, cursing under my breath.

  “That’s right, Clara. I can’t represent you and be a witness. Conflict of interest.”

  I plopped down on my pillow and covered my eyes. “No,” I wheezed. “This can’t be happening. We only have two weeks, Galen.”

  Grey took my hand and pulled it off my face. “What’s goin’ on?” he mouthed.

  I held up a finger again as Galen replied. “I’m bringing Jared on board. He’s good, Clara. He’ll take care of everything.”

  I groaned.

  The blows just keep on coming.

  “You know what that means, Galen.”

  “Yes, I know. We’ll have to tell him everything. The only way he can represent you properly is if he knows about Jonathan.”

  “I don’t want Jared to know,” I whispered, helplessness swamping me.

  “I know, but it’s the only way, Clara.”

  “What about Tom? Can’t he do it?” I begged, needing an alternative.

  “I went to him first, girly. I figured you’d be more comfortable with him, but he’s going on vacation with his wife. You know she’d kill him if he cancels.” Tom’s wife was a bitch, and Tom would never do anything to warrant her wrath. “Jared has already cleared his schedule. He and I will be heading to Bliss within the next few days. Jared needs enough time with you to prepare.”

  I heaved a deep sigh. “Okay. I get it.”

  “He’s good, Clara. I wouldn’t let just anyone help you. You know that, right?”

  “I know. I know. I just don’t want him to know intimate details about my life.”

  It wasn’t that I didn’t care for Jared – I did in some ways – but he was arrogant and conceited, and I’d never felt completely comfortable around him. He was a great attorney, though. He’d never lost.

  “I get that, Clara. But this isn’t about you right now. This is about Bella.”

  “You’re right,” I relented. “You’re right. I’ll do anything for her.”

  “There’s my fighter. This will all work out, girly. Just keep the faith.”


  “Love you, Clara.”

  “Love you too, Galen. Call when you have your itinerary hammered out. I’ll talk with Grey about setting Jared up at the B&B.”

  “Sounds good.”

  I disconnected and tossed the phone on the bed. I clenched my jaw and held onto the helpless tears. I wouldn’t cry over this. It was just another small bump in the road. Everything would be okay.

  “Come here,” Grey murmured and wrapped me in his arms. I rolled into him and settled against his chest. “The last day’s been tough.”

  “Yeah,” I whispered.

  “I think I’ve got the gist, but can you tell me what happened?” I gave him a brief rundown. “Ah…” Grey paused, thinking it over. “Is this guy good?”

  The hairs on his chest tickled my cheek as I nodded. “Yes. Very.”

  “You’re nervous about tellin’ him.”

  “Wouldn’t you be if it were you?”

  He let out a deep breath. “Yeah, I would.” He kissed my hair. “We’re gonna get through this, Clara. You know we are.”

  “I know.”

  “Go back to sleep. We can’t do anythin’ right now.”

  “Okay…” I breathed in his scent and whispered, “Love you, Grey.”

  “Back at cha, Clara darlin’.”

  Chapter 30


  “That’s Jared?” Sam whispered, astonished. She’d been at the house, hanging out with Grey and me, when Galen and Jared pulled up.

  “Yep.” I was making coffee for everyone, hoping to get this over quickly.

  “He’s gorgeous.” She glanced over her shoulder, sneaking a peek. “You’ve never…?”

  “No. Never.” I shook my head, the thought laughable. “He might be good looking, but his ego’s the size of a house.”

  Her lip curled. “Ah… Too bad.” Her lips smoothed out as she stole another look at him. “At least he’s nice to look at.”

  “I’ve got plenty to look at, thank you very much,” I joked, knowing that would set her off.

  “Ewww…” She pointed at herself, scowling. “Sister here… I don’t wanna hear about Grey like that.” I laughed, enjoying her response. “Well, I’ll get out of your hair. I know you’ve got a lot of things to discuss.” She gave my arm a reassuring squeeze when she noticed my flinch. “You’ve got this, Clara. You’re stronger than you give yourself credit for. Don’t worry about what he thinks.”


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