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Dragon Mob: A Powyrworld Urban Fantasy Romance (The Lost Dragon Princes Book 3)

Page 1

by Tiffany Allee

  Table of Contents

  Your FREE Book

  Welcome to Powyrworld


  Sneak Peek

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Dragon Star: Sneak Peek

  Claiming their Royal Mate

  About the Author

  Dragon Mob: The Lost Dragon Princes 3

  A Powyrworld Urban Fantasy Romance

  Tiffany Allee

  Dreamkeeper Publishing

  Copyright © 2017 by Danae Ashe/Dreamkeeper Publishing

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Editing by Sue Soares of SJS Editorial Services

  Proofreading by Danae Ashe

  Powyrworld: The Lost Dragon Princes was developed by Emma Alisyn & Danae Ashe

  Created with Vellum


  Your FREE Book

  Welcome to Powyrworld


  Sneak Peek

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Dragon Star: Sneak Peek

  Your FREE Book

  Claiming their Royal Mate

  About the Author

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  WELCOME TO POWYRWORLD, where dragons, wytches, and vampyrs battle for power and survival among humans, and their ancient, demigod ancestors watch from afar- willing to step in and restore balance should any one conflict threaten the survival of the planet…

  The Lost Dragon Princes: The identities of the 5 missing Princes’ of the Dragon Court are finally revealed…

  Dragon Star by Anna Morgan. Vampyr rockstar prince meet- and mate- beautiful dragon general.

  Dragon Claimed by Cecilia Lane. Dragon Court spy meets her match- and her mate- in a Shadow Mob boss.

  Dragon Blood by S.A. Ravel. A Thunderbird skinwalker seeks the help of a reclusive dragon wizard against the dark mage threatening their secret baby.

  Dragon Mob by Tiffany Allee coming soon

  Dragon Prince by Emma Alisyn coming soon

  Each title is a standalone connected with the book before and after, but the series does not need to be read in order of publication.

  These paranormal urban fantasy romance books are for readers who enjoy fast-paced action, adventure with lots of magic, steamy love scenes and heroines who kick ass. Our heroes are alpha shifters who fight, growl, and kill concrete for their mates- but never cheat or try and hold a girl back when her earrings come off. Each romance will be a standalone with a happily ever after, no cheating, no TSTL or miscommunication and plenty of heart pounding personal conflict.


  Khepreians: A race of demigod beings with the ability to wield a magical force called Powyr, and shift into any shape of their choosing, at any time. They are the ancestor species of all Powyrful non-humans. Stay to themselves and are rarely seen, however will interfere in current events if their children are about to cause a world war or something. Wytches tell their children to behave or the Khepreians will come get them...

  Dragons: Shapeshifters descended from the Khepreians. Birth live young, breathe fire and mate for life.

  Mesopotamians (Wytches & Wyrlocks): A race of powyr wielding ‘humans’ descended most directly from the Khepreians. They live in covens.

  Vampyrs (Dragon Star): Mesopotamian’s who have fallen victim to a blood disease caused by a curse gone wrong a millennia ago. Dying of anything other than natural causes activates the curse. Vampyrs are also able to infect, through bites, non Mesopotamians as long as they carry some kind of Khepreian gene. This is how many people who believed they are human find out that nope, someone supernatural dipped their tallywacker in the mortal pond...

  Patomas: Island home of the dragons. Currently magically encased so dragon cannot leave without permission, due to civil war.

  Cognate (Dragon Star): The name for a group of vampyrs bound by blood oath. Typically live in same neighborhood and are governed by a single sire.

  Shadow Mob (Dragon Claimed): The One-Drop Rule is considered even in the criminal underworld. Any connected individual found to have a drop of Powyr in their blood is funneled into the Shadow Mob. They are assigned a Don, tested by combat to identify their power level, and assigned a role in the organization.

  Shadow Yakuza (Dragon Claimed): As with the Shadow Mob, the Shadow Yakuza is made up of Yakuza with Powyr in their blood. While the Shadow Mob families are loosely affiliated with one another and act on the personal goals of individual family heads, the Yakuza are a single fist and act with the entire organization in mind.

  Powyr: The name of the magical force wield by all people of Khepreian descent, to various degrees.

  Heat: Sexual maturity for male dragons. Occurs by mid-twenties. They are sexually inactive until then. Vulnerable during the Heat, they tend to attach to a female if he sleeps with her during that time. Many choose to closet themselves away if they cannot find a willing female to sleep with who agrees to not take advantage of their mating instinct.

  The Heat can be suppressed or delayed by a spell or by being raised by non-dragons (pheromones trigger the Heat, so the lack thereof suppresses it.)

  Sire: A vampyr who has created offspring through a bite.

  Descent: The offspring, through a bite, of a vampyr.

  The Lost Dragon Princes: The moniker given to the five dragon hatchlings of the current mated Delphina & Pythian pair. Kidnapped, and current whereabouts not known.

  Delphina: The female co-rule of the dragons.

  Pythian: The male co-rule of the dragons.

  The Mad Queen: The current Delphina. Went mad decades ago when her five hatchlings disappeared from eerie cribs. Is powyrful, and not quite sane. Rules with her husband, the Pythian.

  Calla Andris (Dragon Star): First General of the Dragon Court.

  Mateo Guerin (Dragon Star): Celebrity rockstar, secret assassins and vampyr. Also a dragon.

  Annika Leeds (Heroine, Dragon Claimed. Secondary character, Dragon Star): A member of the dragon court

  Eoghan Gilchrist (Hero, Dragon Claimed): Shadow Mob boss, dragon

  Giancarlo Spadaro (Hero, Dragon Mob): Mob prince and dragon shifter. Don of his newly formed Shadow Mob family, with his mate, Domenica, as his Capo.

  Domenica Todaro (Heroine, Dragon Mob): Mob daughter who now serves as a Capo in the Shadow Mob with her mate, Giancarlo.

  Sneak Peek

  The door opened, and one of his men peeked in. “There’s a broad here to see you.”

  Gian raised an eyebrow at his gua
rd. There was more to it than that, he bet on it. The man knew better than to interrupt him for a woman.

  “What broad?”

  “The Todaro girl.”

  Well, fuck him. Maybe he hadn’t been very easy to forget either. That didn’t surprise him, exactly. But this wasn’t a normal situation, and Domenica Todaro wasn’t just some woman off the street. Family loyalty wasn’t a joke. And even though Domenica had a reputation for being anything but the model Italian daughter, he’d never heard anything negative about her loyalty to her father.

  “Send her in.”

  His man nodded, and seconds later, Domenica walked through his door. He nodded to his man, and he shut the door behind her, leaving them alone. Domenica strode up to his desk, her eyes wide and her chest out—emphasizing her very low-cut blouse.

  Fuck. Blood rushed through his ears, thundering. His cock twitched in his pants, and his whole body tightened. It took every bit of his willpower not to close the distance between them and start kissing her again.

  “I need your help.” Her voice was soft, and she leaned over his desk—the perfect angle so he could see her big tits. “My father…” She shook her head, hesitating. And for a moment, she looked unsure.

  The woman was never unsure. She wouldn’t have come here otherwise. Was she playing him?

  Fine. If she wanted to play, he’d play. “What is it?”


  Domenica knocked swiftly on the door. Anna hadn’t explained what she wanted exactly, but she’d sounded very excited on the phone. Then again, when was Anna not enthused about one thing or another?

  The door swung open, and Anna reached out and grabbed Domenica’s hand. She dragged her inside then slammed the door behind them.

  “Where have you been?” Anna demanded, grinning. Before Domenica could formulate a response, Anna added, “I just had the best idea and everyone’s so excited about it. What do you think of a bachelorette party?”

  Domenica blinked. Following Anna’s train of thought was always a little bit of a challenge, but she thought she’d gotten better at it over the years. Apparently, she was wrong. “Who’s getting married?”

  Anna’s grin widened. “No one, silly. Of course.”

  Of course. Why would someone be getting married? Except… “You said a bachelorette party?”

  “Oh yeah, that.” Anna acted as if she’d forgotten what she’d said only moments before. “No one’s actually getting married. But why should that stop us from celebrating our singlehood? Our freedom.”


  Freedom. Did she really know the meaning of the word? Anna certainly did. Free of any obligations other than those she chose to undertake, Anna was taking her mid-twenties by storm. She went where she wanted when she wanted with whom she wanted. Slept with anyone who she took a fancy to, and told off anyone she didn’t. The sudden desire to trade places with her friends twisted in her gut, and she shook off the thought.

  “Anyway, I thought maybe we could hold it at your nail salon downtown since it’ll be closed by then.”

  Domenica had a sudden urge to do something crazy. She was a twenty-six-year-old woman—why shouldn’t she stretch her wings a bit? And rarely did such a good opportunity to do so present itself. “I’ve got a better idea.”

  Anna stilled, some of her constant energy finally put on hold, and her eyes locked on Domenica. “Oh, Mena, what are you thinking about? You look positively villainous. I love it.”

  “Let me make a call.” She whipped out her cell phone and called the venue she had in mind. The club was the talk of the town and would be perfect, so long as they had a big table she could reserve for their group of girlfriends. And this might be her only chance to actually see the place.

  The young woman who answered the phone was dismissive until Domenica dropped her full name. A quick hold and the woman said they would be pleased to host their bachelorette party. When the woman pushed for details, like a cell phone number, Domenica passed along Anna’s information.

  “Okay, you should be getting a call soon.”

  Anna quirked a brow at her. “From whom?”

  “You know that new club, Geode?” She passed Anna and headed into her small living room. Anna’s apartment was nothing like the luxury sky-rise flat that Domenica resided in, but it was homey. And, more importantly, it was all Anna’s. No invisible chains were attached to it.

  “Yeeess?” Anna stretched out the word. “You didn’t!”

  Domenica halted in front of a mirror that hung in the living room. With Anna vibrating with excitement waiting for her response, she freshened her bright red lipstick. “I most certainly did.”

  “Your dad will freak.”

  “So what if he does? I’m an adult, remember?” she replied, as much for her own benefit as for Anna’s. She was an adult. But that didn’t mean that the idea of angering her father didn’t send nervous tingles down her spine.

  “Can you text everyone to let them know about the change in venue?” Domenica had no doubt that when the half dozen or so women found out, her dad would know in an instant. Anna was completely trustworthy, and Domenica trusted her to take any secrets of hers to her grave. The others… well, those who couldn’t be bought could be threatened. And it wouldn’t take much to convince a couple of them to at least report in on anything interesting, “for her own good” as her father would say.

  Anna snorted and pulled her cell from her pocket, then sent off a text that was sure to get the attention of Domenica’s father. “You just have to poke the bear, don’t you?”

  As if her friend’s words had set off a signal, Domenica’s phone vibrated. She tugged it from her purse and glanced at the screen. Padre.

  Domenica smiled.

  Domenica steeled her expression and stepped into her father’s office. The room oozed masculinity and wealth. From the oversized desk made from some exotic, likely endangered wood, to the large chair behind it that looked more a throne than an office chair.

  Her father didn’t glance up from the letter he was writing with a fountain pen, and she had to take a deep breath to avoid rolling her eyes at him. “You know, most people these days use email.”

  “I’m not most people, mia figlia.” Like gravel, his voice ground out of his throat. “Sit down.”

  Stomach knotting, she sat. Antagonizing her father was one thing. Disobeying a direct order was quite another.

  “I am disappointed in you.”

  “Why’s that?” She tossed her hair and smiled at her father.

  “You know playing dumb doesn’t work with me, piccolo.”

  Her smile vanished. “I’m not little, Father.”

  “Ah, but you’ll always be my little one, will you not? No matter how you grow.” With care not to drip ink, he set the fountain pen in its holder and then leaned back in his pseudo-throne. “Why have you chosen this venue for your little party? You know that Don Spadaro owns it, yes?”

  “So I’ve heard.”

  He leaned toward her, his dark eyes never leaving hers. “Tell me why, then, you would choose to host a party there when your own father owns many such places?”

  The urge to vent at him was strong. Overwhelming. “I’m my own woman. An adult. And I’ll host a party where I damn well please.”

  Anger flashed, and his eyes narrowed. “You are my daughter—”

  “And sometimes I wish to Dios I wasn’t! I’m old enough to make my own decisions, Father.” Snapping at her father wasn’t wise. She knew that. His men knew that. Hell, half the city knew that. And yet, she couldn’t seem to help herself. Obeying silently just wasn’t in her nature. “I run my own businesses, and I stay out of yours. Yet, still I deal with men following me, my movements being monitored every second of every day. I want the freedom of—”

  “Of what?”

  “Not being your daughter!” She regretted the words as soon as they left her lips, but she couldn’t take them back. Being her father’s daughter was, in many ways, a privilege. While she
made her own money with her salon and other businesses, she was under no illusion about where the start-up money for those companies had come from. And she never had to worry about what would happen if she failed—and she resented that. Even as she took comfort in it.

  Being the daughter of a mobster was confusing, to say the least.

  A flash of something crossed his expression, gone so quickly she couldn’t be sure what it was. Surely, it hadn’t been doubt. Her father doubted nothing. “Some wishes are beyond even my power to grant.”

  “Are you admitting you aren’t all powerful?” She gave him her best mock shocked expression, but inside of her, tiny warning bells went off.

  “Careful, piccolo,” he warned.

  She ignored her internal alarms. “Why can’t you just stay out of my life? Especially with something as unimportant as this party?”

  The anger in his expression disappeared, replaced by a blank look she’d seen directed at so many others, but never at her. She flinched.

  “Do you really think you would do better without me, mia figlia?”

  She met his gaze without flinching—not an easy task, even for her. “What does it matter what I think? It’s not something I’m likely to find out, is it?”


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