Book Read Free

Green with Envy

Page 1

by Jessica Burkhart


  1. Spilling Secrets

  2. Two Princesses + One Celebration = Awesome!

  3. Instant Besties

  4. Early Princess Gets the Unicorn

  5. Stable, Dinner, Sleep, Repeat

  6. Glimmer’s Gone Green

  7. Let’s Talk

  8.Lyssa to the Rescue

  9. Social Butterfly

  10. IOU

  ‘The Hidden Treasure’ Excerpt

  About the Author


  Spilling Secrets

  “Next Friday is going to be the best day ever!” Princess Bella said to her two best friends. Ivy and Clara walked beside Bella as the three girls left their classroom on Friday afternoon. The girls had school every day at Crystal Castle—Bella’s home—and shared the classroom with six other third-grade students. Most of them, like Ivy, had parents who worked at Crystal Castle. Another student, older by a year, was Ben.

  Ben had just joined Bella’s class when he had come to Crystal Castle to be an apprentice for his uncle Frederick. Frederick was the royal stable manager, and he had put Ben to work helping care for the castle’s prized unicorns, including ­Bella’s own unicorn, Glimmer.

  Bella’s closest friends weren’t official “royals,” but they were princesses to her!

  “I know!” Ivy said. “No school for an entire week! I love spring break!” She slung her pink shimmery backpack over one shoulder. Pieces of her white-blond hair were twisted and held off her face by several rhinestone butterfly hair clips. The enchanted butterfly wings fluttered open and shut, making the gemstones sparkle.

  “That’s so exciting, but I’m with Bella,” Clara said. “Friday is huge!” Clara, the most outgoing of the three friends, skipped ahead a couple of steps, then turned around and walked backward so she faced her friends. Clara’s backpack, covered in teensy blue lights that flashed on when the bag moved, rolled beside her on wheels over the ­castle’s marble floor.

  Bella and Ivy giggled at Clara as she almost tripped over her own feet.

  “My parents didn’t even tell me that they were going to throw a party for our class,” Bella said. “We get the whole week off, and on Friday is the party, with a movie in the garden, desserts, and music. And we all get to hang out.”

  Bella smiled at the thought of spending more time with her classmates. Lately, the princess had barely enough time to see her besties.

  “Plus, there’s an extra surprise that I didn’t tell you about yet,” Bella said mysteriously.

  Clara stopped so suddenly that Bella and Ivy almost plowed into her.

  “Spill!” Clara said, her long strawberry-blond waves swishing around her shoulders.

  “Tell us!” Ivy added, making wide eyes and pouting.

  Bella laughed. “Okay. Want to go to the stables? We could sit with Glimmer and talk. We already got the okay from your parents for you to stay after school for a while.”

  “Stables. Yes! Let’s go! I want to know the extra surprise!” Clara said, grabbing the hands of Ivy and Bella and pulling them forward.

  They ran, laughing, down a long hallway in the castle. The girls stopped in front of the giant wooden front door, and Clara told her backpack to “stay.” Ivy put hers beside Clara’s, and Bella dropped her own purple one on the pile.

  A castle security guard, gleaming sword at his side, opened the door for them. Bright sunlight almost blinded Bella for a moment as she skipped with her friends across the Crystal Castle lawn toward the stable.

  Bella carefully looked over the grounds. She wanted everything to be perfect for her ­surprise. But there wasn’t a thing she would change. Royal unicorns, white as fresh snow, munched on emerald-­colored grass in pastures on both sides of the castle’s driveway. A few unicorns were ­napping—flat out on their sides—and soaking up the sun. The weather was perfect—warm but not too hot. It was Bella’s favorite time of year.

  The girls reached the stables and slowed to a walk so they didn’t scare any of the unicorns. The royal stables had a mint-green exterior and a black roof.

  Inside, a large main aisle had a row of stalls on either side. Since it was so nice out, most of the stalls were empty, as the unicorns were outside. But at the end of the left aisle, a closed stall door held one very special unicorn. Bella craned her neck, looking for Ben.

  “Glimmer!” Bella called. “We’re here!”

  She couldn’t help but smile when her ­beautiful unicorn stuck her head over the stall door. The purple tinted unicorn neighed excitedly when she saw Bella.

  Bella slid the giant bolt on the stall door and opened it. Ivy and Clara followed her inside, shutting the door behind them.

  “Hi, Glimmer,” Bella said softly. “Pretty girl.” The princess hugged Glimmer’s neck while Ivy and Clara petted her.

  Glimmer bumped her velvet-soft nose against Bella’s hands, making the princess laugh.

  Bella and Glimmer shared a very special bond. Just under a week ago, Glimmer had disappeared from the royal stables. At first Bella had been certain her unicorn had been uni-napped, until she got help from Ben, Ivy, and Clara. They learned that Glimmer had run away, and after days of searching, Bella had found Glimmer deep in the scary Dark Forest. The princess had pleaded with Glimmer to follow her out of the dangerous woods. She wanted Glimmer to be safe, even if Glimmer didn’t want to be her unicorn.

  As Glimmer had nudged Bella’s hands just now, it was something the unicorn had done in the woods. When Glimmer touched Bella, something magical happened between them. Bella was able to read Glimmer’s body language and, almost like mind reading, be able to tell what Glimmer was thinking or how she was feeling.

  That day, surrounded by the Dark Forest, Glimmer had told Bella that she was scared to be the princess’s unicorn. Glimmer loved Bella more than anything, but worried she wouldn’t be good enough.

  Bella assured Glimmer that the unicorn was perfect and everything she wanted.

  Princess Bella jumped, startled, as Glimmer bumped her hands a little harder.

  “It’s like Glimmer’s saying, ‘Earth to Bella,’” Ivy said with a smile.

  “True. She’s also saying, ‘Get me a treat, please,’” Bella said.

  She ran a hand down Glimmer’s white neck with her light-purple-tinged mane. “I’ll get you one before we leave, okay?”

  Glimmer bobbed her head.

  The girls settled onto the clean straw and Glimmer, not wanting to be left out, folded her legs under her and delicately lowered herself to the stall floor.

  “Aw! I have to take a picture of this, even though I don’t have my camera,” Clara said. She made a rectangle shape with her fingers, touching her pointer fingers to her thumbs. Photos were always better with a camera, but magic worked in a pinch. “Photograph,” she commanded. She closed one eye and moved her hands closer to Glimmer. “Take picture now.”


  A small burst of sparkles shimmered into the air. The photo appeared in the air, and Ivy and Clara tilted their heads to see it.

  “Ooh!” Bella exclaimed. “Send me that picture!”

  Clara nodded. “I will. Camera, I’m finished.” The image of Glimmer vanished.

  “So do you guys remember my cousin Violet?” Bella asked.

  “She’s a princess in Foris Kingdom, right?” Ivy asked. “A few months younger than us?”

  Foris Kingdom was on one of four sky islands—pieces of land that floated way above the clouds. A person could only reach another island if a rainbow or moonbow was cast. Then the sky island was in walking distance.

Bella said. “Violet’s dad is my uncle, King Alexander—my dad’s brother. You guys know how close Violet and I are. Even though she lives in Foris, we’ve been like best friends since we could walk.”

  “You’ve talked a lot about her,” Clara said. “She sounds so nice.”

  Bella smiled. “She is. We’ve bonded even more since my Pair to Glimmer.”

  “That makes sense,” Ivy said. “Did Violet want to know all about your Pairing? I know I would.”

  Bella nodded. “I told her most of it over the phone.” She sighed. “I really wish you could meet her.”

  Ivy and Clara both frowned, sticking out their bottom lips.

  “We would have so much fun together,” Bella said. “And we will because . . . Violet’s coming to visit! Surprise!”


  Two Princesses + One Celebration = Awesome!

  “BELLA!” Ivy and Clara shrieked.

  Bella giggled at her friends’ faces. They were pink from shouting, and even Glimmer looked as if she was almost smiling.

  “You sneak!” Ivy said. “When is she coming?”

  “Tomorrow!” Bella said. “Violet’s staying at the castle all week, and she’s coming to our class party on Friday.”

  “Ooh, yay!” Clara said. She clasped her hands together.

  “My mom, dad, and I are meeting her at the end of the rainbow from the Foris Kingdom exit,” Bella said.

  “Just when I thought next week couldn’t get any better,” Ivy said. She twirled a stalk of straw around her finger. “I can’t wait for Violet to get here.”

  Glimmer added a soft whicker as if stating her opinion.

  “This is going to be so much fun! You said you told Violet about your Pairing Ceremony,” Clara said. “Have you talked about auras yet? Does ­Violet know about Queen Fire?”

  Bella shook her head. “Not yet. I told Violet the basics: that the aura appears on your eighth birthday. When the aura appears, you get to walk down a line of royal unicorns, watching each unicorn glow a different color until you both have the same aura glow color. I told Violet that mine is purple and, of course, sent her a million photos of Glimmer, but I haven’t told her about Queen Fire.”

  Just saying the words “Queen Fire” left a bad taste in Bella’s mouth.

  “Are you going to tell her?” Ivy asked, her voice soft.

  It hadn’t been even a week since Bella had been up against the evil queen who ruled the Blacklands—a dangerous place that no one went near—and the Dark Forest.

  “I think I have to,” Bella said. “Violet is family. Queen Fire is my”—she swallowed—“my mom’s twin sister. My aunt. I don’t want to keep a secret that big from her.”

  Bella shook her head hard, trying to send thoughts of Queen Fire away. She knew she had to tell Violet—her younger cousin was three weeks away from her own Pairing Ceremony.

  “No more talk of You Know Who today,” Clara declared. “We have lots of things to be excited about.”

  Bella smiled. “We so do! A sleepover is a must this week. I want you both here as much as possible all week long.”

  Just the thought of Violet visiting made Bella want to do cartwheels. Violet was one of her best friends, and they hadn’t had a week together in years. Usually they only saw each other during holidays or vacations. They had so much to talk about!

  Violet’s parents had agreed to let the princess have a week off from her private tutor to spend time at Crystal Castle. Bella’s dad, King Phillip, had assured Violet’s parents that his niece needed to come spend time with kids her own age and the party would be good for her. The king and queen hadn’t wanted Bella to grow up lonely or without interaction with kids her own age, so that was why they had decided to have a small classroom in Crystal Castle.

  “Did I mention how amazing this week is going to be?” Bella asked. She grinned, and they all cracked up. Laughing, the three friends high-fived.


  Instant Besties

  “Mom! Dad! We’re going to be late!” Bella called up the winding staircase. She shook her head, sending her wavy brown hair across her shoulders.

  “Bells, don’t worry,” Lyssa said. “You’ll make it in plenty of time to pick up Violet.”

  Lyssa was Bella’s handmaiden. But that sounded like a stuffy title.

  Lyssa, who was fourteen years old, was really more like an older sister. Since last year, Lyssa had helped Bella with getting dressed, doing homework, and, today, carefully curling Bella’s straight brown hair into waves.

  “Are you sure?” Bella asked. “What if the Rainbow Rail Express gets here early?”

  The Rainbow Rail Express was a fairly new mode of transportation. It allowed passengers to travel to the other sky islands. Each morning someone important at the station had to cast a spell to connect one island to the next. Rainbow Rail was so new that even Bella hadn’t been on it yet.

  Lyssa smiled. “If it does, I’m sure Violet will call or message you.”

  Bella walked away from the staircase. “Mirror,” she said, snapping her fingers.

  A mirror appeared in front of Bella. The princess eyed her hair and clothes. Lyssa, who usually took weekends off, had come to Crystal Castle this morning to help Bella get ready for Violet’s arrival.

  “Do you think this dress is right, Lys?” Bella asked. The princess scanned her reflection in the mirror. The sleeveless soft-pink dress had a full tulle skirt and a rosette at the waist. Bella turned and looked over her shoulder. A satin tie was looped in a pretty bow at the back, which buttoned up.

  “I think it’s perfect,” Lyssa said. “You tried on four other dresses before deciding on this one, remember?” The older girl walked over to Bella and hugged her.

  Bella squeezed Lyssa back, glad that she had Lyssa’s help to choose today’s outfit. “I’m so nervous!” Bella admitted. “Isn’t that silly?”

  She walked over to a red velvet-covered bench and sat down. Lyssa sat beside her, turning so she faced Bella.

  “It’s not silly at all,” Lyssa said. She tucked a strand of shoulder-length honey-blond hair behind her ear. Her green eyes were kind as she looked at Bella.

  “It feels silly,” Bella said. “Violet’s my cousin. We talk all of the time. I want to make this week the best for her. I don’t want Violet wishing she had stayed home.”

  “Hosting a houseguest makes anyone nervous,” Lyssa said. “You’re a little scared because you care so much. Like you said, you want to make this visit great for Violet. If you didn’t care, you wouldn’t be nervous.”

  “Really?” Bella looked up at Lyssa. The older girl somehow always knew what to say to make Bella feel better.

  Lyssa nodded. “Really. I bet Violet’s nervous too. She probably wants to be a good guest and not make you wish she had stayed in Foris.”

  “Never!” Bella said. “I wish she could stay here forever.”

  Lyssa and Bella laughed, and the prickles of nerves evaporated from Bella’s body.

  There was the sound of footsteps on the stairs, and King Phillip and Queen Katherine descended the staircase.

  “Thank you, Lys,” Bella said, hugging the girl again.

  “Anytime! Have fun!” Lyssa said. They stood and Lyssa dipped her head as the king and queen approached, before she exited the room.

  “Ready to go, Bells?” King Phillip, smiling, looked down at his daughter. Queen Katherine, in a flowing hunter-green dress, stood next to him.

  “Yes! Yes!” Bella exclaimed. “Let’s go!”

  The guards opened the doors, and the royal family stepped outside and headed for the Royal Carriage. The giant orb-shaped carriage extended stairs and opened its doors so Bella and her parents could climb inside.

  The Royal Carriage was solar powered and required no driver. King Phillip and Queen ­Katherine were the only voices the Royal ­Carriag
e listened to for directions. Bella settled herself on the cushy seat across from her parents.

  “Please take us to the Rainbow Rail Station at the Foris Kingdom platform,” King Phillip commanded the carriage. “At the fastest speed.”

  Without hesitation, the carriage glided forward. It moved over the gravel driveway and passed the guards who stood like statues on either side of the drawbridge. The guards’ armor had the Crystal Kingdom seal: a diamond with two rearing unicorns below. The words CRYSTAL KINGDOM ran under the unicorns.

  The carriage turned onto the road and then zipped through the countryside toward the Rainbow Rail Station. Trees, fields, and houses whizzed by. “What are you going to do first with Violet?” Queen Katherine asked Bella.

  “Introduce her to Glimmer,” Bella said. “I can’t wait for them to meet!”

  She had barely finished her sentence when the carriage started to slow. Rainbow Rail Station came into view. The station—with signs pointing to different rails to various sky islands and kingdoms—wasn’t crowded. A line of five or six people, suitcases trailing behind them, walked away from the platform as one of the silver bullet-­shaped trains left the station. It was daylight, so the train followed rainbow paths. When night arrived, moonbows would be cast to take over.

  Bella followed her parents out of the carriage. Together, they walked to a concrete platform with a sign above that flashed FORIS. DEPARTURES AND ­ARRIVALS. As they walked, people who caught their eye bowed their heads or smiled at the royal family. No one snapped photos or gawked. King ­Phillip and Queen Katherine had worked very hard to make sure their family was approachable and normal—just like every other resident in Crystal ­Kingdom.

  “Violet’s train should be arriving at noon,” Queen Katherine said. “The schedule says it’s on time. See?” The queen pointed to a large board above the platform. It listed all the current train schedules and whether or not a train was delayed. A clock next to the board read 11:59 a.m. Violet would be in Crystal Kingdom any second!

  Bella craned her neck and stood on tiptoes, looking down the rainbow for the train. She blinked and a silver train, sunlight glinting off the roof, raced toward the platform.


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