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Possessed by a Vampire

Page 10

by Susan Griscom

  There was a time—one of those rare moments when Julian and I were sequestered away together without Dorian or someone else’s supervision—when Julian had confessed to me that he enjoyed being with the females who paid for his services as much as he did the males. Though, of course, he’d like nothing better than to escape and live his life the way he chose. We’d made plans, several times over the years, but they’d never panned out for some reason or another. The threat of the sword at our necks usually at the forefront of our minds.

  The sound of the lock turning in the door startled me. I quickly shoved the book I’d been caressing under my pillow.

  I was relieved to see Malik. He held a bag of blood in his left hand and toted a young human male by the arm with the other, depositing him on the floor in front of me. The human sank to his knees and lowered his gaze, obviously under Malik’s compulsion. He was skinny and didn’t look much older than Julian. He stayed on his knees and tilted his head to the side. His artery throbbed, pounding so hard, the beat reverberated in my head, calling to me. On instinct, I licked my lips in anticipation.

  “Drink this first.” Malik shoved the plastic bag at me. “Then take from him. Don’t want you killing him because you’re starving. Boss wants you to be strong for this evening. He’s having a small get-together.”

  It was Friday. I’d been lucky enough to have missed last week’s party. The human’s fresh blood would give me more energy, and ingesting from the bag first was a good idea. I had no desire to hurt the boy, and as hungry as I was, there was no telling if I’d be able to stop once I started. After I finished the bag, I took the boy’s arm and sank my fangs into his wrist. He looked up at me, his eyes blank the entire time I sucked at his vein. As I drank, all I could think of was how young he was, and how sorry I felt for him to be in this situation. I wasn’t ashamed of taking his blood. I’d taken blood from plenty of humans over the years, compelling them to succumb to my will and offer me their vein. But this time? I’d never do this to someone. This time, the young man was Dorian’s slave. No longer able to come and go as he pleased. Completely under the control of vampires every day until he was sold to the highest bidder.

  When I finished nourishing myself, I looked up to find Malik rummaging through my closet.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m looking for the light green gown Dorian bought you. He wants you to wear that tonight. Ah. Here it is.”

  He pulled the gown out of the closet and placed it on my bed. The gown screamed promiscuity, and I’d never worn it. It was too revealing, and every male in the room would no doubt stare at me. I could already feel the way their eyes would drag up and down my body. The low-cut silk bodice trimmed with lace exposed half my bosom as the opening dipped down almost to my belly button. One wrong move and my breasts would pop right out, exposing them completely. Besides that, only the lacy part covered the nipple and had no lining, making it very see-through.

  “Why does Dorian want me to wear that dress?” I’d never really been sure why he purchased it. He’d never asked me to wear it before. He never wanted to see that much of my skin. The back of the dress dipped down even farther than the front, stopping right at the top of the crack of my ass. And the skirt matched the lace at the top—again no lining to speak of other than a thin strip of silk down the center and the back. It would take a lot of double-sided tape and a miracle to keep the dress from slipping. It was tight at the hips, too, which tugged when I walked, pulling at the top. I’d hated it when it was given to me and had stuck it way in the back of my closet behind several coats, hoping that Dorian would forget about it.

  “I believe he wants to show you off to the guests.”

  “Show me off? For what purpose? I thought I was supposed to be his wife. What about his reputation? A decent and caring husband would never want his wife parading around in that . . . that . . . monstrosity.”

  Then, the light bulb went off in my head as I stared at Malik, who seemed reluctant to talk to me. The sadness in his eyes told me all I needed to know. Dorian wanted to sell me. Or, at least sell my services. He’d never asked me to do that before, knowing I was a virgin. Correction, had been a virgin, but he didn’t know things had changed. He couldn’t possibly know that. Could he? He’d claimed on more than one occasion that he’d been saving me for something, though I’d never asked him to elaborate on that, never wanting to be saved for anything or anyone. I guess tonight was that night.

  “I’m sorry, Lily,” Malik said in a low, soft voice as he walked away, snatching the human’s arm as they headed for the door. Then he stopped and turned his head toward me. “If it’s any consolation, I did try to talk him out of it, but one can only try to persuade Dorian to a certain degree without fear of upsetting him.”

  I nodded. My hands shook as I swiped away the tears that dripped down my cheeks.

  “You have thirty minutes to shower and get dressed. Please don’t dawdle. I don’t think I can take watching what might happen if you’re not upstairs when he’s ready.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  Sweet Towers was located in the heart of the city, smack dab downtown, just south of the Market district. The forty-nine-story building was the second tallest building in San Francisco. Everything above the fifth floor was strictly for residential use. The top of the tower was curved to resemble a translucent crystal.

  “Wow, this place is something, huh?” Gage said as we stood on the sidewalk and looked up. “There are forty-nine floors, but the top floor is listed as number fifty.”

  I glanced at him in question, and he continued. “No thirteenth floor. Superstitions.”

  “Ahhh.” I nodded, looking up at the bluish-gray-tinted windows. “Does this building have the one-way glass?”

  “Nah. Not too many buildings around the city do. I’m guessing the cost might be a factor.”

  “Or maybe our illustrious Mr. Sweet just doesn’t know about it.”

  “You’re probably right since this is the priciest place to live on the West Coast.”

  “Parking must be a bitch,” I said as we headed in through the double glass doors.

  “I think they have a subterranean garage located several floors under the building.”

  As we entered the building, I was immediately awestruck by the originality of the décor. A large statue—maybe about twelve feet high—of what was clearly a male vampire pressing his opened mouth to the vein of a woman’s neck sat in the middle of the lobby. The male’s hand disappeared under the female’s long, flowing dress as she lay draped across his other arm. Her eyes were closed, her breasts exposed. Her expression was one of complete and utter ecstasy.

  “Wow!” Gage said and cupped himself. I was certain he was entertaining the prospect of reenacting that very same pose soon. “I can’t wait to meet this guy.”

  “It’s a little in your face if you ask me,” I said, having eyes only for Lily. “Interesting that he’s not the least bit concerned about humans’ beliefs about vampirism.”

  Gage shrugged. “There’s all sorts of art about vampires floating around the city.”

  “True.” I nodded.

  “Don’t think too hard on it, Elvis.” He patted me on the back. “There’s blood to drink and women to fuck.” I rolled my eyes, not having the slightest desire to fuck anyone but Lily.

  “And make inquires about Lily,” I added.

  “Right. Come on.” Gage pointed to two heavy doors. “There’s the elevator.” Above it read: Express to Sky Deck in big bold letters.

  We stepped in, and Gage hit the single round button labeled Sky Deck engraved in gold tone, set inside an intricate gold oval metal design. It was a long ride up, even though the elevator seemed to whiz by all the other floors at an excessive speed. When we stepped out, a familiar vampire wearing a black suit, gold tie, and a lighter shade of gold shirt greeted us.

  “Jace, my man,” Gage said. “You remember us. From the poker game?”

nodded. “Follow me. Malik is inside.”

  “Malik?” I questioned the unfamiliar name as my feet sank into plush, gold carpeting. Gold carpet? The hallway walls were painted a deep, rich red. A striking contrast to the floor.

  Jace turned toward me. “Malik Roach. The vampire you beat in the poker game.”

  “Right, Malik.” Stetson hat, Roach guy. What a name.

  “You’ll be pleased to know that Mr. Sweet himself will be here tonight,” Jace informed us as he led us through a set of double wooden doors.

  “He doesn’t attend all his parties?”

  “No. He is a very busy man and can only make it for a select few. These parties are very private and held with the utmost discretion. Guests are here by invitation only and carefully selected. Mr. Sweet has a reputation to uphold around the city, and if things were to . . . leak out about what happens at these parties, well, I don’t think he’d appreciate that much. So, what you see here, stays here. Otherwise . . .” He swiped his forefinger across his throat and smiled. “Understand?”

  “Yeah. We get it,” I said. Normally, something like that would have set off an alarm in my head, but these were vampires after all, and most vampires marched to a different beat than humans.


  “We must be the select,” Gage whispered, and Jace smirked, clearly able to hear him. “We are about to meet the illustrious Mr. Sweet himself.” Gage’s eyebrows waggled up and down. I truly wasn’t as impressed as Gage.

  About twenty-five people—or vampires, it was hard to tell—stood around talking. It looked like an ordinary but casual cocktail party.

  “So posh,” Gage whispered.

  “Too posh, if you ask me.”

  As we stepped farther into the room, we were both handed a small cordial glass of something green. I sniffed. “Absinthe?”

  Gage made a what-the-hell face and downed the entire drink. Shit. I turned to ask Jace which one of the vampires was Sweet, but he’d disappeared.

  “I guess we’re on our own now,” I said to Gage, and he smiled and took another glass from the platter of a passing waiter.

  “Gentlemen,” a deep voice greeted from our right, and I turned to see that Roach guy from the poker game, sans Stetson hat. He wore comfortable-looking silk lounge pants with his shirt open, hanging loosely. I suddenly felt way overdressed in my torn jeans and black T-shirt. I imagined how out of place Jace must feel in the suit he wore. As I glanced around, I noticed that some of the males were shirtless, and the women were almost naked except for sexy underwear or other revealing garments.

  “Glad you could make it. Missed you two at the poker game last week. I’d really like a chance to win back some of my money. Hope you show up next week. I don’t think we were ever formally introduced. Name’s Malik Roach.” He held out his large, dark hand to me, and I took it so we could shake.


  Then he shook Gage’s hand. “I’m Gage. Thanks for the invite. It looks like the party’s been going on for a while.”

  Malik looked around and grinned, white teeth gleaming against his dark complexion. “Yes, for about an hour or so now. I’d like to introduce you to your host. Dorian, I’d like you to meet our newest guests.” The man standing just on the other side of Malik with his back to us turned to face us.

  I dropped my glass. Green, sticky liquid pooled on the gold carpet by my feet. No one seemed to care.

  “Preston? My word, Preston!” Dorian smiled and wrapped his arms around my shoulders, hugging me to him. The embrace seemed to go on and on.

  He pushed back and eyed my face. “Is it really you?”

  I swallowed and nodded the best I could. Dorian was the last vampire on earth I’d thought to see here in San Francisco, especially owning several buildings and hosting sex parties.

  “Yes,” I cleared the lump in my throat.

  “You know him?” Gage asked.

  Then Dorian kissed me on the mouth, his lips moving over mine with affection. I didn’t return the kiss, but I didn’t shove him away either. I couldn’t. I was too shocked. His fang scraped against my lower lip, drawing blood, and then his tongue swept over it, sealing the tiny wound.

  “I guess you do,” Gage added with a chuckle. When Dorian stopped kissing me, I rubbed my finger over my bottom lip where the sting of Dorian’s nip lingered.

  “I apologize,” he said, and licked his lips.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Well, this is my party.”

  “Yeah. I get that. But . . . I thought you were . . .” I hesitated, not sure how to approach the situation.

  He smiled. “Forgive me. Of course you wouldn’t know. I own this building as well as a few other properties here in the city.”

  Gage cleared his throat beside me, reminding me that he was there. Fuck. I wasn’t looking forward to the unavoidable conversation I knew would happen later.

  “Dorian, this is my friend, Gage.”

  “Gage. My, you’re a big one. Are there more at home like you?” Dorian laughed and waved his hand as if sending that thought away. “Well, any friend of Preston’s is a friend of mine. Welcome. Please, make yourselves at home and enjoy. We have an assortment of sweet delicacies sure to satisfy any mood. So, gentlemen, what’s your pleasure?”

  “Our pleasure?” The question perplexed me.

  Gage elbowed me in the side.

  “Yes. You’re my guest,” Dorian said. “You may choose anyone you want. Male or female.”

  “Redhead,” Gage said abruptly beside me. Then quickly added, “Female.”

  Dorian snapped his fingers, and a pretty, voluptuous, redheaded vampire came to stand next to Gage. He didn’t waste any time and swooped her away.

  “Don’t wait up,” Gage called over his shoulder as he let her take the lead as she guided him through a door and out of sight. Relieved that Gage was out of the room and I wouldn’t have to deal with his questions until we were back at home, I was still left to deal with my emotions. Gage had never ridiculed anyone for their sexual orientation, but a brother liked to tease, and I had no doubt Gage wouldn’t pass up an opportunity like this. However, I also knew he would be rather pissed when it finally dawned on him that I’d fed him a lie all these years about the way I’d been turned.

  “Now, it’s your turn, my sweet. What type of female would you like?”

  I shook my head, still in shock of what he’d become.

  “Oh, first, I’d like you to meet my wife.”

  “Your wife?” Now I was very confused. Why would Dorian take a wife?

  “Yes,” he lowered his voice and leaned close to me again. “I took a wife for, well, appearance’s sake. My lifestyle wasn’t always acceptable in society, as you know, and well, taking a spouse was a necessary evil.” He laughed, straightening his posture and raising his voice back up to normal. “Darling, come, there’s someone I’d like you to meet.”

  A female wearing a very provocative gown stood several feet away with her back to us as she talked with a small group. Dorian placed his hand on her shoulder as she turned around to face us. “Preston, this is my wife.”





  “Lily, this is Preston, my firstborn.”

  Lily’s eyes grew wide.

  My eyebrows rose. His wife? Lily? My Lily?

  She stared at me. Shock mixed with fear coated her eyes. She shook her head slightly in warning when I began to speak. My gaze dragged over her from her face all the way to her bare toes.

  Holy fuck! That dress. The starkness of it, the low-cut dip down to her navel, the see-through lace skirt revealing way too much of her. As disturbing as it was to see her wearing something so risqué at a party of Dorian’s—no, risqué didn’t even come close to what that dress was—my cock grew hard looking at her.

  “Nice to meet you,” she said, extending her delicate hand toward me. Her gorgeous dark hair was pinned up in some sort of bra
ided concoction, giving everyone full view of every aspect of that dress and what it didn’t even try to hide.

  “The pleasure’s all mine,” I returned, taking her hand and pressing her fingers to my lips. I wanted to linger there, pull her against me and away from Dorian.

  Dorian. What the fuck was he doing here? I remembered the day he left me. The mixture of fear, hurt, and relief I’d felt when I discovered the note. The amount of reverence I’d felt for Dorian left me confused and full of regret.

  “Dorian,” I began and then cleared away the lump once again accumulating in my throat. “The way you left was . . .”

  “Yes, I’m sorry. I needed to move on. You understand.”

  No, I didn’t. But I didn’t respond. I didn’t understand. I never understood. All I knew was that he’d abandoned me in a small town full of humans with no one else like me around. My feedings had become so minimal, I was lethargic the night I’d stumbled into that bar and met Gage. If it hadn’t been for Gage . . .

  My thoughts broke as Dorian went on about his party.

  “Tell me, Preston, what is your pleasure this evening? Blonde, brunette, or redhead? They’re all here for the taking.” Dorian’s calm voice drew my gaze back to his as he draped his arm around my Lily, then placed his other arm around an attractive, no, pretty was a better word, dark-haired male standing quietly beside him. The male was clearly under his compulsion the way he stared blankly into space. Except . . . he was a vampire. How the fuck?

  Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed another male vampire being ushered from the room, his gaze also blank as though he were compelled. The female leading him away, handed a few bills to Roach as she passed by him.


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