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Under Wraps

Page 5

by Joanne Rock

  “Is it?” He reached across the console to smooth a strand of her hair behind one ear, inciting a path of gooseflesh up her arm directly underneath his hand. The words hell yes never made it to her lips, even though she darted her tongue along them to prime the path for the utterance.

  His eyes followed the movement like a tracking device, his pupils dilating so that his green eyes turned almost completely dark. Her heart hammered against her chest. Her brain trotted out every misplaced fantasy she’d ever had about Jake since first laying eyes on him that day he’d built her cabinet.

  Each of those sexy daydreams came back to her now, conspiring against all her best intentions.

  Just one kiss.

  The thought crossed her mind long enough to propel her forward a scant inch—past the point of no return.


  TWO MONTHS’ WORTH of waiting for Marnie paid off.


  He knew the moment she’d consented to the kiss and he sealed the deal an instant later, capturing her mouth with his for that first experimental taste. The bubble gum scent of her lips and the subtle hint of a surrendering sigh drew him closer. He wrapped an arm around her back, anchoring her to him.

  Hands coming to rest on his shoulders, she twisted her fingers in the fabric, her nails scraping lightly over the pressed cotton. He’d waited so damn long to feel that sensation of her arching against him. How many times had he watched her in his surveillance footage, only to war with his conscience about wanting her? Now, her lips slid sweetly over his, her whole body melting into his like hot butter.

  The gearshift pressing in his side didn’t matter. Nor did the water bottles rolling on the floor as he knocked things off the console. Marnie’s breathy hum sang in his ears like a victory tune.

  If only he could have a little more of her…

  He hooked a finger in the V of her trench coat and tugged her nearer. She responded by wrapping her arms around his neck, ratcheting up the heat. The soft swell of her breasts grazed his chest and his blood surged south so fast he could have taken her then and there.

  If it had been dark outside, he would have been able to pull her onto his lap without anyone around them being the wiser. But in the middle of a parking lot in broad daylight?

  Damn it.

  He broke away from her with a truckload of regret, his breathing harsh. Her eyes opened slowly as she seemed to process the break in the action. Her pupils were dilated, her lips slightly open as if awaiting another kiss. Finally, her fingers unfurled from his shirt, freeing him.

  “Bad idea.” She pronounced the verdict even as her cheeks remained flushed and she ran her tongue over her lips as if to seek a final taste of him.

  “The kiss wasn’t to your satisfaction?” He swiped his thumb along her jaw, unable to release her totally.

  “You know perfectly well that’s not the problem.” She slid away from him, settling back into her own seat until his hand fell away. “Testing the chemistry was the bad idea since all we did was prove how combustible it could be if we touched each other.”

  Frowning, she tightened the belt on her trench coat and tucked the lapels closer together. Did she think a frail cloth barrier could stifle the sensations that surely raced over her skin the same way they sizzled along his?

  The hell of it was, all she accomplished by cinching that belt was to accentuate show-stopping curves he wanted to thoroughly explore.

  “Wrong.” His fingers itched to undress her since he knew better than anyone how much she liked to wear silky slips under her buttoned-up business attire.

  Not that it would help his cause to remind her of that particular fact.

  “Excuse me?” She glared at him across the console, her golden brown hair trapped in the collar of her coat until she flipped it free with a flick of her wrist. “Have you forgotten we need to work together this week? Don’t you think this kind of distraction complicates a working relationship?”

  “Maybe. But that doesn’t make the kiss a bad idea.” He put the car into Reverse, trying to turn his focus toward getting them safely to their destination as quickly as possible. He sure hoped he could shave some time off the twelve hours his maps suggested it would take. “It’s always better to know what you’re dealing with than to wait and wonder.”

  “And now we know.” She didn’t sound too happy about the fact. “We’re not only stuck in a hedonistic sensual haven together, we’re also susceptible to sexual temptation. Don’t you think that’s a problem when we need to concentrate on finding a thief before he bankrupts your client or me, or both of us?”

  When she put it that way, it did sound like a problem.

  “Nothing will interfere with my job,” he assured her. “I guarantee you that much.” He owed Vincent Galway a quick resolution to this mess.

  Without the handful of investigative jobs from Premiere during the year since he’d left the force—and the contacts Vince had shared to help land Jake some lucrative work—Jake would have never grown his thriving business so quickly.

  “Good.” She settled into the corner of her seat farthest from him and closed her eyes as if she would finally sleep. Or at least, pretend to. “Then we’re agreed we’ll never let that happen again.”


  That was a long time in Jake’s book and he didn’t plan to agree or disagree. As far as he was concerned, strong sensual chemistry would lend their cover more authenticity.

  And after one electric taste of Marnie Wainwright, Jake knew there wasn’t a chance in hell they’d resist the lure of that attraction for long.


  The request was issued by the sleek and incredibly sexy brunette behind the desk of the Marquis that night.

  Marnie half hid behind Jake as they checked into the resort to ensure no one recognized her. She had never seen this woman who greeted them before, though, not unusual since the Marquis didn’t employ many regular staff members, preferring to run the place more like an ashram than a business. Guests who lingered there for more than a week took turns as greeters and hosts, welcoming other guests. Guests could even sign up for waitstaff and housekeeping duties, jobs that frequently filled role-playing fantasies. No doubt tonight’s greeter was a hotel guest looking to meet new people if she’d volunteered for desk duty.

  With that in mind, Marnie didn’t worry quite so much about being recognized. Besides, she’d purchased temporary hair color when they hit the New York border and was now a redhead. She’d also braided a plait around the crown of her head so that she fit in with the historically themed Marquis. A small, cosmetic change, but it gave her a very different look.

  “Jack and Marie Barnes,” Jake lied, signing the old-fashioned register with fake names while the hostess ran a credit card.

  Marnie had been interested to see if the transaction would work, but Jake had assured her that the card was tied to a false business that could not be traced back to him.

  Apparently, no one knew their way around the law quite as well as an ex-cop.

  “Welcome, Jack and Marie. I’m Lianna.” The dark-haired siren handed Jake a room card imprinted with a photo of an old-fashioned iron key. “Is this your first time with us at the Marquis?”

  The woman looked as if she could have walked right out of a late nineteenth-century painting. Everything from her loosely upswept curls to her pink gown fit in with the elegant surroundings. Exotic Persian carpets in an array of patterns dotted the highly polished wooden floors. Wrought-iron sconces hung at regular intervals along the walls of the reception parlor, the flames flickering with the regularity of gas fixtures. Softly worn tapestries depicting maidens in varying states of undress were the only indication that the Marquis might not be your average historic hotel.

  The sensual works on the walls made for an interesting contrast with the holiday decor. Every inch of the place was decked in greenery and holly berries. Evergreen boughs had been struck through the spindles on the wide main staircase as they entered.
Bowls of fruit with gold ornaments dotted tables and stands.

  “We’ve never been here before,” Jake told the woman, taking the key. “It’s my understanding we can have dinner brought to our suite?”

  “If you wish, but we encourage all our guests to become acquainted with the layout of the rooms and the other residents as soon as possible to make the most of every moment here.” Lianna came out from behind the secretary desk that served as guest reception, her bustled pink skirts swishing softly with her movements. “Ideally, your first night under our roof should give you a taste of all the delights to come.”

  She paused so close to them that Marnie could smell the woman’s perfume. Her long, dark lashes fell to half-mast as she sent a look of blatant invitation in a glance that darted from Marnie to Jake and back again.

  Marnie had known she and Jake would face temptations at the Marquis—from each other as well as from third-party invitations. She just hadn’t expected them to start arriving so damn quickly. Possessiveness made her thread her arm through Jake’s, even though she had no idea if Lianna was flirting with him or her.

  “I’m sure the meal will taste just as delightful in our room as it does in the dining hall.” Marnie tugged on Jake’s elbow, away from the bombshell in pink satin.

  “Lianna.” Jake remained in place. “We’d like to observe some of the evening’s activities without joining anyone else. Is that possible?”

  Lianna’s dark eyes lit with approval.

  “We welcome voyeurs, of course.” She turned back to her desk and, bending forward over it to search for something, she presented them with a close-up view of her ruffle-swathed rump and a hint of seamed stocking.

  Marnie suddenly hoped the woman proved guilty of the crimes they were investigating so that Marnie could see the flirtatious temptress behind bars.

  Jake wrapped his arm around her, at least, assuring Marnie he hadn’t forgotten she was alive. Not that she wanted to embark on some torrid affair with the P.I. herself. But somehow it would have bothered her to have him ogle another woman while he pretended to be her husband.

  At least, she wished that was the only reason for the surge of jealousy.

  “Here you go.” Lianna turned around in triumph, holding another key card in her hand. This one had a picture of a wooden door with a cutout slit, sort of like the flip-open slots used in a prison to serve a confined inmate his meals. “Just slip this key into any of the peepholes that look like this around the hotel.”

  She tapped the card to indicate the image of the wooden slot.

  Marnie recalled seeing those slots around the Marquis the one other time she’d visited in her promotional efforts for Premiere Properties, but she hadn’t had the slightest notion of their purpose. Consensual voyeurism was one thing. Being spied on unaware was something totally different. Had she been watched on her last trip here without ever being the wiser?

  “Do any of the private rooms have peepholes that we won’t know about?” Marnie was horrified to think some unseen guest might be able to spy on her and Jake in their suite.

  The thought reminded her all over again that Jake had watched her for two months without her knowledge. She couldn’t help another surge of anger at his violation of her privacy.

  “Of course not.” Lianna leaned closer to give Marnie’s arm a reassuring squeeze as if they were close friends. “The only guests who have ones in their rooms request it specifically at check-in.”

  “Exhibitionists,” Jake clarified, pocketing the key.

  “A voyeur’s best friend,” Lianna added with a wink. She settled her hand on her hip in a pose worthy of Mae West, her curves displayed at a suggestive, pinup girl angle. “Let me know if there’s anything else either of you need. I’ll be at the desk all night.”

  “Thank you.” With a nod, Jake turned away from her and tucked Marnie under his arm to lead her through the hotel.

  Ducking her head, she allowed Jake to guide her toward an antique-looking elevator with the old-fashioned gold gate that pulled across the doors. They had agreed in advance to let Jake be the public face of their couple since there was a chance Marnie could be recognized even in disguise.

  “We can take the elevator to our room on the third floor.” Marnie knew she should be exhausted, even though she’d slept a little on the trip. Still, adrenaline coursed through her after the run-in with Lianna and being inundated by talk of voyeurs and images of half-naked women on the larger-than-life tapestries. She’d seen those same wall hangings the last time she’d visited, but somehow they packed more punch with Jake standing next to her. Her senses seemed to have become hyperacute ever since that kiss in the SUV on the way up here.

  Now she wondered how she could have ever visited this place without thinking about sex every second.

  “No.” Jake kept walking past the elevator. “Let’s see the clothing store first. We’re going to want to get straight to work tomorrow and apparently we’ll need the right duds.”

  They passed a woman—clearly a guest—dressed in a red velvet maid’s uniform with a Santa hat and stilettos. The volunteer worker pushed her cart full of scented soaps and complimentary bottles of edible massage oil as if it were all in a day’s work, but her eyes cut to Jake with even more obvious intent than Lianna had shown.

  Marnie had seen enough. Her senses couldn’t take another moment of nonstop sensual bombardment.

  “I can’t do this.” She lowered her voice until the maid disappeared around the end of the hall where a seventeen-foot-high Christmas tree welcomed visitors.

  “What do you mean, you can’t do this?” He turned to face her in the now-deserted corridor. Only a few sconces lit the long stretch of hallway. Somewhere nearby, she could hear hints of chamber music and laughter. A party of some sort, or dinner perhaps.

  Jake’s green eyes narrowed, all his attention on her, his arm still wrapped about her waist. He let go of the rolling suitcase behind him.

  “I think I’m just overwhelmed. It’s been such a long couple of days. I went from a normal life to finding a hidden camera and then starting on this thousand-mile…odyssey to seek vindication.”

  With a dark look, he covered her mouth with his hand.

  “Not here.”

  The feel of his fingers on her lips sent a surge of longing through her. She had the strangest impulse to flick her tongue along the inside of his palm but she forced herself to be sensible.

  Of course, he was right. She was just overtired and muddleheaded. Someone could be listening. Or watching. Hadn’t they just discovered there were peepholes for private spying everywhere? But she was so keyed-up she couldn’t think straight.

  She wanted to tell him that she needed to find their room and get her bearings, but before he released her, a door sprang open about ten yards away. Light and sound spilled into the corridor from a large gathering where the string music originated. A young blonde in a white linen gown raced from the room, laughing and trailing blue ribbons from a silk scrap of lace she hugged to her chest. With a squeal, she lifted her long skirt with her other hand, picking up her pace to run past Marnie and Jake. Seconds behind her, two men emerged from the same door. With broad, muscular shoulders housed in matching dinner jackets, the guys resembled one another in every aspect from their long, dark hair to otherworldly tawny eyes that could only come from colored contacts. The twins set off in pursuit of the blonde, though the one who trailed a step behind his brother bumped Marnie as he passed.

  “Excuse me.” He halted immediately. Tawny cat’s-eyes sought hers as he reached to straighten her. “So very sorry.”

  He bowed over her hand and kissed it, eliciting a low, possessive growl from Jake.

  “Move. On.” Jake leaned toward the other man without ever releasing Marnie’s waist.

  Nodding serenely, the other man let go of Marnie’s hand and jogged in the direction where the other two had gone.

  “Come on.” Jake pulled her away from the open door and back toward the elevato

  And while Marnie’s hormones remained stirred by her private eye companion and not the he-man twin playing dress-up with his eyewear, she appreciated that the incident had caused Jake to feel the same jealousy that Lianna had inspired in her. The possessiveness in his voice and in his grip stirred a warmth low in her belly.

  “It is not as fun when the shoe is on the other foot, is it?” She tipped her head onto Jake’s shoulder, seeking comfort from a source she couldn’t afford to resist any longer.

  They needed to present a united front while they were in this place full of potential land mines.

  “No one else touches you while we’re here.” He punched the elevator button and the doors opened to reveal a silk settee resting in front of an Indian-printed length of gold fabric.

  A thrill ran through her that she had no business feeling as he ushered her in. How could she be so turned-on by a guy who’d investigated her and spied on her for weeks without her knowing? A guy she needed to work with? She tried to work up a surge of anger and failed. She was too tired. Overwhelmed.

  And still turned-on in spite of everything.

  Her pulse spiked at his obvious interest.

  “Does that exclusivity work both ways?”

  “Would you like that?” He turned her toward him while the lift took them up two floors. “Would you like knowing you’re the only woman who touches me this week?”

  She knew he asked her so much more than what the surface question revealed. Mostly—did she want him as much as he wanted her?

  And while she hadn’t been prepared to take that plunge before, now that she’d experienced the way this place was going to get under their skin, she needed to be a little more realistic.

  “Yes. I want to be the only one.” She couldn’t deny how much she wanted that assurance of exclusivity when it came to Jake.

  Her blood stirred at the thought of the kiss he’d given her.

  No matter how awkwardly their relationship had been forged—her on one end of a camera lens and him on the other—she couldn’t deny that he’d peopled her fantasies even before then.


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