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Sundown Series | Book 5 | Vengeance

Page 14

by Konstantin, Courtney

  “Handling the situation with Liam is important, Max. I need to take care of this front first. Callahan is injured. He’s not a direct threat at this moment. We will act on the intel as soon as we can,” Alex replied.

  “He’s always a threat. Liam isn’t going to go anywhere until he sees the kids. Can’t we just make him wait?”

  “Would you have waited to see our father if you had been separated? Can’t you understand how important this is for Candace and Easton?” Alex asked.

  That made Max look away. She knew if it were her and her dad, she would do anything she could to get to him. That thought did give Max pause, trying to put herself into the teenagers’ shoes. Losing their mother and knowing their father was alive and not far away, must have been driving them slightly crazy.

  Just as Max had the thought, Candace entered the lobby and Max could tell the girl probably hadn’t slept all night. Her hair was more disheveled than usual, and her eyes were downcast. Alex watched her for a moment before looking at Max with an “I told you so” look on her face. Max threw up her hands in frustration and defeat and went to check on Griffin.

  She found him in the makeshift hospital area that Charlie had created. He was sleeping when she walked up, so she quietly settled in a chair next to him. Charlie appeared a few minutes later, still in doctor mode as she took Griffin’s vitals. She checked his leg and nodded to herself.

  “Is he going to heal ok?” Max whispered.

  “The fracture luckily seemed pretty straight forward. Without an x-ray all I can really do is set it and we will all hope his body does what it’s supposed to,” Charlie replied.

  “Can’t boss my body around like everyone else, Max,” Griffin said groggily.

  “Sorry, I thought you were sleeping,” Max said as she leaned over him to kiss him softly.

  “The pain meds make me drowsy, but I’ve been laying here between sleep and awake for a while,” he said as he looked at her and smiled a small smile.

  “What’s the pain level?” Charlie asked.

  “Doing alright, doc. The pain is much better. How long do I have to lay here?”

  “Until we can wean you off the pain meds and you won’t fall over and kill yourself. Next run, someone is going to need to find you crutches,” Charlie replied before she headed out of the theatre.

  Griffin reached for Max’s hand and she let him pull her until she was lying on the small cot with him. She rested her head on his chest, happy to listen to the strong beat of his heart.

  “Missed you,” he said into her wild hair.

  Max just grunted. She wasn’t good at vocalizing her feelings to Griffin all the time. Sleeping without him right next to her had Max waking up numerous times looking for his warmth. She wasn’t a cuddler, but Griffin always had a hand on her in a way that made her feel comforted and safe. It already felt abnormal to not be together, and Max found herself wondering when that had happened.

  “What’s going on out there?” Griffin asked.

  “A lot of nothing,” Max huffed.

  “So not going after Callahan?”

  Max explained what Alex had said, and Griffin was quiet as she ranted. When she finally finished, she had expected him to speak, but he stayed quiet. She lifted her head to make sure he hadn’t fallen asleep, but his eyes were open, staring at the lantern lit ceiling.

  “What?” She asked.

  “I’m not sure you really want to hear what I have to say.”

  “Of course I do. I thought we were a team,” Max said.

  “We are. But we aren’t always going to see things eye to eye, Max.”

  “So, you agree with Alex,” she replied. She pulled herself out of his arms and off the cot. She felt better disagreeing with him when she wasn’t pressed against his body. Her feelings for him could cloud her thoughts.

  “I agree that we need to put the kids first right now. Their dad is right there. Making them wait, it isn’t right.”

  “I know, but…” Max trailed off. She wasn’t sure what her argument was going to be. Any way she looked at it, she looked like a jerk for suggesting the kids' needs for their father came second.

  “You have your doubts, too. Max, just work with Alex. Get this visit over with quickly. Put the kids first. And then you know Alex and Rafe will be with you on going after Callahan.”

  “Alex is going to need back up. You going to be ok being left behind?” Max asked.

  “No, but it’s not like I have a choice,” Griffin replied, gesturing to his splinted leg.

  “I have to go with her.”

  “I assumed that. Whatever you do, bring yourself back here. Got it?” Griffin said gruffly.

  He reached out a hand and grabbed Max, pulling her close. She bent and wrapped her arms around him the best she could and pressed her face into his throat. She wouldn’t say it out loud, but she didn’t like the idea of going out without him. Max knew how to fight, how to survive. Emotionally, she had been thrown into unknown territory with Griffin in her life. She relied on his partnership and him always being there. Griffin’s arms squeezed Max tight and he kissed her hair.

  “Everything will be fine,” Max murmured.

  “Yes, it will be,” Griffin replied.

  When Max left Griffin and headed back into the lobby, she found Alex, Rafe, and the teens discussing strategy. Max stood silently, listening to the plans until Alex noticed her.

  “You don’t need to go with us on this, Max,” Alex said.

  “Yes, I do. I’m the one that left Liam at the house. I’m the one that knows where he is. And there’s no way I’m letting my sister and brother go alone.”

  “We aren’t alone. You can give us directions. You can stay with Griffin,” Rafe said.

  “And do what? Be the dutiful woman sitting by his side? I’ll pass. Griffin is fine. He has Charlie keeping an eye on his leg. He needs to rest anyway,” Max argued.

  Alex held up her hand to stop Rafe from continuing the conversation. The oldest Duncan shook her head at her brother and he just sighed and sat down on a couch.

  “Fine. Join us then, Max. We’re just making some plans about taking the kids,” Alex said, waving Max into the room.

  “You aren’t just going to leave them there, are you?” Max asked.

  “No. Of course not. But Liam is their father and no matter the argument, I don’t think we can tell him what to do with his own kids,” Alex said.

  “Alex, we want a say in what happens. We do not want to go to Callahan’s compound,” Easton said. The boy was pacing behind the chair where his sister was sitting. Candace had her knees pulled up to her chest. Max had never seen her look so young and vulnerable.

  “I don’t want that either. Even if your father feels safe there, once Callahan knows who you are, I have no doubt he will try to get information from you. We know that’s not a good position to be in,” Alex replied.

  “So, we take them and stay, too?” Max asked.

  “Were there a lot of vacant homes in the area, Max?” Rafe asked.

  “Seemed like it. We just picked the one at the end of a cul-de-sac, so Liam had decent visuals out the front windows. We didn’t see anyone around when we were there.”

  “Then we take the kids and stay a night in a nearby house. Give them a radio so they can reach us if there’s trouble. We go back the next day to check in and discuss the plan with Liam,” Alex explained.

  “And if he doesn’t listen to us?” Candace asked, her voice quiet and worried.

  “We’ll jump that hurdle when we get to it, ok?” Alex replied softly.

  That just told Max that Alex had no idea what she would do if Liam tried to take the kids away. Max was well aware that Alex would be willing to fight to the death to protect Easton and Candace, even from their own father. However, she would also worry about the teens and their feelings on the situation. Killing their dad wasn’t going to make them want to come home with Alex. That left them all in a tough position if Liam wouldn’t hear reason.
r />   The day was still young and Alex couldn’t put off the meeting any longer. They packed two vehicles. One for Alex, Max, and the kids, the other for Rafe. Alex thought keeping Rafe as backup could come in handy should Liam be an immediate threat. He would find them a suitable house near the house Liam was in, so the Duncans could wait and pick the kids up after they spent time with their father. Alex insisted that she be with them for the initial meeting, but she agreed to give them their space once she knew there was no threat to them.

  Max drove their vehicle, with Alex keeping a keen watch for any trouble. When they were a few streets from the cul-de-sac, Max pulled the vehicle to a stop and waited for Rafe to do the same. She gave Rafe quick directions to where they were going and he nodded, making notes on the map he had.

  “I’ll look for something a street or so away. The radios will work that distance. Call me if anything changes,” Rafe said through his open window.

  “I’m sure things will be fine,” Alex said.

  “If I don’t somehow get into another fight with him,” Max chimed in with a sarcastic smile.

  “Max won’t be getting into any fights, so don’t worry,” Alex added with a roll of her eyes.

  “Ok, listen, Max, no getting into any fun while I’m not around to play,” Rafe replied.

  “Enough, you two. Liam isn’t an enemy,” Alex said.

  “Yet,” both Max and Rafe said in unison.

  Max cracked a real smile at her brother and he nodded his head to her before pulling away. Max waited until he was out of sight, just to ensure there was nothing to worry about on the street they were on. She could see two infected in her rearview mirror, but they tried to follow Rafe’s truck even as it sped away. When Max began to drive again, their heads turned in their direction and they followed. Max knew they would lose them when they turned into the cul-de-sac.

  When they pulled up the house, Max quickly killed the engine to keep their arrival quiet. No movement could be seen in the house. Max and Alex both readied their weapons.

  “You two stay here until we know it’s clear,” Alex said, turning to look at the teens in the backseat.

  “I can help,” Easton replied.

  “I know. But right now, I have enough backup with Max here. Just stay put, so I know you’re safe, ok?”

  Easton nodded his head and took his sister’s hand. Max appreciated the support between siblings. She knew how it felt to be close and need each other. No matter what happened going forward, Easton and Candace would have each other.

  Max and Alex carefully exited their vehicle. Alex tried to quietly shut her door, but Max slammed hers to call out any lurkers. Alex just sighed, and Max shrugged at her.

  “Might as well find them early, instead of later,” Max said in a hushed tone.

  After a few moments of them looking around, nothing moved in the area. Somehow the neighborhood was blissfully infected free. Alex went to the backdoor and opened it for Candace to climb out. Easton followed right after. As soon as his feet hit the pavement, the door of the house swung open and Liam stepped out.

  “Daddy!” Candace cried as she ran up the front steps into her father’s arms.

  Liam closed his eyes as he laid his cheek against Candace’s head. For that moment, it was just a father and his daughter. Max watched the scene with emotions roiling around in her gut, relating it all to Griffin and Jack. It took her a moment to realize Easton hadn’t left his spot next to Alex. Liam seemed to realize it too as he lifted his head and looked for his son. Max watched Easton hesitate and the questioning look cross Liam’s face.

  “Maybe we should take this reunion inside?” Alex asked, her face turned to look at Easton.

  The teen nodded and stepped forward toward his father. Liam ushered Candace into the house, Easton following. When Alex and Max both stepped through the door, Liam stiffened, watching the women closely. Max leaned against the now closed door, casually watching the scene unfold. Under the facade, she was nowhere near casual. She was ready to pull her tomahawk at the first threat to any of her loved ones, but she didn’t let Liam know that.

  Alex stood still as a statue next to Easton, who had still not embraced his father. Max could tell by the way Alex’s hands clenched, things weren’t going well. She waited for her older sister to make her move, Max would back whatever that move was.

  “Easton, you look good, son,” Liam said hesitantly.

  “Thanks. Not that you’d remember what I looked like,” Easton replied. Liam’s face went limp at his son’s insult, but Alex wasn’t keeping quiet.

  “Easton, that’s not ok,” Alex said.

  Easton’s face went dark as he looked at the ground. Max realized he was angry with his father, something he hadn’t explained while they had been at the theatre. She realized this meeting could get interesting real fast if Easton caused too much of a scene.

  “You’re Alex, then?” Liam asked.

  “Yes, this is Alex Duncan, Daddy. She saved us and has taken care of us since… well… since...” Candace trailed off, not able to say what Alex had saved them from.

  “Since Mom died. She’s taken care of us since Mom was killed by an infected,” Easton said bitterly. Alex reached up to put her hand on his shoulder. The boy looked at Alex and his eyes softened despite his anger. The interaction seemed to enrage Liam.

  “Easton, get over here. Get away from that woman,” he demanded. Easton and Alex both whipped around to look at him.

  “This woman has a name, it’s Alex. And she’s the only thing that kept us alive for months,” Easton shot back. Max cleared her throat comically, causing Easton to add, “The whole Duncan family has.”

  “Thanks, kid,” Max said.

  “You kids don’t know who these people are. Let’s just let them leave and then we’ll be together as a family,” Liam said.

  “What these kids know is we weren’t the ones that executed a friend of theirs. What they know is, we’ve been attacked, some of us tortured, for no other reason than to hide a government conspiracy that we had nothing to do with in the first place,” Alex said, her voice raising with every word.

  Max could sense Alex’s anger as it pulsed through her and had her taking a step toward Liam. Max wondered if her sister did it on purpose, but she put herself directly between Liam and Easton. Liam saw it too, and his face began to turn a shade of red.

  “You’re a liar. And I won’t have you leading my children into a dangerous situation. Going against the US Government isn’t something most people walk away from,” Liam shouted back.

  “I’ve kept them safe. I’ve handled any issue that’s come their way. I’ve protected them as my own and I will continue to do so, even if that means taking you out of the equation,” Alex replied menacingly.

  That was Max’s cue to get prepared. She dropped her hand to her tomahawk on one side and slid her 9mm out of its holster with her other. Alex’s hands were also near her weapons, but she hadn’t taken the step to draw them yet. Liam took a threatening step forward, but Alex wouldn’t back down. Suddenly, Easton pushed passed Alex and stood between her and his father.

  “Stop it,” he yelled.

  His father looked startled, but Alex’s focus didn’t waver. Max stepped away from the door to put herself in a better position should things become physical. Easton swung to face his father, making it hard for Max and Alex to see around his tall frame.

  “You haven’t been here. You have no idea what’s gone on for us with the Duncans. If you think Callahan is telling the truth about anything, you are the dangerous one. Candace and I are better off staying with Alex, where we’re safe and protected from a man that just executes those that tell the truth,” Easton

  “I didn’t have anything to do with what happened to Marcus,” Liam said. His voice had changed and he seemed to be pleading with his son.

  “You stood by and watched,” Easton replied.

  “It happened too quickly to stop anything. Easton, you have to understand. I have live
d a military life for longer than you’ve been alive. Following orders, keeping in line.”

  “And that means it’s ok to just kill anyone that opposes you?” Easton asked.

  “No, of course not, but…” Liam started.

  “There’s really no excuse, Dad. Maybe you couldn’t have stopped it. But you have a choice now. We know you went AWOL to find us. What’s your plan now that you’ve found us?” Easton asked.

  “The plan is for you to listen, like a child is meant to,” Liam said, finding his footing in the argument again.

  Max couldn’t see his face, but Easton’s whole body froze. In all the time the Reynold kids had been with the Duncans, Alex had never treated them like children. She trained Easton in every skill she had, including weapons. There were times Alex protected them and didn’t have them join the adults, but she always gave them responsibilities to protect the family. Alex stepped forward to stand next to the boy she considered her own son.

  “Easton is not a child. Neither is Candace,” Alex said, smiling at Candace who still stood with her father. “The two of them have suffered and survived just like any adult. They aren’t the same children you left when you last went away. They can make their own decisions.”

  “Who are you, a stranger, to lecture me on my own children?” Liam demanded.

  With that, Candace left her father’s side and walked to the other side of Alex. Candace took Alex’s hand and faced her father. Easton stood tall on the other side. Liam looked from face to face, his own face a mask of surprise.

  “She’s not a stranger, Daddy. When Mom died, we wouldn’t have made it. Without question, Alex took us in. She has treated us as if we were her own children since that day,” Candace said.

  “Nothing can replace Mom, ever. Losing her was the hardest thing we’ve ever gone through. But Alex is the closest thing we’ll ever have again,” Easton said.

  Max could feel herself getting misty over the whole scene. She coughed and rubbed her face to hide her emotions. Pride also swelled in her, watching the kids stand with Alex against their father. Max knew they loved their father, but they wouldn’t allow him to minimize what Alex and the Duncan family had become to them.


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