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The Butterfly House

Page 8

by Meckley, Lori

  “Good morning beautiful creature,” he said stretching with a huge yawn.

  “Good morning handsome god,” I said blushing even more.

  “Is that a blush I see from the same woman who ordered me around for hours as if I were a god?” he asked laughing.

  I was mortified I blushed easily over the littlest thing and I hate it. “I guess that was me.” I said batting my eyes.

  “What? You guess?” He pulled me over to him and started tickling me. God I hated being tickled! I struggled to get away then I felt something hard against my leg and we both stopped. His lips crashed onto mine. I wanted him, no matter how many times last night we had come together I wanted more of him.

  He pulled back a little. “Are you sore?”

  I was, but I didn't let that stop me. I was taking over. I sat on top of him, letting my hands and mouth do the talking for me. His nipples being pierced made me so hot I swear I couldn't stop thinking about rubbing my own tits across his face and I did just that. I toyed with him, moving my breasts across his scruffy face and chin, but he knew my game and captured my nipple with his teeth and gently bit it. I pulled him in even closer as I ran my hand down his body and found his cock. I guided him inside me. It burned a little at first, then it felt like heaven as he slid in deep. I leaned back and put my hands on his legs for balance as I began to ride him. The pleasure was indescribable, it was just so intense. I barely came down from my own high as I felt him come warm inside me. We lay together panting for a few minutes.

  “Would you like to shower and then get some breakfast?”

  “I'd love to. I do have some errands to get taken care of today and I work tonight but I'm free afterwards.”

  “That works for me. We can grab something to eat and tour my work shop if you'd like.”

  “I have an early class tomorrow but I think we can work something out.” I said winking at him as I gathered up my clothes. I was wearing his shirt.

  “Wanna share a shower?” he asked. We shared more than just a shower, it was another half hour until we left for breakfast.

  I ran home to change my clothes. I read my assigned homework and then headed to the hospital to see baby Miles and check on Angela. A wave of sadness came over me. I felt guilty, here I was having fun while Angela and baby Miles were still in the hospital. Was it wrong that for once in my life I had a little happiness? I fought back tears as I walked faster up the street to St. Luke’s.

  Nolan ~ Fifteen

  When I arrived at my office all hell was breaking loose. Cameron and Monica Lansing were in a head-to-head shouting match. Cameron was on the phone calling for security.

  “What the hell is going on here?” I shouted to be heard over them both.

  Cameron put down the phone. They both started yelling at the same time.

  “Monica shut up and let my assistant talk please!”

  “Mr. Walker I found her in your office this morning, She came in the minute I arrived insisting you had an important meeting with her. I knew she didn't because I know everything that goes on here, it's my job!” “So to avoid an argument, I asked her to please wait for you so we could clarify any appointment she thought she had. The minute I turned my back to get her coffee, she went into your office. She was going through your desk.”

  I could tell Cameron's pride had been bruised that I might have forgotten to tell him of an appointment but Monica and I both knew there was no appointment. She must have really pissed off Cameron he was flushed and angry. I had never seen him this angry.

  “Cameron you are correct, Miss Lansing doesn't have an appointment and once security arrives have her thrown out!” I started walking in my office.

  Cameron smirked as he picked up the phone to attempt to call security again.

  I was not playing any games with her. My good mood was slowly changing to a bad one.

  “Nolan I just need five minutes, that's all!”

  I said “No! Let me make this clear to you, I don't want anything to do with you. Don't come to my office again! We have nothing to talk about!”

  Security had arrived. I had them hold her while I checked my office to see if anything was missing.

  “Please search her before you toss her out, if she had anything that looks like my company's property then hold her for the police. If she comes back here I want you to call the police and have her arrested for trespassing, is that clear?”

  “Yes Mr. Walker.” they both said in unison.

  “Nolan you will be sorry I promise you!” Monica shouted as they patted her down.

  “Monica I've been sorry since the day I met you!”

  Sam was stepping off the elevator as they guards were taking Monica downstairs.

  He looked at me in questioningly.

  “Cameron, Sam and I will be in our meeting until lunch. Please hold my calls unless you feel something is critical.”

  “Yes Mr. Walker.”

  “And Cameron...”

  “Yes Mr. Walker?”

  “I appreciate the job you did this morning, Thank you”

  “You're not angry she tricked me and went in your office?” he asked worried.

  “I'm not, my main concern is that you don't let her back in this building again.” I stated.

  “I understand and over my dead body will that bitch get back in this building.”

  Sam and I both laughed. Cameron rarely swore or lost his cool.

  “I'm sorry about that Mr. Walker.”

  “It's okay Cameron. Monica is a bitch, just keep that in mind,” I said shutting my office door after Sam walked in ahead of me.

  Once I closed the door and sat down, Sam burst out with questions.

  “Who the hell was that woman?”

  “That was Monica Lansing, my ex-girlfriend,” I stated.

  “What did she want?”

  “I ran into her last night when I was getting wine for my date with Ava. She wants money I think. I had to hail a cab to get away from her. She kept following me after I left the store.” I was starting to feel stressed as I adjusted my tie.

  “Damn Nolan she doesn't look like the same woman I remember you being with. She's kind of haggard looking now if you ask me.”

  “Monica is a party girl, what can I tell you really. I never noticed it until we came here from Texas to Manhattan.” “I guess the city night life is her drug of choice.”

  “I thought you told me she moved back home to Texas after you two split?” He asked.

  “I thought she had but I guess I was wrong.”

  “What was she doing here?”

  “She bulldozed Cameron into believing we had an appointment. She waited until he went to get her coffee then came in my office to snoop.”

  “Oh so that's why Cameron's feathers are so ruffled,” e said laughing.

  “Pretty much, you know Cameron prides himself on doing his job one hundred and ten percent so it was quite ugly when I walked in this morning.” I said laughing.

  “Well let's change the ugly subject. How was dinner with Ava last night?”

  I could feel the red creeping up my neck as I stood up and walked to the large office window. I looked out over the skyline. If Sam suspected for one minute Ava and I been intimate there would be endless ribbing.

  “It was great actually. I am going to see her again tonight after work.”

  “Why are you standing at the window watching the smog roll by if dinner was all that happened last night?”

  I knew it was coming. I kept looking out the window.

  “There might have been more but that's between us.” I said.

  “I knew it!”

  “Sam I really like her and it feels serious, that's all your getting from me.”

  “I guess I have to get you drunk before you will spill the details,” Sam said laughing.

  “You fucking wish!” I said sitting back down.

  “No it's all good man. I'm just happy you are no longer sitting here in this office like a corpse glued to
the seat.” “She's a nice girl.”

  “Yes she is, now can we get to work before I end up having to stay late like a corpse glued to my seat?” I asked laughing.

  Sam tossed a thick folder in front of me. “I thought you'd never ask!”


  I couldn't help feeling happy one minute and sad the next as I sat with baby Miles. He was getting stronger each day but Angela was not doing so well. They still had not brought her out the coma. I prayed for her – for all of us. I was a basket case when they asked me about her family. I honestly didn't know if she even had family but it felt safer for her and the baby to continue my silence. I would continue holding onto my story of being his guardian and her only family – for all purposes it was true from where I stood.

  I left baby Miles to see Angela before leaving for work. I held her warm hand wondering if I'd ever know the real story that brought her to my door in labor, so scared out of her mind. Until I knew that I was going to protect her and baby Miles with my life if I had to.

  After last night I knew I would have to talk to Nolan about the situation. I thought about him so much today that I barely got my homework done. I couldn't wait to see him tonight after work. I was also excited to see his shop. I didn't know anyone who worked with glass.

  As I left the elevator and headed to the side exit doors of the hospital my cell phone vibrated. I had a text.

  “How's my beautiful girl?”

  I texted back.

  “ Hey I'm good! I was just thinking about you!”

  A few minutes later.

  “I can't wait to see you, I've been thinking about you all morning!”

  I replied.

  “Was it dirty?”

  It went about five minutes then he replied.

  “It might have been...”

  I stopped walking. I laughed out loud. People were staring at me but I didn't care.

  “Really? Only might have been dirty? Are you coming to watch me work tonight?

  He replied.

  “Will it be dirty if I come?”

  He was cracking me up. I texted back.

  “It will be if you're coming...”

  I started walking when he didn't reply right away. As I waited at the crosswalk for the signal to change to walk when he replied.

  “I'm definitely coming then...” and then a few minutes later he sent me a huge kiss. I sent him one back.

  Call me crazy but I felt something serious for this man I had only known for a short time but I wasn't about to let that something make me question it to death. Feelings were real and this felt real to me. I walked happily across the street and headed to The Butterfly House. I had a dirty show to put on for him. I skipped merrily along I had a plan to make Mr. Nolan Walker hope he wasn't wearing tight jeans tonight.

  Becoming Lotus

  I dressed with care. I had wanted to do a spin on Yanni's album Voices we had listened to. I pulled on black stretch pants that were low waisted but were boot cut. The waistline of the pants were cut and shaped like lotus petals. People would see my belly and its piercing as I moved. My blouse was a thin gray silk wraparound. It's hugged my breasts tightly but was loose enough for them to bounce a little. Last I chose to dance barefoot.

  It was so nice to have my own dressing room now. Mr. Rayburn was a mover and shaker at getting things done fast. I was putting on my makeup to fit the intense feel of the music. Dark grey eyeshadow lined my eyes and then deep gunmetal gray to fill in the eyelid area. With the mix of the two colors it made my blue eyes stand out. I had my hair in hot rollers, then selected a pile of antique hair pins I had found at the local street market, they had deep purple lotus flowers on them.

  After fifteen minutes I removed each roller gently. I put my hair up, winding it around and sticking pins in to hold it, leaving a few pieces fall around my face.

  I heard a knock at my door.

  “Come in,” I said.

  It was Sam.

  “Ava how are things going for you?”

  “Actually they are going great Sam. Thank you for asking.”

  “I understand you'd like the piano moved out to the stage for your routine tonight, is this correct?”

  “Yes I did. Is that a problem?

  “It will take a little time to move it but since you asked before we opened I don't see why not. I like that you take the time to actually change up your routines each night. Would you come see me tomorrow early in the day? I'd like to talk to you about doing some choreography work for me. Perhaps we can also talk about a pay increase.”

  “Really? I'd love that!” I was shocked. I loved setting up my routines, putting the music together with the clothes then choosing a style of dance.

  “Would say one o'clock be okay?”

  “My last class is at eleven-thirty am so that's fine. Thank you Sam.”

  I laid down my hair brush. I reached out to shake his hand. He smiled and waved it away.

  “It's not necessary to thank me. I like you. Ava you're a hard worker. I'm pleased you and Nolan Walker are getting to know each other. He needs something more positive in his life. I'm glad to see he's finally coming out of his work shell.”

  “Who has a work shell?” Nolan said interrupting as he came walking in the door after a quick knock first.

  “Hey nobody said you could come in, this is a business meeting.” Sam joked with him.

  “A business meeting? Are you going to tell her she should sing instead of dance? That would be my business advice to her.”

  “Ava I'll see you tomorrow,” Sam said winking at me. Then he directed Nolan out of my dressing room.

  “Come on Mr. Walker let's go grab the front row seats and some drinks. Ava needs her space to get ready.”

  “What if I don’t want to leave?” Nolan said as he leaned over to steal a kiss from my lips. I couldn't help laughing as Sam pulled him away growling.

  I finished doing my lips and ran a brush of mineral makeup over my face. I checked to make sure my feet were clean and grabbed a pair of flip flops to wear to the stage. Grabbing a few props I was ready to get this dirty party started.

  Nolan ~ Sixteen

  As it turned out because Sam had moved some things around in order to get a piano on stage for Ava to do her routine, we had seats a lot closer than usual. I felt a little green with jealousy that Sam was going to see Ava dance, it wasn't like he had not seen her naked before. We both had seen her nude a few times but for some reason it bothered me tonight. I pushed it out of my mine. I wanted to be supportive of her job not one of those jealous pricks. Ava had talent. She was a beautiful woman – there was nothing wrong with her making a living doing this job.

  Once the music started I smiled, she chosen a Yanni song from our date. She walked out slowly barefoot, her head down and wearing a black derby bowler hat. She was smoking a cigar. I was floored. Was there nothing not sexy as hell about this woman?

  She took a huge drag on the cigar and blew out a huge ring as the music continued. She danced slowly around, twirling and smoking. I saw flashes of her bare hips and belly.

  Once she reached the piano she laid the cigar in an ashtray and pulled herself up on top. Standing, she danced slowly around and around. As the beat changed she dropped down slowly onto her knees. She tossed the hat across the room. Lying down on her back with the cigar she took another huge puff then let out a large smoke ring. As I watched it float upward she rolled over onto her side. She smiled at Sam and me. She let the cigar drop and just stared at me. She raked her eyes all over me. I felt my cock get rock hard as I shifted on the sofa. Her breasts were pushed to the breaking point in her top as she rolled onto her back. She ran her hands over them. My mouth felt dry. She turned again smiling at me. Her eyebrow rose as if in question. It was a wicked smile – so wicked I felt myself pulling at my collar to breathe. I realized I was wearing a tee shirt not a shirt and tie. I was caught up in her so much I couldn't think. I forgot all about the crowd and Sam as I watched her.

sp; She slid off the side of the piano. She picked up her cigar as she walked to the front of it she twirling and dancing. Her shirt came open of its own free will and fell to the floor. She sat down at the piano topless and barefooted. The cigar went into the ash tray as she began tearing out the pins in her hair, red lush waves fell down her back and over her arms giving hints of her bare breasts and those amazing plump dark rose nipples. I could almost taste them on my tongue.

  The music stopped and she sat at the piano, where she began to play this haunting song – then she sang. If I wasn't already in awe of her voice I was now in love with it. I had no idea she could play the piano. I was simply stunned at this woman's talent. She rose from the piano still singing. She walked in all her bare-chested beauty over and picked up the cigar. Taking a huge drag she blew the smoke at the crowd and then a kiss to me as the lights went out.

  There was a huge round of applause from the entire house. Sam smacked me on the back.

  “Fuck Nolan she has talent, that was an amazing performance! No offense she is a beautiful woman but there is much more going on here than a pair of tits and a nice ass strutting around for a crowd of perverted voyeurs!”

  “I agree, she has talent that is rare but she doesn't seem to notice that.”

  “I'm going to talk to her tomorrow about making some changes here, she shouldn't be stripping for a living with that voice. Hell she can dance, play the fucking piano and she's the only one here that puts real effort into her routine. When she asked to have the piano moved I figured it was a prop. I was not expecting her to play too.”

  “I want better for her but Sam I don't know if she feels she wants more.” Sam shook his head. “I'll see what I can do.” Standing he excused himself since he knew I had plans with Ava. I'd see him tomorrow, he and I could talk more then.


  Nolan came knocking on my dressing room door. I was taking off my makeup and had changed into white jean shorts and a dark teal green peasant blouse. I smiled as he entered.


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