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Finding Bliss (Bliss #1)

Page 52

by Cassie Strickland

  Grey and I both nodded, speechless.

  “Well, Albert had Gretchen come here to pose as a social worker. Once she was behind closed doors with him, she laid it all out for him. Either pay them or they were would ruin him. Jon paid them monthly to keep quiet.”

  “Jesus,” Grey muttered.

  “After talking to you, I knew I had to fast-track this. I couldn’t tell you without jeopardizing the investigation. I took everything I’d found to the District Attorney’s office yesterday, after I left your house, and they agreed we had enough to charge them. I meant to give your attorney a heads up, but we almost didn’t get everything done in time to be here.”

  I went up on my toes and kissed his cheek. “Thank you so much, Wes. If you hadn’t have found that, it could have ended up differently.”

  Grey claimed me again and held his hand out for Wes. “Yes, thank you, Wes. It means a lot to us.”

  He shook Grey’s hand, grinning. “My pleasure.”

  The doors to the courtroom were thrown open again as our friends and family poured in, firing questions, wondering what happened.

  I found Bella first and took her from Emma’s arms. I hugged and kissed her, at peace. I peered up and locked eyes with Grey as I rested my head on top of Bella’s, mouthing, “I love you.”

  He grinned, his happiness radiating off of him.


  I dropped down on Emma’s couch next to Oliver, asking, “How are you holding up?”

  Emma and Brad had planned a victory party well before today’s win, but with what happened at the courthouse, it turned into a full on party – the whole town was here. There were people everywhere, most not even sure why we were celebrating. It was load and joyous, but Oliver had been sitting alone, not talking to anyone.

  “I’m okay,” he replied, but he continued to stare down at his lap.

  “Even though it meant good news for us today, I’m sorry about what your dad and sister did. I can only imagine what you’re going through.”

  He glanced at me with an agonized expression. “He knew where she was for years and didn’t tell us. I could have seen my sister again.” A tear slid down his face. “You know, in all the time she was gone, I knew she was alive. We had this connection, the two of us. I could tell when she was happy or sad. I could sense her.”

  I kept quiet, letting him get this off his chest.

  “I felt it the day she died, you know? I knew she was gone. That,” he searched for the right word, “part of me that recognized her became silent. Too quiet. I knew she was dead then.”

  “Oliver,” I whispered, heartbroken for him.

  “If Dad told me where she was all that time ago, I would have saved her. I know I could have saved her. We had that type of connection. She would have opened up to me, and I would have talked her into handling it differently. I would have made her go to the cops.”

  “You can’t know that.”

  “Yes, I can.”

  “Don’t hold yourself accountable, Oliver. You can’t change the past.”

  “I don’t hold myself accountable, Clara. I hold my father accountable.”

  “I know,” I whispered, not able to give him any words of comfort. There weren’t any. He’d have to live with this truth forever.

  “I shouldn’t be surprised by what he did, but I am.”

  “You want to believe the best of the ones you love. That’s understandable.”

  “Detective Wilde said that Dad and Gretchen are facing up to fifteen years.”

  “Yeah… Jared said the same.”

  “They’re getting off easy,” he snarled and stood. “I’m going to get another beer.”

  I watched him leave, saddened. Al and Gretchen’s deception hurt a lot of people in the process. Teresa had locked herself in her room once she arrived back at Emma and Brad’s, devastated. Clyde had hung his head as he left the courthouse, mind and soul defeated.

  Deceit was a tricky, tricky web.

  I noticed Jolene walking into Emma’s front door, hesitant in her surroundings. I got up and weaved through the crowd, hurrying toward her. “Hey, Lee. Thanks for coming.”

  She smiled awkwardly. “Hey, Clara.” She handed me a bottle of wine. “I wanted to bring you this as a congrats. It’s from the girls and me.”

  “Thanks,” I replied and took it. “Come on in. There’s plenty to eat and drink.”

  “No, I can’t. I’ve gotta get to Bobby’s for my shift. Just started last week.” She shrugged and dug her toe into the carpet. “I wanted to come by and tell you how happy I was that everythin’ worked out for you. The whole town’s talkin’ about it.”

  “That’s sweet, Lee.”

  “See you around, Clara.”

  “I hope I do, Lee.”

  She turned around and walked back out the door.

  “Who was that?”

  I jumped, surprised. I glanced over my shoulder and found Wes behind me. “You’re sneaky.”

  “Who was that?” he repeated, still staring at the door. “She looked familiar.”

  “She’s from town…name’s Lee.” I wasn’t going to give him too much information on her. He might recognize her from Jonathan’s files. “She works at Bobby’s.”


  “Having fun?” I questioned as a distraction.

  “Yeah… It’s good to meet some of the folks from town.”


  “You’re not swaying me that easily, Clara.”

  Well, shit.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I feigned, playing innocent. “Oh, look.” I pointed into the crowd. “There’s Grey. I’ll catch up with you later.”

  I strolled away with his chuckle following me, intent on tracking down Grey. I got sidetracked when Sam stopped me.

  “Hey! The woman of the hour,” she cheered and held up a shot glass filled to the brim. “A toast.”

  “Uh, I don’t think that’s-”

  “Nonsense,” she argued, handing the shot glass over. “Teresa has Bella in her room. She’s conked out for the night. Let loose and have some fun.”

  I shook my head, laughing, and raised the glass. “Here’s to Bella.”

  She clinked our glasses together, repeating, “To Bella.”

  I tipped the glass back and swallowed the fiery liquid, sputtering. “God, that’s disgusting.”

  “Oh, don’t be a baby. It’s just tequila.”

  I made a face, shuddering. “I hate tequila.”

  “Oh, hush.” She considered me for a moment, then asked, “How’s it feel to have all that bullshit behind you?”

  “Like I’m breathing easy,” I answered immediately. “I feel free.”

  “Yeah.” She nodded, a small grin tipping her lips.

  “Are you excited about your trip?” I searched. She was leaving in less than two months for London.

  “I still can’t believe Grey got me that for Christmas. This trip is gonna be epic.” Her eyes shined with glee.

  “Who are you taking with you?”

  “No one. I thought about takin’ Chelsea, but I want to go alone…get away. I want to mill around with a bunch of strangers, where no one knows me, and let off some steam.”

  “Uh…is that smart?” I wouldn’t have the courage to do that. To be in a whole different country all by myself… Yikes!

  “Sure. I’ll be fine,” she assured me, waggling her eyebrows at me. “I won’t get into too much trouble.”

  I smirked and bumped her shoulder with mine. “Just call as often as you can, okay? I’ll worry about you.”

  “I can do that.” She glanced around the room. “Where’d Grey wander off to?

  “That’s who I was looking for before you stopped me.” I searched the crowd again for him, not seeing him. “He disappeared a while ago. I’m sure he’s in the kitchen with Adam or Chels.”

  “Come on. Let’s go find him.”

  Sam led the way as I followed her through the throng of people.
As we walked into the kitchen, everyone quieted down. I glanced around, wondering what was happening.

  Adam stopped me and took my shot glass and the bottle of wine. “You won’t be needin’ that,” he murmured.

  “What is this?” I questioned, surprised.

  Sam stepped out of the way, throwing me a wink over her shoulder, and I saw Grey standing next to the kitchen table, holding Bella in his arms. Everyone had circled around him, leaving enough room for me.

  “I thought Bella was in bed,” I said, not sure what everyone was up to.

  Galen stood next to him, smiling proudly, with Shelley resting against his chest, his arms around her. Emma and Brad were on the other side of Grey, watching me with happiness. Everyone else that I cared about was in the room, observing the scene play out.

  Grey’s beautiful voice sounded, “Come here, Clara darlin.”

  I scanned the room again, seeing all the familiar faces, bewildered. “What are you doing?”

  “Come here,” he repeated, humor dancing in his gorgeous eyes.

  I cocked my head to the side and took slow, tentative steps toward him. People shuffled around and whispered, but I only had eyes for Grey. I finally stopped in front of him and Bella, peering up at them. “What are you doing?” I whispered.

  “We’ve got a little surprise for you,” Grey murmured.

  I bit my lip. “Do you now?”

  “Yeah… Here.” He held out his hand and offered me something.

  I looked down, my confusion growing. “A pen? What in the world…?” I looked at Grey again, at a loss. “Why are you giving me a pen?”

  Grey reached up and brushed the back of his fingers over my cheek. “Because that’s all you’ll need to gain a new daughter.”

  My heart skipped a beat. “What?”

  “On the table is Bella’s adoption papers. All you need to do is sign and Bella will forever be your little girl.”

  My chin wobbled as tears hit the back of my eyes. “Are you…” I choked on a sob. “Are you serious?!”

  “Yeah, darlin’. I had Galen draw them up for you, knowing we’d win today. All you have to do is sign on the dotted line…if that’s what you want.”

  “Are you kidding me?!” The tears trickled down my face unchecked. “Where? Show me?!”

  Grey laughed and turned toward the table, motioning at the papers lying there. There was a tab on the last page, showing me where to sign. I flipped to it and scribbled my name as fast as I could. I turned and jumped up and down, showing my signature to everyone. Cheers rang out as Grey engulfed me in his arms. I wrapped myself around him and Bella, careful of the delicate, precious papers in my hand, and cried tears of joy.

  Grey whispered into my ear, “And when the time’s right, my signature will join yours.”

  I cried harder, my happiness pouring out of me. “Thank you, Grey. Thank you so much,” I whispered, my voice catching. “This means…”

  “I should be thanking you, Clara, for coming to Bliss, for finding me.”



  “Boy’s, quiet,” I ordered, keeping my voice low.

  “They’re just excited, Dad,” Emmie whispered from the other side of them, sticking up for her little brothers.

  I stared into my daughter’s eyes, seeing my wife’s and Bella’s staring back at me. “That might be so, Emmie darlin’, but it’s about to start.”

  She rolled those beautiful eyes, the action sparking my annoyance.

  The teenage years were hell on a father’s patience. Not only did I have to deal with the raging hormones of my daughter’s, but I also had to deal with the raging hormones of the boys chasing my daughters. And they were coming out of the woodworks for them. I was thankful I still had a full head of hair.

  “Yeah, Dad,” Hayden agreed, smirking at me. His dark eyes danced with mischievousness. “We’re just excited. It’s not every day you get to see your big sis graduate high school.”

  “Yeah, Dad,” Jessie agreed, annoyed.

  Wanting to appear macho like his older brothers, Mattie parroted, “Yeah, Dad.”

  “You say that now, boys.” They had no idea how boring these things could be.

  “Did I miss anything?” Clara asked as she sat in the vacant seat next to me, placing Lena on her lap.

  Lena reached for me immediately, saying, “Dada.”

  I picked up Lena and let her stand on my legs, helping her bounce. “No, darlin’. They haven’t started yet,” I assured Clara, but I only had eyes for my baby girl.

  Lena’s mocha skin was exotic compared to her light, silver eyes, thanks to her mixed heritage. She was beautiful, like her Momma and big sisters.

  “How’s my baby girl doin’?” I whispered to her. She smiled at me, displaying her three new teeth.

  “Sorry it took so long. The caterers were running late,” Clara explained. “I thought I was going to miss it.”

  I took my focus off Lena and turned it to my wife. She was exuding happiness. “You’re fine, darlin’.”

  “Can you believe this is happening? I still can’t believe she’s grown,” Clara whispered, her eyes bright with unshed tears. “I still see Bella as a little girl in my mind’s eye.”

  I leaned forward and kissed her temple. “I know, darlin’. Me too. But she’ll always be our little girl, no matter what.”

  “Yeah…” she murmured, sniffling. “It feels like yesterday that you brought her to meet me.”

  It wasn’t yesterday – it was almost nineteen years ago. That in itself was hard to come to terms with, but then I looked around at my five other children. The years had been kind to us. More than kind, actually – they’d been thriving.

  I married Clara the summer after we met, never once doubting or regretting it. Our marriage was strong, filled with love and trust. I, like I told Clara I would, adopted Bella as soon as the vows were exchanged and we said I do.

  A year after we married, Jolene, of all people – now Aunt LeeLee and Lena’s namesake – agreed to be our surrogate. Less than a year after that, we welcomed our next daughter, Emma Samantha Raiden, into the world.

  We were blissful with our girls, but Clara wanted to fill our home with children. I was happy to oblige. We adopted Hayden and Jessie from an orphanage in Russia a few years later. We were planning on adopting one child, but Hayden and Jessie captured our hearts. Hayden was two, Jessie only one, when we arrived. They’d been at the orphanage since Jessie was born. Hayden wouldn’t leave his brother’s side for anything. He took care of him, protected him, his wisdom and strength far passing what any two year old’s should be. We knew that they were meant to be ours immediately.

  Our lives were content. We had our four children, so our days were busy and full, always crazy. But then a miracle happened. Clara found out she was pregnant. This mystified us and the doctors.

  The pregnancy was hard on Clara and everyone else in the house. She was on bedrest the entire time. We lived in a constant state of worry, knowing that the slightest thing could throw her into labor. I prayed to God every day to take care of her and my unborn child.

  Matthias, our gift from God, came six weeks early. He was in the NICU for months before we were finally able to bring him home. Mattie was now a rambunctious, lively seven year old.

  Again, our lives were full and happy. We were done having children. But my wife’s heart was big and wondrous.

  Not long after Emmie was born, Jolene and Clara opened a program for runaways in need, as her brother had once done. Where Jon did wrong, Clara and Jolene flourished at it.

  It’d been Jolene’s idea initially, but she approached Clara to help her with it while she finished school – our gift to Jolene as a thank you for carrying Emmie for us. Clara jumped at the chance. Between the two of them, they’d helped a lot of lives, and to this day, their program was still going strong.

  Last year, though, a teen girl, Mia, came into the program, pregnant. Her parents had thrown her out because of the pregna
ncy, so she had nowhere to go. Clara had taken Mia under her wing, never meaning to get too close…but she had.

  In the end, Mia died during childbirth. There was a complication, and she’d lost too much blood. They couldn’t save her. Clara was heartbroken, but she moved heaven and earth to gain custody of Lena. She had no one else – her grandparents wanted nothing to do with her. The scenario reminded us a lot of Bella, so Clara and I were both affected immensely. We were able to finalize the adoption when Lena was a month old.

  My children adored their little sister, and the transition from having five children to six went seamlessly. It was a bit expected since we’d already had so many. People thought we were crazy for it, but we knew better – we were blessed. God had shined His light on our lives, giving us every one of our hearts desires, tenfold.

  “What I miss?” Galen questioned from over my shoulder, breaking me from my reveries.

  I sat Lena on my lap and looked back at him, grinning. “Nothin’ yet, old man.”

  “Oh, good,” Shelley said as she settled in her seat next to him.

  I looked down their row and saw Mom and Dad with Sam, Ben, her husband, and their children. Mrs. Birdie was in her wheelchair at the end of the aisle next to them. Teresa, Oliver, and Jolene were on the other side of Galen with Clyde and Hadley. Adam and Chels were here, too, sitting behind them with their brood. Paige was with Wes and her grown son, my daughter’s boyfriend – even though I hated it – Logan. No one was about to miss our Bella’s high school graduation.

  “It’s starting, Grey,” Clara exclaimed in a hushed tone, trying to gain my attention.

  I turned back to the stage as the principle took the podium. I wrapped my arms around Clara’s shoulders and tucked her in close. Lena kept her body on my lap, but she rested her head on Clara’s chest and closed her eyes.

  We listened as the principle started his speech, speaking about the kids and their last year of school. It was an okay speech, but my eyes were on the young woman sitting behind him. She sat up straight, her shoulders back and her head tall. She exuded confidence, warmth, and beauty, like her mother. Her blonde hair rested over one shoulder and spilled down her chest in long curls, and those eyes of hers were shaded with dark makeup, highlighting them. She was wearing the same forest-green robe and cape as her peers sitting in front of the stage, but the gold stole around her neck with the word valedictorian embroidered on it set her apart.


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