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The Butterfly House

Page 3

by Meckley, Lori

  “For work-related safety the girls have to use a different name. Ava seems a little exotic like a Lotus. It's not a bad name for her but I agree her real name suits her more.”

  Standing up and stretching Sam looked at me in questioningly.

  “My aren't you a bit touchy, do I detect a bit of attraction for Miss Lotus? Maybe there’s hope for getting you laid yet.” Sam laughed.

  “You ass, She's not going to give me a second glance, I'm sure she has plenty of men at her beck and call.”

  “Man you don't know that! Why did you leave her your card last night with that hefty tip if you weren't going to give it a shot?” he asked.

  “I left her that tip because she can belt out a song, I happen to like a good voice!”

  “A good voice that also comes with a nice set of tits and long as hell legs is what you really mean? Don't tell me you didn't notice those goodies!”

  I was not even going to comment on that. I'd have to be a dead man not to notice that body of hers, but she also had beautiful long red hair and a voice that just went right through me. I would see her again tonight. I was wondering if I would have enough nerve to talk to her.

  “Nolan you have to get over that bitch you were with before. What's wrong with meeting someone new and just hanging out? Just maybe letting things happen.” he asked.

  “I guess nothing Sam. Hell she's probably already seeing someone or she could even be married for all I know.”

  “You won't know until you ask right?” he said.

  “I guess not – well maybe so.” I stated a bit nervously.

  “She's on in a few minutes. Let's you and I have a seat and watch her dance. Afterwards I'll introduce you two, how about that?”

  I was already sweating thinking about seeing her take off her clothes then meeting her face to face. I know most men get all kinds of thrills out of being around women stripping but I was actually more laid back. I was a bit old-fashion about meeting women. Then I remembered her tears and her voice. I wanted to meet that girl, more than the dancer. I knew both of those scenarios belonged to the same woman, that was the part that worried me.

  Sighing I stood up. “Lead the way boss man.” I said.

  Sam laughed as he walked over to the door and held it open. That open door led the way to a different world and changes in my life I would never have expected. I stood up and followed him. The world as I knew it was about to change.

  Meeting Lotus

  I was a bit more nervous than usual tonight, perhaps it was because he was here again. Nolan Walker looked even more handsome tonight and a bit more relaxed. The new owner Mr. Rayburn was at the table with him. I watched from the side of the dark stage, it was my chance to actually see him. He wore a dark navy dress shirt and dark black dress slacks, no jacket this time but his tie was quite sexy. His tie was navy with gray and purple pinstripes. His blond hair was shirt collar short but he had a full goatee. He kept running those long fingers of his over his chin, as if he was in deep thought while he spoke with the house's new boss.

  It was my turn to go on stage. I stood waiting for my music to start. I had chosen something special hoping Nolan Walker might be here again. I smoothed down my leather duster and took a deep breath then like clockwork. I gave the signal to start my music.

  Once the music had started I walked with intent out onto the floor with the duster trailing behind me, almost floating as I grabbed the pole in the middle of the floor. I swung around it slowly. Following the song, I did a few turns around the pole before breaking away to dance around the floor so that everyone in the room was witness to my moves. I dropped the duster as I made my way back up the stage floor. Slowly I peeled off the long black leather gloves I wore, tossing each one off the side of the stage to avoid tripping on them later.

  In only my boy shorts, corset and high boots I walked back to the middle of the floor. A swing was lowered for me. Once I was seated I slowly leaned back and undid the front of my corset, one hook at a time. Dropping it onto the floor, I began to swing back and forth. I began leaning backwards so my hair hung down almost touching the floor. As the song came to an end, the swing was lifted away with me on it away. The lights went out on the dance floor.

  A few feet back from the dance floor I was let back down. I jumped off the swing. I quickly grabbed my duster and gloves left by the stage hands. I ran to the dressing room. Once in the dressing room I changed into jeans and a tank top, then I began taking off my make-up and putting my stage clothes away in my carry-on bag.

  “Ava do you have a moment?” I turned, it was our new owner Mr. Rayburn and Nolan Walker was with him. I swear my heart skipped a beat. I smiled at them as they came to my dressing table.

  “I sure do,” I said as I stood up. Sam introduced us. Nolan Walker was much taller than I first thought and even at 5' 4” I had to look up at him. He had a gorgeous smile.

  “It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Walker, and I'd like to thank you for that large tip you left for me last night.” “It was very generous of you.” I said as I shook his hand.

  “Please call me Nolan, and the pleasure was all mine, you have quite a voice.” he stated.

  His handshake was firm and a little moist. I felt a little jolt at his touch. Was he nervous? I wasn't nervous but I did feel a heady rush at touching him and hearing his voice the moment he spoke. He had to be from down south, his accent gave him away immediately. He also smelled really good, like the outdoors on a crisp day.

  Mr. Rayburn interrupted and asked me if I could stop by his office tomorrow a few minutes before I started my shift to go over any concerns or needs I might have. I was beginning to like this man already. We could really use lockers for our stage gear and outfits. I told him I would be happy to. He excused himself, leaving Nolan and me alone.

  “Miss Wild I was wondering if you were free for coffee or maybe dinner after work sometime?” Nolan asked. “No strings attached – just some conversation.”

  “Ah Mr. Walker I'm not sure about that. I don't date the customers. I have college and obligations along with my job here.”

  I couldn't stop staring at his chest. Nolan had taken off his tie I guess before he came back to the dressing room. I could see a bit of his chest hair. It was beginning to feel a bit warm in the room.

  “It's Nolan please. I don't go out much myself, my work tends to keep me busy. If you ever change your mind, please let me know. You have my business card, please call me anytime.” He offered me his hand then moved to leave. For some reason this depressed me. I had no friends here and it would be nice to have coffee, or maybe talk with someone but I had to check on baby Miles. What if he expected more from me – like sex? That was something I wasn't in the mood to deal with no matter how as attractive as he was.

  “Mr. – ah Nolan, Thank you for the offer. Would it be okay if I thought it over and let you know?” I asked offering my hand to him in return.

  He smiled and I swear it went right through me. That smile and his scent were both pulling me in. I felt helpless for a moment.

  “Ava, that would be fine. You have my cell number, it's on my card. Darlin call me anytime.” he said. Then just like that – he was gone.

  God did he just call me darlin? I sat back down in my chair. He seemed so nice and it was obvious he was a good friend of the new owner. I would ask Mr. Rayburn more about him tomorrow. A cup of coffee or even dinner didn't seem like it was that dangerous. Grabbing my purse and things I headed for the exit and began my walk to the hospital.

  Nolan ~ Six

  I thought I had died and gone to heaven when I saw her walk out on stage tonight. That duster did nothing to hide her long legs in those thigh boots. Her choice in music was not something I was expecting after hearing her sing. It was heavy metal. I was a little disappointed she didn't sing this time but she danced so well it was a pleasure to watch her work the dance floor in perfect time to the music. When she sat on the swing taking off her corset – it was so erotic. As she opened the
hooks she licked her lips, shaking her hair a little from side to side. Then suddenly the corset was dropped and she was swinging, her hair just touched the floor in time to the song.

  She was not some cheap stripper, she put on a show just as well as a professional in a Vegas show. Her smile was a heart breaker and she was not ashamed of her body. She used it with intent but it was a sensual style of erotic intent not sexual.

  “Are you ready to meet her?” Sam asked me as soon as she disappeared from the stage. I told him yes. I wondered if in person I'd feel the same way about her. I never expected Sam to introduce us then just leave. I was suddenly nervous. My mouth felt dry as dust. She had the sweetest voice. Her handshake was soft but it was firm. She came across as being sincere about meeting me. I liked how she twisted her hair when she talked.

  She turned down my initial offer but I was going to hold out hope I might be able to win her over with some flowers or a gift of glass maybe. I was already spellbound by her and as much as I didn't want to admit it, I felt lonely when I left. I had hopes of getting a chance to get to know her a little outside of the house.

  I walked outside to catch a cab and headed back to work. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to make her something special. As the cab drove by St. Luke’s Hospital I saw her going inside. She said she had obligations. I wonder if she had a sick family member. It was after one am, a little late for visitors. She did mention she was in college, perhaps she was doing an internship. I was almost tempted to stop and see where she was going but that would be bordering on stalking. I wanted to get to know her, not stalk her or invade her privacy.

  Groaning, I realized I was going against my rules and starting to like her. Sam, damn him! He knew this would happen. I hope he had his fun playing matchmaker. This was going to be friends only not anything serious. I was not looking for serious, yet as I said that out loud in the cab I wasn't so sure. The cabbie looked at me in the mirror, he had heard me. I turned my head and went back to looking out the window.


  I walked fast towards the hospital entrance, I couldn't wait to see baby Miles. He was doing well on the IV medication so far but he needed to gain more weight. Sometime soon he would be allowed to go home, if there were no heart complications that is. Home, where was I going to keep an infant and who would watch him while I was in class and at work? I had to figure that out and figure it out soon.

  I took the back elevator up to intensive care and to the prenatal wing. The nurse on duty saw me and smiled. She told me baby Miles had had a good night so far and was sleeping. I put on a gown and mask, then pulled a chair over to his incubator. His little chest was moving up and down as he slept. I reached in and touched his little hand, careful to not wake him. I fought back tears. I was so happy to see him. He was this little guy who had come into my life like a raging storm and no matter what I was falling in love with him. His little tiny hands and feet. He weighed less than three lbs. He was so tiny and helpless. I wanted him to know I was here for him. I didn't care if it meant losing sleep. I had to be here for him. I stayed until dawn, then I had to go home and get some rest. I had no classes but I needed to study in the worst way and do laundry. I would come back in again before work. I blew him a little kiss as I walked out the door heading to the elevator.

  Outside, it was still humid and no doubt it was going to be scorching hot day. I walked the few blocks to my apartment. Once inside my apartment I set up my books on the table so I could study then do homework when I woke up. I tossed in a load of wash, then took a shower. After my shower, I threw my wet clothes in the dryer. I ate a bagel with a glass of milk before falling into my bed.

  I was bone tired but my first thought was Nolan Walker this time. That look he had on his face when I turned him down for coffee or dinner out. It looked a bit like defeat. I felt bad but when did I really have time for one more thing in my life right now? His smile came across sweet and honest. I felt no worry spending time with him over coffee or even dinner but I didn't want more than friendship. Since I never kept any business cards that came with my tips I didn't get hassled at work from the men who came to the house. Last night Nolan didn't leave me a tip or his business card again. That would have pissed off most women after getting a hefty tip the first time; however I didn't feel that way. I was relieved he didn't tip me, it would have felt like a bribe now that I had met him. What I didn't need was a man who made me feel obligated or pressured. Nolan did neither, instead I found myself thinking about his hands and that tiny bit of chest hair I had a glimpse of. I thought about his lips touching mine as I finally surrendered my aching tired body to sleep.


  I could hear voices, they were talking about me. I tried to listen to their words but I just couldn't seem to hear them clearly. I wanted to yell I know someone's there but the words just didn't seem to want to form for me. I was so tired and all I could think of was him. I was mentally being held against my will and I was powerless to do a damn thing about it.

  The last thing I remembered was running and falling, It was raining, it was pouring down so hard you couldn't hear any other sounds. I could hear someone calling my name, I knew they wanted something, something I had to protect. I ran left, then right trying to keep my hair out of my eyes. I saw the door almost passing it as the rain blinded me a bit. I banged on the door like my life depended on it, and it did. I felt fear rip through me as I tried the door knob and it was locked. I pounded harder on it. I was crying and screaming as I struck that metal door harder and faster. My fists were starting to hurt but that didn't matter, I needed the door to open. “Someone please open this door!” I shouted until my voice went hoarse.

  Finally after what was merely minutes but felt like hours the door opened just as pain ripped through me, I stumbled but I heard a woman's voice as she reached out and stopped me from falling down. She pulled me inside, helping me to a chair. I heard the door lock. I started to cry with relief, I was safe until a minute later I doubled over in hot sharp pain. My fear was back only this time there was no escaping it. The woman looked at me in horror as she saw the blood all over my clothes as I fought to stand. She led me over to her sofa telling me to lie down. I knew I was putting this woman who was my friend in danger but I had nowhere else to go.

  We could hear shouts from outside mingling with the sound of the rain pouring, I couldn't run anymore but I still had the strength to pray that God sent them running in a different direction as I held onto the woman's hands. We both waited in anticipation and dread that they would start knocking on her door.

  Nolan ~ Seven

  My glass studio is in the lowest level of my business. Our offices were on the very top floor and on mid level we kept our customers' work that was completed but not yet shipped or picked up and any stock we had on hand.

  I still loved the smells and sounds of blowing glass every time I had a chance to walk downstairs. They had machines now that did the job but I still did things the old-fashion way for many of our projects. I preferred to use the machine for the very large projects that required less detail.

  There are two types of glassblowing: lampworking, which is done with a blowtorch and then off-hand, which works glass on the end of a hollow tube. I was going to be doing lampworking for the gift I was making Ava Wild. This worked best for smaller and more detailed items.

  Just saying her name out loud had the power to bring a smile to my face. I will admit that I was a bit smitten, but she was also nothing like any of the women I had come across. She was kind from what I could tell. While she worked a job that stereotyped women, she was nothing like the Monica Lansing or stripper type, she was not looking for a man to support her. Ava was making a living and going to college, that I admired.

  I fired up the torch and started heating the mandrel, I only used mandrels that had a ceramic coating so the glass didn't stick to it after it cooled. I chose a thin piece of teal green glass. I had to flash the glass through the tip of the flame to prime it. I
f I didn't do this step the glass could go into shock and then it would shatter instead of becoming molten. I flashed for less than a minute. I started bringing the glass closer to the heart of the flame, holding the flame until a nice glowing orange ball developed.

  I worked the molten tip of the glass to the mandrel, then I added another thin piece of glass in deep purple. It was a bit of a process to work the colors together and then shape them into what I wanted, I used a graphite paddle to do the shaping. I wanted something special for Ava but not too personal. I was making her something that was usable but also could be a keepsake. I had noticed she had dragonflies on the case she carried her things in, working on a hunch I decided to make little dragonfly key ring.

  Once I had the dragonfly shaped, I had to allow the mandrel to cool off a bit before taking it to the annealer. The annealer was used to help the glass cool slowly. I left it there and began cleaning up my work area.

  It was almost dawn and Ava Wild was still on my mind, it was going to be a very long day.


  I woke up late but I was feeling a lot less tired. I turned the dryer back on for a few minutes to fluff my clothes as I pulled out my notes and book for class. I had homework to finish and a few chapters to read. I put on a pot of tea and dug into my homework.

  An hour or so later my homework was done, the laundry was folded and put away. I sat reading a chapter in my chemistry book. I had a few hours until I had to be at work.

  I finished my reading, rinsed out my tea cup and cleaned up the kitchen. I was hungry but not enough to want to cook. I grab a container of yogurt and a spoon as I sat at the table with my foot propped up. I chose gun metal gray nail color and began polishing my toes as I ate my yogurt. I had called earlier to check on baby Miles, he had had a good night and was doing much better. The floor nurse explained that the IV medication was doing its job and soon he would be able to feed normally. It lifted a huge amount of stress off my mind but then it also meant I had to start looking into someone to care for Miles. I had made enough the last few nights to cover my rent and put a nice payment on his hospital bill.


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