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Cam (Hollywood Binge Book 1)

Page 25

by Julia Bright

  She gave her mom a small smile as worry built. How would she make it? Four weeks. Did that mean she’d gotten pregnant after she bought the box of condoms or before?

  “I know. I’ll be more careful in the future.” And she would have to be more careful because someone else was depending on her.

  “Okay, so when are they letting you go?”

  Rose pointed at the IV bag. “Once I finish this bag of saline. They want to make sure I’m hydrated.”

  “What about your head?”

  “It’s fine. I didn’t actually hit it hard, just a little bump. The doctor said I was fine.”

  Her mom shook her head. “I don’t think you should work at the store tomorrow.”

  She agreed but part of her wanted to tell her mom she could work. If she stayed at home, she would think of Cam and that was the last thing she wanted. But there was more than just herself to think of. The baby came first, which meant she needed to rest.

  “I won’t work tomorrow. I’m too tired. I’ll rest for a day and work on getting my résumé together.”

  Her mom’s eyelids narrowed. “Are you ready to move on with life?”

  “Mom, don’t. Not right now.”

  “I’m just—”

  “Please, I need some time.”

  Her mom stared at her for a long moment before nodding once. They didn’t talk again until a nurse came in with papers for her release. She happily signed the papers then waited another twenty minutes for the nurse to come in and unhook her.

  “You’re free to go,” the nurse said. “Just take it easy and schedule your follow-up.”

  Rose nodded and sat up, rolling her neck and stretching a little. She felt tired more than anything.

  “I grabbed your bike and took it home so you can just ride home with me.”

  “Thanks. I want to stop by Wendy’s and get a burger.”

  “Wendy’s?” Her mom lifted a brow and curled her nose up.

  “Yes, just for a burger and some fries. I’m a little hungry.”

  “Okay. We have food at home, but since you did just fall off your bike and end up in the hospital, I guess we could stop there.”

  “Thanks, Mom.” Rose had no idea why it was so important to get a hamburger from Wendy’s, but she needed it. She also knew she had to have cheese, ketchup, onion, and pickles. Why that combination, she wasn’t sure. When she ordered at the window, her mom looked at her as if she’d gone crazy and maybe she had. It wasn’t her normal order, and she didn’t do too much fast food anyway, but this time around, she really needed this burger.

  The next day she slept late and didn’t shower. Instead, she opted to stay in her pajamas as she worked on her résumé with the TV on in the background. She looked like shit, but didn’t care. No one would be stopping by to see her, so it didn’t matter that her hair looked like she was trying to make a nest in it. On a high note, she hadn’t thrown up once, which was amazing. If she could get through the whole day without tossing her cookies, she would consider it a success.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Cam was surprised to find his mom and dad at Zach’s house. Maybe this time Zach really was serious about changing.

  “Mom, hey, I didn’t know you’d be here.” Cam pulled his mom into a hug.

  “We’ve been worried about the two of you for a while. Are you moving home too?” his mom asked.

  “No, Cam’s doing fine,” Zach said.

  “What about that girl? And why didn’t you tell us you were going to have a baby?” his dad asked. His parents had never understood how difficult being in Hollywood was. There were some cool people here, Andrew and his group being some, but there were others who were perfectly fine with lying and cheating their way through life, trying to one-up everything everyone else did. Cam had found a way to endure, but sometimes, he had to lie to survive, and that was just the way life rolled here.

  “I’m headed to South Carolina to see her. We’re just working through a rough spot.”

  “I want to meet her,” his mom said.

  “You will. She’s really sweet and great. You’d like her. She’s not like most of the people here.”

  “She’s really nice, Mom.” Zach put his hand on Cam’s shoulder. “I’ve met her, though I didn’t realize how awesome she was. She’s good. If Cam can get her back, she’ll make a really good partner.”

  Zach’s words made Cam’s heart squeeze. He’d thought Zach hadn’t liked Rose much, but he’d been wrong about his brother.

  “What are you going to tell her?” his mom asked.

  “I’m going to say I’m sorry. That I messed up. That I really do love her and that, if she’ll take me back, I’ll be the best damn partner or husband that she would ever have. I’m going to tell her that I’ll work hard to be a good friend and lover to her.”

  Both of his parents nodded and then they looked at each other and smiled. “It’s not easy being in a long-term relationship, son. It takes hard work. You two left so early, and we’re both proud of what you’ve accomplished, but I don’t think we should have let you go. When you got the parts in that movie, we should have said no. The money was what sold us on allowing you to come here, but money isn’t worth ruining your life over.”

  “Mom, Dad, none of us knew what this place was like. Don’t beat yourself up.” Zach blew out a breath then shook his head. “I made the choices I made. I can’t blame that on Hollywood or acting. I chose to take drugs and do the other stuff I’m not proud of. I’m going to change, I swear.”

  “It won’t be easy,” his dad said.

  “No, but seeing what Cam has done since he’s stopped partying, I think it will be worth it. And I’m not talking about the movie. He’s happy. I want to be satisfied with my life. I may never come back here, but I do enjoy working in the movie business. Maybe I could take on a different role.”

  “We’ll see, son.” His mom opened up his cabinets and shook her head. “When are you going to pack all of this?”

  “I’ll see if it sells first. There are two showings today and three tomorrow. I’m taking all my personal stuff and having a mover come to pack up my electronics. Everything of value will be gone from the house. Then if it sells, we’ll have to figure out what we want to store and what we want to sell.”

  “Zach, since you’re in good hands with Mom and Dad, I’m going to find a flight to South Carolina and see if I can get my girl back.”

  Zach reached out and pulled him into a hug, holding him tight. “Thank you,” Zach choked out, his voice breaking. “I couldn’t have done this without your support. You helped me see that I need to change. I really appreciate that.”

  “I love you, man. And I’d do it all over again. I was afraid I would lose you, but I’m glad we’re still friends.”

  “You’re my brother. I couldn’t ever really stay mad at you. I love you. Now go get your girl and bring her home.”

  Cam laughed, praying that Rose really was still his girl. Losing Rose would crush him. He hadn’t taken their relationship seriously, and he would regret not telling her how deeply he felt for a long time.

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Rose woke to knocking on her door. She sat up and pushed at her tangled mess of hair, brushing the Cheetos stains off the front of her shirt. She wasn’t wearing any pants, just panties under the extra-long white shirt she’d slept in. Whoever was knocking at her door was being terribly persistent. Anger at being woken from her nap burned inside her and she was ready to give them an earful when she ripped open the door. She knew her crazy looks would frighten away her company, and that was what she was gambling on.

  As she lifted her gaze to the person on her porch steps, she let out a gasp. Her automatic reaction was to slam the door, but Cam stepped in quickly, pulling her into a hug.

  “I’m so sorry. Rose, I’ve been such an ass. I don’t know what I did wrong, but I can’t let you go. I miss you too much.”

  A sob spilled from her mouth, and she reached up, putting the ba
ck of her hand against her lips to keep from falling apart in front of Cam. This man was the last person she’d thought she would see and yet here he was and she looked like crap—worse than crap. She hadn’t showered, her leg hair was at epic lengths, and she stank. Though she hadn’t spent long at the hospital, the place had seeped into her pores, making her feel even more dirty.

  The door slammed and Cam lowered his head, his lips sliding over hers. She jumped back and shook her head.

  “Please, Rose, I need you.” Cam’s voice was strained, his brows bunched together as he held out his hands.

  “I haven’t brushed my teeth.” She hopped away from him and moved quickly down the hall to the bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind her. “What the hell am I going to do?” she whispered as she stared at herself in the mirror. “Shower first.” If she was clean, she could face him and tell him to leave. But could she really tell him to go? She was pregnant with his baby for real this time. Keeping this secret from him had sounded like an easy plan, but confronted with him here in her house, there was no way she could not tell him. He deserved to know the truth.

  After taking a quick shower and washing her hair, she stepped out and realized she had no clothes in here, not even a robe. She wrapped a towel around her head and one around her body before opening the door.

  Cam was sitting on the floor with his knees up, his face in his hands. When he looked up, she could tell he’d been crying. Her heart squeezed hard and she dropped to her knees right in front of him.

  “Cam, what’s wrong?”

  “I can’t lose you.” Cam drew in a breath over a sob that made his whole body shake. “I’m sorry if messages got crossed and I’m sorry that news story went out. I’m so sorry that you were hurt. Filming in Europe was crazy. I had little free time and I slept most of that. I worked twenty-hour days, but we got it done. I’m so sorry, can you ever forgive me?”

  “I’m the one who should be apologizing. I was so lost and confused. I overheard Andrew talking to you in his office and I was angry. I ran and I shouldn’t have.”

  “I wish I could have explained,” Cam said.

  “Someone broke into my car and stole my phone. I still haven’t gotten a replacement.”

  “I know. I went by the store and met your mom. She told me I was an ass and that I’d better make this right. Why were you in the hospital yesterday?”

  Rose froze, her heart stuttering before it set off at a wild gallop, taking off without her. Her head swam and she swayed. Cam had a right to know, but after all they’d been through, how would he take it? She’d thought she had weeks to decide how to tell him if she ever did tell him, but he was here in her house—well, her mother’s house, and he had a right to know.

  “Um—oh God, this is hard.”

  “Just tell me, baby.” Cam wrapped his arms around her and kissed her cheek before nuzzling against her neck. “Please, I want to help you.”

  “I-I don’t know how—well, I know how, but I don’t know when. Um…” She paused long enough for Cam to pull back and stare into her eyes. He lifted his brows before smiling.

  “It’s okay. You can tell me anything,” Cam said.

  “I’m pregnant.”

  Cam blinked at her, his eyes opening and closing so slowly she wondered if he’d heard her. Then he gave his head a short shake before opening his mouth. She’d expected him to yell, maybe curse, but what she didn’t expect was the roaring laughter that spilled out. He laughed for nearly a minute with tears streaming down his face before he sobered enough to look at her without giggling.

  “Really? A baby. We’re having a baby?”

  She nodded and sunk her teeth into her thumb before answering. “Yes. The doctor said I was about four weeks along.”

  “Those condoms, I guess forgetting them gets you a baby.”

  “What are we going to do?” Rose bit her lower lip, worried about what Cam would suggest for solutions.

  “I love you. I had to say it so you know. I really love you. I missed you so much while I was away. Next time I have an overseas set, you have to come with me. I can’t be away from you for that long.”

  Unsure if she’d heard him right, she held on to his arm, squeezing. “You want me?”

  “Babe, I not only want you, I want to marry you. Please, would you please be my wife? I don’t have a ring, and I hadn’t planned this, but Rose, I love you.”

  His words shocked her. She’d thought for sure they were over, that he would be angry she was pregnant, but he wasn’t. He loved her and wanted her in his life.

  “Would you have wanted me if I wasn’t pregnant?”

  “Yes, I was coming here to get you back. We don’t have to live in Hollywood. We could stay here if you want.”

  She sucked in a breath and shook her head. “God, no. I love California. How is Zach?”

  “He’s one of the reasons I couldn’t get here earlier. I came home from filming and found him passed out. He’d gotten so drunk and drugged up that he fell and cut his head. He’s fine, but he’s moving in with my parents. I think the house sold today. I haven’t really been able to look at the email, just the subject line.”

  “Wow, what will he do?”

  “First, he has to get sober. Then he’ll figure it out. I’d like to take you to my parent’s place where you can meet them.”

  She reached up and grabbed the towel on her head. “Oh gosh, are you serious? What if they don’t like me?”

  “They’ll love you. Zach put in a few good words for you.”

  She pulled the towel from her head and scrunched up her hair. Had Cam gone crazy. “Zach? He hates me.”

  “No, that was the drugs and alcohol. He was jealous of you, but he doesn’t hate you.”

  Rose was getting very uncomfortable on the floor so she stood and Cam jumped up too. Her towel started to unwrap from around her body and she reached for the end just as Cam did, but he wasn’t trying to tuck it in. Instead, he was pulling the cloth free, exposing her fully.

  He reached down and placed a hand on her belly as he stared into her eyes. “Rose, I know I asked you before, but we started talking about Zach. Would you please be my wife? I want to be with you forever. I don’t care what anyone else thinks or says about us, I just want you in my life.”

  “I want you in my life too. Getting married is a huge step.”

  “It is, but I’m ready for that step with you.”

  She stared into his eyes for a long moment before she nodded. “Okay, yes, we’ll get married, but not yet. Your parents still have to meet me and we have to live together for longer than just a few weeks.”

  “Agreed. But I want to be married before the baby comes.”

  “Okay, I think we can arrange that. When is the movie coming out?”

  “In about eight months.”

  Her eyes narrowed and she shook her head. “That long after they rushed you into filming?”

  “Yeah, I know.” He shrugged then his eyes widened. “Oh crap, you won’t be able to travel with me.”

  She smiled. “You won’t be gone long.”

  “The baby comes first. I’ll talk to the director about release dates and your due date.”

  Worry shot through her. “I don’t want to be a bother.”

  “You aren’t. Plus, I was guessing at the eight months. That was thrown around, but they still have to go through post-production and processing. It will take a while before the actual date is set.”

  She chewed on a fingernail. “We can’t announce this pregnancy any time soon.”

  “We’ll figure something out. Andrew can help us both look good. By the way, he wanted me to tell you that the director, Daniel, really liked you. The rest of the people were too fake. They want to do a reread in a week with you and four other people.”

  “What does that mean?” Rose wasn’t sure if she should be excited or not.

  “It means that if they go forward, you have a better chance of getting something than not getting it.”r />
  She shook her head. “Oh, that’s just weird.”

  Cam narrowed his eyes. “Why is it weird?”

  “I thought it was really just a fake little interview, and Andrew had sent me there just to get me to shut up.”

  “No, not at all. Andrew watched the reading that you did for Daniel. He said you did really well. If this doesn’t work out, they’d like to have you on another project.”

  She shook her head as disbelief slid through her. “It’s just odd. You know, I wasn’t expecting it.”

  “Rose, don’t ever sell yourself short. You’re amazing. I haven’t seen you act, but if Andrew says it was good, then it was.”

  She blew out a breath and nodded. Her stomach rumbled, and Cam lifted his brows.


  She shrugged. “A little.”

  “What do you want?”

  “Waffles and strawberries.”

  He chuckled, the sound music to her ears. “Let’s make some waffles and do you have strawberries?”

  “We have some frozen berries.”

  “Awesome. I can heat those up and then make a puree that you can cover your waffles with. How does that sound?”

  Her heart filled with happiness and she shot him a huge smile. “Delicious, I’ll help.”

  “Oh no, I’m not letting you stand in the kitchen and make food, not after you passed out on the road and you had to be transported to the hospital. Not going to happen. Your mom told me how bad off you were, but she thinks it’s because you lost the baby. She doesn’t know it’s because you’re having a baby.”

  Cam’s lips spread into a huge smile, and he pulled her close, staring into her eyes before claiming her mouth with his. His tongue begged her lips to open. When she did, he delved in, sliding his tongue against hers as his hands roamed over her body. When he finally ended the kiss, both of them were breathing hard.

  “Get some clothes on and I’ll feed you. Then we need to make a plan for traveling together to see Zach, and also so you can meet my parents. After a few days there, we’ll head home.”


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