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The Mad Giant (Shioni of Sheba Book 3)

Page 16

by Marc Secchia

  “Haven’t ever kidnapped a Princess before. If I hurt or frightened you, I’m sorry.”

  The two of them were as awkward as new born calves struggling to find their feet, thought Shioni. Was it a mistake, bringing her friends? Not that she had known Zi’s plans. Sneaky Fiuri! She supposed that matters between her and Talaku were clear. They had been through so much together.

  The Princess was making a sign to their anxious guards that all was well. She turned back to Talaku and, in a sudden rush, told him about their imminent journey to Gondar.

  After a moment’s reflection, the giant looked to the horizon. “I wish you every success in restoring your father’s good health, Princess. A kingdom without a King is… well. You know better than I. Just promise me one thing.”


  “Bring Shioni back safely, will you?”

  Annakiya’s jaw hung open like a lioness having a midday yawn.

  “I’ve a feeling… no, no, it’s stupid.”

  Talaku was wringing his hands. Without pausing to think, Shioni reached out and took his left paw in both of hers. “You can tell us, my friend.”

  “It’s weird. I dream a lot, you see. All sorts of crazy things.” The giant drew a shuddering breath. “But last night I had this dream. Two dreams, in fact. Both as clear and vivid as we are standing here right now. The first I’ll tell you in a moment. But in the second, I saw a place I have never been before, where a King sat upon an onyx throne, surrounded by warriors with headdresses made in the likeness of the manes of lions, with golden breastplates and greaves and shields, and this King was looking at you Shioni–that was my dream. But what I saw in this King’s eyes, it was… it filled me with fear. He had power. I was reaching out to you from another place, filled with this dread that turned my bones to water…”

  His voice trailed off. Talaku shuddered. Shioni found herself shivering in response. But before she could reflect upon his words, he added, “I’m a giant. What should I fear in this world? Yet I was afraid.”

  “And the first? In my first dream, I was standing on what I thought was a mountain peak in the mist. I saw a path and followed it. It quickly dropped down into a gorge, so suddenly it was as if the ground had been cleft open by a sword-stroke.” Words were pouring out of Talaku now, an unstoppable torrent. “I came to an archway, a huge archway built to accommodate a giant three or four times my height. And there, graven upon either side of the portal in great letters, were the words ‘Valley of the Giants’. And below, ‘No mortal man shall enter here, lest the curse of the mighty Giants befall him’. I walked through the archway and it was as though I was in another place. The mist was gone and the sun warmed my back; yet, I was cold. I felt my destiny before me.”

  Shioni looked up at her friend. The muscles of his jaw were clenched; a vein throbbed away near his Adam’s apple. He seemed as taut as a bowstring.

  “I promise you, when I return–no matter where you might be, Talaku–I will come and find you.”

  His throat worked as if he wanted to cry. But instead, he burst out, “Make no such oath, Shioni!”

  His need was as clear to her as the sunlight falling all around them. “You might need reminding of your humanity,” she said, simply. “You might need friendship. Every person needs to know they are not alone, that they do not need to be an outcast. That you will be accepted no matter how big, or strange, or crazy you might become.”

  She turned awkwardly to Princess Annakiya. “Uh–with your permission, this time, my Lady.”

  With a huge smile lighting up her face, Annakiya nodded ceremoniously. “Already granted, Shioni. Thank you for asking, this time.”

  Talaku squeezed her hand. If she was not mistaken, there was a moistness of unshed tears in his eyes. “You’re the crazy one. So, I will go seek out this Valley of the Giants. That’s what I wanted to tell you. Call it destiny, call it what you will. I have to know what is happening to me.”

  He began to draw away. “Farewell, Fiuri.” He stepped backward again. “You too, my Lady. I pray you find what you seek at the Sacred Lake. And Shioni–”

  “I’ll see you when you’ve eaten every goat in these mountains.”

  Talaku grinned. “The Mad Giant bids you farewell!”

  Turning, he loped away up-valley, toward the broad shoulders of Ras Dejen. His arms began to pump, his great bare feet to slap up a cloud of red clay dust. He was sprinting. The giant was sprinting toward his future for all he was worth, Shioni realised, awed by the power and speed of his ascent.

  “Even I couldn’t beat him now,” Thunder breathed in her ear.

  Shioni shaded her eyes to follow Talaku’s progress. “No more giant racing? It’s a sad day for Sheba.”

  A pair of tiny hands squeezed her neck. A clear voice piped, “You don’t honestly think we’ve seen the last of him, do you?”

  The Princess of Sheba linked arms with her slave-girl. “Come on, we’ve a heap of packing to do if we’re ever going to make it to the Sacred Lake.”

  Talaku had reached the brow of the hill. His hand rose in a gesture of parting.

  Shioni bent to dab the corner of her eye. “Farewell, Mad Giant. Until we meet again.”

  When she looked again, he was gone.

  About the Author

  Marc is a South African-born author who lives and works in Ethiopia with his wife and 4 children, 2 dogs, a rabbit, and a variable number of marabou storks that roost on the acacia trees out back.

  When he’s not writing about Africa Marc can be found travelling to remote locations. He thinks there’s nothing better than standing on a mountaintop wondering what lies over the next horizon.

  I hope that you had great fun reading Shioni of Sheba: The Mad Giant. And don’t worry, Talaku will be back–just when you least expect him!

  Look out for the next adventure in the Shioni of Sheba series: Shioni of Sheba: The Sacred Lake. And do come visit my website at to catch up on news, happenings and special offers.

  Marc Secchia

  Addis Ababa, August 2013

  Books by Marc Secchia

  Shioni of Sheba #1: The Enchanted Castle

  Shioni of Sheba #2: The King's Horse

  Shioni of Sheba #3: The Mad Giant

  And look out for:

  The Girl who Sang with Whales

  Shioni of Sheba #4: The Sacred Lake

  Shioni of Sheba #5: The Fiuri Realms




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