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Undercover: Secrets & Lies

Page 17

by Jennifer Loren

  “Well, do whatever you can to find out. I’ll see what I can do on my end. I want you to complete your assignment and get out as soon as possible. The longer you stay in, the more I worry about you ever coming out,” Henry warns one last time before I leave him with mixed emotions. Henry believes I am going to fall into a trap, that Ben is going to leave me to die, the first moment I show any sign of disloyalty. Maybe that’s true. Maybe. It doesn’t change how I feel. I can’t hate him. I can’t hurt him, no matter what end he may be setting me up for. I can try and find answers, without anyone knowing. If I can control the answers, then I can control how this ends. There is only one person I know that can thread that needle, slip in between the police and the criminals without anyone noticing. Mika. He can help me find Noah, and find the facts of what happened so I can tear away what I don’t want anyone else to know and thread the information back to setup the one, and only one that I want —Nathan.

  The walk back to the hotel is a somber one, but I talk myself into getting back on track, back to my goals and back to doing what I need to for my father. Then, a car pulls up beside me.

  “Hey, Tiger. Are you hungry?” I turn to look inside the car as a bright smile emerges. “Come on, get in. I bought everything needed to make the perfect meal.”

  “I have to work early tomorrow, Ben. You have a tendency to keep me up all night.”

  “I promise I’ll behave. I’ll even bring you back to your hotel room at the end of the night. No sleeping over. You snore anyway.”

  “I …” I start to argue until he laughs. “You’re not going to leave me alone until I say yes are you?” Sigh. “Fine. But it’s going to be an early night.” I jump into his car and laugh at the fool as he sings every song on the radio with vigor. My mind wanders, and he notices. He doesn’t ask. Maybe he’s afraid to know, but he takes my hand and holds it with a gentle brush of his thumb. The moment I walk into his place, I feel at home, which makes it all the more frustrating. Ben sets out bags of food, laying everything on the counter just as he likes it before calling me over. “What do you want me to do?”

  “Hey, I paid for it. The least you can do is help me make it.”

  “I can’t cook, Ben, unless you like microwave dinners or meals that only require adding water?”

  “I’ll show you.” He kisses me with encouragement. Music goes on, and he instantly acts a fool, taking my hand to spin me in front of him. Forget the “just add water” meals. Just add music and Ben turns into a one man circus. He has me dancing with him as he shows me how to cut, chop, and mix. I do my best to pay attention and help out, but the dancing and singing gets the best of me, and I can do nothing more than laugh at the mess we are creating. I am not sure anything is edible, but Ben, as always, is optimistic. “Yeah, see. It’s going to be great. It’s a little off from the picture, but it will still taste good.” He points to the disaster in the oven that looks like some kind of autopsy rather than a meal. I burst out laughing so hard I can’t stop. He looks up at me in shock, and I laugh harder.

  “Ben, it looks like something a pack of wild dogs have been chewing on.”

  “That’s not what you were going for?”

  “No, I was trying to match the picture.”

  “Oh. Huh. Well that’s unfortunate,” I laugh, falling into his chest as he holds me, kissing my cheek and laughing with me. “We have to at least try this thing before we give up and order food.”

  “Okay, if you say so,” I agree, trying to clean up the kitchen while we wait, but I am distracted by him and his wanting eyes. We spend our wait time curled up together on his sofa, reading articles on the internet. It all feels so unreal, a dream I never dared to allow myself to have. When the food is done, Ben takes it out and sits it down in front of us with a determined expression. I hold my mouth as he sticks a fork in and prepares to take a bite.

  I watch him chew and start to nod. “It looks awful, no doubt, but it actually tastes pretty good.”

  “No!” He gets another fork full and feeds me a bite. To my surprise, it actually is good.

  I’m shocked while Ben smiles, kissing me. “You’re amazing.” Suddenly, my heart sinks, and I ache inside. I want time to stop, for my life to change or for me to be someone else, for him—only for him. It’s not fair, and he instantly recognizes the turmoil written all over my face. “What’s wrong?” I shake my head and force a smile. “Laila, what’s wrong? You’re upset for some reason, and I don’t understand why.”

  “It’s nothing, just a memory you reminded me of,” I say, allowing him to assume anything but what it is.

  “I tell you what. Our next day off, we are going to get up early and go to the outdoor market and get some fresh food. I want to see what you can do with even better ingredients.”

  “Ugh. Do they sell any frozen meals?” I ask, enjoying making him laugh for once.



  Laila waits for me outside her hotel with a bag in hand. “You know, it would be much easier if you would stay with me, at least until you get a better place.”

  “I like the hotel. It’s convenient to everything I need.”

  Sighing, “You mean the bus stop over the hill because that’s the only thing, convenient to any of this.” I wave my hand around to make a point.

  “Are we going to start arguing about this again, because you know I won’t give in?” She forces her stubbornness in my face. I start to say something back, but she squints at me. I give in, groaning my frustrations at her.

  We get to my place and I put her bag up for her, noticing something odd about the puffy front. “Laila, are you smuggling a puppy or something in this thing.”

  She runs in, panicked. “Don’t look at that. I decided at the last minute to bring it, but it’s not right for—it’s just completely wrong. A bad idea.” Her reaction makes me even more curious.

  “Alright.” I nod, waiting for her to turn before unzipping the bag and pulling out “the bad idea”.


  I hold up a school girl outfit that can’t possibly fit her completely. “Are you stripping on the side?”

  “Give me that.” She grabs, growling at me. “I told you no.”

  “That’s new. Did you buy that for me?” She walks away, ignoring me. “Oh, don’t you dare walk away from me, Laila. Laila,” I say more assertive. She turns around, acting as if she’s angry as hell. I wave my hand at her, unimpressed with her acting skills. “Don’t give me that shit. I want to see it.”

  “Too bad. Now that I see you with it, I really don’t think it’s going to fit you. The skirt is going to be way too short.” She turns her back to me.

  I hold the outfit up, humoring her. She doesn’t even look back. “Ergh, Laila.” Obviously this is going to take some serious convincing. I rush to get down on my knees in front of her. “Please Laila, I want to see it on you.” She shakes her head for a few seconds, but I see the slight makings of a smile. “Think about it?” She nods, reluctantly.

  “Fine. I’ll think about it.” A couple drinks later, and I have her convinced to at least show me, briefly. I sit in a chair, waiting impatiently as she changes. The door moves slightly and then closes again. “Come on. I’m sitting on my hands, my phone is on the other side of the room, and I pulled all of the shades.”

  “Okay, but don’t judge.” What? Judge her? I’ve never been more excited. She steps out one leg at a time, high heels and thigh highs, a shirt her breasts are trying to break through, hair on top of her head with glasses, and a skirt that barely covers. She walks over to me angry, which only makes it hotter. “Are you happy now?”

  “Yes, very much so.” I jump up before she can run away and throw her over my shoulder. “Oh damn, and a matching thong. Love it,” I say, smacking her ass. She giggles and smacks me playfully to put her down.

  I sit her on the edge of the counter. “Ben. Ben …” She laughs as I kiss her and play with her outfit. The panties come off, and I slide her ass to the edg

  With her legs spread out in front of me, I go down and make sure her pussy is good and wet. She tastes so good I can hardly get my cock out of my pants. The moment I do, her shirt breaks open. “Awe, I love this outfit.”


  “Oh yeah,” I whisper against her lips, sliding inside of her. The outfit is making me crazy. Her breasts bounce in my face, and her skirt raises up enough for me to see my erection deep inside of her. I pull out, letting her down. “We are not done with this outfit.” I follow her around like a puppy dog just waiting for the right moment. She laughs, trying to dodge me. She runs around the chair, and I jump over the sofa to meet her. She spins around to get away, but I am able to get hold of her and bring her back. I lick my lips as she leans back against me. Fondling her heaving breasts, I reach down and rub her ass that’s against my rock hard member. Laila reaches back and holds me to her, moving her ass against me. She loves to tease, I love it too, but right now, I’m ready to go. “You’re asking for it.” She leans forward with a smile over her shoulder. “You better hold on, baby.” I slip my hand down and play with her clit, getting her wet all over again, making sure she comes to loosen her up. The moment she does, I slide in. She’s tight, and her ass is perfection. The sight of me going in and out of her, her moans and ragged breaths, and the intense pleasure that is rushing through me forces me to come. We are both left breathless, her especially. She collapses against me, gripping my arm that holds her. I pick her up and carry her to the shower, making sure to show my appreciation with every kiss.

  It’s a great night with a lot of activity, so much so I forgot to warn Luca. He’s supposed to come by and pick up my key card for work.

  “Ben,” Luca calls, walking through my bedroom door without any knowledge of Laila’s presence. “Whoa! Oh shit! I’m sorry.” He quickly steps out of my bedroom, looking uncomfortable as hell and pulling the door closed.

  Laila’s outfit is strewn all over the house. I mean, that should have sent a clear message the moment he walked in the front door. Laila curls in under my arm. “I’m sorry. I forgot he was coming by this morning. Stay here.” I get up, put some pants on, and cover her up with a kiss. “I doubt he saw anything.” She sighs, calming back into the bed. I walk out of the room, shaking my head at Luca. “What’s wrong with you? You walk right into my bedroom when you get here?”

  “I didn’t know she was here. You said to come by, so we came by.”

  I look toward my open refrigerator as Gus stands up, eating something. “Morning Ben.”

  “You need to tell Laila you didn’t see anything.”

  “But I did. I saw a lot,” he says with wide eyes.

  “I don’t care. Just tell her you didn’t.”

  “Alright.” He shrugs, creeping to my bedroom door like he’s going to wake her again. What the fuck is he doing? “Laila?” He waves inside the door. “I just wanted you to know that I didn’t see anything. Nothing at all.” He looks back at me. “Okay?” I shake my head in amazement. “And Ben was right. You do have very beautiful breasts. Sleep well.” He closes the door, and I grip my head, wondering what the hell he is trying to do to me? “What?”

  “Ben!” Laila yells. Luca laughs.

  “Asshole.” I hand him my key.

  “By the way, what the hell is that?” Luca points to Laila’s skirt as Gus nods with a large smile and a thumbs up. “Both of you, get out of here before you get me into any more trouble.” They take off with some food and yell their goodbyes to Laila.

  I rush back into the room and entice Laila into a shower so we can get out of the house in time. I am showered and ready when she walks out in a sweet dress and sneakers. “Wow, you did go shopping.”

  She shrugs. “I was thinking it might be more comfortable for the day.”

  “I like it. You look beautiful, as always,” I say, bringing a gushing smile to her face. Every time she does that, I have to remind myself to breathe.

  It’s a perfect, sunny day. We wander the market, holding hands and enjoying all the booths. You would think we were like any other couple. Hell, I wish we were. I would marry her tomorrow if I knew for sure she would be okay with who I am.

  Just as my regular person day starts to feel real, I catch a glimpse of a familiar SUV. “Shit.” Laila turns to see what the problem is. “Get whatever you want. Titus is looking for me. I’ll be right back.” I kiss her concerned expression. “It’s okay.” I head for his car, cursing under my breath. The window rolls down the moment I reach him. “What are you doing here? It’s my day off.”

  “I wanted to let you know that I’m setting my divorce in motion.”

  “I don’t know what that has to do with me? I doubt you came all the way down here just to tell me you’re getting divorced.”

  He sighs glancing over my shoulder at Laila. “Nathan is concerned you are spending too much time with Laila. We’re afraid it might be affecting your judgment.”

  “Nathan or Jolie?”

  “Both,” he admits.

  “And why do you listen to either one of them, Titus? They live for trouble.”

  “I’m concerned, Ben. I’ve watched you with her. You’re like I’ve never seen you before.”

  “Like what? Happy? Falling in love with a wonderful woman? I am, and you want to stop me?”

  Titus sighs. “I am concerned is all. It’s happening very fast, don’t you think?” I don’t bother to answer that question. “Luca said she has nice breasts,” he says, trying not to laugh.

  “I would prefer you and Luca not discuss my girlfriend during you weekly lunches together. Are we done here?”

  “No. I wanted to let you know that I am having her followed and don’t argue with me about it. There’s something going on. I can feel it. Whether it’s her or someone else, I’m not sure. I need you to be careful, Ben. My instincts about these things are never wrong, you know that.”

  “You’re wrong about Laila.”

  “If I’m not, then I hope you’re not that close to her. Enjoy your day off.” He nods to his driver after his warning, leaving me angry. I walk back to the market trying to fix my mood, but I find Laila talking to Daisy. Who is a little too excited to see her.

  “You really look beautiful,” he says, finding ways to touch her. “I went by your hotel last night, but you weren’t there. Where you staying now?”

  I walk up, putting my arm around her waist. “With me.”

  “Ryder? You’re with him?” Daisy asks, letting go of her hand.

  Laila instantly looks remorseful. “We have been seeing each other for a few weeks or more now.”

  “More. A lot more, I assure you.” I make sure he understands.

  “Couldn’t have been that long. It wasn’t that long ago that we slept together.” My blood boils.

  Laila looks up at me. “You know about that, and it was before us.” I nod, still trying to calm down.

  “Yeah, it was before you, Ryder. Laila, I can’t believe you’re not tired of him yet. Your patience has gotten better. Most wouldn’t be able to stand such a loser for more than a few seconds. I know I can’t.”

  “Cole, please don’t be angry.”

  “I’m not angry. I’m just worried about you.” He eyes my hand on her and shakes his head. “You’re going to screw this up, Ryder, and I’ll be waiting when you do.” He walks away, huffing.

  I turn away from Laila and grab Daisy’s arm to make a point clear to him. “A little advice—move on because you’re going to be waiting a long time.”

  “You do realize that she loves me, right? She always has, and she always will. You’re just the in between guy.”

  “You hope.”

  “I know.” He pushes me away from him. I lunge forward, and Laila jumps in between us. “I’m not scared of you, Ryder. What are you going to do? Kill me? Make me disappear? I know who you are. Anything you do to me, she’ll hate you for. No matter what, she won’t ever love you. Not a criminal. She’s too good for that.”
/>   He walks away while Laila, cradles my face and kisses me, trying to get me to look at her. It doesn’t help. I am tense and ready to explode. I try to change my mood and enjoy our time together, but too much is running through my head, and Laila knows it. We get back to my place. I take one look at her and want her. I press her hard against the wall, pulling up her dress and trying to fuck her, but she pushes me away.

  “Stop Ben! What are you doing?” I stand away from her, pissed off. “You can’t just fuck me like you’re marking your territory. You don’t own me.”

  “If you don’t want to fuck me, then go fuck him!” I snap back. She smacks me—hard. I’m pretty sure I’ll be feeling it for a while.

  “I’m leaving. Don’t follow me.” She grabs her stuff and heads for the door.


  “Laila.” I chase her to the door. “Please don’t leave. I’m sorry. I was angry about Titus showing up, about Daisy—Shepherd, and I took it out on you. I shouldn’t have.” She stops and waits for me to get to her. “I am really sorry.” I step in front of her and try to get her to look at me. “I’m so tired of people telling me we shouldn’t be together.” She doesn’t seem convinced. “We were having a great day, and it’s my fault it was ruined. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have let others affect me.”

  “What did Titus say to you?” she asks out of the blue.

  “Nothing. He was coming from his attorney’s office and wanted to let me know.”

  “He’s having me followed. Why? Don’t lie to me. I’ve seen them. Is he coming after me?”

  “No. It’s what he does. You’re fine.” I take both her hands and kiss them, realizing she’s shaking.

  She pulls away, looking up at me with fear in her eyes. “I thought he told you to kill me.”

  I push my fingers into my hair, shaking my head. “No, I would never hurt you, Laila.” I want to ask her why she would ever think that, and then I replay the events in my head and understand. I fall against the wall. “If you need to leave, I understand. But I wish you would stay.” Her eyes are filled with tears that she’s trying to keep from falling. She reaches her hand out, and I take it, bringing her into my arms. I feel her tears through my shirt, and it kills me soul. It takes some time to get her to calm down, but eventually, she falls asleep on my chest. I don’t sleep at all. Laila’s nightmares return. She wakes up screaming and fighting me as I try to help her. I stay awake so she can sleep. She’s afraid of something, afraid of me, and I don’t know why, or maybe I just don’t want to know.


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