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Handcuffs and Leather

Page 4

by Kim Dare

  “Yes.” The doctor said, as if there was nothing at all shocking about that, as if it wasn’t the most amazing piece of knowledge anyone had ever presented to Hadley for his consideration.

  The other man could do whatever he wanted with him. His master could do whatever he wanted with him. Any blood that hadn’t already rushed to Hadley’s cock sped there without further delay. It didn’t matter if he’d only spend a few hours with him. In that moment, he had no doubt that, while he was in that room, he belonged to the other man.

  Instinctively trying to rock his hips, Hadley found his bonds prevented him from thrusting against the spanking bench. Even if he had been able to shift far enough to achieve any kind of movement, the wide V cut in the kneeling end of the bench ensured that nothing but empty air caressed his shaft.

  The only way he was going to feel anything, was if Rawlings decided to grant him that privilege.

  He heard the older man chuckle as if he knew exactly what he’d just realized. It was a warm, rich sound. It wrapped around each part of Hadley that wasn’t already bound by the leather, telling him that his master was way ahead of him. Rawlings knew exactly what he was doing. He wasn’t finding things out for the first time.

  Footsteps sounded on the tiles again, moving behind him. A second later, large hands settled on his shoulders, letting Hadley know exactly where the other man was. They stroked over his skin, slowly exploring his body.

  The older man’s palms were slicked with something. Hadley didn’t know what it was, he didn’t care. He helplessly arched into the other man’s touch as best he could. Strong fingers massaged his muscles, testing the flesh beneath the skin as he worked his way over his body.

  “How long have you thought about this?”

  Hadley swallowed.

  “You have thought about it, haven’t you?” Rawlings prompted.

  “How do you…?” Hadley closed his eyes.

  “I’ve yet to meet a man who didn’t hide in the kinky closet for a long time before he was so desperate, he was finally willing to admit it to another person.”

  “You know a lot of men who…?” Hadley closed his eyes even tighter, wishing he could find a way to finish a sentence—any sentence, wishing he had the sense not to start most of them in the first place.

  “A fair number, yes.” Rawlings’ hands worked their way down Hadley’s legs, his thumbs pressing into the tense muscles, coaxing them to relax, working around the leather straps so naturally, it was hard to imagine the doctor had ever explored a body that wasn’t bound.

  Hadley felt all the anxiety drain out of his body under the other man’s attentions. There was a faint trace of scent to the oil. It mixed with the aroma of leather that filled the room, taking over all his senses.

  Hadley tensed as Rawlings’ fingers slipped between his buttocks and stroked his hole. They teased him, not even trying to enter. Finally, just as Hadley was trying to work out how to tell the other man that a lack of experience with leather didn’t mean a lack of experience with everything, something drizzled against his hole, slicking the exploring fingers further.

  Hadley couldn’t help by try to push back against them. A lifetime later, just as Hadley was on the verge on insanity via frustration, one of Rawlings’ fingers slid inside him. He whimpered.

  Biting his bottom lip as he fought to stay silent and not beg the other man to hurry the hell up, the constable formed his hands into fists under the table, pulling at his bonds even though he had no desire to be freed from them.

  The other man obviously liked to work to his own rules, his own timetable. Hadley was helpless to change even the tiniest little detail of their time together. Suddenly, Rawlings fingers disappeared, leaving him empty and lost.

  “What—?” Hadley’s body kept trying to push back against the empty air.

  Rawlings made that reassuring noise in the back of his throat again. Hadley was already starting to fall in love with that sound. Dropping his head forward to rest his forehead against the leather, he murmured his acceptance of the other man’s decision. Rawlings would touch him as and when he wanted to. Hadley’s input was not required. There was something about knowing that, which made the whole world a very simple, very wonderful place.

  For a few seconds, nothing, then he sensed Rawlings move to stand in front of him. He ran one of his palms up Hadley’s back toward the nape of his neck.

  Hadley lifted his head. Rawlings’ jeans were just an inch or two away from his face. He strained forward against his restraints. There was just enough slack for him to briefly rub his face against the other man’s fly.

  Rawlings pulled away. Hadley closed his eyes, not sure if he should apologize or stay silent.

  A second passed. Rawlings stepped closer. Hadley still had to strain against his restraints, but he could reach the other man more easily now.

  He nuzzled against his master’s jeans, letting his lips play over the fabric. Pressing a kiss against the older man’s shaft through the material, he moaned his pleasure.

  Rawlings let him linger while he stroked his fingers through his hair, gently petting him as Hadley flicked his tongue out and lapped the denim. When the dominant pulled away, Hadley strained to follow him. Twisting his head back against the hand that still lay against his scalp, he desperately tried to look up at the other man and find out what he’d done wrong.

  Rawlings stroked his cheek with the thumb of his other hand. Hadley turned his face and pressed a kiss to it. The doctor smiled at the action. But he left his hand close enough to his mouth to be kissed again. When his hand eventually moved away, it went straight to the dominant’s fly.

  Hadley watched, fascinated, as Rawlings freed his cock. The older man wrapped his fist around the length, slowly stroking himself. Rawlings moved back toward him, but his hand stayed around his cock, blocking any possibility of Hadley taking him into his mouth. Dipping his head, the constable nuzzled his way below the older man’s fist and worked his tongue against the base of his shaft instead.

  Rawlings’ hand moved up and down the length again. Hadley’s attentions dropped lower still. Turning his head on the side, he lapped at the dominant’s balls, running his tongue over them. The other man’s left hand still rested on the back of his head encouraging him closer. Already pulling at his restraints, Hadley moaned his frustrations, unable to follow the silent command.

  His master swayed forward, allowing him to obey without actually giving him any freedom to move. Hadley pressed a kiss against the other man’s skin as he quickly made the most of the other man’s permission to let his tongue play properly over his sacs. Opening his mouth, he took each one into his mouth in turn, sucking gently around them, laving them with his tongue before pulling back to offer more licks and kisses.

  The doctor let him continue when he could easily have stepped back. Hadley sensed the other man’s approval of him. It sung through his body, crackling over every point where skin met leather.

  His master’s hand stroked his shaft again before he rocked his hips back, taking his body out of Hadley’s range. Before Hadley could even think to protest, the older man offered the tip of his cock to Hadley’s mouth.

  Flicking his tongue out, Hadley licked at the head, stealing his first true taste of the other man as pre-cum leaked onto his tongue.

  “Good boy. That’s right.” The words were soft, barely more than an encouraging whisper. Rawlings rocked his hips forward a little, letting Hadley take the head into his mouth. Hadley suckled gently, swirling his tongue against the glans as Rawlings slowly fed more of the shaft between Hadley’s lips. The younger man welcomed him in, unable to keep his enthusiastic whimpers to himself.

  Rawlings filled his mouth, overpowered his senses and took over his whole world. There was nothing that mattered but Rawlings, and for the first time in Hadley’s life, it didn’t feel wrong to think that way, to want to feel that way about another person.

  His master understood. He belonged to his master. He sucked greedily aro
und the other man’s shaft, wanting to make him come into his mouth, wanting to know he’d pleased the other man in the most basic way he could.

  Rawlings was getting closer to the edge. Hadley could feel the change in his master’s body, sense the change in the air around them. At the very last moment, the older man pulled away. Hadley blinked up at him, desperate to know what he’d done wrong.

  It took more strength of will than Rawlings knew he possessed to turn his back on the submissive and walk away.


  “Hush,” Rawlings tried to soften the word, but his voice was still rough as he fought for control over himself.

  Hadley squirmed within his restraints again, trying to look over his shoulder and see his master as Rawlings stepped out of the submissive’s field of vision. “Sir?”

  The tearing of the condom packet seemed loud in the near silent room, Rawlings let the sound speak for him. Slicking the latex with extra lube, he pressed the tip against Hadley’s hole, removing any doubts his submissive might have about why his master had walked away from his mouth.

  Hadley moaned his approval as Rawlings settled his hands on Hadley’s flanks. The submissive stopped trying to push back against him, he stopped trying to move within his restraints.

  Rawlings didn’t say anything—he offered his praise in a far more immediate form. Pushing slowly forward, he stared down between their bodies, watching his slicked shaft disappear into Hadley’s hole, inch by inch.

  The younger man groaned his pleasure. Rawlings’ grip on his sides tightened. Buried inside him as far as any man could ever get, he stilled, letting the younger man relax around him.

  The submissive slowly turned his face to the side. Rawlings remained perfectly motionless, staring down at the younger man’s profile. Hadley’s eyes were closed, his lips slightly parted as he rested his cheek on the leather. His hair had fallen into his eyes. He was stunning.

  Rawlings watched as a frown gathered on the submissive’s forehead. Hadley’s lips came together as a frustrated little whimper escaped from the back of his throat. He arched his back, trying to wriggle his way further onto his master’s cock in spite of his bondage.

  Obviously desperate, he still made no verbal request. Somehow, he found the strength to let his master do as he pleased with him. Rocking his hips, Rawlings pulled away from the younger man for the briefest possible moment before thrusting back inside him. Slow and easy, he made sure the submissive felt just how much control his lover had over each movement.

  Leaning forward, Rawlings moved one of his hands to the constable’s shoulder. The change of angle made the smaller man murmur his pleasure into the near silent room. His hole clenched tighter around Rawlings shaft as if trying to beg his master’s orgasm out of him.

  Rawlings thrust harder, speeding up as he sensed the other man getting closer. His first foray into submission has already taken Hadley to the edge. The dominant had no doubt it would only take the least little thing to bring him off.


  Hadley came, entirely untouched, spilling onto the floor beneath the spanking bench. There were few things more erotic than a submissive’s obedience. Mixed in with the younger man’s pleasure, it was irresistible.

  Rawlings jerked, thrusting rapidly into the other man as he came just a moment later. For several long seconds, there were no thoughts inside the dominant’s head. There was just pleasure and Hadley, Hadley and pleasure, each intertwined with the other so perfectly it was impossible to tell where one started and the other ended.

  When Rawlings blinked open his eyes a few minutes later, he was just in time to see the submissive do the same. Hadley lifted his head off the leather and tried to turn toward his master.


  His voice had returned to normal. Even to Rawlings’ own ears, he sounded completely composed, completely in control. He wasn’t sure if he should consider that impressive or merely dishonest. His mind spun as he slowly started to soften within the younger man.

  He had to force himself to pull away from him and separate their bodies. He took his hands from the younger man’s skin. He’d held on tightly—maybe too tightly. He trailed his fingers over the younger man’s shoulder and flank. There was no evidence of any mark that would last through until morning.

  Letting his body take over for a little while, Rawlings allowed his muscles lead him into familiar movements, even as his brain swirled with unfamiliar thoughts. Dispensing with the condom, he tucked himself neatly away behind his fly.

  Still working on automatic pilot, he began to walk around the spanking bench, undoing the submissive’s restraints as he went. As he undid the first ankle strap, Hadley tried to straighten his leg. Rawlings rested his palm on his calf for a few moments. The muscle relaxed. When he took his hand away, Hadley made no further attempts to move without permission.

  As each buckle was released, and each strip of leather moved aside, he carefully inspected the skin it had covered. No marks remained. There would be no evidence of the bondage—not physically, at least.

  As the last bit of leather fell away from the younger man, Rawlings helped him to rise from the bench.

  Hadley’s legs didn’t appear to be in favor of the idea of him standing. They tried to disappear from beneath him. Rawlings guided him to rest against the edge of the spanking bench.

  The submissive’s gaze drifted to his own body, to the handcuffs still wrapped around his wrists. He didn’t say a word. If Rawlings had been sure that was simply because he was unwilling to break the strange sense of peace that had settled over them, he might have been content to leave it at that. But for all the months he’d spent thinking of the constable, he still didn’t know him well enough to be sure.

  He tucked a knuckle under Hadley’s chin and made him look up. The tranquility he saw in his eyes made any of the words he’d been about to say irrelevant. He tried not to care that he wasn’t sure what emotions the younger man might see in his own eyes in return.

  His hand slid up to the submissive’s cheek, still keeping his head at exactly the angle he wanted it. Rawlings smiled at the easy way he accepted that. The dominant’s last doubts over Hadley’s true preferences drifted away.

  Hadley smiled back at him, apparently pleased simply because his master was pleased with him, even if there was no way he could really understand why right then.

  Dipping his head, Rawlings brushed their lips together in a brief little kiss. He didn’t ask Hadley’s opinion on the move. He didn’t ask him for his permission to start the kiss or end it, either. Hadley accepted what he was offered, no protest, no comment.

  There weren’t any excuses for letting the scene linger on any longer than it already had. Rawlings did his best to hide his reluctance as he undid the cuffs. He’d had Hadley under his protection for such a short length of time. It was hard to remember he was doing the right thing by letting him go.

  Hadley lowered his gaze and watched the silver fall from his wrists. A moment later, Rawlings encouraged him to step away from the spanking bench.

  His legs seemed to have come back to him. One hand on the small of his back just in case he was less steady than he looked, Rawlings guided the naked submissive back into the little hallway.

  “Clothes on, Hadley.”

  No response.

  Rawlings put his hands on the constable’s shoulders and turned him toward the coat stand. “Clothes on,” he repeated.

  Hadley’s hands were unsteady, his movement’s clumsy. Still, he did as he was told. Rawlings watched over him until only Hadley’s coat remained on the rack.


  Hadley immediately held out his hands. Rawlings fastened the cuffs around his wrists and draped the constable’s coat over the restraints. Taking him by the arm, he guided the younger man out of the annex and to his car.

  Hadley frowned down at his hands before looking back to Rawlings. “I…”

  Rawlings stopped and waited for him to find the rest o
f the sentence.

  “I can’t drive like this, sir.”

  “You’re in no condition to drive, anyway. Keys.”

  Hadley looked at his jacket. “In the pocket, sir.”

  Rawlings fished out the keys, and opened the passenger side door without a word. Hadley got in, and Rawlings leaned across to fasten the seat belt around him. The submissive watched the process in silence, still slow and sleepy with afterglow and his newfound submission.

  The constable didn’t ask how Rawlings knew where he lived. The dominant doubted Hadley remembered putting it on the forms he’d filled in at his office. The younger man’s head dropped back on the headrest. He closed his eyes and simply trusted his master to drive. By the time they reached his house, Hadley still hadn’t said a word. He blinked open his eyes as Rawlings stopped the car.

  “Would you like to come in, sir?” He frowned slightly, as if a little surprised with himself for asking the question.

  Rawlings got out of the car and collected him from the passenger side. The car keys were on the same fob as the house keys. Rawlings let them both into the other man’s house. Hadley stood inside his own front door, as if not quite sure what to do with himself.

  “Kitchen.” Rawlings prompted.

  Hadley nodded, and led the way.

  A hand on his shoulder put Hadley in one of the kitchen chairs. It seemed far easier to find things for himself than to ask for directions from the submissive while he was still so off kilter. Before long, he’d put a steaming cup of over sweetened tea in front of the younger man, along with two pieces of slightly burned toast.

  Relieved of his coat and the cuffs that had been concealed beneath it, Hadley wrapped his hands around the mug in between nibbling at the toast. Rawlings sat with him, allowing himself the pleasure of watching over the submissive for a little while longer. Hadley glanced up at him for a moment.

  “Sorry, I’m not very good company at the moment, sir.”

  Rawlings smiled slightly. He really had no idea how fascinating he was, poised right there on the edge of his submission. “Small talk isn’t required,” Rawlings told him, doing his best not to betray his amusement in case the younger man should take it the wrong way. “If there’s nothing important you want to say, silence is fine.”


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