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Only in Paradise

Page 5

by Michelle Monkou

  “I’ll do what I can. I do have to fly back to England at the end of the week. I’ll start talking to my colleagues.”

  Collin grinned. “Thank you. I can’t ask for much more.”

  “But you will, won’t you? Now let’s go party.”

  “I’m afraid that I’m going to have to get going.” Collin had the meeting that he needed to have. He hadn’t expected to be able to get the ambassador to himself. But the opportunity was perfect timing.

  He could head for the drive-in and hang out with the others. But he was too wound up and they wouldn’t appreciate his talking shop while they tried to relax and watch the movie. They’d scolded him on that many times.

  Yet he wasn’t in the mood to work. Maybe he’d head back to the school and go through the stack of papers that needed his attention. Now to find Cicely.

  After circling the reception, he finally spotted her. “Cicely, I’m ditching the party.”

  “Cool, I think I’ve got a ride home.”

  “Nope. I’m sending the driver to get you.”

  “And what if I have other plans?”

  Collin sighed. “You only just met. Could be a nutcase for all you know.”

  “You really know how to kill a mood. Haven’t you heard of chemistry? Sometimes you just know and you go with it.”

  “Like I said, the driver will be waiting for you.” Cicely was the all-American girl—smart, beautiful, sexy…and stubborn. Thank goodness she was a good teacher. But her libido seemed to be in overdrive. However, as long as her extracurricular activities didn’t interfere with her work, he would step aside.

  Back at the school compound, Collin called the driver and instructed him on his assignment for the night. He headed to the office, welcoming the solitude. As he strode across the property, he glanced over to the women’s house.

  A shadow crossed the window. He paused. No one should be home. And he surely didn’t beat Cicely back to the house. Forgetting his office for the moment, he walked to the house. As he hit the first step, the front door opened.

  Athena screamed.

  What felt like a missile sailed through the air and hit him squarely in the forehead. When he sank down to his knees, he heard Athena babbling. The cool, sweet taste of vanilla ice cream rolled down his face past his mouth.

  His last conscious thought was of Athena two inches from his face talking to him, but he couldn’t focus. Her mouth repeated his name. He couldn’t hear.

  Nice lips. If he only had the energy to pucker.

  He blinked, sinking into darkness.

  Chapter 4

  “Mr. Winslow?” Athena tapped the side of her boss’s face. She hadn’t meant to give him a lobotomy with the bowl of ice cream, but he’d scared the mess out of her. “Mr. Winslow, please open your eyes…Collin?”

  “I think my brain is sitting in the front yard.”

  Athena was too worried to figure out if he was being funny or sarcastic. She allowed him to lean on her while he struggled into a seated position. According to her first-aid lessons, victims of head injuries shouldn’t be moved. However, she couldn’t stop him. She inhaled, holding her breath in horror as she watched Collin get on all fours, reaching out for the doorknob instead of her to steady his progress to his feet.

  “Ice cream is everywhere. You’d better clean that up before the bugs come. I’m going to make my way to the couch and die for a quick second,” he said through gritted teeth.

  Athena hesitated, moving toward him to assist in his labored walk to the couch before he waved her off. Keeping an eye on him, she headed to the kitchen to get the necessary cleansers. She certainly didn’t want any unwelcomed visitors of the creepy-crawly variety in the house. Quickly she cleaned the area of its residual stickiness. She looked down at herself and realized that her T-shirt revealed too much. She ran to her room and put on a robe before heading back.

  From where she kneeled on the floor, Athena was inches from Collin’s face. Close enough to see the tension, although his eyes were closed. His mouth drew tight, as if fighting back the pain. If only she’d waited a few seconds at the door for his figure to emerge into the light. Then she’d be sharing her ice cream rather than wiping it off the floor.

  A small bump formed over his right eye. Physical evidence of her action staring back at her. She wrung her hands. What to do now?

  She continued to stare down at his face. Although minor damage had occurred, the imperfection didn’t mar the handsome face.

  His smooth skin tone showed off a rich, dark coffee boldness. From the sharp outline of his lips that were perfectly full and a hard masculine contour, to his prominent, blunt nose, and…Her thoughts snapped into smithereens.

  He opened his eyes and locked onto her in a hypnotic gaze, drawing her into its inky depth. She moved closer to him, creeping forward until the couch stopped her progress.

  His hand reached toward her. Her breath hitched. Once his fingers touched her cheek and cupped the side of her face, she exhaled. Gently he guided her face to his. Athena complied; her pulse quickened with anticipation. She could almost taste his kiss.

  His gaze shifted to her lips. On cue they responded, opening slightly as they touched his, molding along the lines of his mouth. She closed her eyes to savor the moment, for how long could this last? Her hands, thankfully, didn’t wait for permission to slide under his body, as his arms encircled hers. Her breasts crushed against his chest.

  Time meant nothing. Her lips sparked to life under the ministrations of his tongue that coaxed and teased her nerve endings. Every part of her from the roots of her hair to the tips of her toes reacted to the new sensation of being awakened. He worked her mouth like a craftsman with his expert tool, flicking her inhibitions away.

  Her robe slid off one shoulder and she shrugged her other shoulder to finish the job. His hand slid under the thin, semi-sheer T-shirt and touched her lower back. Like a juggernaut, his fingers transmitted a shock wave of heat throughout her system.

  She craved his touch and ached for his hand to slide over her hip. The small movement of his hand along the side of her body teased her nipples into tightening. This man was methodically waking up each part of her body into a sensual swoon. Below her belly button, her body blushed in full response.

  Athena pulled away and arched back, gasping for air. Her entire body was on fire. She felt throbbing between her legs. Her breasts rose and fell with exertion. She slowly opened her eyes to the bright lighting of the room, and to his eyes looking back at her. Their expression no longer held the intensity that ignited their passion.

  “Sorry.” He pulled his hands from her body and pushed himself to sitting position. “I…well, I don’t know…” He touched the bump, shaking his head while the frown deepened.

  Athena pulled her robe closed and turned away. Her face now burned from embarrassment. How had this happened? She wiped at her face, trying to smooth her hair in the process. Reality forced its entrance, shining a harsh light on her actions and reactions.

  She heard him move. A few deep, painful grunts escaped. The couch squeaked its protest. Then his feet appeared near her. The moment to be judged had come. How would she plead if she had to go to trial?

  Athena rose, knowing that what had just occurred was definitely in the past. There would be no future repeat.

  “I shouldn’t have done that.” Collin stared into her eyes; gone was the dreaminess that maybe she only imagined. “What I did was inexcusable.” He stepped away from her. His face set in a grim mask. “I hope my actions don’t make your choice to be here distasteful.”

  “I’m fine.” Telling her new boss that she liked the kiss was out of the question. Maybe later tonight when the excitement had gone out of her body and common sense was allowed back in, she’d provide a free pass for remorse.

  Instead her back was a little straighter. Her chin rose a tad higher. She dared him to look at her.

  The sound of a car driving up, with a sweep of headlights across the living room,
broke the tension. Muffled voices grew louder until Athena recognized Lorraine’s distinctive voice telling everyone to keep it down.

  She surveyed her appearance in the mirror, tightening the belt around her robe to the point where it was uncomfortable. She glanced over to Collin to see if he was alarmed. He hadn’t said a word since his declaration. He headed for the door. They needed closure. But she sensed that wasn’t going to happen.

  The front door opened and Lorraine and Thelma burst into the room, but stopped short. “Oh,” they remarked in unison.

  Lorraine took the lead. Her scrutiny covered Athena, then Collin, who now stood near the doorway. He still didn’t face her. His shoulders were stiff.

  “I stopped by to see if Cicely had come home.” Finally he turned around. “Please let me know when she returns. Lorraine, because Athena starts on Monday, show her around tomorrow. She’ll shadow you with the young teenagers until I determine otherwise.”

  “I’m sure she’ll do fine.” Lorraine smiled, but it faded when he didn’t respond. Instead she looked over to Athena, pinning her with her intense blue eyes. The cool assessment surprised Athena, leaving her a bit unsettled.

  “I’m looking forward to starting. Teaching is what I want to do.” Athena paused. “It’s why I’m here.” She meant every word. Despite what had happened only minutes ago, and what Collin might think, she had a mission. “I can’t wait to get started.”

  “We’ll see.” Collin finally looked at her. She expected to see acknowledgment for what had transpired between them, but his masked expression shielded any reaction he may have had.

  Athena bit down the disappointment. Not that she wanted to engage in a fling with her boss. Or did she? She pulled her arms around her body and turned away. “Think I’ll turn in for the night.”

  The front door closed. Athena didn’t have to turn around to feel Lorraine’s stare on her back. This was worse than having a resident attendant in charge of her freshman dorm. She continued her retreat to her room. For the first time that day, she wished Asia was sharing her room like they did as teens, when she could bare her soul and get sisterly advice.

  But she’d chosen this path and she refused to give in to the fear of failing. Instead, she used the time to write her experiences about day one in Paradise.

  Collin spent a restless night thinking about the egregious error he’d committed. What madness had entered his mind to kiss Athena? She was an employee. He was the boss. She’d done nothing but look at him. No wink had summoned him. No batting of the eyelashes had called him. Maybe it was when she had surveyed his face, thinking that he was unaware. He’d seen the slight movement of her mouth and felt compelled to cover it with his lips. Nothing made sense.

  As the sun began its ascent above the mountain, he gave up on trying to sleep. Instead he pulled on a pair of shorts, socks and running shoes. For the next hour, he jogged along the beach, waving to the few early risers. Even the morning proved to be humid. His body could handle the conditions before the midday sun turned the place into a scorcher.

  He pushed himself, running faster, harder. His arms pumped beside him, propelling him forward. He willed his muscles to work to the point of exhaustion. Anything to banish the nagging memory of the kiss. Even now, his body reacted and Collin ramped up his speed. Maybe she wouldn’t work out at the school and be out of his life before he made a complete fool of himself.

  A person didn’t get far in life underestimating the people around him. Yet Collin knew he’d done that with Athena.

  He’d dismissed her as spoiled and self-absorbed. But her quirks masked the spirit that sought solutions in places that weren’t popular. And the reason he’d approved of the selection came down to intelligence and success in her previous jobs. Simply, she was a go-getter.

  A woman with more body than mind was a waste of time. One with more mind than body intrigued him. But when all the planets aligned, that didn’t open the door to do stupid things like surrender to a kiss.

  First he’d expected her desertion. Now he wanted it for his sake.

  Breakfast, after his run, consisted of a light fare of tropical fruit that he ate on his veranda. He looked out over the property behind his home, a former sugar cane plantation. Now he farmed several acres of vegetables and fruits which not only fed the children as part of the lunch program, but he also sold the rest to the town markets and a wholesaler who supplied various embassies and other diplomats for their parties.

  “Will you be working at home, Mr. Winslow?”

  Collin swung around when his housekeeper spoke from the doorway. “Not sure. Does it matter?”

  “No, Mr. Winslow. I didn’t know whether you would require lunch?”

  He shook his head. “Don’t worry about lunch, Lynette. And I’ll be working the barbecue grill this evening for dinner. Weren’t you supposed to be off? Go put up your feet.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Winslow.”

  His housekeeper turned and left. Collin resumed looking out at the verdant landscape. He had deliberately sought a home away from the school to give himself his own space. So far it had worked, helping him to prevent burnout from the tedious side to his life’s work.

  But he did have work to do in the office. And for all he knew, Lorraine may need him to help with Athena’s orientation. But he wouldn’t think of intruding. He’d let them know he was there and if Lorraine needed assistance, he was on hand.

  Juice from a slice of papaya he ate spilled on his shirt. The smear didn’t go away despite rubbing it vigorously with a napkin. He’d have to change. Several minutes later, he was still flicking through the rack of clothing. The staff always came for Sunday dinner at his house. He didn’t want to select a shirt that was too businesslike. But he didn’t want to look as if he was a carefree student without ten cents in his pocket, either. He rubbed his jaw. He needed a shave right after he made his selection.

  Two shirts had potential. He stood in front of the mirror whisking one in front of him and then the other. Not that he really cared, but the cranberry did look better on him. And the host should look his best. He flexed his biceps and abs, pleased with the view. Not that there was anyone to care.


  “Lynette, you could knock.” He whisked both shirts behind his back. He shifted from one leg to the other, wishing that the hot flush would subside from his face. Plus, Lynette had the look of a grandmother type and the intuitive skills to go along with the image.

  “I did knock, but because the door was open—”

  “Never mind. It’s okay.” He waited for her to continue.

  “Lorraine is on the line. She sounds a bit upset.”

  “What happened?”

  “She didn’t say. But she said that it was urgent that she speak with you.” Lynette looked at him, clearly hesitating over her next bit of news. “She was crying.”

  Collin thanked her, waving her out of the room. He waited until she closed the door before hurrying to the telephone at his bedside. “Lorraine, what is it?”

  “Sorry to bother you so early.”

  “I’m already up. Did something happen to Athena?” He didn’t want to go down that path to think about what could’ve happened to her.

  “Ah, no.” Her surprise came through quite clearly. The question in her tone hovered through the telephone. “It’s Cicely.”

  “Didn’t I tell you to call me when she got in?”

  “I couldn’t. She only returned home this morning, looking a little worn-out.”

  Collin sighed with relief. “Okay, and how is this different from any other time?”

  “She’s been attacked.”

  “What?” Collin threw the shirts on the bed and grabbed a T-shirt. “No one around here would dare touch you ladies.” He didn’t share how he knew this.

  “It happened.”

  “I’m sending Dr. Singh over to see her right now.” Collin hung up. His thoughts raced through the probability of events that led up to this moment. His face har
dened into a grim mask.

  “Lynette, call Dr. Singh. There’s been a situation over at the teachers’ compound. I’m heading over there.”

  “Yes, Mr. Winslow. Let me know if you need anything done here. I’ll be here.”

  Collin nodded. He dressed, this time without thinking about how he looked. One of the main points of his employment was a safe environment. He had the promise of the government and extracted a guarantee from the less desirable elements that his staff would be protected.

  His erratic driving caused a few near-misses, but he finally pulled into compound. For the early hour, the placed buzzed with nervous energy. Even the guard on duty changed his demeanor as if protecting a military fort. The men stood out on the porch in a tight huddle, smoking and chatting. Thelma ran out to meet his car, her eyes reflecting her worry.

  “Dr. Singh is with her.” Thelma pointed back at the door.

  “How bad is it?” he asked. He hurried up to the partly opened door. He entered, scanning the living room. Athena stood in the hallway, looking at the door of Cicely’s room. She glanced over at him, but returned to her duty of monitoring the door.

  Just then Lorraine emerged from the room with the doctor. No one said anything until he approached them.

  “I’ll go make some coffee,” Lorraine offered and headed for the kitchen. “Athena, come help me. Thelma, ask the men if they want coffee.”

  Collin silently thanked Lorraine for getting everyone busy with tasks so that he could confer with the doctor. He walked over to a quiet corner of the room, guiding the doctor by the elbow to join him.

  “How is she doing? Was she…?” Collin couldn’t bring himself to say the words.

  “She’s resting. Of course, she’s shaken up, poor girl. She wasn’t raped.”


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