Underworld - Level Up or Die: A LitRPG Series
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A special thank you to my editor!
Andi Marlowe
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Character Sheet
(Base stats at the end of book 1)
Name: Elorion Edwards
Race: Human
Age: 19
Level: 260
Health Points: 2500
Mana Points: 5000
Endurance: 800
Strength: 64
Dexterity: 100
Constitution: 100
Intelligence: 100
Wisdom: 1003
Stat Points: 15
Attributes Drained
+14,741 HP
+11,277 MP
+66 Str
+37 Dex
+71 Con
+207 Int
+103 Wis
Note: These stats are permanent as long as you use Vampire’s Might at least once in the next 7 days and once a week after. If you do not find another creature to drain within the next 7 days these stats will be lost at a rate of 3.33% a day until the end of a full month when your stats will return to normal.
As you drain targets, the benefits you receive will depend primarily on the purity of the source. Once your stats have reached a certain level, you will not be able to drain from low-level creatures to improve stats, only to sustain them.
If no stats are lost in a year’s time, they will become yours permanently without having to continue to use Vampire’s Might. All attribute gains through use on multiple targets of Vampire’s Might stack. The one-year timer does not start over with each gain of more stats. Each creature drained starts a separate timer.
Stat Bonuses
Novice Mana Flow Understanding
Sitting is no longer required for quick mana regeneration.
Total mana multiplied by 2. Your 200 mana has now increased to 400.
All spells cost 20% less mana to cast.
All spells are 20% more powerful when cast.
New skill: Meditation
Mana regeneration rate slowly ramps up the longer you meditate reaching a maximum of 5 times your current regeneration rate reached after 10 minutes of meditation.
Warning. Meditation can be dangerous because it requires your complete focus.
Note: The first minute of meditation is the normal regeneration rate.
Novice Mana Manipulation Understood
You can now charge a spell to cause greater damage.
The amount of mana per point of Intelligence has doubled.
All spells cost 20% less mana to cast.
All spells are 20% more powerful when cast.
Intermediate Meditation
Mana regeneration rate slowly ramps up the longer you meditate reaching a maximum of 10 times current regeneration rate after 5 minutes of meditation.
If you continue meditating after you have reached maximum mana, you will be able to store mana through meditation of up to double your current maximum mana.
Warning. Meditation can be dangerous because it requires your complete concentration.
Note: The first minute of meditation is the normal regeneration rate.
Intermediate Mana Flow Understood
Mana rejuvenation is now calculated by 2 points of mana per minute per point of wisdom.
Total mana multiplied by 5. 1000 base mana is now 5000
All spells cost 40% less mana to cast.
All spells are 40% more powerful when cast.
Novice Spell Mastery
All spells at the Novice level now cost 5 MP/MPM or less regardless of level.
Durable Body
Instead of 10 HP for each point of Con, you will now receive 25.
All damage taken reduced by 5%
Enhanced Endurance
Stamina doubled.
25% less stamina used.
Toughness Synergy
Because of the close relationship between Strength and Constitution, your high Con now reflects this. Every 5 points of Strength acts just as 1 point of Con would.
Light Step
You have surpassed the normal human limit for agile reactions. Due to this, it will seem to others as if you float off the ground when you run.
Speed Increased by 20%
Quick Reflexes Increased by 20%
Speed Synergy
Due to the relationship between fast twitch muscles responsible for Dexterity and how they help when lifting heavy objects, for every 5 points of Strength, it will be as if you have an additional point of Dex.
Heavy Lifter
You are now able to lift things 10% heavier. Because it is so much easier for you to handle lighter weight, all damage with melee weapons is increased by an additional 10%
You will now have the ability to increase your focus at will at a cost of double stamina use to add 25% damage and 50% aim to every melee attack.
Full Body Synergy
Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity all work together through muscles, tendon, and bone. Because of this relationship and the improvement of all three, it will be as if you have an additional +25 in all three attributes.
Additional +1 to all three stats for every 5 points put in each attribute equally. Example: 5 Str = 1 Con and 1 Dex.
This +25 is included in all damage and skill calculations but does not apply to Leveling Bonuses.
Light Magic Affinity
Due to a natural affinity with light magic, the user’s healing spells will heal health, endurance, and exhaustion. As individual spells level, this can grow to heal status effects as well. Healing spells will level faster than normal.
Blue Magic
You now have access to Blue Magic.
General Magic
Light Orb
This orb will obey your will and light up the path before you. The higher the level the further and brighter the light can extend. This spell can be essential for survival or a power outage.
Mage’s Deodorant
When unable to use deodorant because of unavailability, poverty, or strange religious alignment, this spell will keep you from adding smelly funk to your social engagements. The smell is neutral. As this spell levels up you can add special scents for any special occasion.
Mage’s Toilet Paper
Never run out of this household essential again! For anywhere you find yourself you will never be without! As the spell levels up lotion can be added to the effects of the spell!
Power Nap
When you sleep, you recover your HP and exhaustion twice as fast. Passive.
Light Magic
Lesser Heal
This is the novice level healing spell for those who have unlocked the Light Magic Allignment.
Base healing of 100 HP
Base cos
t of 50 MP
Base Heal of 1000 at level 1
Cost 100 MP per cast.
Advanced Healing
Base Heal of 5000 at level 1
Cost 1000 MP per cast.
Health Bullet
When Healing magic is condensed and fired at a high velocity.
Health Bomb
When Healing magic is gathered at one point and compressed. I can be thrown, but the more magic channeled into the spell the less stable it is.
Mind Buff
When Healing magic is applied to the mine both Intelligence and Wisdom is increased.
The amount depends on the rank of the Healing magic used.
Muscle Buff
When Healing magic is applied to the body’s muscular system both Strength and Dexterity is increased.
The amount depends on the rank of the Healing magic used.
Skeletal Buff
When Healing magic is applied to the body’s skeletal system the bodies Constitution and endurance is increased.
The amount depends on the rank of the Healing magic used.
Organ Defense
When Healing magic is applied to the body’s organs the ability to resist poisons and status effects is increased.
The amount depends on the rank of the Healing magic used.
In the Buff
When Healing magic is applied to every bodily system the buffs are combined into one spell.
The amount depends on the rank of the Healing magic used.
Blue Magic
Creature Observation
This is the basic skill that all blue magic is based upon. It allows you to steal the natural skills of other creatures and mimic their abilities through magic.
Force Learn
Force Learn is the spell form of Creature Observation. By channeling mana into your eyes, you are able to form a magic connection with what you are trying to observe. This works by greatly increasing your focus and giving you a glimpse into the spectrum of magic.
Explosive End
The moment before death you will have the option of directing your remaining mana into a finale of fireworks, injuring the targets you set your sights upon.
Note: After you have used this spell you are dead. There is no way to cheat death and watch the cool effects of Explosive End; dead is dead. If you just so happen to know someone with a resurrection spell, then perhaps, but you will still probably miss the show because of the long cast time of such spells.
Use mana to clean your body. Its ability to clean and disinfect grows with level. At the highest level, this can even be used to cleanse bacterial diseases.
This is the intermediate skill that sends waves of pain throughout the nervous system.
Stun of 10 seconds
Lesser Pain Resist
You have a small amount of tolerance to the status effect, Pain.
Through careful observation, you have understood Blue Magic: Decay. This spell stacks with itself and other corrosives.
Against non-living objects or creatures, this weakens and even destroys the target with enough time.
Against the living, this spell weakens and can cause harm. In time, because of a living creature’s ability to self-repair, the spell will be overcome.
Through invisibility you are able to fade into a true ethereal state.
Fades in and out of invisibility depending on your speed of movement, skill and magic use.
Shadow Step
Manipulates shadows to make you difficult to see.
Skeleton Warrior's Shield
You have understood the magic nature of the shield of the Skeleton Warrior. A thick bone shield is summoned at the casting of this spell.
Cost 50 MPM
Skeleton Warrior's Sword
You have understood the magic nature of the sword of the Skeleton Warrior. A sharp bone sword is summoned at the casting of this spell.
Cost 50 MPM
Skeletal Breast Plate
You have understood the magic nature of the sword of the Skeleton Champion. Hardened bone forms over your torso giving you a strong and well-fitting armored shell.
Cost 100 MPM
Skeletal Armor
When Skelton Warrior’s Shield, Sword and Skeletal Breast Plate merge they big you a full bodied suit of armor with the shield and sword in combination.
Skeletal General’s Defense
Full bone platemail combines with Skeletal General’s Helm to form full body and head protection. You also get to look awesome!
Fluid Body
5% resistance to physical damage
Your resistance will grow as the spell levels
Fluid Mentality
5% resistance to magic damage
Your resistance will grow as the spell levels
Blue Magic - Undead Dominance (Novice)
Unlike Raise the Dead, you are able to both bring the dead to life and command those that are already raised unless the being is directly controlled by the necromancer. The level of undead you can control or raise depends on the level and rank of the spell.
Invited to an undead block party? Here’s the latest in aromas to die for! Now is your chance to smell like all the cool corpses!
Teeth Whitening
A passive spell that will ensure your teeth stay healthy and white. This spell costs no mana but will cease to work if the user dies.
Bat Form
Capable of turning into a bat form. All spells and stats remain available in this form, but the stronger you are the larger the bat. Stealth becomes harder the higher the Strength and Constitution, but Invisibility is possible.
Cold Resist (Novice)
The ability to resist cold damage. This skill grows as your spell levels and increases in rank.
Vampire’s Might
Novice Blood Drain evolves into its truest form. By draining a creature’s blood, the power gain can be applied to Heal, Mana and attribute points. Must continue to consume blood for your power to not fade over time.
An aura of bloodlust terrifies all of those caught in its influence. Its effects grow with level. Does not affect those with a strong will, rage, bloodlust or high focus.
Alpha Bolt
A sphere of neutral magical energy with the force to knockback a target when cast.
True alignment neutral base damage 500
Cost 500 MP
Alpha Bullet
Neutral magical energy compressed into a small bullet and launched at high velocity.
True alignment neutral base damage 400
Cost 200 MP
Alpha Bomb
Neutral magical energy is gathered at one point and compressed. I can be thrown, but the more magic channeled into the spell the less stable it is.
A stream of flame is propelled magically from the casters mouth. The range is 5 meters and the span is 5 meters.
An explosive ball of flame is propelled magically from the casters mouth.
Lesser Wail of the Banshee
Sonic damage expelled through one’s cry. Dead mages who are resurrected for whatever unknown evil become ghouls and have this ability naturally.
Ice Shard (Novice)
A large ice shard is propelled at your enemy. The number of shards and your ability to manipulate them grows as it levels. One additional shard for each 10 levels while in novice rank.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Kidnapped
Chapter 2 – Goodbye Ranch Dressing
Character Sheet
Chapter 3 – Home Base, Bread, and Some Pain
Chapter 4 – To Hit an Imp in the Face
Chapter 5 - Regrouping
Chapter 6 – Going Solo
Chapter 7 – The Head Mistress
Chapter 8 – St
ress Relief
Chapter 9 – Getting Started
Chapter 10 – Lydia
Chapter 11 – Power Leveling
Chapter 12- Returning From a Sleepless Hunt
Character Sheet
Chapter 13 – Wind Magic
Chapter 14 – The First Boss Monster
Chapter 15 – Magic Books
Chapter 16 - Flee
Chapter 17 – Theft From My Would Be Killers
Chapter 18 - Curiosity Killed the Human?
Chapter 19 – A Master’s Duel
Chapter 20 – Loot!
Chapter 21 – A Succubus’s Reward
Chapter 22 – Much Needed Nap
Chapter 23 – Planning for the Long Term
Chapter 24 - Study
Chapter 25 - Construction
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Character Sheet
Stat Bonuses
General Magic
Light Magic
Blue Magic