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Release Me

Page 12

by Ann Marie Walker

  “Drink your champagne,” he said. “I have plans to take advantage of you later.”

  Thank God. With a little luck, maybe she could even convince him to skip dinner and call it a night after cocktails. She drained the rest of her glass, hoping he’d take the hint. Almost instantly she felt the warmth bubble inside her. “You could have taken advantage of me in your office, you know. No champagne needed.”

  “I’m aware.” He shifted in his seat. “A missed opportunity, to be sure.”

  She held her glass out and watched as he lifted the bottle out of the ice bucket and refilled the delicate flute. Outwardly, he was the picture of composure. But she knew he was just as affected as she was, perhaps more. A hopeful smile stretched across her face. “Why Mr. Chase, you’re not regretting that decision, are you?”

  He chuckled quietly to himself as he worked the bottle back into the ice. “Only since the moment we left my office.” He lifted his glass and licked his lips. “But the anticipation will make it all the sweeter.”

  Damn. She slugged back another gulp of champagne. It was going to be a long night.

  Behind her a string quartet began to play. Allie turned to find a parquet dance floor where several couples swayed to the music.

  Hudson stood and held out his hand. “Would you dance with me?”

  As if she could deny him anything.

  Allie placed her hand in his, unable to take her eyes off him as he led her to the dance floor and pulled her into his arms. Something was different. The shadows that had marred his beautiful face at his office were gone, and in their place was a smile unlike any she’d ever seen on him. He looked relaxed, yes, but it was more than that. She just couldn’t put her finger on it. “What’s that look for?” she finally asked.

  “Happiness,” he said, tugging her closer and pressing his lips to her temple. “It’s not every day a man gets what he’s always wanted.”

  She reared back to look at him, confused. “We’ve danced together before.”

  “If you’re referring to the gala at the Field Museum, it was hardly the same.” He spun them slowly through the now sizable crowd. “And if you’ll recall, that dance was cut short.”

  How could she forget? She’d been so caught up in the memories of her teenage romance with Hudson that she’d barely remembered her own name, much less that she had a fiancé. When Julian put his hand on her shoulder that night, she’d nearly jumped out of her skin.

  “I was thinking more about the night we danced barefoot in the living room of your lake house,” she said.

  “That was nice.” The gleam in his eye told her exactly where his thoughts had wandered. “What followed was even better. Left a distinct impression, if memory serves. But dancing with you wasn’t what I was referring to.”

  She tilted her head to one side. “Then what did you mean?”

  “This, out with you at my side. Looking at me as if nothing else exists in the room but the two of us.”

  And at that moment, nothing did. Allie’s world narrowed to just him. The way his eyes darkened as they drank her in. The way his hand cradled hers as he held her in his arms. The way his lips parted as they hovered a breath away.

  Their dancing slowed to nothing more than a gentle sway. “Allie, I . . .”

  Someone bumped into her as the couples surrounding them made their way back to their tables. Allie glanced around the nearly empty dance floor. When had the music stopped?

  Over her shoulder something caught Hudson’s eye and he gave a tight nod. “It appears our table is ready.”

  Allie started toward the grand staircase that led to the dining room one floor below, but Hudson stopped her with a hand on her elbow. His lips brushed against her ear. “Go to the ladies room and take your panties off,” he whispered.

  She gaped at him. Her first thought was to ask if he was serious, but the look in his eyes left no doubt as to his intentions.

  “Go,” he commanded quietly. “And when you’re done, meet me in the Michigan Room.”

  Allie blinked up at him. “We’re not dining in the restaurant?”

  “No, I’ve arranged for a private room.”

  “I thought the whole point was to take me out in public?”

  “I shared you with the rest of the world during cocktails, but I’m a selfish man, and for dinner I want you all to myself. Besides, as much as I like tormenting you in public, knowing you’re wet and naked under that skirt will undoubtedly make my cock hard.” He leveled his dark stare. “Now go.”

  Allie turned, her heart pounding a furious beat as she made her way to the restroom. Once inside, she bypassed the vanity and headed straight for one of the stalls. If she gave herself time to think about what she was doing, she would never have the nerve to follow through. Reaching under her skirt, she shimmied out of her panties. The cool air rushed against her aching core and she shivered. She suspected her reaction had less to do with the temperature of the room than it did with the idea of Hudson touching her overly sensitive skin. The mere thought of what he had planned for her during dinner had her body trembling with anticipation.

  On her way out she stopped to check her appearance in the mirror. Her eyes were bright and her cheeks were flushed, but other than that she looked completely presentable. No one would suspect she was about to walk through the restaurant pantyless, consumed by the thought of Hudson’s skilled fingers bringing her to climax again and again.

  The Michigan Room was on the south end of the building. When Allie pushed the door open she found the intimate space to be completely empty except for one lone table. Draped in white linen, it was set for an elegant dinner for two. Black-and-white china with gold accents sat atop gold chargers, perfectly accenting the city lights that glimmered in gold at her feet. Groupings of crystal stemware flanked each setting, and in the center of the table flickering votives circled an arrangement of fresh flowers.

  But it wasn’t the sight of the sumptuous private accommodations that rendered Allie speechless as she walked into the room. It was Hudson, standing against the backdrop of the city’s skyline, that took her breath away.

  “Hi,” was all she managed to say when she was finally standing in front of him.

  He smiled as he pulled out her chair. She sat, taking note that the other chair was adjacent to hers at the square table and not across. The words ‘within arm’s reach’ popped into her mind and she shifted slightly in her seat.

  “You look so lovely in the candlelight,” he said, joining her at the table. “But then, you look lovely in any light.”

  Allie felt a warm flush spread across her cheeks. Why in the world was she so nervous? Was it because she was sitting at a table perched high above the city with her panties in her purse? Or because she was sitting at a table perched high above the city with the man she loved? While it should have probably been the former, she suspected the latter was more to blame. Sex had never been a problem for them. They jumped into that rather quickly and their chemistry was undeniable. But a relationship was unchartered territory for them. How would it be now that they didn’t have to sneak around? How would their friends and co-workers react?


  The thought hit Allie like a cold bucket of water. She’d been so busy basking in the glow of their newly professed feelings, she hadn’t even stopped to consider the ramifications their reunion would have at Ingram.

  “Hudson, we need to talk about . . . ,” she began. But a commotion on the far side of the room interrupted her midsentence. A waiter backed through the door pulling a cart laden with dome-covered plates.

  “I hope you don’t mind, but I took the liberty of preordering.”

  Allie tried to feign righteous indignation but couldn’t pull it off. “Looking to forgo a lengthy ordering process?” she teased.

  “Perhaps.” He wore a sheepish grin. “You do have a tendency to, how should I put it, complicate the process.” When her mouth popped open Hudson reached across the table and took her hand. �
�And I wouldn’t change a thing.” His thumb stroked the back of her hand, the simple gesture sending a tingle down her spine. “But yes, I’d like to get you home and beneath me before midnight if at all possible.”

  Allie glanced over her shoulder. The waiter was busy arranging platters.

  “He didn’t hear. And once the dinner is served, he won’t be returning.”

  Every muscle below her waist clenched in response to the seductive tone of his voice. Forget about privacy once the dinner was served. The way she was feeling, she was likely to spontaneously combust before the man had even poured their wine.

  She reached for her water and took a calming sip.

  “I decided to forgo the first course, so we’d be sure to have room for dessert.” Hudson winked. “I know you have an insatiable appetite for guilty pleasures.”

  She choked on her water.

  “Are you alright, ma’am?” the waiter asked, suddenly beside her.

  “Yes, yes, I’m fine.” As ladylike as possible, she wiped the water off her chin while Hudson watched, clearly amused.

  The waiter poured a tasting of wine into Hudson’s glass, and after being given the go-ahead, filled both their glasses. He returned a moment later pushing the cart.

  “So what’s on the menu for the evening?” Allie asked. Hudson’s eyes widened infinitesimally and she knew at once her innuendo hadn’t gone unnoticed. Good. She smiled to herself. Two can play this game.

  “Perhaps you’d be so kind as to do the honors?” Hudson asked their waiter.

  “Of course.” He began to uncover plates of food, describing them in detail as he placed them on the table. “Tonight the chef has prepared a surf and turf featuring a petite filet and lobster tail, served with a pink peppercorn buerre blanc, toasted farro, and haricot verts, as well as a sautéed salmon prepared with a Parmesan risotto and a tomato relish.” He reached for several smaller plates. “We also have a side of roasted mushrooms, cauliflower with a bacon crust, and Lyonnaise potatoes.” After arranging the side dishes around the entrees, he asked, “Can I bring you anything else?”

  Anything else? Could there possibly be anything left to order?

  No, thank you,” Hudson said. “That will be all.”

  Allie took in the spread with wide eyes before meeting Hudson’s curious stare.

  “Expecting a few more guests?” she asked.

  “Hardly.” His lips curved into a lascivious grin. “I might be a kinky bastard at times, but I’m not about to let someone watch you.”

  Allie swallowed hard. Watch? Watch what?

  “I simply wanted to make sure I ordered something to your liking.” He reached behind him and lifted the silver dome from the only plate remaining on the cart. Allie’s mouth watered at the decadence beneath. “Although for dessert I knew you’d want the chocolate mousse cake.”

  She shifted her gaze to Hudson and all thoughts of chocolate mousse left her. “I’d rather have you.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “Are you sure I wouldn’t be a close second? I know how you feel about chocolate, Alessandra.”

  “A tie, perhaps. So how about a compromise—you, covered in chocolate mousse?”

  He chuckled. “I’m not sure Ernesto offers that on the menu.”

  Allie matched his mischievous grin, “Well I’m quite sure he could arrange for dessert to go.”

  “Eat,” he said, setting the plate with the filet and lobster tail in front of her.

  “How do you know that’s the one I wanted?”

  “I know your body, Alessandra.” His voice was low and seductive. “Let’s just say your reaction when he set that plate on the table was vaguely familiar.”

  She rolled her eyes, but there was no denying he was right. And as much as she would have rather ordered takeout and eaten it while lounging in Hudson’s bed, now that the food was in front of her she was acutely aware of just how hungry she was.

  The setting in front of Hudson remained empty. Instead of eating, he was merely sipping his wine, gazing at her over the rim of his glass as she cut into the tender beef. “Oh no, none of that ‘I like watching you eat.’ You need your strength tonight, Chase.” She waved her fork at the remaining plates. “Dig in.”

  Hudson smiled and shook his head as he pulled the salmon closer.

  Allie watched him take a bite, then drop his hand beneath the table. Her legs parted slightly in anticipation, but he simply reached for his napkin.

  “How is it?” she asked.

  “Excellent, which bodes well not only for the evening, but for the investment.” His voice was so level she actually wondered if he’d forgotten that he’d told her to take her panties off. It was just as well. For now. Her earlier thoughts were weighing on her, and although she didn’t want to spoil the mood, the conversation she’d started before the waiter arrived needed to happen sooner rather than later. Might as well get it out of the way so they could enjoy the rest of the night.

  After a few more bites she broached the topic again. “Hudson, there’s something we need to discuss.”

  He paused with a forkful of risotto midair. “Judging by your tone, I’m assuming the topic is not your current lack of undergarments.”

  So he did remember. “No.” She smiled. “Although we should address that as well.”

  His fingertips brushed the hem of her skirt. The unexpected touch made her jump.

  “You were saying?” he asked, his fingers pushing the fabric of her pencil skirt higher. He continued eating with his right hand, his expression curious and sincere and giving no indication as to what his left hand was doing under the table.

  “We need to talk about Ingram.”

  Hudson lifted a dark brow. Below the table he began tracing circles on her knee. “You really want to discuss business now?”

  “Not business per se. More us. And how this,” she motioned between the two of them, “will affect business.”

  “I don’t see as how this should have any effect on the business.” He smirked. “Well, aside from the obvious perks.”


  His fingers stroked the underside of her knee. “Hmm, working late at the office will certainly be more enjoyable.”

  He was missing the point. Allie took a deep breath and went for it. “I’m not letting you sell the newspaper, Hudson. No matter how many times you make me come.”

  The hand below the table pushed her skirt even higher, letting cool air rush against her overheated skin. “I would expect nothing less.”

  Allie covered his hand with hers, halting its smooth glide up her thigh. “I’m serious, Hudson. I know I’m not qualified for this job, and most of them see me as just some spoiled heiress who should be happy cutting ribbons and playing tennis, but I’m trying really hard to learn everything I can about Ingram, and in the process maybe earn a little respect from the board. I can’t have our relationship undermine that.”

  Hudson’s gaze softened and the hand below the table squeezed hers. “Allie, I assure you I would never do anything to undermine you, either in the bedroom or the boardroom. And while I wouldn’t call you unqualified, you were certainly dropped into this position through unusual, not to mention stressful, circumstances. Yet you’ve flourished. The sheer volume of material you’ve had to absorb over the past month would overwhelm even the most seasoned executive, and you’ve not only risen to the occasion but managed to best me in the process, something that doesn’t happen often.” His lips curved in a ghost of a smile. “But it was clear you’d done your homework. You presented a case based on nostalgia but backed with hard facts. And your revenue replacement plan was cutting edge. It didn’t surprise me in the least when you were able to sway the necessary votes your direction. And while I certainly hope to lay you out on that conference table some night when the two of us are burning the midnight oil, I am nearly as intrigued by the idea of facing off on the multitude of topics on which I’m sure we will disagree.” He raised their linked hands to his mouth and pressed a gentle
kiss to her wrist. “I am in love with you, Alessandra, and impressed by you more often than you know.”

  Allie didn’t think she could ever love him more than she did at that moment.

  “Did that address your concerns?” he asked. His tone was gentle and warm, perfectly matching the look in his eyes.

  She nodded, unable to speak past the lump in her throat.

  “Very well.” He smiled, then checked his watch. “Then for now, Madam CEO, I’d like to make a motion that we table any discussions pertaining to business. I have a surprise for you and it’s set to begin any minute.”

  He stood, and with their hands still clasped, led her to the window. When they reached the glass he tugged her to stand in front of him, wrapping his arms around her waist. As if on cue, two rockets of light soared into the air, exploding in a canopy of red and gold over Navy Pier.

  Allie gasped. “Fireworks?”

  “Do you like them?”

  She turned in his arms. “I love them.”

  Hudson dropped a soft kiss on her lips. “Then watch,” he said, nodding toward the glass. His hand splayed across her belly, pulling her tight against him, his erection prodding her backside.

  “You’re hard for me,” she said.

  “Always,” he murmured, his lips drifting up her neck. When he reached her ear he nipped at the lobe. “And you, are you wet for me, Allie?”

  “Maybe you should feel for yourself.” Her soft voice sounded desperate and needy, but she didn’t care. His breath in her ear, his lips on her skin . . . it was too much after hours of foreplay and dinner sans panties. She needed his hands on her and she didn’t care who might walk in and see them.

  His left hand slipped into the open V of her wrap blouse, kneading her breast, while the right slid down the front of her skirt. A low, sexy sound vibrated through his chest when his fingers encountered her slick flesh. “You’re soaked for me and I haven’t even touched you yet.” He teased her, tugging her hardened nipple between the fingers of one hand while circling her quivering opening with the other. “Do you want me inside you, Allie? Are you aching to feel my fingers and my cock?”


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