Book Read Free

Celestial Love

Page 10

by Juli Blood

  As she brought up her display panel she asked, ‘Is anything wrong?’

  “No.” Bryan answered out loud before he remembered. ‘Sorry, nothing is wrong. I’m just amazed at how much more beautiful you are in person compared to your picture. The glimpse I had on our wedding night was just too fleeting. Although I must admit, I still love your eyes.’

  ‘Thank you. You are quite handsome yourself. I didn’t even let myself see a picture or the holographic image of you that was sent. I didn’t want to make my decision based on something so superficial. I mean it’s very nice that you are handsome but even if you weren’t it was who you are as a person that I based my decision on. Do you understand?’ Feeling a little exposed, Kalea tried to disguise her nervous feelings.

  ‘Yes, I do but it’s nice to know you think I’m handsome. It makes it easier to tell you that you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen and I am extremely grateful that you’re also one of the most intelligent,’ Bryan replied and let the tight hold he had on his emotions slip a little so she would know just how sincerely he meant his compliments.

  ‘Thank you.’ Blushing slightly Kalea turned back to her display and saw Pierce smiling from the doorway of the crew quarters. She hadn’t realized he was still there. A closer look at his face revealed that he had discovered that they had linked successfully. Giving him a quick “make yourself scarce” look she then tried to focus her attention back on the task at hand.

  “We really need to discuss the exact wording of your message. The Council mentioned that you’re going to inform them that we know they are terrorists and that we are now leaving together.”

  “That’s basically it. Their original plan was to have us married a second time so that the terrorists could witness it, but your father and I were concerned that we would be in the area too long. His wish is for us to deliver the message and return as quickly as possible, letting the military take it from there,” Bryan explained in a calm and dispassionate voice. “My coming to join you was all the evidence of our wedding that we felt we had time to give them. If it isn’t enough, well,” Bryan shrugged, “you said they only had a few days’ supply of water and air left, it will just have to be their choice. The main issue though is to get you safely out of the area in case they choose violence.”

  Seeing the wisdom and feeling his honest desire to protect her, Kalea took a moment to try and come up with a way to satisfy her husband and father without feeling like she was being a coward running from a fight. Finally she said, “Fine, we will send the message and leave but we are only going to the surface. I want to be able to tell the citizens that I will be waiting for them when they arrive in their emergency escape pods. We can even be at 30,000 feet above sea level if it will make you feel better but, I’m not leaving the area without knowing that the citizens are safe.”

  “That seems fair,” Bryan replied. “Now, how do you suggest we inform them that we know they are terrorists?”

  “I was thinking of starting with the facts about the water filtration system. I think if I give enough information about how the system was damaged they will realize that we know what’s going on. Then I was going to inform them that SC-17 must be evacuated until a replacement system can be built and installed.”

  “If they argue, I thought of showing the recording of the actual sabotage in order to convince them. Then if that doesn’t work I thought you could step up behind me and say you came to escort me to the surface to help with the evacuation process,” Kalea explained.

  “Sounds like a good plan, if a bit long. Edward isn’t here to translate so you will need to do that or perhaps just my being in view will be enough,” Bryan replied. “I understand that this is to be a live communication feed so where would you like me to stand or sit?”

  “Franklin will be across from me monitoring the feed and the rest of the security force will be monitoring events in SC-17 and around the shuttle. So you might as well be sitting comfortably.”

  Bryan nodded and moved over to sit on the couch. Just then Franklin entered and took his place at the table. Without further delay Princess Kalea delivered her message. He was amazed at the detail the security image showed of the actual sabotage. Before he even realized it he stood and walked up behind Princess Kalea.

  When she paused he said, “My name is Crown Prince Bryan Alexandros of Saxionias. I have come to join my bride in the rescue efforts of the citizens of SC-17. We will be waiting for your emergency escape pods on the surface.”

  Franklin ended the transmission as soon as Princess Kalea finished translating and with a quick bow headed to the cockpit. Within moments they were rising to the surface. The shuttle that had delivered Prince Bryan followed after, positioning itself between SC-17 and Princess Kalea’s shuttle.

  Princess Kalea tapped an icon on her display and said, “Jackson, continue monitoring all the bio signs in SC-17. Pierce, you will lose the signal from the security system any minute but if you see something first let me know.”

  “What do you think?” Bryan asked when she stopped talking.

  “I wish I knew,” she answered. “If they surrender, their sentences will be much lighter but if they do something drastic they may not make it to trial. I wonder how they ever thought this would work.”

  “They probably didn’t realize the extent of your security surveillance system. They probably hoped to delay the wedding and then demand their continued freedom for your return,” Bryan answered.

  “If either of my brothers had been involved in the negotiations, I can guarantee what kind of freedom they would have been given. They would have been free to travel space in an antiquated shuttle without being able to return,” Kalea answered with a slight giggle at the thought.

  “That’s much kinder than what I had in mind,” Bryan replied. “But then I understand you don’t have the death penalty on your world.”

  “HEAVEN’S NO!” Kalea replied. “Well not exactly. I’m sure you’ll understand once you meet someone convicted of a crime. Although that won’t be until you are out doing the survey work. No one convicted of a crime is allowed at the palace or the surrounding villages.”

  A little surprised at her response Bryan decided to let the matter drop and see how the terrorists responded. Her comment reminded him once again that he needed to ask her about the villages. Since the terrorists’ plan had failed, theorizing about other outcomes seemed irrelevant. Discovering that Kalea was under the impression that he was going to be part of the survey teams, he wondered how she would feel when she learned he would primarily be orchestrating things from the palace.

  Soon they reached the surface and Kalea informed Franklin to take them to 30,000 feet. When they reached that altitude Prince Bryan took the seat across from her. He didn’t say anything, just watched and listened.

  “Princess Kalea,” Jackson said. “There is a lot of movement among the citizens. I think whatever drug the terrorists used has worn off.”

  “Are they moving to their escape pods?” She asked.

  “Yes, Your Highness the majority are. A small group seems to be gathering but I don’t believe it is the terrorists. I have been tracking their movements and they are in a different area. I would suppose it is Captain Fletcher and his team, or at least a portion of it,” Jackson replied.

  “Good. Pierce, as each pod is launched it will send out a locator signal. I want you to log each signal and track it. Jackson, if the terrorists get into escape pods I want to know which ones so we can pick them up when they reach the surface. Danielson, establish communications with the surface vessels. I want to know everything as it happens. Questions?” she asked as she finished giving out their assignments.

  No one answered so Princess Kalea turned her attention back to Prince Bryan and said, “I’m sorry you have to be here for this. I’m sure you would be more comfortable back at the palace. Would you like me to call up your shuttle? You could go back,” she offered.

  “I would rather stay here with you,”
Bryan replied. “If my staff or anyone else needs me, I am sure they can reach me via your communication network.” Princess Kalea simply nodded and went back to viewing the data streaming into her control panel.

  A comfortable silence settled over them as they waited. Concern for the citizens of SC-17 consumed Princess Kalea’s thoughts. Prince Bryan’s thoughts focused mainly on his bride. He was fascinated by the way she was completely in control of herself and her team. No one questioned her authority and though she was giving orders it was not in a forceful manner. He wasn’t sure what the orders were because she didn’t translate them but he could tell from her tone. The few women with authority that he had met always seemed so aggressive and argumentative. Intrigued with the drastic difference, he simply observed.

  Moments later Jackson began calling out the number of SC-17 citizens that were slowly rising to the surface in their escape pods. Soon every citizen of SC-17 was making the journey to the surface.

  “Your Highness,” Jackson reported. “The only bio signs from SC-17 are the terrorists and the security force which now appears to be preparing to apprehend them.”

  “Do we have any way to contact the security force?” Princess Kalea asked.

  “No, Your Highness. Ummm…Your Highness there are new bio signs appearing. I don’t know how but I am definitely reading more,” Jackson said completely puzzled by this development.

  Noticing the change in the conversation Bryan asked, “What is it?”

  Without even hesitating she quickly explained using the link, ‘We are reading additional life signs in SC-17 but we have no idea where they came from. All of the citizens have been evacuated.’

  ‘They must be the elite military force that King Douglas was telling me about. He sent them out before you left the palace to add to your security,’ Bryan answered again using the link.

  Surprised both that her father hadn’t told her about this and that they were now moving in without even notifying her, Kalea took a deep breath and then said, “Jackson, I believe those bio signs are more of our forces. How many are there?”

  “Six, Your Highness,” Jackson replied glad that his surprise at her answer wasn’t obvious in his voice. “Something is happening.” He suddenly announced. “All of our forces are rushing toward escape pods.”

  Standing, Princess Kalea quickly exited her lounge and moved to his station to watch the screen. Prince Bryan followed. “Pierce, have all the escape pods reached the surface?” she asked over her shoulder.

  “Yes, Your Highness, except for those that just launched,” Pierce replied.

  “Danielson, how are the recovery efforts coming?” she asked.

  “Almost all the escape pods have been retrieved. There are three more that were caught in a strong current as they rose and one of the surface vessels has moved to intercept them,” he reported.

  “Signal the surface vessels to disperse,” she ordered as she focused back on the bio signs monitors. “The terrorists aren’t moving. I have a bad feeling about this.” Moving toward the cockpit she continued, “Franklin, move us to the south but keep us close enough so we can still get the bio readings.”

  Feeling the shuttle begin to move Bryan wondered what was happening but didn’t ask. He could feel her tension as if it was his own and he knew she didn’t need the distraction of filling him in.

  “Your Highness,” Franklin called from the cockpit. “Sensors just detected several small crafts leaving the area at great velocity. They are below the surface and they just seemed to appear.”

  “That would be the military force that was serving as our backup,” Princess Kalea replied as if she had known all along. “Jackson what are the terrorists doing?”

  “Nothing, Your Highness. Oh, wait, they are moving closer together and forming a tight circle,” he answered slightly puzzled. “They must be standing shoulder to shoulder; they look like a red circle. I can’t distinguish between the different bio signs.

  Leaning back toward the cockpit Princess Kalea asked, “Franklin, could they have gotten some type of explosive past the security system?”

  “Your Highness, I just don’t know. I mean they couldn’t have gotten any type of fusion or atomic weapon in but if they just wanted to destroy the city they could have simply made an old fashioned bomb out of common chemicals,” He answered.

  “Would one of those be strong enough to damage the city?” Kalea asked with obvious skepticism.

  “It would be difficult, but you know as well as I do that there are certain places that are more vulnerable than others. All they would have to do is damage the outer structure enough to let the water do the rest,” Franklin pointed out.

  “Well, just in case, make sure we are up wind and as far away as we can be, yet still able to monitor everything.” Princess Kalea barely finished her sentence when Jackson called to her.

  “Your Highness!” he exclaimed and reached for her just as the shuttle rolled as if it were in the ocean and not 30,000 feet above it.


  “What is it? What was that?” Kalea asked without a trace of panic in her voice. Jackson had grabbed her wrist and prevented her from falling into Danielson’s station.

  “It seems I was wrong Your Highness,” Franklin answered from the cockpit. “They did have something more powerful than a homemade bomb. The city is destroyed. I can replay the sensor log if you would like to see the spray dome that the explosion formed just behind us. What you felt was the jets of gas that broke through the spray dome. The surface vessels are all fine but they suddenly have high seas to navigate and for your protection we must leave the area.” He had saved that last bit for the end knowing that she was going to balk. He was right.

  “We are not going to leave the area Franklin,” she ordered in a calm but stern voice. “You may take us further out but I don’t want to lose contact with the surface vessels in case they need assistance. Then we must call for the hazmat and Ecological response teams so that they can determine the extent of the damage. Is that clear?”

  “Yes, Your Highness, but you’re forgetting something.” Franklin really wished she hadn’t but it was his job to remind her. “When the shockwave hit the shuttle the automated security response system took over. We will be arriving at security point Delta in less than 15 minutes and there is nothing any of us can do about it.”

  “Arrrgh. Gilbert and his great ideas,” Princess Kalea mumbled as she walked back to her lounge and slammed the door behind her.

  Bryan, confused by the situation, was shocked when the door almost hit his nose. Looking at the others he noticed that they were uncomfortable and didn’t look at him. Taking a deep breath Bryan opened the door and softly closed it behind him.

  Kalea was slumped down in her chair at the table clicking the nails of her left hand on its surface. Glancing up she saw his confused expression and straightened. Taking this as an invitation Bryan walked over and took the seat across from her.

  Without his having to ask she began to explain. “SC-17 was destroyed by the terrorists. Somehow they got an explosive device into the city without tripping the automated security system. Apparently the explosion was so great that it sent a tower of water up from the surface and the shockwave is what caused the shuttle to move.”

  Slamming her palm against the table she stood and began to pace as she continued. “Because of the jets of gas from the spray dome and my overly zealous brother, the shuttle is now being flown by the automated security response system to a secure location.”

  “So why are you angry?” Bryan asked confused because the standard protocols seemed to be working perfectly.

  “Why am I angry? Because there is so much that needs to be done and I’m being forced to run and hide. All because Gilbert had this great idea and wanted to test it on MY shuttle!” Kalea replied, her irritation evident.

  “You mean all the royal shuttles don’t have this security response system?” Bryan questioned in disbelief.

  “No. Why do you sound
surprised?” Kalea asked.

  “Because all the royal shuttles including my little surface racer on Saxionias have a similar system. It’s basic security and since your system seems to be working perfectly I will recommend that all the other royal shuttles have it installed immediately when we return,” Bryan said as Kalea stood and glared at him. “I know you want to help but….”

  “You have to remember who you are.” Trying to calm her Bryan stood and reached out for her as he interrupted. “You are Princess Kalea Newland Alexandros, next in line to be Queen of Estar Beta. Not only that but you are my bride and as such, there is the possibility that you could have a powerful influence in the ruling of Saxionias, should you ever choose to do so. You are much too valuable to your people and mine, not to mention your family and me, to be put at risk by being too close to an unknown situation.” As he spoke he gently took hold of her hands. Princess Kalea had dropped her gaze and her shoulders slumped as the truth of his words sank in.

  “You’re right,” Kalea sighed. “I just hate not having control of my own shuttle. I had told Franklin to get us out of the immediate area, but I wanted to be close enough to help if we were needed. Being dragged off to Point Delta, where ever that is, is just so frustrating!” She pulled her hands free and then flopped down on the cushioned bench.

  “I can understand that, but look on the bright side, the system is working perfectly and we’re together.” Bryan smiled as he sat beside her and tried to make her smile.

  “Well, the last part is nice. Although, now I’m embarrassed that I got so mad. You hardly know me and I’m ashamed that you’ve seen me like this. You must think I’m some overly emotional, controlling woman or something,” she said as she laid her head back against the couch and let her arms fall to her sides.

  “Not at all,” Bryan countered. “What I have seen is an amazing and beautiful woman who expertly handled a difficult situation and was prepared to continue to do so. The fact that you got upset about something that prevented you from accomplishing your goal isn’t the slightest bit unusual. Especially since this forced loss of control is new for you.” Bryan encouraged as he tried to convey via the link just how impressed he was with her skills and that he had no negative feelings toward her. He could feel her relax the more he tried to sooth her with just his honest feelings.


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