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Sundown Series | Book 5 | Vengeance

Page 16

by Konstantin, Courtney

  “No! Easton, get back,” Liam yelled, grabbing his son and shoving him.

  Easton was caught off guard and fell to the ground at the end of the sidewalk. Max couldn’t keep an eye on him as she fought with her tomahawk against one of the infected that had reached her. The scream that split the air next was one that turned Max’s blood to ice.

  Max finished the infected and spun, looking for the additional threat she knew was there. Rafe continued to fire, but he looked over and cursed loudly. It took Max longer than it should have to read the situation. Easton’s arm bled freely at his wrist. Alex was pulverizing an infected with her machete, her screams echoing down the street.

  In that moment that Max hesitated, she watched her sister unleash a fury that she usually never showed. Her sister was always collected and organized. But as blood and gore flew, Max had to gulp back her fear. It was a chilling sight to see as the head of the infected became unrecognizable.

  Liam froze then, realizing the harsh truth of what they all were seeing. Easton was bitten. Max sprung into action, knowing they had to get out of there now. She grabbed Easton under his good arm and hefted him up. The boy was in shock and if they didn’t stop the bleeding, it would be downhill from that.

  “Leave me,” Easton said.

  “Have you lost your mind?” Max replied.

  “You know how this ends, Max.”

  “Not here it doesn’t,” Max said. She half turned to yell at Rafe. “Rafe! Grab Alex. Let’s get out of here!”

  Rafe immediately sprang into action, with Liam staring at them, his face ashen. Running to her side, Rafe pulled Alex back. Her face was coated in black gore from the infected that had attacked Easton. Rafe grimaced for a moment before he shook Alex to get her to focus on him.

  “We need to go. Now,” he said. Despite the situation, Rafe’s voice was calm and collected.

  Max pulled Easton with her, knowing Rafe would make sure everyone else followed. She went to Alex’s running vehicle. When they got close, Candace swung open the door, her face covered in tears. Max shoved Easton into the backseat next to his sister.

  “Move over you two, I’m getting in here,” Max yelled. She wasn’t as good at calm and collected.

  Alex was loaded into the front passenger seat by Rafe. Max watched as Rafe turned to Liam. She could just hear their words through the closed window.

  “Man, I don’t care what you do at this point. Here’s the key to my truck. Follow us, or don’t. But the kids come with us,” Rafe said.

  “They’re my kids. You all put them into harm's way. Now Easton is hurt,” Liam yelled.

  Rafe stepped forward and grabbed the front of Liam’s shirt. Though both were tall men, Rafe had a few inches on Liam. He pulled Liam close until they were almost touching noses. From her vantage point, Max knew Rafe was pissed because his ears were starting to turn red.

  “Should I stop them?” Candace whispered through her tears.

  “Nope. Rafe has this,” Max replied immediately.

  “Listen here, jackass. Easton was doing exactly what he’s been taught to do. None of us would have let anything touch him because we always have eyes on him. You threw him back and he fell. An infected we couldn’t see got him. This is on you. Let that sink in,” Rafe said, before shoving Liam back.

  Rafe didn’t wait for Liam to respond. Max knew he didn’t care enough about the truck to worry about him following. All that mattered now was Easton and Alex. Rafe jumped into the driver’s seat and threw the truck into reverse. Before they moved, Max saw Liam running to Rafe’s truck and jumping in. She guessed that meant he was following.

  Max pulled out the large first aid kit that was stored under the back seat. Throwing it open across Candace’s lap, she started pulling out gauze pads and pressure bandages. She pulled Easton’s hand away from the bite and saw a perfectly oval piece of skin missing. Swallowing down the bile rising in her throat, she immediately pressed the bandages to the wound.

  “It’s fine. This isn’t that bad,” She said, trying to keep her voice even, but even she heard the tremor.

  Alex turned around in the front seat and leaned back to see what Max was doing. She fiddled with the bandages and Max swatted her hands away.

  “I got this. He’s going to be alright,” Max lied.

  They all knew it wasn’t possible. Max had seen what even one bite could do. But there was no way she was just giving up on Easton. He was just a child. Even in the world they lived in now, he deserved more. Days, years, time to grow. Max knew he would be a leader some day, maybe even taking over for the Duncans when they were just too old to do things anymore.

  “Max, just stop. Don’t waste the supplies,” Easton tried to push her hands away.

  “Stop it, East. Now. Let Max deal with the wound. We will get you back to the theatre and we will have Charlie take care of it,” Alex ordered.

  “Alex…” Easton’s eyes held all the question they knew he was asking.

  “No. We are not giving up. Don’t even suggest it,” Alex said.

  She reached back and touched his face. Max guessed she didn’t know tears were streaming down her face, even as she tried to comfort Easton. Candace held Easton’s uninjured arm and hugged it to her. Max just continued putting pressure on his arm, not sure if she was actually doing any good or if the virus was pulsing through his body even as they drove.

  “What do we do about Liam?” Rafe asked.

  “We wanted to have him come back to the theatre. Bring him into the group,” Candace said quietly. Alex’s eyes flew to her.

  “What? After this? We can’t do that, Candace,” she said.

  “Alex, please. We brought Smith in. And he actually hurt Max and tried to take Rafe. He’s our dad,” Candace continued.

  “We don’t know he won’t contact Callahan immediately and tell him where we are,” Rafe added.

  “We thought of that. We’ll take all of his stuff, supplies, radio, everything. Get rid of it. He’ll start over like we all have. He won’t be able to get ahold of anyone,” Candace said.

  “She’s going to need him, Alex,” Easton cut in. “He’s the last family Candy will have.”

  “She has me! She has us! We don’t know if we can trust him,” Alex cried.

  “I know, I know. And I’m so thankful she won’t be alone. But this is even more important now. Think of it as my dying wish,” Easton said with a sad smile.

  “You are not going to die,” Alex said, but her voice held no conviction.


  The one word was all Easton had to say. Alex pushed herself back to the passenger seat. She looked over to Rafe and just nodded. Max couldn’t disagree with the decision. She didn’t trust Liam either, actually felt like she could murder him for what he’d caused. But Candace would need him after things were done with Easton.

  Rafe changed direction and headed toward their hideout. When they pulled up behind the theatre twenty minutes later, Liam was right behind them in Rafe’s truck. Rafe hit the horn before killing the engine. For once luck was on their side, and no infected appeared. The sound drew Charlie and Issac from the theatre. Issac had a rifle and came out ready to shoot, but dropped it immediately when he saw who was there.

  Max helped Easton from the vehicle as Rafe greeted Charlie and quietly told her what was happening. Her eyes widened and her hand flew to her mouth. Rafe nudged her toward Max and Easton before he stalked to Liam. Alex came to Easton’s side and together they followed Charlie into the theatre. Max knew Rafe would ensure Liam knew the rules and what was what with him coming into the group.

  When they got inside, Margaret was waiting, but when she saw the blood, she ushered the small children away from them. Max waved to Jack to let her know she was fine, but indicated she needed to follow Margaret. Storm came running to the group, clearly looking for Rafe. He sniffed Easton and Max stopped for a moment, worried about the dog’s reaction. Rafe swore he was an early detector of the infected. If he tried to attack Ea
ston, Max would have to stop him without hurting either of them hopefully.

  Storm did his sniff of everyone, including Easton. He then walked toward the door where he expected Rafe to come in. Max looked at Alex and they both shared a questioning look. Max guessed the infection was too new in Easton, and the dog just didn’t smell it yet. He would soon, and then they would have to take steps to keep him away.

  Charlie led the way into her treatment area. Griffin was sitting up now, his leg still elevated. When he saw them come in a smile crossed his face, but as soon as he saw the grim looks of everyone, he paled.

  “Max!” He called.

  “I’m fine, I’m ok,” Max replied. She went to his side and hugged him tightly. “It’s Easton. He was bitten,” she whispered into his ear.

  Griffin’s arms tightened painfully around her for a moment before they separated and looked over at Easton. Charlie quickly used bedding and a folding table to create a bed for Easton. She quietly spoke to him as she unwrapped the bandage Max had put on his arm. She forced a smile for the boy once she saw the wound. She was instantly in doctor mode.

  “Alex, point the light closer, please. Easton, this is going to sting badly. Do you want something to bite down on?”

  “No. I can take it,” Easton replied.

  “Easton, do not be tough right now. This is serious,” Alex said.

  “Don’t waste anything on me,” Easton said in a small voice.

  Candace, who had stood back by the door, let a sob loose. Max hadn’t noticed she was standing there. Alex looked back at Max, her eyes imploring her to do something. Max went to the girl and put her arm around her shoulders. She guided her away from the door just as Easton cried out. Candace buried her face into Max’s shoulder as they walked.

  “It’s ok. Charlie is cleaning the wound. It probably hurts like hell, but it’s better for it to be sanitary,” Max explained.

  Candace nodded her head slightly, so Max knew she heard her over her crying. Max continued moving until they were down the hall, near the tent area. She actually didn’t know where to take the girl. She didn’t want to put her near the younger kids, they would just attack her with questions about what was going on. But she couldn’t be left alone either.

  They sat together at a small table that had been moved to the end of the tent hall. Candace reached out and Max offered her hand, which Candace squeezed. Max cradled her hand between both of hers, rubbing softly. She hoped it was some sort of comfort to her.

  “Candace!” Liam’s voice echoed down the hall.

  “I’m here, Daddy,” she called back weakly.

  The man came running down the hall. He glared at Max when he saw her. Max just glared back. She wasn’t giving up her position of caring for Candace. Maybe she didn’t admit it to herself, or anyone else, but it was important to her to learn how to care for those around her.

  “Where’s your brother?”

  “He’s with our doctor,” Alex’s hard voice came from behind him.

  Candace stood and walked to Alex. Without a word, Alex opened her arms and Candace collapsed into her. Alex ran a hand over her head, murmuring soft words that Max couldn’t make out, but Candace nodded before stepping back.

  “He’s with the woman that created this plague?” Liam asked.

  “That woman is Charlie Brewer. And she didn’t create anything. She is trying to cure it, but hasn’t been able to. She’s still a doctor and she’s treating Easton,” Alex shot back.

  “And? What can she do? How’s Easton?” Liam asked.

  Alex swallowed roughly, fighting the emotions that Max could see flitting across her face.

  “Easton has a fever,” Alex replied.

  “Shit,” was all Max could think to say.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “This is your fault,” Alex started.

  Her voice was low and angry. Max immediately knew things were going to go downhill quick. When Alex tried to take a threatening step toward Liam, Max stepped in between the two.

  “Liam, you can stop peacocking there and go check on your son. Might be better use of your time than getting your ass kicked by my sister,” Max said.

  Liam looked stunned and angry, but Candace took his arm and pulled him back down the hall toward the medical area. The man didn’t have enough sense to leave well enough alone, though. He stopped and pivoted when he was ten feet away.

  “You are the reason this has happened. Easton never should have been near those things.”

  Candace yanked on his arm and pulled him to follow her before Alex could turn around and finish what she wanted to start. Max held Alex by her shoulders, waiting for them to relax. When she finally let go of the desire to go after Liam, her shoulders seemed to fold in on her and her head fell.

  “He’s right. I never should have let Easton near the fight,” Alex said quietly.

  “That’s crap, Alex. Stop it. You know as well as I do, Easton would have to be tied up to keep away from a fight. You gave him the tools he needed to survive,” Max replied.

  Alex shook her head and rubbed her face roughly with her hands. Her eyes finally met Max’s and the pain was a physical blow to Max. Alex allowed her raw distraught to shine and Max found herself blinking back the tears that wanted to burst from her eyes.

  “Thank you, for taking care of him,” Alex finally said.

  “That’s dumb. Of course I took care of him,” Max said, brushing it off and turning to grab her pack that she hadn’t stored yet.

  “You should go see Jack. I’m going to have to tell Billie and Henry. They have already lost so much, I just don’t know what to do anymore,” Alex said.

  “Not everyone is going to survive, Alex. I wish I knew it would get easier. We just have to keep trying to stay alive. Are you going to let the kids say goodbye?” Max asked.

  “I think I’ll have to. Billie would sneak in there anyway. Better I’m with them and give them support, don’t you think?”

  Max shrugged, completely at a loss for what the best way to go was. “I don’t have any idea, you know I suck at this stuff.”

  “Maybe. But you’re a mom. Will you let Jack say goodbye?” Alex asked.

  “I’ll ask her what she wants to do. That’s kinda how we do things. She tells me her opinion, I weigh it and decide. If she wants to say goodbye, I guess I’ll let her,” Max replied.

  “You’re a good mom, Max.”

  “Some days I think so,” Max said with a small smile.

  Alex and Max went to clean up before seeing their kids. Alex’s face was still streaked with the evidence of what she had done. Max helped her clean up so she was presentable. When they entered the lobby where the kids were sitting with Margaret, all three burst up and ran to their mothers. Margaret’s eyes were red rimmed and she immediately left, walking toward the medical area. Losing anyone was hard, but a kid was something none of them wanted to face.

  Max pulled Jack to the side, so they could talk privately. She watched as Alex sat on the couch and pulled Billie and Henry to her. She wished she could help her sister handle the pain, but no one was better to tell Billie and Henry than their mom.

  “Mom, what is happening? Margaret wouldn’t let us leave the lobby,” Jack asked, breaking into Max’s thoughts.

  “Sorry, kiddo. Things have gotten a little crazy and we just wanted to keep you guys protected. Thanks for behaving and listening to Margaret. I know you and Billie like to find ways to sneak away,” Max replied.

  She twirled a piece of Jack’s curly raven hair around her finger. Jack’s eyes were expectant, waiting for the holes to be filled in.

  “Jack, listen, this is going to be hard to hear, but something bad happened. Easton was bitten,” Max said.

  “What? No! How?” Jack exclaimed.

  “It was an accident,” Max said in the way of a lame excuse.

  “Who’s accident? We don’t have accidents like that,” Jack demanded, her hands on her hips now.

  Max looked down at her, searchin
g for the answer that would explain this to her daughter best. She didn’t have one. Liam’s actions had been out of fear for his son. Max knew it was a stupid thing he did, but he never intended to hurt his son. She had to believe that much was true. However, the man came barging into their lives, with no regard to how they had been living, including his own kids.

  “Easton and Candace’s dad is here,” Max said, edging away from explaining the whole story.

  “Really? You let him come?” Jack asked.

  Max smiled down at her daughter. She had picked up a bit of Max’s cynicism over the years.

  “Yes. We did. For the kids.”

  “That was nice. I’m sure that was a hard thing to do,” Jack said.

  “How old are you again, kid?” Max asked. She got an eye-roll in response to that.

  “Can I see him? Easton?” Jack asked, answering a question Max didn’t get the chance to ask.

  Max looked back over to where Alex sat with her kids. Henry had his face buried in Alex’s side and his little body shook. Billie stared blankly ahead, the little girl scarred from the amount of loss she had been dealt.

  “Let me talk to Aunt Alex first. Then yeah, we’ll go.”

  Max didn’t want to interrupt, but she thought it would be easier for the kids to go see Easton together. When she approached, Alex looked up and Max was again hit with her raw emotions. She pushed it down inside herself, as she always did, not facing the situation or dealing with it. Max loved her sister more than anything, and she wanted to support her. But she didn’t know how to do that if she became a raving emotional lunatic.

  “Jack wants to see him. Maybe we should all go together?” Max asked.

  Alex just nodded and prodded Billie and Henry to stand. Jack came to Max’s side and she took her mother’s hand. Max took Billie’s hand, while Alex held the other, Henry on the other side of her. They walked together as a line toward the medical area.

  As they came to the door, Rafe and Charlie were exiting. Even Max could see the cracks in Charlie’s doctor professionalism. Storm was right at their feet, as if he knew there was a problem. But, for some reason, he didn’t seem to know the problem was Easton. Max said as much to Rafe, and her brother looked down in surprise.


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