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Chasing Ava: A Bachelor of Shell Cove Novel (The Bachelors of Shell Cove)

Page 3

by London, Siera

  Moving closer to her side his heat pushed away the chill lapping at her skin. The black on black suit showcased his broad shoulders better than the lab coat he usually wore at work. He was a series of sharp, clean angles. His sculpted sinewy build was covered in hand dipped bronze skin. The chiseled angle of his jaw, with a full mouth and a well-defined bottom lip perfect for kissing, had her burying her head in a chart every time he spoke. His arrow straight nose that flared slightly at the nostril framed by those piercing green eyes that never failed to steal her breath when they were aimed at her. If only Ava’s problem with him was limited to simple physical attraction.

  She prized the entire sun warrior package. His mind, the powerful build of his body, the man himself. The thick, close cropped blonde locks cut with precision at the nape, was a stark contrast against the black collar and his tanned skin. She drank him in. Her throat wasn’t parched anymore. The sight of him had her mouth watering. He looked more handsome, more powerful, more decadent, more…everything.

  How did he know she needed him? Where did you come from, her eyes questioned. What did it matter? His presence was the distraction she needed to deliver herself from the clutches of Randall. She mentally grabbed hold of the verbal rope he threw, tied a knot and hung on. Normally, his presence would trigger a hasty retreat. For the first time, she didn’t want him to keep his distance. This was the night for surprises.

  “Yes,” she stammered, “I apologize for not returning to you sooner. The city lights are so beautiful underneath the stars. The lovely view distracted me. I know better than to linger when I have someone waiting for me. Thank you for coming over. I might have been stuck here all night.” She swung her eyes in Randall’s direction in rapid sequence hoping Logan would pull her to safety. Please get rid of him she pleaded with her eyes.

  “I should have returned before you had to search the ballroom for me.” From stammering to rambling, stop Ava. The Three Stooges could understand the situation.

  Logan was no fool. A calculating look crossed his face, followed by a narrowed hard glare aimed at her captor. A sigh of relief fell from her lips. He understood the precarious position Randall had created by pinning her against the wall with his beefy body.

  “The view is breathtaking,” Logan agreed with his stormy green eyes fixed on her again. He extended his well-manicured hand, encouraging her to release the death grip on her shoulder.

  There was no hesitation as she grabbed hold of his hand, holding tight.

  Randall got the message and dropped his arm away from the wall. A firm, yet gentle grip closed around her much smaller one as Logan pulled her into his side. It appeared that was the only option to free her, as Randall’s substantial sized wing-tipped shoes remained anchored to the hardwood flooring.

  “Have a nice night, Randall.” He looked Randall squarely in the eye. The message was clear. Randall’s presence was unwanted.

  There was definitely some silent communication happening between Logan and Randall. Both men appeared tense and war ready. Whatever was going on between the two men as they stood facing off, Logan was the clear winner. Ava could tell the minute Randall decided he was no longer the alpha male in the scenario. He took a slow step back, eyes surveying Logan then her. The corners of his mouth rose into a wide, faux smile that didn’t reach his eyes.

  “See you soon, Ava.” Randall’s voice was steely and flat.

  Ava didn’t focus on Randall as he walked away. She felt like a gazelle that had outmaneuvered the cheetah. A brief smile crossed her face, looking down Logan was holding her hand.

  The pad of his thumb made slow sweeps across her knuckles. It felt nice.

  “Are you alright?” His voice was hypnotic, a warm wind tunnel cocooning her body. His presence was tangible against her skin.

  “I will be. Thank you for what you did.” The words were breathy to her ears. Relief coated each syllable. She was so grateful she could cry.

  “You are very welcome. I could see you needed rescuing from across the room.” She glanced across the room taking in the throngs of merriment on the dance floor.

  “I was at the bar with my brother and a family friend.” He turned in the direction of the bar. “I noticed you.”

  She regarded him with open curiosity. He had noticed her through the crowd. How interesting.

  “It’s hard to believe you spotted me and came over when you did.”

  “You recognized my extraction technique and didn’t give me the deer in the headlights look. Your comeback lines were perfect.” He smiled down at her. Stomach dip number two. “You think on your feet. And I like the image of you returning to me.”

  She swallowed, disconcerted at his compliment. In the far corners of her brain the “Logan alert” button was flashing exit now. She’d never allowed herself to be in his presence for a prolonged period of time. His eyes were more emerald than green, with rich bands of burnt amber. His smile was warm and calming. Everything about him was eye catching, vivid, and high definition. Walk away. You don’t do relationships. Stop thinking about how good he looks.

  “I am glad you have an emergency extraction protocol. He was making me…” She paused. “He was making me uncomfortable again.” She swallowed the fear that hovered at the border of her thoughts.

  “You saved me. A victory for team pediatrics.” She tried to lighten the mood that had transitioned to something sober.

  “We will have to decide on the spoils of victory.” She tried to laugh, but the reality that she needed a savior to get rid of a human parasite sent a shiver down her spine. What would have happened if Logan hadn’t intervened? The shiver morphed into all out trembling, the movements obvious and uncontrollable. Not now. Angling her body away from his direct view, trying to hide the tremors racking her body. Too late.

  A spark of awareness flashed in his green orbs. “Ava?” He stepped into her field of view, looking her in the eyes. Concern and something more feral marred his handsome face. For some poorly understood reason she gripped him tighter to steady herself.

  “What did he do to you?” His voice was low and menacing. His expression had transitioned from calm to thunderous.

  “He cornered me. I didn’t do anything to get away.” She couldn’t stop trembling. Keep it together, until you get home.

  “Don’t say anymore. You are upset and he will answer to me.” He spun in the direction Randall had gone. Realizing his intent to confront Randall. She shook off the bad headspace she’d crashed landed into. How weak was she that someone else had to fight her battles?

  She placed her hand on his forearm. She could feel the muscles in his forearm flex and release. She tightened her grip. “Logan, please. Don’t go after him.”

  His steps halted. She could feel the tension in his muscles.

  “I’m okay. He scared me.” Actually she’d been terrified. She pressed and released his forearm in comfort for both their sakes.

  His gaze suddenly dropped to her hand resting on his arm. Had she done something wrong? He raised his head, their gazes locked. The golden ring circling his verdant eyes glowed with heat reminding her of slow burning coal in an open flame. She kept her hand steady on his muscled forearm though her insides turned to liquid.

  He covered her now idle fingers with his large hand, curling the fingers protectively around hers. “You used my name.” A look of surprise, then something more primal framed his face.

  “Yes, I did.” She touched her hair with her free hand to quell the surge of nervous flutter in her gut.

  He moved closer to her. “You always refer to me by title. You don’t use titles for the other doctors, but you do with me.” She touched her hair once more before he secured both her hands in his.

  “I know.” She slipped up. There was no escaping this one.

  A drop dead, too gorgeous to live smile covered his full mouth. Ava’s heart rate increased by another ten beats. “You’re deliberately formal with me because you feel it too.” It was a statement. His chest appea
red to expand by another four inches. This was dangerous territory for Ava. She parted her lips, then spoke the words she should the second she was free of Randall.

  “I think I should call it a night.” She dropped her head forward, not wanting to see his response to her statement.

  “I disagree. You came to have a good time. Let me help you with that.” Not looking up, she briefly closed her eyes willing her foolish heart not to consider the option.

  Curiosity killed the cat, but Ava was certain the downward spiral started with temptation. The gaiety of the evening had been a needed change from her drab routine. It was a wondrous feeling to step outside of her guarded reality and experience the life of a normal twenty-six year old woman. A woman that didn’t suffer with elements of post-traumatic stress disorder.

  “Call me Logan.” His right index finger came to rest under her chin. He slowly lifted her lowered head until their eyes met. “No more Dr. Masters.” He seemed as if he wanted to say more on the subject, but thought better of it. She felt a light tug on her hand.

  “Come on, I want my dance.” That low, deep voice coupled with those full lips curved upward in a melt for me smile had her heart fluttering. His steady gaze and firm, yet gentle hand holding told her he was resolute in getting what he wanted.

  This was her one night to have fun. Taking a dose of Logan’s determination, Ava decided she wouldn’t surrender this moment because of Randall. Male predators had taken too much from her. She would dance with a man whose mere presence penetrated the numbing haze that was her life.

  “Okay,” she replied in what sounded like a sure voice. With that one simple word the night’s energy pulsed in her veins. The sense of liberation swallowed the earlier darkness. For the first time since Randall’s retreat she could feel the vibrations of the music moving through her body. It felt good. Better yet, it felt great. “We can do whatever you want.”

  Where the heck had that come from? Being near Logan brought out bravado that had abandoned her long ago. A genuine smile spread across her face for the second time. She was okay. She inhaled a deep, shuddered breath releasing the final remnants of Randall from her mind. She was safe. Logan must have sensed the direction of her thoughts.

  “He won’t get near you,” he said with a set jaw. The words held such authority she had no choice but to accept them as truth. She nodded her head in acceptance.

  “One more thing.” She looked up expectantly. The way he slowly studied her made her smile slip briefly. “Don’t say anything you don’t mean Ava. I will hold you to it.” Though delivered in a playful banter there was no mistaking the ring of truth in his voice.

  She gave a shaky laugh because she didn’t know what else to do. “Don’t hold me to a million dollar marker or anything close to it. Remember, I’m a nurse, not a pediatric surgeon.”

  He was still studying her when she noticed her hand rested protectively in his. She started to pull back and his grip tightened. “Stay.” The sensuality in his tone took her by surprise. Her body quickened at the soft play of his fingers along her knuckles. Being near him left her exposed and reactive to her need.

  “Excuse me?” Inhaling a deep breath to clear her rattled brain only heightened the response. Now she was busy cataloging every trace element of his scent. She had never behaved this way with a man.

  “It’s my responsibility to keep you safe. To do that, I need you close.” The way he said close had her gaze roaming from his lips down his biceps to their joined hands, then back up to meet his crooked smile. Was she that obvious? Yes. She needed to put all the raging hormone pills back in the bottle before she danced with him.

  “Okay Logan, come and get me when they play a fast song. I’ll be at that table.” He couldn’t know which table she referred to without her pointing it out. She tugged her arm backwards trying to extricate her hand. His grip tightened.

  “I have you now, why would I let you go?” At her quick, indrawn breath, he chuckled.

  It was an excellent question to which she had no reply. An “um” escaped her lips before she could seal them. Say something bold and sophisticated. She looked up at him, and that was a mistake. The carnality in his expression undid her. The desire she saw on his face was the opposite of calming. It had her insides flipping, tumbling, and sinking.

  “This is a nice song. Come with me.” He moved toward the dance area, with her falling instep behind him. The late Luther Vandross crooned So Amazing to be Loved in the background.

  Focused on what she would say to Logan during the dance, Ava didn’t noticed the slight incline leading to the dance floor until it was too late. The toe of her shoe met with the incline edge and stayed put while the rest of her body maintained its forward momentum. Her right forearm flew to her face in preparation for a crush landing that never came. Hard hands circled her waist before she felt hard muscle against her body.

  “I’ve got you.” A brief glance up in those gorgeous green eyes and Ava had to agree. He had her. She took a moment to compose herself, inhaling a deep breath before moving a step back.

  “Thank you.” She managed to push out in a shaky voice. “Hopefully, you won’t have to rescue me a third time in one night.” A wicked grin spread across his face and her heart did a back flip in her chest.

  “The hero always gets the girl.” The breath in Ava’s lungs froze at the statement. He wasn’t asking a question because he knew. A tug at the hand he still held had her in motion as he navigated the dance floor. Avoiding the partygoers with all four limbs moving simultaneously and the soul train line enthusiasts, they joined the other couples at the margins of the floor. Some were young, maybe earlier twenties or so, some older, but all looked content to be in the arms of the one holding them.

  He positioned her with the grace of a man accustomed to handling delicate things and then pulled her into his embrace. The warmth of his arms encircled her when he fused their bodies from chest to hip. She felt an arc of energy at the contact and relished the strength in his touch. Tonight she would lower her shields allowing herself to savor the pleasure of his confident hold on her body. The fluid motion of his body was a song within itself. Logan was a large man, but he covered the dance floor with masculine elegance. Effortlessly he led her through each step.

  His name was nice. Logan, Logan, Logan was the refrain that kept running through her mind. The feel of his body was comforting and solid. She couldn’t stop herself from sampling his scent. With care she pressed her nose into his left pectoral muscle. She took a deep, slow breath savoring his male aroma as it crashed into her senses triggering an endorphin high. To feel his body as she breathed in his masculinity was magnificent. His fresh, cedar wood scent slowly engulfed her. Heat crept up her inner thigh; her breasts tingled, and swelled. Her nipples came to attention with the swiftness of soldiers on duty. Oh no, that’s not all the endorphins had turned on. He’s going to think I’m a slut. Heat infused her face, and she refused to look at him. Maybe he hadn’t noticed.

  His feet stopped moving. He noticed. She stiffened in his arms. Lifting her head a fraction, she gave a cautious glance in their immediate vicinity, hoping no one else saw them. She felt like her nipples were neon red lights flashing look at me I’m erect. A few staff members she recognized chose that moment to make eye contact.

  “Ava.” Her heart rate spiked at the husky change in his voice. “It’s been a rough night for you. I want to keep you safe from everything.” The way he spoke made her think he was including himself.

  “I need you to stay in control, or there will be no undoing what will happen between us tonight. Do you understand?”

  He thought she was wanton. Being a gentleman, he was chastising her without judgment in his tone. He was kind to have asked her to dance and look how she repaid his courtesy. She was hopeless. Lead weights anchored her feet in place. How could she have let this happen? There was a reason she kept away from him. Oh, God this is awful. The baritone of his voice obliterated her run away negative self-talk.
  “You are an ocean away.” He pulled her into his heat. His hip pressed into her lower abdomen. The warmth of his breath tickled the side of her neck. “Come back to me Ava.”

  One command dispelled the trance her mind had created. Instantaneous autopilot was a skill she had perfected through the years. Only those closest to her could identify when she disconnected from the surrounding world. He had noticed.

  “What did you say, Dr. Masters?” She wiggled within his embrace trying to put distance between them. Maybe she could salvage his impression of her. An additional inch of separation would go a long way in re-establishing her equilibrium. He seemed to sense her intention.

  “Stay right where you are.” She felt his cheek nuzzle the top of her head. It felt so good to be touched by him. “I like the way you feel in my arms.”

  I do too. His hands moved from the soft flesh of her arms. With the skill of an experienced masseuse he caressed up and down the bare skin of her back, conducting a tactile study of her anatomy. She felt the soft brush of his lips against the shell of her ear.

  “My name is Logan.” The warm caress of his breath sent an electric current down her spine. “I want you to say my name.”

  If he only knew. She felt his hands descend to her waist and squeeze.

  His nose brushed along her neck. She bit the inside of her cheek trapping the throaty moan threatening to escape. The sensual rhythm of his hands kneading and molding her skin created a slow burn of heat and moisture in her core. She reveled in the foreign experience that was all her own. For the first time in years she felt desirable. Could one man erase the damage left by another? She didn’t know, but she would pretend he could tonight. She placed her head on Logan’s muscled chest, closed her eyes in contentment and followed his lead.

  Lina’s voice at her side and the subsequent tap on the shoulder was a giant stop button on the live video streaming through her head. A scalded cat would have been more graceful compared to Ava’s theatrics as she sprang away from Logan. Forced to relinquish her hold on his broad shoulders she pivoted in Lina’s direction.


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