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Rockstar's Temptation (Decoy #4)

Page 6

by K. T Fisher

  I know it’s not the same with Max, because we’re not together, but the betrayal is still there.

  “Lauren is yet again jealous of your relationship, but this time it’s with Max. It’s happening all over again, Maisy. You have to stop her from ruining what you have with him.”

  I shake my head. “It’s already happened, Tilly, I saw them yesterday.”

  This time, it’s Tilly’s turn to shake her head. “I don’t believe her. Max wouldn’t do that to you.”

  “How do you know?”

  “I’ve seen the way he looks at you,” she simply answers. It’s obvious she has a sharp eye and has been seeing things I haven’t been able to for a while now.

  The truth is, the thought of Lauren sleeping with Max hurts a hell of a lot more than it did with Ash.

  “Have you spoken to Max yet?” Tilly asks.


  “Maybe you should.”

  Before I can even answer her, my office phone starts to ring, and Tilly excuses herself as our staff arrives for the day’s work.

  When I answer, my mood worsens as I have to listen to Mrs. Harold’s voice.

  “Miss Ashford, I need you to come down to the property.” She tells me.

  “OK, but I thought we had finalized the plans?” More than ten times, actually, and it is getting on my nerves.

  “Just a few more things, that’s all.”

  I agree to come right away and pray she doesn’t test my patience today of all days.


  When I finally get home from work I see Lauren standing in the middle of the living room.

  “I thought you would be gone by now.” I place my bag down and go to make myself a strong coffee. I see the wine and think, fuck it, I’ll have that instead.

  “My things are at mom and dad’s. They told me to tell you that it’s family dinner tonight.” She hands me the key and watches me as I drink my glass of wine which tastes amazing. I fucking hate family dinner night. Thankfully, it’s not every week, just when dear old mother decides she actually needs to see her family. This should be a special one, though, because Lauren is attending.

  “I also wanted to say that I’m sorry.”

  I actually laugh. “No, you’re not. It’s what you do, Lauren.” She looks down to her feet, but I don’t feel sorry for her at all. In fact, a disturbing thought comes to mind which I can’t believe I didn’t think of before. “Lauren? What about your boyfriend?”

  Oh yeah, that’s right. She has a perfect boyfriend back in America.

  “We’re not together anymore.” I’m shocked to see she actually looks a little disappointed. Wow she must have really liked him.

  As far as I knew, from what my mother told me, she was happy with this one, and mother was so proud of her youngest daughter. What a shame. “What happened?” Lauren actually blushes, and I feel like laughing. “Oh, I get it. You did what you always do, didn’t you?”

  She slowly nods her head.

  “Who was it this time? Your boss, his brother or his dad?” I laugh.

  “I cheated on him with his friends.”

  My laughter becomes louder as I realize what she just said. “Not friend? Friends?” Lauren nods her head. “God, you stupid bitch. You always have to ruin everything.”

  I may sound harsh, but she needs to hear it.

  “Don’t say anything tonight Maisy.” Lauren pleads.

  I pause with the wine glass in front of my mouth. “You want me to do you a favour?” She’s got to be kidding me!

  She nods her head. “Please, Maisy, I’m begging you.”

  My good nature takes over, and I nod my head. “Fine, but stay the fuck away from him.”

  She knows exactly who I’m talking about and quickly nods her head. I slam my glass down and go to get changed for dinner. This should be fun.

  Chapter Twelve


  The following weekend, Sophie and Kendal have decided it’s time for a family dinner. After a hard week at work, I’m really looking forward to it, but I still haven’t spoken to Max. Every morning when I walk into work, Tilly asks if I have finally called him, but the answer is always the same: No. It’s not that I don’t want to. I mean, sure I’m scared to talk to him about what has happened, and about what is happening between us, but that’s not why I haven’t tried yet. This week has been really busy at work. Not only are the Harold’s making me create stressful, last-minute changes, but we’ve also taken on four other developments, and my dad’s construction company has called on us to help with some of their conversion builds.

  So like a chicken shit, I have used that as an excuse, and I’ve not only ignored his attempts at contact but I’ve not even bothered to try get in touch with him It’s been really weird, because we always speak, even if it’s just a goofy picture to each other. We always keep in contact.

  Even though it will be awkward, I’m really looking forward to the family dinner. Sophie is always getting us all together, and we all love her for it. It’s being held at Kendal and Jax’s place, with a team of chefs and waiters. Funny how time changes things. Before Jax returned, a family dinner would either be at a local restaurant or a takeaway at one of our houses.

  I decide to wear my long grey dress and white Converse. There’s no real need to dress up. On the drive over, my nerves start to surface. I take deep, calming breaths and let the voice of Beyoncé calm me. When I arrive, I’m glad to see that I’m not the last one there, but Max is standing outside, waiting at the door. Like an idiot, I fumble around in my car, acting like I’m busy so I don’t have to exit my car just yet. Max obviously knows this and opens my door.

  “Mase, what are you doing?” Fuck me, I haven’t even turned around yet, and he’s affecting me already. His deep voice does that to me. I look around my car for an excuse, but come up empty. “Get your ass out here.”

  Sighing in defeat, I get my ass out of the car and stand to face him. God, I have missed this man. His smell, his bulging arms that pop out of his shirt sleeves, his jeans that cling to his thick thighs and his gorgeous face. Hell, I’ve missed everything about him. Why did he have to sleep with my sister and fuck everything up? Tilly still thinks Lauren is lying and I pray she’s right because if that’s so, Max and I have no future. As much as Max means to me, I will never be with someone after my sister.

  Max gives me that heart-warming smile and wraps his arms around me, crushing me to his chest. “Fuck, I’ve missed you,” he mumbles into my ear.

  His heat and arms calm my nerves. “Me, too.” I answer quietly.

  He leans back to look down at me. “Really?”

  “Of course,” I answer.

  “I thought you were still mad at me.”

  “I wasn’t mad, I was pissed, and yeah, I guess I still am, but I have missed you.”

  “We need to talk about that, Maisy.” He answers and the way his voice sounds sad tugs a heartstrings.

  The sound of an engine stops me from answering, and I turn to see Tanya and Leo arrive. Before they have time to approach us, I look back to Max. “Let’s just forget it for tonight, okay? We’ll talk soon.”

  He looks me over and nods just as Tanya and Leo approach us. Tanya wraps her arm around me and leads me into the house. “God, I need some food!” She shouts.

  When we enter the house, I can hear a child’s laughter, and it brings a smile to my face. I love these kids! As soon as I step in, Finley rushes up to us all and gives me and Tanya a huge hug and a fist bump with Max and Leo. April, who is sitting on Sophie’s lap, lifts her arms up when she sees Tanya sit by her. I decide to sit on the floor next to the triplets. They’re just about learning to sit up by themselves so there are cushions and big cuddly toys surrounding them, creating a make-shift play area. I fuss over them, and Kendal laughs at me. I can’t help it! I love all these kids with all my heart. I desperately want kids of my own, but until that day comes I have these children to play with. Max sits beside Rory and hands him a toy he was trying
to reach for. He looks at me with an adorable smile that makes my heart leap. That is, until I hear a scream and turn to see Noah crying and Finley standing over him with his toy truck in his hand.

  “What’s the matter, Noah?” I coo.

  “He had my truck,” Finley explains.

  “Let him play with it, honey, you weren’t playing with it until you saw your brother with it.”

  This makes Finley sulk, but with the right facial expression from both me and Kendal, he places the toy back, which immediately stops Noah’s crying.

  “You’re going to be a great mom someday,” I hear Max speak directly into my ear.

  My cheeks burn bright, and when I look up, I see Tanya and Jessica looking my way with shocked looks. Great.


  Halfway through the meal Jessica leans over to me. “What was that all about earlier?”

  I innocently chew on my food, not looking up. “What was what?”

  She bumps into me. “Don’t lie to me.”

  I look across at her and beg her with my eyes. Max is only facing me, and I don’t want him to overhear anything I will say. “Not now, okay? It’s complicated.”

  Her face brightens. “I knew it.”

  “Jess,” I warm.

  “Okay, okay, don’t worry. Anyway, have you noticed anything weird about Tan?”

  I look over to her, but nothing seems out of place. I watch her as she talks to Kendal, and I still don’t see anything. I shake my head at Jessica.

  “Look at her drink.” I do, and I’m shocked to see she has orange juice! Tanya never drinks juice! It’s usually wine when we’re out, drinking or, for meals, she will always have wine. She doesn’t have a problem, of course, but the girl loves her wine to wind down.

  I look back to Jess with wide eyes, and she nods in return. I keep an eye on Tanya throughout the rest of the meal, and at one point I watch her as she takes a sip from her glass and catches me looking. She looks weirdly embarrassed. Something is definitely up.

  “Lauren not coming?” Sophie asks.

  I shake my head. “No.” Thank goodness.

  “Why did you never tell us about her anyway?” Jax angles his head to the side as he asks.

  Well this isn’t awkward. “We don’t really get along.” I take a sip of my drink, hoping the questions about Lauren will now end.

  Thankfully my friends take the hint. Maybe it was the way I answered Jax.

  “So I heard you’ve met someone, Mase?” Rhys asks, and I freeze.


  Sophie giggles, “Lauren told me that you met someone.”

  “She did?” I bet she did, the stirring bitch. “I met someone when we were out.”

  “What’s his name?” Tanya pounces.

  “Jake, and it’s nothing.” I avoid looking at Max because of what I said about Jake when I caught him and Lauren.

  “I heard you and Lauren hooked up.” Leo looks over to Max.

  Oh dear. It’s as if our friends know, and they’re fucking with us.

  Max sets down his beer. “No, we didn’t.”

  “Good call,” Tanya adds. She also knows everything that happened between me and Lauren with my ex and everything else. She helped me recover with Tilly, after all.

  “Why? I saw the pics, she’s hot,” Leo adds and earns himself a slap on the back of his head from Tanya.

  “Ow!” Leo rubs the back of his head.

  “He’s right,” James adds. “Sorry, Mase.”

  “Don’t mind me,” I mutter.

  “Why don’t you like her, Tan?” Rhys asks.

  “Why? Well, because she’s a…” I know she was going to say bitch but realized there were kids around the table. “I can’t say what I really think because of the young ears, but, basically, she’s two-faced and none of you should trust her.”

  She looks around at everyone. “I mean it, guys. That girl can cause a lot of drama, so be careful.”

  “This true?” Jax asks me.

  “Oh yeah.” I laugh. “She may look sweet, but she’s anything but sweet. It may sound harsh but don’t trust her.”

  “Yeah, and don’t leave your men with her, either. We learned that the hard way, right Mase?”

  I flinch as Tanya brings it up, and I feel like shit that I totally forgot all about Tanya and her ex- boyfriend Peter. Before Lauren came between me and Ash, she also wrecked Tanya’s first love. She wasn’t in love with him, but he was still with her. Lauren came along and ended that. My sister is so classy.

  “What’s that mean?” Kendal asks.

  They all look to me, but I’m not in the mood to talk about Lauren anymore. “Tan can fill you in.”

  When they all turn to Tanya, she begins her story-telling, all apart from one. While Tanya speaks of what Lauren did to me, Max never takes his eyes away from me. I keep my calm and finish my chocolate cake, pretending he’s not affecting me at all.


  The waiters take away our dishes and the hired cleaners tidy the kitchen. Kendal stands and announces it’s time for Finley and the triplet’s bedtime.

  “You can bring April up, too, if you like?” she says to Sophie as she spots the little girl asleep in her daddy’s arms.

  Jax gives his children a kiss goodnight, and Tanya, Jessica, and I decide to help with bedtime as all the children seem a little hyper because everyone is here.

  We all follow Kendal, each carrying a baby who looks tired, while Sophie settles April in one of the triplets’ cots. I help get Grace into her pyjamas, and Tanya does the same to Noah and Jessica with Rory as Kendal sees to Finley in his room. When Kendal enters, she smiles at us all and settles her babies into their cots. As she quickly tidies up, she smirks over at Tanya.

  “Well, well, well, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you drink juice during dinner.”

  We all giggle, and Tanya blushes.

  “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say she was pregnant,” Sophie joins in.

  Tanya’s eyes widen, and our laughing stops. Her eyes water as she looks at us all. She bites her lip and slowly nods her head. It takes us a few seconds, but when it clicks, we all quietly hug her tightly, careful to not disturb the children.

  We leave the triplets’ room after Kendal has turned on the baby monitors and as soon as we’re out of earshot of the babies, we all quiz Tanya.

  “When did you find out?” I ask.

  “Last week,” she confesses. “I’m sorry we didn’t tell you, I just didn’t know how.”

  “It’s fine, honey,” Kendal reassures her.

  “We’re so happy for you,” Jessica adds.

  Then, like the typical women we are, we all tear up and hug it out before joining the men downstairs. Tanya walks right up to Leo and whispers in his ear. He then looks up at us all and smiles. It’s huge and filled with pride. I’m so happy for them. After everything they went through, I am so pleased.

  Leo stands and the men of our group look confused.

  “What are you doing?” Jax asks, and Kendal slaps his thigh.

  “Let him talk,” she snaps.

  “Thanks, Kendal.” Leo laughs. “Tanya has just told me that the women have figured her out, so now I need to tell you dumb fucks.” He gestures to Jax, Rhys, Max, James and Mark.

  “What the hell?” Mark whines.

  “Chill out, Mark.” Jessica answers. “Now, everyone shut up and let the man talk.”

  “I’m going to be a dad,” Leo simply says and like when Tanya admitted it, the men stay put for a few seconds and then they’re suddenly up, hugging Leo and slapping him on the back. Then they kiss Tanya and congratulate them.

  “Man, it’s the fucking best,” Jax tells him.

  “I know,” Leo answers smugly. “Besides, all of you are having them, I had to join in,” he jokes.

  “Erm not me.” James says and worriedly looks a little pale.

  “Chill out,” I laugh. “Just the mention of babies doesn’t make a woman pregnant with your baby.”

  “Shut up.” He pushes me away. “Not my fault the idea of being a dad scares the shit out of me.”

  “But you’re great with the babies,” Sophie says.

  “Yeah, because they’re not mine,” he simply answers.

  “Not me, I can’t wait,” Max announces. I look up at him, and he doesn’t take his eyes from me as he adds, “Nothing better than having a beautiful woman with your baby inside of her. Shit doesn’t get better than that.”

  I’m in total shock. I move my eyes fromMaxand straight into Jessica’s eyes. They are wide and her mouth hangs open. I don’t dare to look at anyone else. The men look shocked at Max for what he just said, but the women don’t. Well, along with Jess, I’m guessing their minds are spinning as Kendal, Tanya and Sophie stare at me, too, with the same expression as Jessica.


  I watch as Maisy drives away. It was nice to finally see her tonight. I think I might have made it a little too obvious, though, what with the whole baby talk. I need to plant the idea in her head, however, she needs to know where I stand with her, and I’m afraid that if I come right out with it, I will scare her off for good.

  “What’s happening with you two?” I hear Jessica say from behind me.

  I turn and see her leaning against the wall, looking right at me. “What are you asking, Jess?”

  Although I know exactly what she’s asking.

  “You and Maisy.” She walks a little closer and really looks at me, her dark brown eyes reading me. “I always tease you and her about your weird friendship, but watching you two tonight, I saw something. It was more intense than usual. I want to know what you are doing?”

  “Jess, what the fuck are you talking about?”

  She smiles. “You’re a friend, Max, but if you hurt her, I will have your balls on a plate.” She keeps her smile on her face but it doesn’t look so friendly now. She looks more threatening. “So be a clever boy.”


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