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Come What May (Forever and Always #9)

Page 4

by E. L. Todd

  We pulled away from the house. I stared straight ahead, unable to process how shitty my life just became. Now I wish I never said a word to Monnique. She would still be mine if I kept my mouth shut.

  Sean didn’t question me and kept his silence. I couldn’t speak because I would get choked up and start crying. The last thing I wanted to do was cry in front of someone else, other than Scarlet or Monnique.

  When we walked into the entryway, Sean placed my bags on the ground. Scarlet was wearing a nightdress, her small bulge noticeable. She gave me a look that broke my heart. The pain and tears were in her eyes. One look at my bags told me everything she needed to know. I wanted to break down but I didn’t want Sean to witness it.

  He glanced at us then headed up the stairs. “Good night. Baby, come to bed when you’re done.”

  She ignored him.

  When we were alone, she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me close.

  I broke down and sobbed in her arms. “She left me…”

  She held me tightly, letting me pour my heart out. She didn’t speak. I was sobbing so hard nothing coherent came out. She eventually pulled me to the couch and snuggled beside me. I rested my head on her stomach and cried my heart out until no tears were left. I finally pulled my self together and wiped away the moisture.

  Sympathy was in her eyes. “What happened?”

  “I told her about us.”

  “What did you say?”

  “The truth.”

  “That doesn’t mean she should leave you.”

  I couldn’t tell Scarlet one of the reasons why Monnique was so upset, but I could tell her the other. “She’s upset I pestered her for information about her past when I hid my own in return. She doesn’t trust me…and she doesn’t want me.”

  Scarlet ran her fingers through my hair. “We all say things we don’t mean when we’re upset. Monnique will come back to you after she calms down.”

  “I really don’t think she will,” I said sadly.

  “Cortland, Monnique loves you so much. She won’t let you go.”

  “We’ve fought before but she’s never looked at me like that. It’s like she hates me…”

  “She doesn’t,” Scarlet said firmly.

  “I gave her the house and the car and I begged her to stay. She said she would put in her two weeks notice and try to get her job back in Seattle.”


  “I don’t think she’s bluffing, Scar.”

  Scarlet looked panicked. “Just give her space for a few days, then try to win her over.”

  “I don’t think I have a choice. She doesn’t want to see me.”

  Scarlet ran her fingers through my hair. “You’re welcome to stay here as long as you want.”

  “I know.”

  “I’ll make a bedroom for you.”

  “No,” I said quickly. The idea of being alone in a bed was too hard. A couch was the best choice. “I’m fine where I am.”

  Like she could read my mind, her eyes softened. “Okay. I can sleep with you.”

  I would love that. But I respected Sean too much. He forgave me after I slept with Scarlet, and he let it go. I didn’t want to piss him off. “No. I’ll be fine.”

  “Are you sure?” she asked.

  “You should be with your husband.”

  “You can sleep on the floor in our bedroom.”

  “No,” I said quickly.

  “Okay.” She held me tightly. “It’s going to be alright. You have your family to support you.”

  “I know. But Monnique is my family too…”

  “You’ll get her back, Cortland. You will.”

  “God, I hope so.”

  She grabbed my face and kissed my forehead. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  “You know where to find me.”

  I nodded.

  She rose from the couch and grabbed a few blankets and pillows. She draped them over me and tucked me in like my mother would. “Do you want me to sit here until you fall asleep?”

  That would be nice. I nodded.

  She sat on the other couch and watched me.

  I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I concentrated on Scarlet’s breathing and cleared my thoughts. I didn’t think about Monnique or the way she ripped my heart out. I thought about nothing, just the rhythm of her breathing.

  When I drifted off, I heard Sean’s voice.

  “Baby, come to bed,” he whispered.

  “Okay,” she whispered back.

  I heard footsteps as they headed toward the staircase.

  “Is everything alright?” Sean asked.

  “No. But I hope it will be.”



  Cortland was a dead corpse for the next few days. He hardly ate or moved. Whenever I was with him, it was like he wasn’t really there. I was there for him as much as possible, but there was only so much I could do. Sean gave him the week off but Cortland insisted on going to work. I offered to speak to Monnique, but Cortland was insistent that I back off. So I did.

  I loved Monnique like a sister, but she wasn’t being fair to Cortland. The rendezvous we had was purely physical, and it happened before they knew each other. I understood why she was upset and hurt, but to call it quits was premature. But Cortland didn’t need to hear that right now. All I could do was be with him and let him know I would always stand beside him.

  Ryan came over and played basketball with him every day after work. Like we did in Seattle, we played double teams. Ryan and Cortland always beat Sean and I, but that was because Sean wouldn’t let me do anything, and neither one of the guys came near me because I was pregnant. It wasn’t much fun.

  I finally got used to Olga taking care of the house. It was difficult to relent my house duties to someone else, but I decided to let it go and not stress about it. Sean paid her well and we treated her with respect. And we weren’t pigs to begin with so she didn’t have an insane amount of work to do.

  I sat in my office and worked on a manuscript, feeling the sun drift through the window. My phone vibrated and the screen lit up. I had a text message from Sean.

  Baby, what are you doing?

  Working. Which is what you should be doing.

  I am. I just miss you.

  You always miss me. I rolled my eyes even though he couldn’t see me.

  Well, I do. I miss the rest of you too…


  You’re my wife. I can be a perv all I want.

  I’ll let you get back to work. I put the phone down.

  It vibrated again. Skype?


  I like to look at you while I work. He sent a happy face.


  I set up the program on my computer and saw Sean a moment later. He was wearing a black suit with a gray tie. The clarity of his camera was remarkable.

  “Now this is better,” he said.

  Sean and I would Skype while he was at work. We didn’t speak, but when we looked up we could see each other in the screen. It was a nice comfort, even if it was artificial. Being the owner of a corporation had its perks.

  I looked down and made my notes. “How’s it going?”


  “How’s Cortland?”

  “I don’t see him much.”

  We fell silent and I read the next sentence.

  “You look nice,” he said. Even through the screen, I could tell he was looking at my chest.

  “Do you ever think of anything else?”

  “No. Take off your top.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “No.”

  “Come on.” He gave me a grin. “No one else can see. You really think I’d let someone stare at my wife’s tits?”

  I still didn’t cooperate.

  “Fulfill your wifely duties.”

  “I don’t think this would qualify.”

  “Your tits have gotten so big since I knocked you up.”

  “They are the same,” I said f
irmly. “And you didn’t knock me up.”

  He stared at my chest. “That’s a difference of opinion.”

  I ran my fingers through my hair then continued to scribble.

  Sean growled. “Why are you enticing me?”

  “I’m not. You wanted to Skype.”

  “Come on, baby. I’ll give you a nice foot rub when you get home.”

  “You give me one anyway,” I said. I liked playing hard to get.

  His eyes smoldered. “I just want to see my girls.” He leaned forward, waiting for me to oblige.

  I finally gave in. I pulled down the straps of my dress until my breasts were revealed. They were a little more tender than usual, but I didn’t notice any significant changes.

  His eyes turned dark. “Beautiful.” He blatantly stared at them.

  “Can I get back to work now?”

  “By all means.”

  I read each sentence then highlighted my notes. I felt his eyes drill into me. Without looking, I said, “Don’t you have work to do?”

  He wasn’t listening. I snapped his concentration. “Huh?”

  I smirked then shook my head slightly.

  “Touch them.”

  “You are so gross.”

  “You’re my wife. I’m only gross with you.”

  I kept my eyes glued to my paper.

  “Baby, come on…”

  “No one is watching?”

  “You know I’d snap the neck of anyone who laid their eyes on you.”

  I felt self-conscious doing what he asked. But Sean and I had explored our sexual relationship in ways I never would have done with anyone else. He made me feel safe. And when I felt ugly like a mule, he insisted I was beautiful. And that made me feel better.

  I put my pen down then placed my hands on my breasts. The nipples immediately hardened under my fingertips.

  “Fuck…” Sean gave me a smoldering look.

  I massaged my tits while I stared at him. “Like this?”

  He swallowed the lump in his throat then cleared it. “Yeah.”

  I touched myself and watched the desire enter his face. He rubbed his chin then took a deep breath. When he bit his lip, I knew he was going crazy. “I’ll be right back.”

  I knew what he was doing. He was locking his office and closing the blinds. When he came back, he opened his drawer and pulled out a jar of Vaseline.

  “You’re the worst worker in the world.”

  He ignored me completely. He undid his belt and unzipped his fly. “Keep going, baby.”

  I never felt so dirty but I liked it at the same time.

  He scooped the Vaseline in his palm then wrapped his fingers around his shaft. He immediately took a deep breath as soon as he started to move his hand. It was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. He stared me down while he jerked off under his desk.

  I moved one hand between my legs and touched myself the way Sean taught me. I watched the desire and heat flush his face as his arm jerked quickly. He was breathing quickly, panting. My hand continued to touch my breasts, giving him a show.

  “Baby, I want to come when you do.”

  I felt the throb between my legs. “I’m almost there.”

  “Good. Because I can’t last much longer.”

  When I felt the explosion, I bit my lip and stayed quiet. Since Olga was around, I wasn’t alone. A small scream escaped my lips but I kept it back as much as possible.

  Sean grunted as he reached his moment. He closed his eyes as the release arrived. “Scarlet…” He breathed heavily until he was completely done. Then he grabbed the tissues off his desk and wiped off. I did the same. “Always a pleasure, baby.”

  I pulled my dress back up.

  “What are you doing?” he asked quickly.

  “I thought we were done…?”

  “I still want to look at you.” He zipped his slacks then tightened his belt. When he was fixed up, he opened the blinds and unlocked his door. He returned to his seat.

  “Fine. But I don’t want someone to see me.”

  He rolled his eyes but didn’t respond to my comment. “You want to go out to dinner tonight?”

  “Sure.” Sean usually took me once a week. We went into the city and watched a movie or a play. It was our date night. Then I thought about Cortland. “Well, I don’t think I should leave him.”

  “We’ll only be gone for a few hours. He’ll be fine. And he probably wants to be alone anyway.”

  “I guess.”

  “I guess we could bring him along…”

  I smiled.

  “But I rather not.”

  “I’ll text him and ask.” I pulled out my phone and typed the message. Wanna come to dinner with Sean and I 2night?

  As soon as I put my phone down, it lit up. No. You two have fun.

  You’re welcome if you change your mind.

  I know. But you two should spend time together. I’ve been hoarding you.

  You can’t hoard me. We’re family.

  I appreciate the offer. Have a good time.

  I put the phone down.

  “What did he say?” Sean asked.


  “Good,” he said immediately. “I’ll pick you up.”

  “I have a car,” I reminded him.

  “No,” he said firmly.

  I rolled my eyes. “What’s the point in buying me a car if I don’t use it?”

  “I don’t trust other drivers out there. I’ll take you.”

  “You’re so crazy.”

  “You’re pregnant. Of course I’m going to be crazy.”


  I need to take Cortland back anyway.”

  “Oh. Then I guess that makes sense.”

  Sean looked through the papers on his desk then turned back to me. “I actually need to get back to work so I’m going to put this on mute, okay?”


  “And you better leave those tits out.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Fine.”

  “Love you.”

  I smiled. “Love you too.”

  Sean put it on mute then got to work. When I glanced at the screen, I saw him talk on the phone then sign a few papers. Every once in a while, I felt his heated gaze on me. He was still on the phone, but blatantly staring at me.

  I acted like his behavior was odd and annoying, which it was, but I secretly liked it. He was obsessed with me, and I’ve never had someone be so invested in me before. I liked knowing he didn’t enjoy work because he had to be away from me. When we were apart, he always missed me. And he was strongly attracted to me, even though on most days I didn’t understand why. It was nice being loved, even in a perverted way.



  “How are you holding up?” I asked on the car ride home.

  Cortland stared out the window. He was in a daze, going through the motions of life without savoring them. At work, he was dead and lifeless, but he still managed to get his work done. “Miserable.”

  “I’m sorry, man.”

  “Yeah.” He rested his head against the glass. “I’m sorry I’m infringing on you and Scarlet. I gave Monnique the house and the car. I’m pretty much stranded.”

  “You aren’t a burden,” I said firmly. “We both know you’re going through a hard time.”

  ‘Thanks,” Cortland said. “I appreciate that.”

  I probably shouldn’t say this but I was going to. “I think she’s overreacting. I understand why she’s mad, but dumping you is extreme.”

  Cortland said nothing.

  “Everyone has secrets. She’s no different.”


  “What aren’t you telling me?”

  “She asked if I was in love with Scarlet and I couldn’t lie. She feels like a rebound, a poor substitute for the girl I really want. I told her she was being crazy and it was nothing like that but she wouldn’t listen. She thinks she doesn’t mean anything to me, that Scarlet is the one who got away.”

>   “Fuck…”

  Cortland sighed. “I’ve made it very clear that I love Monnique with my whole heart. The moment I saw her, Scarlet disappeared from my heart forever. It’s only been Monnique. I kept explaining that to her but she doesn’t listen.”

  I shook my head. “I’m sorry.”

  He gripped his skull. “I don’t know what to do. I’ve given her space hoping she would calm down and think rationally but she hasn’t. I’m scared I’m really going to lose her.”

  The silence fell inside the car. Cortland didn’t look at me, his gaze focused out the window. I usually listened to the radio but it was off. His pain diffused inside the vehicle.

  “As a jackass, you want my advice?”

  “I’m desperate,” Cortland said.

  “I treated Scarlet like shit, and when I realized how important she was to me, it was too late. But Scarlet was my whole world, so I didn’t give up. She pushed me away, told me she hated me, but I didn’t stop. I moved to Seattle for her. I did everything I could to prove I was different. And it was the best thing I ever did.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “Don’t let her break up with you.”

  “I don’t know…it’s different,” Cortland said.

  “What I did to Scarlet was way worse, and she and I worked it out.”

  ‘That’s different. You two are meant for each other.”

  “No, we aren’t,” I said firmly. “I choose to work for her, and she chooses to work for me. We aren’t destined for each other, but we are, in a way, because we want to be. And you and Monnique can be the same way.”

  Cortland sighed. “Monnique isn’t like Scarlet. She’s not as forgiving or logical. I think I should give her some space. After the period is over, I’ll try again. Hopefully, not having me at the house and in her life will make her realize how much she misses me. And that might make her take me back.”


  Cortland returned his head to the glass and closed his eyes.

  I’ve never seen him so worked up. He was practically a corpse sitting in my car. I decided to drop the conversation because it was making him feel worse.

  When we walked inside the house, Scarlet immediately greeted Cortland and gave him a long hug. She did this every day we came home. I used to be the recipient of that embrace but now Cortland stole the show. I was slightly jealous. I wanted to be the only man who received her embrace, but I dropped it since Cortland was in so much pain. I would steal my wife back when this break up was over.


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