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Sundown Series | Book 5 | Vengeance

Page 31

by Konstantin, Courtney

  Each load back to Rafe was sewn together to look natural, but close enough that it hid most of the tarp that was behind it. A small roof and slight walls were created to make a place they could cook without light seeping out. Max walked down the road at the request of Rafe and gave him pointers of where she could still clearly see the tarp.

  It only took an hour, but once the set up was built, it looked like it was part of the landscape. It completely hid the ledge, making it just seem like a heavy shrubbery area. There were many that looked exactly the same along the hillside. Inside, one of them could sit near the edge and clearly see the road that they believed Callahan would come down. There was enough room for them to line up their sleeping bags, side by side.

  “We’re going to get real friendly, folks,” Max joked.

  “It’s not the first time we’ve slept in weird places,” Alex replied. She had first look out and her back was to Max.

  “I think we all slept in a tree at one point or another,” Rafe added.

  “Trees? Like treehouses?” Cliff asked.

  Max laughed. “Our dad didn’t build treehouses.” When Cliff just looked at her, confused, Max continued. “Our father wanted to teach us survival. So, we were left to our own devices a lot. Sleeping while strapped to a tree branch was a normal weekend night for the Duncan kids.”

  “Wow,” Cliff replied.

  “I guess we just have to thank our lucky stars we had a father like we did,” Alex said.

  “It explains a lot about how you three act,” Cliff replied.

  “Do you remember the time I asked if I could go to the mall with my friends, instead of camping out with you two,” Alex asked.

  “Oh yeah. You got it that time. Dad made you carry most of the supplies in your pack. Trying to prove that if you let your body and mind dwindle at places like the mall, you wouldn’t be able to survive,” Rafe replied.

  “Harsh,” Cliff added.

  “It wasn’t a normal childhood, that’s for sure,” Max said.

  “Dad taught us a lot of lessons. He wasn’t always nice about it, but he loved us in his own way,” Alex said.

  “I think it’s easier to see that now,” Rafe replied.

  Alex didn’t respond, just nodded her head. She lifted the binoculars to her eyes and scanned the horizon. When she didn’t see anything, she put them back in her lap. There wasn’t much space to stretch, so they left their sleeping bags rolled up for the time being. Max used hers as a back rest as she leaned against the hill. Rafe laid his out and decided to take a nap, since he would have the first night shift.

  Cliff pulled out a few magazines and handed one to Max. It was a magazine about gardening, and soon Max was wondering when they would get to go home and cultivate their greenhouse. Lunchtime came and they ate the sandwiches Margaret had made for them. Canned tuna with packages of mayonnaise and mustard. They also had a jar of pickles to share that went nicely with the tuna.

  They switched watches midday, giving Alex the chance to rest her eyes. Rafe sharpened every blade they all had with them. Then he polished them. When he started shredding a magazine, Max grabbed it out of his hands. He shot her a dirty look and Max just stuck out her tongue. Alex laughed at their antics.

  “This could be a long wait. Did anyone bring cards?” Alex asked.

  Alex wasn’t wrong on her assumption. On the third day, they all started to get antsy. When they could see the road was clear, they took turns running to the truck and back. They had drank through one of the five gallon bottles and that was now a target for Rafe to throw knives. Max wanted to say something about ruining the resource, but at that point they were all beyond boredom.

  “How will we know we didn’t miss them?” Max asked. She was sitting on her midday watch.

  “We don’t I guess,” Alex replied from behind her.

  “Then how do we know how long to stay here?” Max asked.

  “The whining about it isn’t making the time go by faster,” Rafe shot back.

  “I’m not whining, jerk face, just asking a simple question. If we missed the convoy, we could be waiting here for no reason,” Max said.

  “It’s a fine question, Max,” Alex said, soothing the tensions before they could get out of hand. “We just need to give it some time. We have supplies for a week if we stretch them.”

  Max got quiet then. A week was a long time, but they had told their family it was the longest they would be away. They would know if they were gone longer than a week, there was a problem. Liam knew where the ledge was, even if he didn’t know the full details. If they didn’t come back after a week, he would take Charlie to the location to find out what had happened. None of them wanted to think about that happening.

  It was the morning of the fourth day when things started to move very fast. Max had just woken up and was tying her curls out of her face. They were all pretty filthy, sleeping for three nights on the ledge. Her hair felt pasted back, but at least it wasn’t getting in her face as she sipped the semi hot instant coffee Rafe handed her. Alex was on the end of her dawn watch and was going to switch with Cliff when she suddenly shushed everyone.

  Max froze and joined Alex at the edge of the wall. Alex pressed the binoculars to her eyes and stared toward the furthest bend in the road. The only problem with the road was a few curves that brought the road into sight, but then it dodged behind a hill again. The furthest curve was almost too far to make anything out.

  “I saw something at the furthest curve,” Alex said quietly.

  “Can you be sure?” Max asked.

  “Not yet,” Alex admitted.

  The curves were only minutes away, depending on how fast the vehicles were driving. Behind the women Rafe and Cliff prepared as they had practiced. Rafe had the police issue spike strips out of their box. Cliff had carefully picked up the homemade strip Max had made. He had to be careful to not stab himself with one of the protruding nails. Both of them crouched, waiting for instructions.

  “There they are,” Alex murmured.

  She handed the binoculars to Max. Quickly, Max peered through toward the road. She was immediately greeted by a zoomed in view. Two black SUVs flew down the road. They were clean and windows were blacked out.

  “It’s them. No one else would be driving those types of vehicles out here,” Max said.

  “It’s them, Rafe, put out the first strip. Cliff, set up at the lower hiding point and be ready to stretch out the hose,” Alex said, rapidly firing instructions.

  The men didn’t hesitate. Rafe half ran, half slid down the hillside. When he reached the side of the road, he threw out the spike strip, causing it to expand and open, separating the spikes for maximum damage. Max turned from the road and handed Alex the rifle. Max pulled her 9 mm and checked the clip.

  “Max, I know you want to kill Callahan, but things are going to be crazy. We all have the same goal, ok?” Alex said.

  “Are you asking me if I want to be the one to kill him?” Max asked.

  “I don’t need to ask that. I already know the answer. I’m just saying, we all know this is going to be tough. It might not be you.”

  “I’m not that obsessed, Alex. I just want him gone. However that happens, let it be,” Max replied.

  “We probably should have talked about that before this,” Alex said.

  The sound of the engines was bearing down on them. Max lifted her head to see over their hideout and she could see the SUV’s even in the shadow of the hill.

  “Yeah, I guess we should have discussed it. But don’t worry, I’m good,” Max said.

  “You ready for this?” Alex asked.

  “Not really. But I’m 100 percent here, Alex. I have your back,” Max replied.

  “Me too,” Alex said.

  They both crouched near their hideout and peered around the wall. As soon as the SUVs were almost on top of the strip, but Max and Alex stepped out with their weapons. The first SUV hit the strip without having any chance to slow. The sound of the blowing tires was l
ike a gunshot, causing Max to duck slightly, worried they were being targeted.

  The disabled SUV slid and hit the guard rail, bending the metal in a loud screech. It finally came to a stop just before the guard rail ended and Max cursed. Part of her had hoped the first car would go over the cliff, fewer men for them to deal with.

  The second SUV barely had a chance to react to the accident of the first, and it also went over the spike strip. The driver had already slammed on their brakes and only the first two tires were damaged. As instructed, Cliff ran across the road then to stretch the hose behind the vehicle.

  It only took a moment for hell to break loose. Gunshots began to ring out from the second SUV as Cliff was spotted running across the road. Rafe, Max, and Alex returned fire as they came down the hill. The soldiers from the first vehicle piled out. Max counted three and was relieved it wasn’t packed full.

  “Going for the first car,” Max yelled.

  “Behind you,” Rafe yelled back.

  Alex broke the other way and laid down cover fire for Cliff to make his way back to a safe shooting position. The doors on the second SUV kicked open and one soldier fell out, grabbing his neck. A bullet had exploded through his window and lodged into his neck. He fell to the ground, blood spurting from the wound.

  Alex ignored the soldier and ran to meet Cliff at the corner of the SUV. Max lost sight of her sister as she ran to the front corner of the first SUV. The three soldiers had run around the back side of the SUV and headed for the second vehicle. Max knew immediately that Callahan was in that vehicle.

  With Rafe at her back, Max jogged around the SUV until she had a line of sight on the first man dressed in fatigues. Max shot the man in the back and he dropped immediately. The gunshot caught the attention of the other soldiers and they threw open the front passenger door to block any additional shots.

  “They had to make it hard,” Max said.

  “Because you expected them to lay down and let you shoot them? Rafe replied.

  Max shrugged, knowing it was a stupid thought, but it had crossed her mind during many of the times she had played out this struggle. A gunshot rang out from behind the vehicle and Max felt fear not knowing with Alex and Cliff were.

  “Alex?” Max called out.

  “Two down on this side!” Alex called back.

  Max felt better hearing her sister’s voice and now knew she was close enough for communication.

  “I have two hiding behind a door over here,” Max yelled back.

  “Got it,” Alex replied.

  A moment later a gunshot rang out and a man cried out, falling to the ground below the door. He grabbed at his leg and Max immediately shot him in the chest. His surprised eyes met Max’s and the life faded quickly. Return fire pushed Max and Rafe back to the other side of the truck. Both took the chance to reload before trying to get back to Alex.

  “Alex, only one more that we saw!” Rafe called.

  “I’ve got one at gunpoint, bringing him around,” Alex yelled.

  Max and Rafe waited in their crouched positions. Alex pushed the soldier toward them, his hands on his head. Rafe grabbed him and zip tied his hands behind his back. He dropped the man unceremoniously on his face and left him on the asphalt. Alex kneeled next to them and they all watched the second vehicle.

  “Do we know how many are in there?” Max asked.

  “We know that one is down. If Callahan is in there, probably at least one or two more soldiers,” Alex replied.

  “The windows are too dark, I can’t make out anyone,” Rafe said, as he peered over the hood to see the target SUV.

  Max’s mind raced with ideas of how to force the people from the vehicle. She wanted to see Callahan for herself, know he was in there, and that they hadn’t put themselves at risk for nothing. A part of her brain was niggling, feeling uncertain and uncomfortable in the situation they were in. She knew it was all related to her new realization of how important the Duncan group was to her.

  “I’ll make my way back to the back. Maybe if we shoot out the windows, we’ll get their attention,” Alex said.

  Max watched as Alex duck walked by the SUV windows. A murmur could be heard between Cliff and Alex. A moment later, the back window exploded as Alex took aim. Yelling could be heard from the open window and Max’s blood chilled in her veins. She could recognize the voice that was barking the orders.

  “He’s in there,” Max said.

  “Are you sure?” Rafe asked.

  “Absolutely. And he’s not happy.”

  Rafe stood and took aim at the windshield. He shattered it, causing glass to pelt the interior of the vehicle. He quickly fell to the ground again as return fire came their way. Bullets pounded into the hood of the vehicle. They both huddled behind the tires, waiting for them to run out of rounds.

  Two doors opened and Max heard boots hit the ground. When she looked around the bumper of her hiding spot, she could see two men coming out of the SUV. One was coming for her and Rafe, the other toward Alex and Cliff. The one going toward Alex fell to his knees, and Max could see his blood spread on the asphalt. Alex had gotten him with her knife.

  Rafe stood and shot the approaching soldier in the chest and stomach in a quick two shot succession. The soldier fired off a returning round, but it went wild as he fell to his knees and tried to grip his wounds. He tried to crawl back to the SUV, but his heart quickly gave out and he fell limp on the ground.

  “Maxine, I’m sure I saw you out there,” a voice came from inside the SUV.

  “Why don’t you come out and say hi?” Max yelled.

  “How would that be beneficial for me?” Callahan replied.

  “Either come out or we come get you, doesn’t really matter to me,” Max called back.

  “Alex, do you have a shot?” Rafe yelled.

  “He’s hiding,” Alex replied.

  “Because that’s what snakes do,” Max said.

  A dark chuckle came from the SUV and Max involuntarily shivered. “I’m hurt, Maxine. I thought we were friends.”

  Max’s hands balled at her sides and she wanted to storm the vehicle herself and yank him out.

  “That’s what he wants,” Rafe said to her quietly. “He wants us to come one at a time, so he can pick us off. It’s the only way for him to win.”

  “Come on, Maxine. Why don’t you come have a face-to-face chat?”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  “No, Max,” Alex’s voice came from behind them. She and Cliff had made their way over while Callahan was taunting Max.

  “How else are we going to get him out?” Max demanded.

  “He’s going to have to do something, soon,” Rafe said.

  “You don’t believe that. We also don’t know what contact he has with the bunker. More soldiers could be coming. We aren’t able to fight more,” Max said.

  Rafe and Alex shared a look, and Max knew they saw her reasoning. Alex paced for a moment and came to a stop next to the soldier that was lying on his face. She kicked him over and he stared at her with a mix of fear and anger. His nose looked broken from his fall, blood streamed down the sides of his face.

  “Who else is in that truck?” Alex asked.

  The soldier just spit blood to the side. Alex cocked her head, looking at him, waiting to see if he would make a better decision. He did not want to comply. Alex kicked him sharply in the side and air wheezed from his mouth.

  “Are there more soldiers in there?” She asked.

  The soldier continued to stare at her without answering. Alex sighed and turned back to the group.

  “Brave jackass. We’ll have to decide how to handle him later,” Alex said.

  “We’re going to have to rush the vehicle, Alex. If we go two and two, we should be able to push him out,” Max said.

  “Maxine, is that Alex with you? I remember her photos in your file. I think I prefer her over you,” Callahan taunted.

  “I’m going to kill him,” Max growled.

  “You? We’re all in
line for this,” Alex replied.

  “Alex, what do you think?” Rafe asked.

  “You and me go to the far side, the way I just came. Cliff and Max, go to the other side. Maybe if Max keeps talking to him, she can distract him long enough for one of us to shoot him,” Alex said.

  “I have to keep talking to him?” Max asked.

  “I think you can manage. Just get mad. It seems to be what he wants,” Alex replied.

  Max nodded and looked over at Cliff. The big man nodded to her. Alex and Rafe disappeared around the SUV, skirting along the edge of the cliff until they could jump back over the guardrail near the second vehicle. Max and Cliff crouched as they ran for the front end of the vehicle.

  “How did you pull this all off, Maxine?” Callahan called.

  “You aren’t that hard to figure out,” Max replied.

  “Oh, your voice is closer now. Are you coming to have our face-to-face chat?” Callahan said.

  “If we were face to face, there wouldn’t be any talking,” Max said.

  “So hostile, Maxine,” Callahan said, tutting like she was a child.

  “I can’t imagine why, you stuck up prick. You tortured me,” Max yelled.

  “You survived, didn’t you? And look, you found your family. I’m not sure why you’re complaining,” Callahan replied. His voice took on a bored tone and Max was on the verge of seeing red.

  Just as Max was ready to just go into the vehicle herself, the door closest to them burst open and a soldier bailed out, turning a gun immediately in the direction of Max and Cliff. Max reacted instinctively by dropping and returning fire. The soldier got another ten steps before Max’s aim was true and he fell.

  Max jumped to her feet, adrenaline coursing through her veins. She looked around wildly, wondering if another attack was coming. Suddenly, Max was lifted off her feet in a bearhug. She was swung away from the vehicle and she could feel the body shuddering behind her. The crack of gunfire registered dimly as Max tried to figure out what was happening.

  “No!” Max heard her sister scream.

  Glass shattering and additional gunfire came to Max’s ears. But she was still wrapped in arms, until she fell in a heap, tangled up with another body. Max felt pain shoot through her face as it scraped the pavement. Her shoulder took the brunt of the fall and she twisted, trying to push herself from under the body on her. When she finally got free and turned, she realized it was Cliff laying on his side next to her.


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